My Deskmate Is A KITTY


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Felix is just a normal boy who is afraid of cats. But afraid of a cat has gave him a life cursed, which is... More

not an update
The Sequel!!!
(😌Bonus chapter😌)


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Frack! All that long line up just for me to know that the restaurant is already full? Life is seriously joking with me now.

Should I walk home now?! Sigh... Sleeping without dinner again tonight. Living far from my family is  hard. What cursed has got into my life?!

Everyday is never easy for me! Restless.

Tired of walking, I sit on bench in the roadside. Taking a deep breath! Thinking about preparation for my new school two days ahead.

This is was for the 4th times, I change my school only in this year. Why? Because of cats.

Every school I was in, must have a lot of stray cats, who for some reason always following me, tangled around my foot. So annoying!


Here we go again. Stray cats!!! I stood up and walk away in hopes that the cat will not follow me or else I will have to change my neighborhood too.


What the hell?! Its sounds closer now. The cat probably following me!! Shit! Shit! I hate this!!

"Go away... I dont need you!" I shouted at the cat who already around my foot now, stopping me from walking.

The cat began to cling onto my pants and brush itself on it.

"Argh..!" I accidentally hit the cat until it thrown away inches from my foot.

Geez, I feel a bit sorry as it looks hurting but now, I'm scared of cats. Please take me away from any cat in this world!

"As you wish, young boy."

What the frack?! Who's voice is that?! I turn around as I heard a voice that is so deep, deeper than a satan itself.

"Who is it?!" I shouted. Still glaring around as I can already feel my whole body was shaken.

"Your wish has been granted."

There!!! Its speak up again?!!! Is it devil??!!! I panicked.

"Every Thursday night... You, Lee Felix will become one of those you scared of."

I swear I hear it again, but now its clearer even though its a bit more deeper than before. Am I.... I've gone mad??

One of those you're scared of?! Cats?! Nah.. it couldnt be..

I push away everything I heard just out of my head. Maybe it was just an imagination. Well, its midnight.. of course ghosts are everywhere.

I walk home, feel tired as I'm not going to have dinner since the refrigerator was also empty.

Go to the toilet, brush my teeth, clean my face and puts on my pajama.

Make the bed and flop onto it. Tucking myself comfortably before sleeping soundly.

"Every.... Thursday... Night. You... CATS!!"

I opened my eyes with the forced. Abruptly sitting on my bed, glaring around my room, shivering...

But then I realized it was just a dream.

I sighed. Taking my phone up to check what day is today. I feel a bit relieved when I see today is Tuesday. Two days ahead before Thursday. For some reason...

I'm afraid to meet with thursday.

I dont believe in cursed or whatsoever. Maybe its just a dream for sure. Stop thinking about it, Felix!

Go to sleep, now!

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