homecoming » bucky barnes AU

By mizzbucky

35K 1K 415

young!bucky / AU+OC <3 » Laecie arrived in her hometown once more to the same thing she has every summer- her... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty-five

chapter thirteen

1.2K 53 14
By mizzbucky

Bucky kicked the side stop on his bike after his dismount, eyes scanning over the area for his girl. He smiled to himself as they caught one another's attention, noticing how her face had lit up and she stood up quickly to greet him. Her body was warm wrapped around his, engulfing him in a hug and kissing him secretly before his cheek met his ear. She smelt of lemons and grass.

As she pulled back, he held onto her waist. The others greeted one another.
He said, smiling dopily.
"Proposition for you."

Laecie raised a tipsy eyebrow at him, glassy eyes curious but evidently a bit drunk.
She questioned, mocking a puzzled face.

"Tony's boat?"

Laecie furrowed her brows and looked to her side to see Tony Stark, chatting to a group and using his enthusiastic hands as he spoke. He seemed to be describing something big.

"Isn't it late to be out on the water?"
She asked quietly. Bucky scoffed, rolling his eyes as if she was stupid.
"It's Tony Stark's boat, Lace. It's like, a huge boat."

Tony's head turned at the mention of his name, his face confused but falling back into a boastful smile as he realised they were discussing his boat. He strode over, smiling proudly.
"Are you not coming, lingerie?"
He teased, motioning to Laecie. Bucky laughed at the stupid term, while Laecie looked at him, confused.
"Ya, doesn't matter- are you coming with us or not? There's excellent wine on board I don't think you'll be terribly disappointed."
Tony said quickly coolly. Laecie looked over to Bucky, who tilted his head slightly to see if she was on board. She glanced behind them for a moment, checking to see if everyone else was going. They all looked excited and impatient.

Finally, Laecie shrugged and nodded.
"Okay, we'll go sailing then."


Upon arrival, Bucky's guess that Laecie had underestimated what 'Tony Stark's boat' actually meant, was proven true. The yacht was massive, it's second story towering over the group, standing chilly at the pier. Laecie's jaw fell as she looked up at the thing, seemingly in disbelief. In all fairness, Bucky, too, was a little shocked. The boat was far beyond what he had expected. He knew Stark Industries was known for being super innovative and futuristic, but this boat seemed like it had come straight from the next century.

Its' white exterior lit up along the harbour, a bulb lit every few inches on its sides. Laying at the pier was a small drawbridge of sorts, which Tony smugly led his friends onto to enter the boat. He was busy yapping about how his father came up with the design with Tony's own help, and how the boat was his now because of it. He told everyone to make themselves comfortable on the top deck, that he'd be up shortly.

Bucky absentmindedly slid his hand into Laecie's, but the pair were so distracted by the boats interior to even appreciate the moment. The inside was well lit, showcasing art on the walls and futuristic, minimalist furniture in a sort of lounge area by the kitchen. Everything was very modern, seemingly the best of what they could get, very expensive Bucky assumed.

They walked up the stairs, onto the top deck, where there were long white seats built into either side of the boat surrounding a large oakwood bar at the very centre. In it, lights helped to display tons of expensive bottles of liquor lain over ornate glass holsters, below many different cocktail glasses hanging overhead like in fancy bars Bucky had only ever seen in films.

Bucky nodded in approval, turning to Laecie and mouthing 'wow'.

"Okay, a few ground rules here, don't jump out, don't be sick all over my deck and please, for the love of god, pee and have sex in the bathroom below deck only. Everyone good with that?"
Tony announced, walking behind the bar and pouring himself some sort of whiskey or scotch. Everyone agreed in some form, the bustle of voices from the large enough group difficult to differentiate.

Bucky headed over to one of the white seats, placing himself down. Steve came to sit beside him, followed by Laecie.
"Can I get you boys a drink?"
She asked before settling herself down.
"Scotch, please."
Bucky said. Laecie raised a brow.
"We're on a nice boat and the booze is free!"
He protested. She rolled her eyes snarkily in return, moving her less glassy eyes on to Steve now. She folded her arms under her boobs, propping them up unintentionally, easily visible due to the fact she hadn't changed from her black bikini but just put a jacket over it. Bucky looked respectfully, but secretly raked his eyes over them over and over, thinking about them without the skimpy bra over them, how they bounced as he moved in her. He blinked himself out of this.

"The same, please Lace."
Steve smiled, nodding at Laecie. She smiled at them both and let her arms loose by her sides, walking over to the bar.

Bucky mumbled, leaning back and slumping his back down, pulling at his shorts a little. Steve raised an eyebrow and looked over to his friend.
"You okay Buck?"

Bucky sat up, discarding of his shirt.
"Just a little hot here."
He said, trying to be reassuring as he smiled to Steve. He bit his lip.
Steve's brow stayed where it was perched, a smirk playing at his face.
"How's that.. going actually?"
He asked, a little nervously. Bucky overlooked it, Steve was always awkward talking about girls who Bucky liked.

"Good. She makes me happy, Steve. And look at her- she's just... ugh god."
Bucky placed a large hand over his face, embarrassed and going red as he groaned.
"She's so hot, drives me crazy. How'd I get with her?"

Steve scoffed, crossing his arms and leaning back too. He looked over at Laecie, who's back was to the boys as she chatted with Tony who was pouring some drinks.
"I don't know man."
Steve replied, no humour in his tone though. It sounded as if he actually didn't know. Bucky frowned for a moment, but shook it off.

"We had sex the other night."
Bucky said after a moment of silence. Steve turned his head, face a little taken aback but still keeping his cool through his amused expression.

"Mind blowing."
Bucky stated matter-of-factly. Steve sniffed, nodding and tightening his arms over his chest.
Before getting a chance to respond, everyones heads turned as AC/DCs Back In Black played from the corner of the deck. Wanda stood up, her face going scarlet as she smiled awkwardly and waved to her peers. Visions face lit up as he gave her a thumbs up, as if to praise her for a good choice. She walked to him, sitting next to him and joining whatever conversation was being had between Vision and Loki.

Laecie returned shortly after this, handing the two men their drinks and swaying back to the bar to fetch her own. For the first time on Bucky's record, there was an awkward silence between him and Steve. He furrowed his brows a little before taking a drink.

"Are you okay?"
He asked. Steve turned to him, somewhat shocked? He was unsure.
"Yeah, why?"
"You seem.. off or something. Did something happen?"

Steve placed a dumbfounded expression on his face and shook his head, no.
"Not at all, why?"

Bucky hesitated for a moment.
"Nothing I suppose. You're just being weird. Did something happen?"

Steve shook his head, patting Bucky's knee. Bucky looked up at his face, which wasn't concerned with him but rather with Laecie. Bucky furrowed his brow, unsure of how to react to this. He looked between the two, Steve's gaze focused on his girl. He said nothing.

Laecie returned now, finally, a glass of white wine in her hand and Natasha and Sam behind her. They all settled in their seats together. Natasha sat unusually close to Sam, who hung on her words as if they were straight from the bible itself. Bucky laughed at Sam internally, he was so obvious about his feelings for Natasha that practically everyone could see them but her. He shook his head to himself.

Steve and Laecie were chatting with Bucky between them, and Steve had a somewhat cocky demeanour. But, perhaps, Bucky thought, he was overthinking it. It was just Steve's way. He brushed it off again, he was probably just being crazy.


The evening grew cool but still humid. The group all meshed together somehow, forming some sort of rectangle so they could all socialise together. Bucky was sat back, he was a bit drunk now, just smirking for no reason other than finding his own intoxication amusing. Laecie was perched next to him, her legs tucked up beside her on the seat, her elbow resting behind his head, her head leaning on her hand. She was looking at Steve from behind Bucky's head, laughing at whatever he had said to her previously. Loki and Thor were telling a story about a time they traveled to Japan, discussing some type of flower.

"I'm bored."
Natasha groaned, still sitting with Sam, who had his large hand on her knee. Loki stopped talking and raised his eyebrow at her.
"Well, do you have a better topic to talk about?"
He said, pissed off. Natasha grinned cheekily, sitting herself up a little.
"Why don't we play a little game?"
She suggested. Tony rolled his eyes in his seat.
"Games are for children Natasha."

Natasha frowned at him and waved him off.
"No, we haven't played drinking games altogether yet. Let's all play. Truth or dare, if you don't do it you drink. Simple enough?"
She suggested. Everyone sort of looked around, no one really very enthusiastic about it.
"No, no. If we're playing a game, we play my choice of game."
Tony said, standing up and cracking his knuckles. He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and loosened his tie.

"It's called back to back. We choose two people to go back to back and ask them scandalous questions. Very fun, it's a hit at the college parties."
He said, ensuring to big his idea up a little. This gained some more enthusiasm from the group.

"Okay, I think Thor and Loki should go first. We ask the question, we guess who did whatever is in the question, if we're wrong we drink and so do they."
He explained it simply. Thor and Loki both laughed a little and stood in front of everyone, pressing their backs against one another. There wasn't much of a height difference between the brothers, but Thor was so much more buff than Loki. Loki certainly made up for the difference in his ability to engage with people. He was an excellent speaker compared to Thor, he was very intellectual.

Bucky cleared his throat.
"Right, can I choose a question?"

Tony said, exhaling. Seemingly, everything stressed him out, right down to drinking games.

"Who has the most sex?"
Bucky smirked, swirling the liquid in his glass. The group chuckled a little before small discussions began. In the end, most people voted for Thor.

"Vis and I think it's Thor- sorry Loki.."
Wanda said shyly. Loki just smiled and shook his head smugly.

"Okay, now, the person who has- the most sex or whatever- take a step forward. If you both step forward, one life is lost, you both drink. You get three lives. Got that?"
Tony explained, motioning to the brothers before him.

Smugly, Loki took his step forward. Thor stayed put, an embarrassed look on his face as he pursed his lips. Loki began laughing as the group gasped and giggled, the answer unexpected. Bucky laughed out loud.
"You wordy bastard!"
He teased. Loki rolled his eyes, mischievous grin still pressed on his face.

The game went on another few rounds, Wanda and Vision being next, Laecie and Natasha after. The questions were all along the dirty spectrum, from bodies to weird kinks. Nothing crazy.

As Laecie and Natasha sat down, Natasha declared they had chosen Steve and Bucky to go next. By now, everyone was much drunker and more giggly and stupid.

The two large men stood up, laughing, pressing their backs to one another. Bucky was shorter, but the two were quite even on the muscular scale. Laecie had to stop her self from drooling as she looked on at them, both shirtless.

A few questions went by, the pair only losing one life, drinking and laughing at the stupid requests from their friends.

Sam said, sitting himself up a little, trying to sound sober and put together. He smirked a little at his question, which he knew would surely ruffle some feathers as Steve and Bucky's only downfall was liking the same type of girl.
"Have you two ever fought over the same girl? If so, who won?"

Laecie laughed at the silly question, thinking that it was impossible for the two to possibly fight over a girl. She recalled the strange comfort she felt when Steve had told her Bucky didn't get very many girls. With this in mind, she openly predicted Steve would win in that scenario- partly because he said himself he always got the girl and partly because she didn't want to think of James fighting over another girl.
"It probably didn't even happen though!"
She laughed.

Bucky would remember that.

The two of them were quiet, embarrassed. Steve strode forward but he didn't seem very proud of himself like usual. Laecie frowned a little at their sudden loss of excitement, the chemistry between them becoming cold. She was puzzled.

Bucky cleared his throat, attempting to prompt the next question. The atmosphere was awkward now, so people really wanted the pair to be over with. As soon as they were, they sat back down, but left a gap between them.

Laecie frowned, placing her hand over Bucky's which rested on his thigh. He sort of slid it away. She looked at him for a moment, ignoring whoever was next to stand, her brow furrowed.

"Buck, are you alright?"
She whispered, moving some of his hair from his face. He flinched away, shaking her off him. He looked annoyed- angry even.

"Yeah, I'm fine."
He replied, dryly. As Laecie opened her mouth to fish for his reasoning, he interrupted her.

"Steve, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Steve, wordlessly stood up, walking off with Bucky, leaving Laecie sat there baffled.


"What are you doing?"
Bucky said defensively, but lowly.

They were below deck, standing in front of the small bathroom, trying to keep hidden from the group so no one would hear.

"Nothing, Bucky. I just answered the question."
Steve said, offended at Bucky's accusing tone. Bucky shook his head and smirked sarcastically, he should have known he would say that.

"No, Steve, all night I've watched you watching her. I've seen you, I've heard what you were saying, I feel like there's something I don't know that everyone else does."
Bucky said, cursing himself inside for maybe being paranoid. Steve looked at his friend like he was insane, shaking his head in rebuttal.

"Bucky, nothing is wrong. What's wrong with you?"

"Why did you go so quiet when Sam asked about Wendy?"
Bucky spat, attempting to pull more information from Steve.

"Because I know we fought over her, I know it hurt you. I was embarrassed."
Steve said this as if it were obvious.

"No, it wasn't that. Steve, what is going on? Why are you being like this?"
Bucky demanded, still speaking low.

"Bucky, just leave it okay? Can you just get over it? It's nothing."

"No, Steve, because if you're doing this again I have to know. This isn't like Wendy, I let you have her, I didn't care because it was- it was different. But Laecie, I really like her, I care this time. Don't even start to try this again."

"Jesus Bucky, listen to yourself! Not to remind you I've known Lace longer than you have, you guys met like what, last week? I would have had her by now if I wanted her. Get over yourself."
Steve's tone was mocking, riling Bucky up more.

"No, see, cause' this is what you did last time. Stop talking to me like you're better than me, like you could get her just like that. Just leave her alone, stop messing with me."
Bucky retorted, slamming his fist against the bathroom door.

"Bucky, shut up. You're so stupid when you're drunk."
Steve pushed his face closer to Bucky's, his brow still furrowed.

"Promise me, promise me you won't do it."
Bucky calmed himself, noticing how close his friend was getting, not wishing to argue with him over a girl again.

Steve sighed, standing back, calming himself too.

"I promise you, man. Nothing is going on there."
Steve said, softly now, moving his hand to pull Bucky's arm down from where it was leaning on the door.

"Thank you. I really like her man, I really do. For real this time. I want you to just be happy for me, instead of..."
Bucky trailed off, stopping the words from leaving his mouth before he instigated another argument.
"Instead of fighting with me."
He offered peace to his friend with a small, tired smile.

"Okay. Now let's go back, I'll get you a drink."
Steve smiled, placing a hand on Bucky's shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Bucky exhaled, allowing his body to release its tension.

"Yeah, sounds good."


the girls are fighting meow
Also I recently haven't gotten much engagement on the story, it would be super helpful if u voted <3
Love u guys

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