I DARE you!!! try to make a M...

By ChithraAntony

2.4K 196 45

Two lovely birds married and leading a heavenly life. But.. urgh!!! Why greed, obsession, revenge exists in... More

Chap 1
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
Chap 6

Chap 2

387 38 18
By ChithraAntony

I am Wang Yibo, an idol some call me that, but I am a dancer and a singer. I am quite famous in the entertainment field all over China. People say that they love my deep voice, they love how my song sounds full of overflowing love. It must, coz I wrote the lyrics for my song thinking about my loved one, my baby bunny.

For the outside world, I am still single with no current relationship. My company requested me and my bunny not to expose our relationship coz it would reduce my fan base when they know that I am already married. And also they all fear that my reputation will be ruined when they come to know that I married a man.

When they asked me to hide my relationship, I was beyond pissed. But my bunny was like "Yibo, for your happiness, I can do anything even if it kills me in the process, that much I love you Yibo, and I will do anythi___________

Hahaha.. do you actually believe that my bunny spoke like that, if you believed then you're such a fool. You know what... my bunny is different... when I say different, I mean it... when I told him about my company's demand, he was like

"Wahhhh... Bobo... that's incredible... in that case, we are gonna have a secret affair, hehehe I always dreamt of having a secret affair with you. How interesting it would be... paparazzi will follow you to find if you have any relationship... but we will trick them and have many dates fooling around. They would be like... 'Ahhhh we missed to find who he secretly met'

Also before your concert, I will kiss you hard making your lips swollen, and leave many hickeys, that everyone will be puzzled that who made that to you. If they ask about it, you will say with your stoic face...' it's mosquito bite' hahahahahaha... they would be beyond pissed. It's gonna be too much fun, Bobo... please, please... agree to it... pretty please"

*sigh* Yes, he is my husband, all call him 'weird' but for me, he is 'cute' a 'happy pill', a 'bundle of joy'.

That's how we spent the whole last year sneaking out for dates, making out in the dressing room, making everyone's brain burst while seeing my hickeys and swollen lips during my concert. He really kept his words giving me a bunch of hickeys, often.

The most important part is when we escape from those lurking paparazzi, he would make me wear a small Bluetooth piece on my ear, he will have one.

He will instruct me to take right, left, u-turn, jump, run. He will have a binocular which we once found in a children's park, maybe some kids left it there. He would use it to find the location of the paparazzi who will be just 10 feet away from him. Whenever he looks into binocular, he will whine, sulk saying that everything looks black, which is obviously due to his men in black coolers he bought from online.

He will ask me to turn ON my phone's GPS so that he can monitor my location on his I pad, and he would say 'don't worry, baby Boo... if he kidnaps you, I will save you with my spinning hook kick' oh that kick Zhan talking about has a long history...

Even when I stand in front of him, he will check my location on the I pad first*sigh* If you think it's crazy, you're wrong guys. Coz, the craziest thing out of all is when he does this so-called rescue mission, he will literally play Mission impossible music in the background😭😭😭

But today, finally all these crazy stunts will come to an end. Yes, my company got fed up with all the rumors raised due to my bunny's artwork on me during all my concerts. They literally begged me to open up about my relationship to all my fans in today's concert so that all those rumors would come to an end. Hahaha... my baby is such an evil...😈

I haven't informed about my company's announcement to my Zhan. I planned to announce that in my today's concert before all my fans and it will be my anniversary gift to my bunny. He is gonna get stupified.

With all the plans made, I prepared the bath for my bunny, who is now happily hopping on the mattress still yelling anniversary wishes. Such tiring work in the morning to bring my baby into the washroom, make him brush his teeth, and bath him. Oh no, he is not a little as to how some people always misunderstand him. And also I am not doing this because of the anniversary. It's my daily job. If I am not making a move, that sloth will never get out of the bed.

After bathing him, I dried his hair and made him wear his new dress which we bought for our anniversary.

I made a video call and made him talk with my brother and brother-in-law while I got readied for the day. I wore my dress the same as my bunny. We always wear the same color clothes. My bunny loves to do it.

My bunny is my personal designer. Every dress and ornaments which I wore were all bought by my baby.

He is a great stylist and a make-up artist... earlier when I told him that I want to become a dancer and want to perform on stage, he chose to do a double degree one is his favorite, art and the other one is make-up and designing. 

As of now, I am sitting in front of him and he is working on my hairstyle. Once he groomed me, he started jumping up and down in excitement, so happy about the outcome of his work.

Many people in my field praised my dressing and make-up sense. Oh, how I wished all the time to shout at their face that all the credits go to my husband. And today, I will do it, I will show this world how lucky I am to have this fluffball in my life.

My only disappointment is, today, I need to perform with one of my co-dancers. She is such a headache, she has feelings for me. Always trying to be clingy, touchy. Even our company warned her for her immature actions. But they couldn't take any action against her coz, she is the cousin of our CEO.

I hope, she stops all her play, when I reveal my relationship with Zhan. If you ask, did my Zhan know about her?? yes.. a BIG yes... I hid nothing from my baby. When I told him about her, he laughed mocking her saying that all her attempts will be in vain coz she is not gonna succeed to gain my attention even in her afterlife. Mmm, it's true though. I can surely say that even in my next life and all other life, my love will be my bunny. We are made for each other.

To make him happy, today also, we played his rescue mission. He was beyond happy when he saw how that paparazzi roamed like a lost child when he lost my sight. We had a great breakfast in my Zhan's favorite restaurant. Then we paid a visit to my mom and her hun's graveyard.

When we reached there, he first ran to the garden to get all their favorite flowers and placed them on their grave. He also placed two of my mom's favorite cupcake next to it. He had one in his hand,

"Mom... today is our first anniversary... see we both wearing a new dress... MIL... see it's your favorite color. I bought you both your favorite cupcakes. Eat with me, when we speak okay???"

You may think what is MIL, well... it's Mother In Law... that's how he calls my mother's hun... Hahaha... he is such a baby with all weird behavior... for him, they haven't left us. He would talk with them as like they were sitting in front of him. Because of him, I too started believing that she and her hun never left us. Coz, whenever he asks for any suggestion from them, the wind will blow giving their consent, when he cracks some joke, all birds would chirp as if they were responding to him. 

After a long conversation with them, we retired to visit his mom and dad, I mean their graveyard. Yes, my bunny is an orphan. But he never used the word orphan... when someone asks him about his parents, he would simply say, they are residing happily in their graveyard.

He is such an optimistic person... after an hour-long talk with his parents, we visited my brother and brother-in-law. For my brother, Zhan is his kid. He spoils my Zhan to the core as to how he bought all his favorite ice creams now. My baby's face and hands are fully smudged with ice cream now. I know I know, I am literally raising a kid. But hey, I would love to do that you know.

Then we had world-class homemade food in my brother's home. Zhan was literally drooling seeing all his favorites. I told Nah... my brother spoils him a lot.

Then we all watched his favorite movie, cuddling with popcorns and hot chocolates. If you think, his favorite movie was some kind of Disney movie, you were utterly wrong. My baby's favorites genres are horror, action, and adventures. A big shock right???

Now, we're watching "Avengers: Infinity War", actually we are continuing the movie marathon which we couldn't complete during our last stay in our brother's home. Now, I am struggling to hold my angry bunny back from breaking and getting into that television to beat Chris Pratt the hell out of him for missing the wonderful opportunity of removing the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos on Titan. 

"All because of you, you brainless dumbo... my favorite black widow died. Oh.. no... not so favorite than my captiee... but still all happened because of you... you stupid moron... leave me, Bobo... I will show the power of my spinning hook kick to him... that stupid star-lord" (A/N: That's literally me except that kick part. When I watched that scene at the theatre, I couldn't control myself from lashing out aloud, I shouted idiot, stupid, dumbo in a not so polite manner that people from the row before me laughed seeing my antics)

This is not the first time, my bunny watching this movie, but every time, that poor star-lord suffers due to my bunny's wrath. After all the commotion, consoling my baby... I made him take a small snap. My baby is tired Nah... so a little rest.

By 3.00 in the evening, I woke my baby up and bathed him again. I dressed him well for the concert. He is gorgeous right??? well I know...

You may think, why can't he take a bath of his own. Mmm... well I made him got into that routine coz I would love to take care of him, pamper him daily after our everyday means everyday activity... well you know ahem... (cough.. cough) and as days passed on, he got used to it.

After asking my brother and brother-in-law to bring my baby safe to the concert, I got ready and left for the concert venue.

When I reached the venue, I went straight into my makeup room only to come face to face with that witch. Ahh... what a start. She is such a leech trying to hook her hand into my arms only to get shoved off from my path. 

I hate myself for accepting to work with her. But when my CEO itself begged me to work with her, I couldn't say no to him. 

At first, she wanted to perform a romantic dance with more intimate moves. I abruptly said NO. Then my choreographer agreed with me and today we are gonna perform a couple-dance with no touching much to her dismay. 

I am gonna perform a total of 5 songs, one with that leech a dance performance, another with a senior singer, a singing performance, and the other three solo songs with dance cum singing. The dance performance with that girl will be the fourth performance. 

After all the make-up, when I was texting my bunny to know about his whereabouts,  Lu Enjie, that witch approached me.

I visibly rolled my eyes seeing her dress. Her dress looks like it was about to fall anytime. 

"Yibo, I am so nervous about our today's performance. I feel like I am not sure about some steps at the last"

She told biting her lips in the process. I cringed seeing that, did she think that action of her is seducing me. Oh... please someone knock some sense into her mind. I only get seduced seeing my bunny's cute little pout, well every action my bunny makes... 

"If you're not sure about the performance, just cancel it and go. I have other songs to perform today. I can manage that"

Yes, it's too harsh, I know. But that is me. I am not a sweet talker, I don't give a damn about anything or anyone!! well excluding my bunny and my brother's family.

She whined trying to reach my arm again. "Yibo... that's not what I meant. Shall we have a small rehearsal now just to recall all the steps... please... please..." 

At first, I refused, but she kept on pestering me, and finally, I accepted. When I suggested that we can rehearse it in the dressing room itself, she started whining again saying she wants a full-length mirror while she rehearses, so we went to our dance room where no one was there at that moment. 

When we reached there... suddenly she hugged me. I didn't expect that. I pushed her away from me. But, she again lunged towards me only to 

Kiss me...


I hope you all like my new FF.... vote and comment fellas... Saranghe...💜💜💜

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