Mercy For The Alpha (Formerly...

By Trish_97

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"Your sins will never be greater than my mercy." After living with her abusive father and her absent step mot... More



67 3 0
By Trish_97

I woke up the next morning, to find that Thaddeus had already left for training before the sunrise. I honestly couldn't thank the good Lord enough. I did not want to face him and ruin the rest of my day.

Since I didn't have much to do around here and Thaddeus was also MIA, I took another nap after lunch. I only woke up when Gloria knocked on my door to inform me that she was going to the Hansen's and if I would like to accompany her. I jumped on the offer like a hungry piranha. Spending some time with my baby sister would help this day get better. A hundred times better.

Gloria graciously took me to the Hansen house to meet Allura. I missed her and I had made my dislike about the living situations abundantly clear. I still believed she was the safest when close to me. Everyone, on the other hand, thought they could protect her.

Oh well! What do I know? I am just her sister, right?

The Hansen house was right across the Ulf Castle. It was a humble little storeyed house compared to the gigantic Castle. Once we arrived, Mia let us in. My eyes wandered around the place in confusion, I couldn't see Allura anywhere. Mia and Gloria went on chatting about a gathering and what had to be done. I sat by her side, waiting patiently. Waiting for Mia to tell me where my sister was.

Maybe she's in her room? Did they eat her? Oh my God! No, it can't be!

"What? Honey! No. We didn't eat her. She's in school." Mia said and Gloria started laughing hysterically.

"Did you read my mind too? Oh God! My thoughts are no more safe." I buried my face in my hands. I felt so embarrassed.

"No, I can't, love. You actually said that out loud." Mia tried to console me.

Kill me please. Kill me now. Why am I like this?

"Wait, you said school? When did she enrol in school?" Why does nobody tell me anything here? It was frustrating being in the dark about my own sister. I wanted to be a part of her life and not get to know things after they were decided. She was much more mine than theirs.

"Michael and I had enrolled her before we got you guys here. Erik has been an absolute sweetheart, he made sure all her course material was ready." Mia gushed.

"I heard my name." Erik walked into the living room, all sweaty and half naked. I quickly turned my head away. For some reason it felt wrong. The small glimpse was enough to have me furiously blushing.

"Erik, go and put some clothes on. You know Thaddeus wouldn't like you prancing around, showing skin around his mate." Mia chastised him.

"He hasn't claimed her yet. She's fair game." I could hear his smirk even without looking at him. "I'll do it just because I don't want her fainting on me again."

"I did not! I was just exhausted, and you can hardly blame me for it." Maybe I was being a little too defensive, when I abruptly turned around with a red face, ready for violence. He scoffed and pulled a t-shirt on; his hair was held at the nape of his neck in a ponytail. The Gods definitely paid extra attention to him, like he was their favourite child.

"Why don't you show her around the community grounds? There are some great views you can enjoy, Mercy. Erik will be all but glad to show you around, won't you?" Mia gave him the side-eye, silently asking him to make up to me for being rude. I jut my chin out, to show him my defiance.

"Sure, why not? I am sitting free all day anyway." He squinted his eyes with a sickly-sweet smile on his face and then quickly rolled his eyes.

"Before you guys head out, Mercy, I would like to talk to you about something." Gloria said while looking at Mia hesitantly. Mia nodded her head in assurance.

"Uh, sure! What's up?"

"I... We, as a family, have gone ahead and enrolled you into high school too. I don't want you to miss out on education because you are out here with us. Are you okay with that? It's the same school Erik goes to. And I know it's your senior year. I really don't want you to miss out. College is completely your decision; I promise to not interfere in it." I was shocked to hear that. That was actually quite thoughtful of her. I had expected them to have me here only for... I honestly don't know what I expected. But education was nowhere in my thoughts.

I hugged her. Like a bone crushing hug. "Thank you! I'd love to. I want to finish school. Thank you, Gloria." I mumbled away on her shoulder. We stood there like that for almost a minute, she patted my back in a soothing way. A sudden wave of awkwardness hit me. I broke apart from her without making any eye contact.

"It's no big deal. Come now, go with Erik. Have fun. Erik, you better bring her back in one piece or you know whose wrath you'll have to face." She jested. Erik dismissed her with another eye roll. He took a head start out of the house and I guessed he expected me to follow him. The air in the room was awkward, there was no point staying there any longer so I graciously followed him out.

My eyes wandered everywhere once I stepped out. Erik was nowhere to be seen. I waited for a few minutes until he finally showed up on his motorbike and stopped right in front of me, a helmet on his head. His hair peaked out from the sides and the back of it.

I just want to touch it once. Is it as soft as it looks?

"Hop on, Snow white." he gestured to the back seat. He then handed me a spare helmet to put on. I slipped it on and clipped the belt around my chin, to make sure it's secure. I climbed on the back seat and held the handlebar on the back. "Hold tight." That was my only warning before he revved the engine and we sped away.

Riding a motorbike was an all-new experience. A good one, nonetheless. It had always been on my bucket list. I loved how the air smacked right into my face. I don't think my hair liked that idea too much. I was sure it was already a tangled mess.

We rode through a few rough patches before we started to go uphill and then quickly down a slope. Is this what a rollercoaster felt like? The roads were not as good as the ones I travelled on, on the first day here. He suddenly stopped near a small clearing, a canopy of trees covering a narrow path to God knows where.

"What is this place?" I got down, slipping the helmet off of my head, while he did the same. He turned off the ignition and locked the motorbike. He got the helmets in one and extended the other towards me.

"You'll see. Come, hold my hand." I slipped my hand into his. Erik gripped my hand and we started walking under the canopy. He held my hand tightly through the rocky patch. His hand was surprisingly soft and warm, almost like a cloud. Oddly holding his hand made me feel safer, like he would protect me if he ever had to, without hesitation. His grip tightened every time I tripped on a rock.

It was a short walk to a beautiful little pond with a majestic willow tree leaning into it. I basked in the beauty of the place. It was so serene. The birds chirped away, while the sun had slowly begun to set behind the lush trees.

I think I liked Destin a little.

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