I Miss You 🧡💚~Bakudeku~

mosthatedcrackhead56 tarafından

152 12 8

bakugou is in a band with the bakusquad and deku is a famous American singer that joins a tour with the band... Daha Fazla

Chapter~ 4~


41 3 4
mosthatedcrackhead56 tarafından

i hope you like the rewrite of this chapter, it took me 3 days to write this and im still iffy about it so please comment what you think

izuku's pov:

I feel the wind blowing through my green locks as I run into my dressing room, late for my hair and makeup appointment once again. I need to set my alarm to another sound, I've gotten too used to the one I'm using now. ahh, I like the song I'm using too. I open the door seeing the makeup and hair artists with stressed panic faces rush around. one turns to me and I watch as relief floods her face as she grabs my arms a plops me in a chair. " omg thank the heavens you are here, we have 30 minutes to do all your makeup and hair" she said rushing around getting all her supplies. this is gonna be a long morning.

I stepped onto the stage with a full face of "natural makeup" and my hair fully done, sitting on the couch next to the desk where the show host is sitting talking to one of the stage crew she ha d buetiful blonde hair that cascades down her shoulders ending right under shoulderblades with big brown doe eyes that glanced up at me almost seem to say you are next  . I take a seat and try to make myself comfortable but with how nervous I am I can't seem to. I look around the stage to see the crew rushing around giving the camera finishing touches. "starting in 10...9.." the producer says while the crew member that was talking to the host scurries off. "8..7..6..5" the producer continued. i could feel the sweat building up as the producer counted down. "4..3..2..1" the show jingle started to play as the host straightened their poster and smiled at the camera. " Hello Texas, today we are here with the izuku midoryia the famous singer that's rise to popularity took the world by storm," the producer said smiling wide at the camera. that smile alone made my nerves skyrocket. "but your latest album has caused a lot of speculation on you having a special someone in your life, so are these accusations true?" she said with a smile that made it look like she was a  wild animal stocking her prey as her brown eyes zeroed in on me. " u-um well it complicated" I said nervously trying to avoid the question on my non-existent love life." it can't be that complicated if you wrote a song about it" she stated with a nosy smile on her face. I shifted nervously in my seat and whipped the sweat that I could feel building up on my forehead. " they are someone I used to know" I say with a nervous smile. I make sure to use they/them pronouns in most of my songs and when I'm in interviews so I can keep my colorful secret. " was there some type of messy breakup" she said flipping her bleach blond hair with her well-manicured hand

" no I just moved to America and haven't really talked with them in a while," I said with a slight frown on my face. " do you think when you go on your japan tour you might meet up with them again," she said while tapping her nails on the desk in front of her. " I don't know at the moment but I hope," I said with a small smile that surprisingly wasn't for show. i really do hope i can meet up with him for my short stay in japan or if he would even want to see me. " speaking of japan, were all very exited for your japan tour, some fans have even tookin as far as started to write fan fiction between you and the band, I've read some of them my self its pretty good" she said letting a little giggle escape at the end of her speech. " f-fanfiction" i said with a shocked expression on my face. i already know a lot of my fans write fanfiction about me but i didn't even think they would write me in one with a band that i haven't even met yet. " my favorite is the BakuDeku fanfictions" she stated with a small smirk on her face. " what is bakudeku?" i questioned with a confused look on my face. " its a ship name for you and one of the bandmates and also the most popular ship" she said in a matterafact tone like she was a teacher and i was her student. " i guess i will have to go threw some of them then" i said putting on my signature smile for the cameras. " yes you most definitely will and if you ever want to get over that girl of yours, you should give the lead singer blonde a try" she said with a wink and then turned her chair towards the camera. " that is all the time we have for today folks but please come back tomorrow to hear what florida man did this time" she said as the camera turned off and the crew started to power down all the equipment. 

I quickly got off the couch rushing backstage where momo was waiting to take me to the airport so we can catch our flight. I turn the corner and see momo waiting for me on her phone. i walk over to her and yell "boo". she jumps and has a horrified look on her face." oh my god Izuku you can't scare me like that" she said with wide eyes.I laugh and start walking to the door with momo following.

Bakugou's pov:

"what" i shout angrily glaring down racoon eyes. " i am not sharing a room with some American prick" i shout once again making mina roll her eyes." why are you being such a baby about this, its only for a couple months anyway" she said clearly anoyed at my perfectly normal response that she seemed to think was overreacting " I'm not being a baby about this is i just am mad that I'm the one that will have to share a room with some extra i dont even know" i grumbled out. " you were the one that drew the short stick, so stop acting like an over grown man child" she said while she breathed in  and out bringing her hands up and down resting with her palms closed together. " okay we are going to go get the singer at the airport and I'm not going to hear another complaint out of your mouth about this again, got it?" she said in a lecturing tone like she was my mother or something.

 "whatever lets just get this over with as soon as possible" i said walking into the airport where we were supposed to meet this guy. why we were waiting for him hear i have no clue but the producers said it would be a better first impression and that shit. we start walking towards the terminal he is supposed to be getting off at when I look behind me to see just raccoon eyes following me and the other two dumbasses in the gift shop trying on some weird hats. "what the fuck are they doing" I say with an annoyed tone. I turn to raccoon eyes to see her just shrug and continue walking. guess we are leaving them, I'm fine with that. I start walking to only taking a couple of steps to get right beside her again. "okay I think this is the terminal" she says looking around at her surroundings. i look around too to see what she is looking at when my eyes catch a glimpse of green hair. i freeze, my eyes going wide as the green disappears as someone blocks my view but then everyone moves and I see deku staring at me with a small smile on his face but then it morphs into a face of shock as his eyes go wide and his mouth drops open into a shocked face. " Deku" I whisper " what are you talking about," mina says tilting her head with a confused look on her face.

Izukus pov:

I am walking out of the terminal stretching my legs and arms and look around. the band should be here soon.I walk a little further out of the terminal and see spiky blonde hair in the corner of my eyes. and turn to look at the blonde hair with a smile, it reminds me of kacchans hair a lot. the person in front of the blonde hair man moves and gives me a direct view of the blonde. my eyes go wide and my mouth drops open as I see the person in front of me is not only a look-alike of the katsuki bakugou but he is the katsuki bakugou. I can feel a tear slip down my face that i quickly wipe away as run toward him jumping on him to give him a hug. " Omg kacchan I missed you so much," I said with teary eyes while still hanging on to him like a koala." Nerd get off your going to suffocate me," he said with a annoyed look that I could tell was fake . " oh I'm sorry kacchan I didn't mean too you know, it's just I haven't seen you in like 5 years and." I said until kacchans hand was slapped onto my mouth. " oh my god I forgot how much you mutter and ramble on and on and on an-" he said till I cut him off by saying "I know I get it no need to continue". I finally let go realizing I was still hanging on to him "anyway what are you doing here, not that I dont mind you being here it's just I have no clue why you would be at an airport unless you were going somewhere which would suck cause I kinda wanted to visit with you while I was he-" I said until once again kacchan place his hand over my mouth. 

" I'm here with my band to pick up some singer dude" he said clearly annoyed with the whole situation. " wait for your in a band?" I said with amazement. " ya I'm the best at everything, what are you doing here nerd?" he said with a questioning glance. " well I'm meeting this band to go on tour with, ya i heard that there is a blonde that i should look into " I said with a smirk and stared into kacchan's eyes like I was challenging him. " oh so your the American prick" He said returning the same smirk. " I see that attitude of your hasn't changed one bit kacchan" I said raising one of my eyebrows. " and i can see that  annoying as fuck sass of yours is still there too" he said crossing his arms in front of him. "cough cough, I'm still here" says a girl around my age with chocolate brown skin with bright pink curly hair.

 " I'm sorry but who are you?" i said with a confused face. " this is one of the annoying dumbasses that are in the band" kacchan said. I look over at the girl to see her with an offended look on her face. " I'm not a dumbass and my name is mina ashido, I'm the drummer and bakubabes bestie even if he denies it" she said smiling. i smile back at her and say " well its nice to meet you mina, its nice to see that even with kaccahns terrible personality he can still make friends" i say giving one of my signature condescending smiles at kacchan. " you little fucker, America has made you brave hasn't it" he said cracking his knuckles trying to be intimidating." no its just after impregnateing at leat 10 girls on that south America tour nothing scares me" i said joking. i watched as kacchans eyes went wide. " you did what" he said with a horrified look on his face. " I'm kinda offended that you thought was telling the truth" i said with an offended look." give me a break shithead i haven't seen you in like 5 years, people can change" he said with an anoyied face. " you didn't" i said while raising an eyebrow. 

" that's because I'm already perfect" he sais giving me a smirk. " who told you that? your mom?" I said returning the smirk. " OoOoh are we talking about bakubros hot mom?" said this yellow-haired boy with a black almost lighting blot shape in his hair. " ya, such a milf" mina said while nodding her head in agreement. I look over at kacchan to see a disgusted look on his face. "next person to say anything like that about the old hag is dead" he said with a very threatening glare he shot at both mina and the yellow-haired boy. " fine, anyway who is the broccoli" the yellow-haired boy said " this is the singer we are touring with, that somehow knows bakubabe" mina says giving me both me and kacchan a questioning glance at the end. " I grew up with him" I said giving a shrug. "wow you knew child bakugou, I have so many questions, like what were his temper tantrums like? cause they must have been on a whole other level" the yellow-haired boy said smiling big at me with humor-filled eyes. " ya one time when auntie and my mom went to target kacchan wanted something and he was running around target screaming pushing everything over" I said chuckling. I watched as the yellow-haired boy burst out laughing wiping tears out of his eyes as he was bent over making a huge scene in the airport that we are still in fact in. "i-is tha-at why your b-banned from target" the yellow-haired boys says still hunched over laughing. 

" kami you shouldn't just run away like that" says a spiky red-haired boy that came from behind kami. " who is this manly looking dude" he said tilting his head at me. "my name is izuku midoryia, im the singer"i say for what feels like the 100th time but it was only the second." we should probably get going" i said looking around to see that momo must have gone ahead straight to the tour bus too make sure the workers put my things where they should. " hey midobro, d" he said having a weird smile on his face. " do not respond to the dumbass" kacchan says shaking his head in annoyance. " d what" i said cautiously narrowing my eyes at him. " deez nuts" he says going into a fit of gigggles " okay lets just leave him here and let him finish" mina says stepping over the boy that was now on the floor gasping for air. i step around him a start to follow mina as she started to walk to the door of the building. the red haired boy catches up to me and puts his arm on my shoulder.

 " you know your Japanese is really, when did you learn?" he said curiously. " well actually japenese is my first language cause i grew up here but when my mom got sick we decided to move there so we could be closer to my moms family that moved to America when my mother moved out" i said letting out a breath when i was finished. kaccahns right i really need to learn not to ramble on and on like this. " wow what part of japan did you live in?" he said  pushing the door open for me to go outside (A/n idk anything about japan or the cities or like anything ) " i lived in the town * insert what you want" i said stepping out into the cool brisk air as i spotted the tour bus waiting for us across the parking lot. " wait that is the same town bakubro grew up in" he said wide astonished eyes. " ya we grew up together but i moved to America 5 years ago" i said with sad eyes. i miss my mom so much i just want her to lecture to me about not getting my self in danger just one more time but to my dismay that will never happen cause she died of a brain tumor 3 years ago...


i was going to end it here but i decided against it even though this would be a perfect ending for a chapter, your welcome 

we get to the tour bus wich is the biggest one i have ever seen, its a plain white with there band name written in big bold letters on the side. its very simple something i like because on tour busses now adays they have to have hideous pictures of them on the sides of it. " you like it?" mina says raising both her eye brows up and down in an awkward motion. " mina stop your going to scare him away" the red haired boy says blowing into his hands and then rubbing them together, guess he is cold." nah i think that's bakubaes job" mina says chuckling at the end of her sentence. i hear foot steps behind me to see kacchan " shut the fuck up racoon eyes or i will punch you so hard you will have less braincells than dunce" he says glaring daggers. she responds with a mock horror look on her face " you wouldn't hit a girl would you" she said narowing her eyes at kacchan with a challenging glance. " im not sexist racoon eyes, i beat up everyone equally" he said crossing his arms in front of him in a challenging stance. "that's so manly bakubro" the red haried boy said. " are we going to ignore the fact that he threatened me' mina said in a offended tone. " you should be used to it by now we have known him for over 3 years" said kami coming up from behind kacchan. " my tits are going to freeze off if we don't get in the bus soon and i bet bakubabe feels the same, you know breast problems" she said laughing at her own joke. "what?" i say confused as i follow mina onto the bus. " they all think its fucking hilarious to say that i have tits" he says fuming. "Dont worry,some girls find tits very attractive, they might not like whats attached to the tits but still" i say laughing a little, i step farther into the bus and sit on the couch opposite of mina.

sorry again for republishing the chapter i just needed to rewrite the whole thing cause i hated it  when i reread it so here we are ,i dont know how much i like this version either but its better than what it was before 

Thanks for reading please vote on the chapter 😌💅🏼🥃✨

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