Amelia Tanner (Felix Volturi...

By enchantedbymisery

8K 129 10

Amelia Tanner finds her sister Bree right before she's about to be killed. When she finds out her mate is the... More



1.3K 29 2
By enchantedbymisery

Amelia pov.
I got to isle Esme and walk into the house. I'm greeted by the scent of my mate and I sigh not really ready for this. "Hello." He said "hi." I reply. He smiles and takes my bag from me and takes it into the bedroom. "They didn't tell me there was only one bedroom." I mumble "it's not like we sleep anyways my love." He said and pulls me into a unexpected hug. "I've missed you." He said and I nod "you tried to kill Bree." I said and he pulls away and looks at me with sad eyes "Alice told me you wouldn't have actually hurt her. So I guess I'll forgive you. Just don't do it again." I say and he lifts me In The air and spins me "so you'll give me a chance?" He asks and I nod with a giggle. After that we talked for hours and hours. I could feel our bond strengthening. Which is a good thing yet also a bad thing because if I go with him to the volturi they will find out about Renesmee.
His small flip phone starts ringing and he frowns "they would only call if it was an emergency i have to take this." He said and went outside. But I still heard the conversation "the Cullens made an immortal child bring your mate to us we need to know if she was aware of their doings." Aro said and I didn't stick around to find out what Felix said. I just wrote a quick note to Felix and ran. 'Felix, I'll see you soon my big teddy bear. But I have to take care of some important matters.' I left this note hoping he would understand.
    When I was 50 miles away I get a call from alice. "Alice what's happening?" I ask "don't go home. I'll explain everything but I need you to come with me and jasper to Brazil. I have a plan to keep renesmee safe." Alice said "okay I'll see you in Brazil. I just have to make sure I'm not followed or tracked." I say "be safe we will see you soon." She said and with that we hang up and make my way to Brazil.

Bella pov
   Alice is gone and no one can reach Amelia. The maid on isle Esme said she took off a week ago leaving Felix behind.
   "Where is she. What if the volturi killed her." Bree said as she paces and the witnesses we have gathered watch her. Some confused some concerned. "She knows how to protect herself." Edward said and Bree nods. Renesmee goes to Bree and gives her a hug trying to comfort her.

Amelia pov.
   We have found our final witnesses a hybrid and his aunt. We will be making it back right before a fight breaks out. If a fight breaks out im to go with Renesmee and Jacob. We walk through the woods "Amelia, alice." Edward said "ahhh alice." Aro said with a big smile as he sees me alice and jasper walk up. I look at Felix and mouth 'I'm sorry' before turning away from the volturi and I go straight to Renesmee who jumps off Jacob and runs into my arms "aunty. I missed you so much." She said as she clung to me. "I missed you to Renesmee." I say and stand next to Jacob behind Edward and Bella and Bree walks over and stands next to me as well. I give a small nod to bella barely noticeable but she sees and gives me a smile. "I have proof the child won't be a threat to our kind." Alice said "let me show you." She holds out her hand and Aro motions for her to go to him. He takes her hand eagerly and reads through her mind.
   After a few moments he drops her hand and looks at a few of the witnesses and myself clearly a bit scared but he hides it well. "That's your future unless you decide otherwise." Alice said "we cannot alter our course the child still poses a great threat." Caius said and I growl holding my niece closer to me. "What if we keep her concealed from the human world. Then could we live in peace?" Edward asks and I smile "yes but that cannot be known." Caius said irritated "actually the can." Edward said and Alice gives him a smile as "I've been search for witnesses of my own in Brazil." Alice said "we have enough witnesses." Caius said "let him speak brother." Aro said "I am half mortal half vampire. Like the child. A vampire suduced my mother she died give birth to me. My aunt raised and I made her immortal." He said "how old are you?" Bella asks walking closer with Edward. "150 years." He said and I let out a sigh of relief "I became full grown 7 years after my birth" he said and bella turns to me and Renesmee with a smile. "What is your diet?" Aro asks "blood and human food. I can live on both." He said "these children are much like us." Marcus said "dear ones there is no danger here. We will not fight today." Aro said and the volturi start to leave but felix stay a little longer than the rest just staring at me before leaving. I set Renesmee on the ground "Aro." I say and he stops. I run to him and give him my hand. 'Is your offer to join still available. I'd like to be with my mate.' I think to him and he smiles "of course my dear. We will be waiting." Aro said before running off.
I run back to the others and Bree hugs me. "You'll be leaving?" She asks "yes. But I'll visit." I say and she nods. I turn to bella Edward and Renesmee. "Can I have a hug before I go?" I ask Renesmee who giggles and runs into my arms "I'll miss you aunty." She said "I'm going to miss you too Renesmee but I'll visit." I say and kiss her forehead before letting her go and giving bella and Edward hugs "stay safe Amelia." Edward said and I give him a smile then hug the rest of the Cullens. With one last wave I take off going straight to volterra.

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