By beedough

39 0 0

The Bright Spawn City. Seeming to burn a hole through the skies and into space, it takes up everyone's mind... More

1- Not A Normal Trio
2- Threats
4- Old Faces
4.5- Panic
5- Company
5.5- Grouped

3- Trap

5 0 0
By beedough

It started out as a normal day. It should have been a normal day.

The two adult teenagers had hangovers, but Scarf decided to keep drinking so it he didn't get a hangover, being immune to the poisonous drink, it was fine for him, while Corvo had to down two potions before flying off.

Whim helped out Stampy for a few hours before going on a flight, his wingspan being almost as large as the main road everyone walked on to get where they needed to go, The tall male flying easily, doing some easy airborne tricks, knowing nobody payed attention to the sky. He had been at it for a few hours, and everything seemed fine.

That was until the thick columns of black smoke that was rising from the orphanage near the outskirts of the town. Whim heard the screams before he saw the destruction, landing when he got there and ducking through the door quickly, high on adrenaline, hearing the screams of young children from inside

"The city is under attack!" he heard over the roaring flames as he made it to the first room, holding ten children on the first floor.

"Help!" A little girl yelled when she spotted the male, who rushed in, taking in his surroundings. "Help us!" She broke out into a coughing fit as Whim's senses filled with smoky air. He had to get the kids out, and fast. They wouldn't be awake for much longer.

He spotted a wall, thin and leading to the outside, and using his tail, he smashed a hole in the side, ushering the kids out before hearing more screams from a different room, shouts and curses rising from the streets as what sounded like explosions went off, but people were more focused on the building with children than the abandoned restaurants and cafes on that same block.

Whim noticed how much his body burned as he knocked down the next door, grabbing two potions and drinking them both at once, the sour of fire resistance and the bitterness of the healing making something that tasted like vomit. Whim would have cringed at that specific taste had it not been for the circumstances. He spotted the kids, only four this time, gathering them in his arms and making his way to the first room, shoving them out, but seeing that the hole was too small for him to get out of anyway, turning around and running out of the large side entrance, which lead to an alleyway, making it out before he was ambushed.

Getting pushed to the brick wall beside himself, his head hit the rough surface, making him dizzy as his senses tried to clear from the smoke, only to go dim once more as the swift kicks and punches knocked him down and out.

~<^>~ God knows how long later ~<^>~

Whim was awake, he simply had a blindfold on, his wings bound tightly as well. His arms were tired behind his back, but his lower half was untouched, the captors afraid of getting too close to the dragon hybrid's tail.

"Hello?!" From what Whim could tell, there were several others in the cart, or what he assumed to be a cart, that they were in. "Anyone here?!"

"Karl?" A voice said groggily "What the hell happened?"

"I dunno!" The first, Karl, said "One second I'm fighting these guys, and the next I'm here!"

"Are we the only ones?" The second asked

"No." Came a voice from right beside Whim "There's someone else next to me too, but I can't tell who. Sam?"

"Nope, Over here, Foolish." Came a low, neutral voice from across Whim "Sapnap? Karl? you're bother here as well?"

"Yeah." The two replied simultaneously

"So that makes five of us..." The male beside Whim, Foolish, said

"Six?" Came another groggy voice, this one clearly feminine, but with a hint of sternness behind it

"Puffy!" Foolish said "Are you okay?!"

"Just fine, Foolish." She said

Whim didn't want to speak, for fear it would ruin the moment, but he was picking something up near by. Rain.

"How long have we been out?" Sam questioned himself

"I'd say three days." The five tensed at Whim's voice, for all they knew, he wasn't blindfolded. "I can smell the rain coming."

"Were you captured too?" Foolish asked curiously

"Obviously." Whim replied "I'm a traveler, not a raider."

"Well we don't know that!" The second male awake, Sapnap, tried to defend "You look like someone-"

"-Who would rob a guy, sure." Whim said "And that murderer you apprehended yesterday looked like one when she was cleaned off, i assume?"

It was silent for a moment before the female, Puffy, spoke.
"Fair enough, who're you?"

"Name's Whim." The male's nose twitched at a familiar smell "And I now know who's captured us."

"Who?" Karl asked curiously

"New Spawn Bandits." Whim said, wincing as he had to say the word "Assuming you're all... y'know, they've captured you under the idea that you're relatively new around here."

Sam seemed to tense at the mention of the other group, Whim assuming he'd dealt with them before. Though, Whim couldn't tell weather or not Sam tensed, he could only smell the emotion in the air.

"But we've been around for like two years!" Puffy said "That's a long time in Bright Spawn!"

"Not to the outside." Whim replied "Trust me, when you've been in for as long as I have, you learn." There was a sound from what Whim assumed was the back of the cart they were in, something like sticks breaking "We're gonna be there soon, assuming they've kept the same position."

Before someone could speak again, the cart stopped abruptly, throwing a smaller body into Whim, the voice of Karl accompanying the body as he shouted, crashing into Whim's side.

"New recruits?" A voice came from the outside

"More or less." A gruff response "We've got a few old faces."

A loud laugh followed "Oh my! you've outdone yourself this time, can't wait to see them again." The first, much higher male voice said with what Whim assumed was a smile.

"I imagine they'll be less thrilled." The lower male voice replied "Anyway, load 'em out so we can go out again, my men are growing restless."

The higher sighed "Very well." He said "We'll see how much your pay is, depending on who you've brought."

the back of their cart was broken open first, and the first two in the back, Karl and Puffy, were yanked out. Whim knew this because they yelled out in fright.

"These two don't look too useful." The first male commented "Too skinny, but the lady could be more use, looks tough enough." The remaining four heard a sigh "Next!"

This time, Whim and Sam were grabbed, more men handling Whim due to his tail trying to beat their skulls in, his blindfold falling off in the process, but the harsh sun didn't make him momentarily blinded, instead it gave his tail better aim before they got it under control.

"Ah! This one looks useful!" He could hear the first male evaluate Sam before seeming to be confused "Where's the other one?"

"Coming, boss!" One of the people dragging Whim shouted as they drug the male off of the cart, five holding his upper half and six on his tail and legs, Whim wasn't going down without a fight.

"Wha-" The first male's orange eyes scanned over Whim before breaking into a sinister grin "Ah! I see you're back!" He said, his smirk staying on his face "How've you been, Whim?"

"Piss off, Sweets." Whim spat, refraining from growling at the male

The higher pitched male, Sweets, laughed "Still as rude as ever, I see!" He said "Oh, Boss'll love seeing you again." he waved over to a different side than the people being loaded off of the carts "I knew I could trust Chad to find the trophies! bring him over there, fellas! Next!"

Of course the lead bastard to catch them was named Chad of all things.

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