Dorm Room Affair

By PNWPixie1993

111K 2.6K 299

This is 18+ for sexual themes and adults themes. Read at your own discretion Crystal Love was just a normal... More

Chapter one:
Chapter two:
Chapter 3:
Chapter four:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:

Chapter 8:

4K 97 19
By PNWPixie1993

We sat on the couch in the living room watching movies, snuggled up under the blanket he had bought for me when we were teenagers. This was my home back then, since my parents were always gone and I hated to be alone.

"So when do you want your tattoo?" He asked after we ate breakfast.

"Soon. I'm anxious. Will it hurt?" I asked and got up and we walked to Ricky's room.

"It might. Depends on where you want the tattoo." He said with a shrug. He started to seem more distant. It was concerning me.

"Is everything alright, Ricky?" I asked and placed my hand on his back, which he instantly stiffened under my touch.

"I'm fine, Crystal." He said and turned and walked out of the room. I sighed and grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom to get dressed. As I pulled off Ricky's clothes I saw the dark bruise on my ribs and sighed. Maybe getting a tattoo right now would be a bad idea. Unless I get one on my arm. Or my shoulder.

I decided I wasn't a nautical star in purple and black on my shoulder blade with smaller stars surrounding it and going down my side that wasn't covered in a nasty bruise. It would look good on my pale skin. And maybe it would distract people from the scars on my stomach and back.

I got dressed in a black t-shirt and tight jeans and pulled on my black high top vans and then grabbed my jacket and purse and met Ricky downstairs. But I stopped outside he living room when I heard him talking to someone.

"Look, I'm busy right now okay? Crystal is upstairs getting dressed. We're going to get her tattooed. I'll be home on Monday. Give my son a kiss for daddy will ya? I love you dear." He said and I felt a pang of regret in my chest. Did he already have someone he loved? Then why the fuck did he have my name on his chest and act like I was the one he loved?

"You ready to go Ricky?" I asked as I came around the corner and smiled at him as if I had heard nothing.

"Of course baby." He said with a smile, but his eyes didn't sparkle like they did yesterday. "Are you ready for your tattoo?"

"I am. But could I go home after it? I've got homework." I said and turned to go back upstairs and pack my bag, but I left his clothes here then slung my bag back over my shoulder and walked back downstairs and met Ricky by the front door.

He locked the front door and walked me to the car and opened the passenger door for me and I got in and out he bag in the backseat again. He got in the driver seat and drove us to a tattoo shop in the expensive part of town. We got out and I walked in and told the guy exactly what I wanted. He had me take off my shirt and unhook my bra and lay down on the bed. Then he started the tattoo.

Two hours later it was done and my back was throbbing. The guy bandaged it and helped me hook my bra and out my shirt back down then Ricky paid the man and we left. The drive was silent as Ricky drove me back to campus and he left without another word. I walked into the dorm with my bag slung over my shoulder and my purse in hand. When I unlocked my door I was surprised to see a rose on the pillow with a note.


I know you know about Ricky. But I couldn't tell you. You had to find out on your own. My number is in your phone. Text me if you need someone to talk to. I'm always here for you.


I smiled and touched the messy handwriting. Why did he care so much if the man barely even knows me. The tears threatened to spill over but I fought them back as I tossed my bag into my closet and kicked off my shoes then pulled off the leather jacket and stared at the design. A thought came to mind and I changed into some yoga shorts and one of clays oversized t-shirts and put on my glasses before grabbing my laptop and sitting on the bed.

As I waited for it to turn on i grabbed my phone and looked to see if I had a text message from Ricky. There was one but there was also one from Ethan. I read Ethan's first.

Ethan: hey, beautiful. How was your night with Ricky?
Me: it was alright. He started acting funny though. Could you come over and help me clean my tattoo? It kind of stings.
Ethan: twenty minutes. I don't live on campus.
Me: see you soon ;)

I then opened Ricky's and just stared at the message.

Ricky: look, we can't hang out again for a while. I've got some business to attend to out of town. There's a race in two weeks. I'll text you the day of with directions to get there. Win it. I'll talk to you late. Don't reply.

My brows furrowed and I locked the screen and hit the Internet button on my home screen of the laptop and once it was up I typed in Phoenix Gang. It instantly popped up with a picture of Ricky and some other guys. Then there was a link to the sheriffs page with a wanted poster of Ricky. My heart sped up as I stared at my phone. Ricky was a Gang member. And I had a Gang members jacket.

"What am I going to do now?" I groaned out loud just as there was a knock on my door and I got up and walked to it and opened it, and in walked Ethan. He was wearing a white v-neck under a black hoodie with blue and red skulls all over it. His blue jeans were tight in some places and I almost drooled. But he was wearing steel toe boots instead of tennis shoes.

"Like what you see?" He asked as he sat on my bed and glanced at my computer. Then he sighed and I shut the door and locked it. "So you know?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Why don't you put on some pants and I will?" He asked and glanced at my legs and I realized he couldn't see my shorts with how big clays shirt was on me.

"I'm wearing shorts." I said and lifted an edge of the shirt and showed him. He nodded and I saw his eyes darken slightly. "Now can you help me with my tattoo or do I have to have clay clean it for me?"

"I'll do it." He said and got up as I walked into the bathroom and took off my shirt and held it against my chest. "Damn. It's beautiful."

"Thank you. Ricky has my name tattooed on his chest. I almost got his name on my body. But now I'm glad I didn't." I said and heard Ethan sigh as he dabbed at my tattoo with a wet washcloth.

"It's not your name." He said quietly and I spun to look at him.

"It clear as day says crystal on his chest." I said and clutched the shirt to my breasts.

"It may say crystal but it's not for you. His wife is named crystal." He said and then spun me back around so that he could clean the rest of the design. I shivered when his fingers brushed my bare skin.

"He's... Married?" I asked and felt as if the wind had gotten knocked out of me.

"Yes. And he's got a son that's two now. Almost three." Ethan said and I had to use one hand to grip the shirt as I clutched the counter with the other.

"Oh god. Then why did he tell me he loved me? Why am I the one that has the Phoenix hoodie?" I asked and when Ethan was done I spun to face him. "What am I going to do?"

"You're going to race. But don't win. If you win, he will kill you and take over the Phoenix Gang completely. You're the one standing in the way." Ethan said as I pulled my shirt back on, when Ethan's back was turned.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You're strong, Crystal. And you're also Ricky's weakness. If he takes you out, then he has no weakness." Ethan said and sat down on my bed.

"But that doesn't explain me. He's been gone for four years, Ethan!" I said, slowly getting frustrated.

"He's going to kill your family, and you, if you win. Right now he's second in command. Your uncle is the leader. And your uncle loves you more than anything. If Ricky kills you, then your uncle won't stay in power because he will be grieving. Your cousin Dom is leaving the Gang, even if he almost dies. So as you see, you are more important than you understand." Ethan explained and I leaned against the wall and slid down.

"Oh god." I whispered and dropped my head into my hands. "Ethan. Am I going to die?"

"Not if I have a say in it." He said and got up and wrapped his arms around me. "I'll protect you until my last breath, Crystal."

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