Mine only....

By dan21writer

30.8K 1.5K 190

Eda yildrim is a secret detective named (197 star )confidential) works with police , but she is known in t... More

Call the (197 star ) now !!!
I am serkan bolat!
First meeting ever !!!
Who are you ??!
Please don't go !!
Can't risk it !
That can't be possible!
I can't just let go !
Don't fall for her/him !!
Real Criminal !
Because of You !
Fire !
Our first time !
I want that !
I can't live without you !
Hey Detective !!
You are mine...
Our feelings are mutual...
You are my whole life, darling(last chapter)

Now you know the real me !

1.3K 78 14
By dan21writer

Both Eda and Serkan made their plans to caught mustafa serdar , eda caught one of his men with her group and went to question him , but serkan caught the big fish himself , serkan thought that he may kidnapped Eda ,, but what will happen then?

Since serkan doesn't know the real Eda and her job his bad thoughts was growing bigger everyday, he can't deny that he likes her , he never felt that way to any women before , but she is so close book.

Eda also knew that serkan must have some thoughts , but she can't tell him or let him know about her . She was so attracted to him , she knew it will be be a losing game , but she liked it anyway.

Serkan entered a wooden house to find Mustafa bey wrapped into a chair and two of his guards pointing a gun to his face .

"So .. the big mafia boss is here" serkan said , pointing to his guards to leave.

"So you know everything , serkan bolat" mustafa said

Serkan came closer and pick out a knife , touching mustafa's neck with it.

"Where is Eda yildiz?" Serkan asked.

"What do you mean? She is your fiancee not mine , you must know where she is " Mustafa said.

Serkan pressed on his neck with the knife
"I said where is she?" Serkan said.

"Look , i don't know where is she , i really don't" Mustafa said , panicked.

Serkan felt that he doesn't really know , so he will see that later , it was weird that eda didn't say where she went to.

"If you don't know , then tell me , what is her business with you fucking bastard" serkan said.

"I think she didn't told you anything about that night" mustafa said , cold tone.

Serkan's mind was burning! What does he mean? Did she sleep with him ? But she denied ?
Is she laying ?

Serkan cut a scar on mustafa's neck in furious and the blood was everywhere.

"Just answer without commenting " serkan said.

"Tammam relax , it is not like you think , all i know that her friend is a mafia guy who helped us bring some important paper , and she just delivered it" mustafa said.

Now serkan can see the picture much better , the paper which he already knew about its content before , but who is her mafia friend ? Then she works with them , the Mafia.

"Does she works with the mafia?" Serkan asked.

"I don't know , i am sure about her friend , a guy called ömer" mustafa said.

Serkan knows ömer ,, he is her friend , so he is a mafia. That means ... she is with him.

Serkan sat down in-front of mustafa so he can watch him suffering.

"What is your business with my company you fucking bastard?" Serkan said.

Mustafa hasn't reply.

"Talk ,,, or i swear i will cut you in pieces , nobody can collect them all over the country" serkan said.

"Relax , i wanted to money-wash under your company ,, in the order of my fiancee , selin , i think that you did something made her so angry with you " mustafa said.

So that was true , and Eda was the first to know about that scenario ,, thank god she did and told serkan.

"you are not hiding that? And confessing your crime" Serkan asked.

"No " mustafa replied.

"Then you will confess that to the police" serkan said.

Mustafa couldn't reply ... one of serkan's men came and told him something and then they went outside.

"Sir , someone is coming , we should hide in case it is the police" the man said.

They went outside the house and hided , not knowing who was there ,, the big shock was ... she is EDA ! With her gang.
They are wearing black clothes , serkan was sure that they are working for Mustafa serdar , some mafia . And eda was one of them .
They entered inside and took mustafa to their car , and mustafa was unconscious , he must smelled something .

Serkan and his men couldn't react because they already knew everything they want , and they don't want any issues with the mafia now.

Serkan's mind was so complicated ,, what on earth can bring eda here ,, she is a criminal in his eyes.


Eda went to the police office to question mustafa's guy ,, and to take some information from him .

She didn't actually get much information from him , all his men do their missions without knowing the reason , she thinks that they doesn't even know the real name of their boss.

"I didn't have so much information from him" eda said.

"As usual my friend" fifi said.

"Guys .. look , i found something" omer said.

The group made a circle around him , looking at his computer.

"What did you find?"  Fifi asked.

"I can see where Mustafa serdar is , by the SIM card we putted in his clothes today" ömer said.

"That is great! " Eda said.

"Let's go get the criminal" Ahmet said.

The police group went straight to the location they found to catch Mustafa ,, they have a serious evidence that he money-washed today at serkan's company . They all saw him and the papers are with them .

As usual they all were wearing casual clothes and a using a normal car ,, so no one can know they are from police .

They arrived to the house where Mustafa was , he was a victim , somebody kidnapped him and tried to question him , then left.

"So Mustafa bey , looks like you have some enemies" Eda said.

"What do you want from me?" Mustafa asked.

He didn't know they are from police , he was thinking they are mafia or something .

"Nothing , you will see when you wake up" Fifi said.
She put a fabric tissue with *** to let him fall asleep.

"We are ready to go" Ahmet said.

"Finally , we caught him" Eda said.

"Because of you , Eda cim" ömer said.

They took mustafa serdar and went straight to the police office to question him.
They all made a huge success today , he was the biggest criminal in the country .

Eda was worried about Serkan ,, where is he . She knew he must have called her a thousand times now.

Eda decided to open her phone and check the calls before the questioning start , she smiled at the number of serkan's missed calls . And her phone suddenly started ringing . (Serkan) was calling.
She answered to not let him worry about her.

"Efandim" Eda said through the phone.


Serkan was lost in his thoughts ,, where is Eda . If Mustafa wasn't kidnapping her , and she and her group kidnapped him , then where did she go?

He didn't follow their car and decided to wait in that house . Trying to call her again .

Serkan knew she will not answer but he tried again, at least he knew she was safe . But what if she was really a mafia criminal?!

His phone started ringing , calling Eda.

"Efandim" Eda answered.

Serkan couldn't believe she really answered , he checked his phone twice before replying:

"Eda !..... where are you? Why on earth you are not answering?" Serkan said.

Eda didn't really know what to say ,, she was nervous , she only needed to hear his voice.

"Speak !!"   Serkan shouted.

"Look serkan, i am fine , i am just dealing with something" Eda said.

Serkan wasn't convinced with that , he just saw her with his eyes kidnapping Mustafa.

"Look , i will send you a location , you will come here . NOW!, no objection"   serkan said , ending the call .

"But...." Eda said , but she saw the call ending.

Eda was shocked , what !! , she has work to do ! But he seems really angry and he can notice anything.

She can't leave her work and she can't leave serkan , so she went to her car and headed to the location he sent . She can't leave him , and she can't risk it to make him notice anything , she know he can search for her and he can find her with his own power.
So going there was the best choice.


When Eda arrived to the location , she found that it is the same place she just took Mustafa from with her group!

That means Serkan is who was here and the one who was questioning Mustafa before , also he must have seen her with her group !

Ooh she has to lie to him now , thank god they were not wearing the police costume.

Eda took a long breath before entering the one room house , just to find Serkan setting there , drinking a beer , he was waiting for her .
She knew nothing good will happen after that discussion .


When Eda entered , Serkan already made his mind and knew what exactly he should ask her.

He grabbed a seat for her and gave har a glass of beer , without saying any word . Both of them were silent.

Eda was confused about him and his cold blood ,
He was so calm , but she didn't really know the thunder inside him.

"Now eda , i will ask and you will answer , nothing more nothing less" serkan said. Standing in-front of her.

Eda knew she can't refuse , and arguing will not get to any point with him , so she nodded her face accepting his offer.

"Where did you go today?" Serkan asked.

"To My friend " Eda said.

She knew she has to lie to him , to make him safe.
She didn't like that , but it is for the best.

"Why didn't you tell me and you didn't answer your phone" serkan asked.

"My phone was dying"  eda said.

Serkan knew she was laying , but he continued.
Trying to reach a point.

"Who is your friend?" Serkan asked.

"Ömer" eda said.

Serkan now was much furious and also jealous , she was with the mafia man. And she left him at the party to go to Ömer.

"Why did you came here before one hour?" Serkan asked his most important question.

Eda was so nervous , so he saw them here , what should she say!

"Some business" Eda said.

"Some business! So kidnapping people is your business" Serkan shouted.

"You have the same business , you were here before me" Eda said.

"I thought Mustafa kidnapped you , that is why i grabbed him here " Serkan said.

Eda laughed and said :
"What! ..Kidnapped me! ..No way"

"So why did you kidnapped him?" Serkan said.

"None of your business" eda said.

Serkan came closer to her and asked her looking at her eyes :

"Are you from the Mafia Eda?"

Oh god ,, is he thinking like that about me? (Eda wondered) what should i say?

Serkan came much closer to her face and shouted:
"Answer me !"

"What makes you like think that about me?" Eda said.

"All your actions let me more sure that you are one of them , and Mustafa can be your boss" Serkan said.

Eda got mad about him , he doesn't really know her well enough to think like that .

She stood up and came closer to Serkan and said:

"Think whatever you want Serkan , i don't have to explain anything to you , and you are not trusting me enough , thinking that way about me" Eda shouted.

"Are you or are you not ?" Serkan asked , in a very serious tone.

"I am leaving , and i am breaking the contract between us , the fake engagement , whatever it costs , you will never see me again Serkan bolat ! , everything is about trust, and you haven't trust me" Eda said

she was so angry and nervous , but it was the only way. Leaving him was the solution.

Serkan was shocked , since she didn't deny it then it was true ,, he must leave her after knowing that she is a criminal , and he has to make sure nobody know the truth to save his reputation .

"I have trusted you , but you broke it" Serkan said.

Serkan was the first to leave , he was in the shock of his life , he always wished his thoughts to be wrong, but they are not .

Eda was also shocked about the whole situation , and the idea of Serkan thinking about her in that way is so humiliating to her , but it is for his own safety.

They both didn't know how will they separate , their contract has broke, but the tension between them hasn't  , they will have some problems with the paparazzi and with their friends .

But the big deal was how to live without each other!
They are each others soulmates , they became so close but they didn't really know or notice that!

Can the time heal their pain?
Can the empty space be filled?
Can their hearts beat again?


Authors note:
Hello guys , i am so sorry i haven't published since a long time , but i am back again . And don't worry the truth will come so soon and some good things will happen!
Write your opinion in the comments and please vote if you like the chapter.
Stay safe , love you;)

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