Moral of the Story

By justkending

24.6K 908 320

Marrying too young out of highschool leads to a naive and failed marriage. Now 10 years later, word comes tha... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Sixteen

1.2K 46 23
By justkending

The next day was what everyone had said it would be... Multiplied by ten. Thank God for the opiates that Sherri had prescribed for her, or else she wouldn't have been able to step out of bed.

Hell, she hadn't been able to step out of bed. She had to wait for the pain meds to kick in before she even had enough motivation to go to the bathroom. They weren't kidding about the next day's soreness.

Y/N had relocated to the downstairs couch for the most part of the day. After getting home last night, she didn't have a standing chance of taking a shower as sudden exhaustion took over her body. She barely made it upstairs to her room before she fell asleep on her bed. The hallway carpet seemed more comfortable than taking the next ten steps to her room once she hit the top of the stairs.

Her father was the amazing father he was, though, and was helping her with everything. He even picked out her clothes and laid them out for her so she wouldn't have to worry about the small steps. 

Did he pick an old high school sweatshirt with mix-matched old pajama pants that somehow magically still fit? Yes, and they were comfortable and easy to put on. That's all she needed right now. It was a good thing she liked oversized clothes in high school because they fit perfectly on her almost 30-year-old body.

For the first half of the day, she mainly slept and laid around. She got up a few times to try and stretch her muscles just by going to the back porch or something, but the pain pills made her loopy and tired.

So once her first dose wore off, she took a few hours break to do normal things before the pain set back in. Taking a shower was the first thing on her list.

It was about 3 in the afternoon now, and she had watched at least five episodes of Criminal Minds in a row. Drifting off into little cat naps throughout it.

As she was about to drift off for the 50th time in the last hour, she heard the doorbell ring. She jumped slightly at the noise, but before she could question it, she heard her father say he was coming to the surprise guest.

"Hey!" Thomas smiled as he opened the door to Bucky.

"Hey, how is she?" Bucky asked, returning the smile and stepping into the house.

"Stubborn as ever. I finally got her to take another dose of the meds after she swore them off after the first round," Thomas sighed, moving to the kitchen.

"Not a fan of the loopy stuff?" Bucky asked, following behind him.

"Not at all. She said she hates feeling like she was going to fall over any second from spontaneous vertigo," Thomas answered as they turned into the kitchen to talk privately before facing the open-concept living room, where she was laid out on the couch. "I have to force her to keep the brace on, too. The bulk of it is aggrivating her."

"Yeah, I may or may not have stolen some equipment from work to hopefully help out with that. I hear a lot of complaints about those braces. Definitely aren't fun when you want to sleep."

"Hey, since you're here, do you mind if I go on an errand run?" Thomas asked, turning to Bucky, who was watching Y/N's now sleeping figure on the couch. "I was going through the pantry to cook some dinner for us later and realized I'm in desperate need of a grocery run. I only stocked up on vegetarian food for a few days."

"Yeah, I can do that," Bucky nodded with a smile. "Take a quick break from babysitting. I'll take care of Everest."

"Thank you, Buck," he patted his back before grabbing the keys off the counter and moving to the fridge for the grocery list. "She's been sleeping and resting most of the days. Besides the meds and the brace, she's been easy. Like I said, I finally got her to take some painkillers a little over 30 minutes ago, so they should be kicking in soon."

"I take care of recovering patients for a living, Tom. I'll be good," Bucky laughed, turning and putting the flowers and plastic bag he brought on the island.

"You may need to dig out your Sergeant's voice with that one if you want to get her to do something," Y/N's dad warned as he moved to the garage. "Text me if you need anything. I'll be back within an hour or so."

"Take your time. Nothing exciting is happening here," Bucky waved bye.

Thomas finally left, and Bucky looked back at Y/N on the couch as she shifted in her position and let out a huff of annoyance at something. Most likely her comfort level. He chuckled at the pout on her lips even as she slept. Turning to the plastic bag he brought, he grabbed it and made his way into the living room.

"Hey, Everest," he gently grasped her folded knees and gave a soft squeeze to wake her. She let out a soft grumble before fluttering her eyes. "Morning, doll."

She saw a soft smile from the scruffy face that was Bucky's. Her eyes adjusted to opening as she tried to sit up.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in a tired tone, bringing her hand up to rub her eyes.

"I'm your new nurse for the next hour or so. That and I wanted to check and see how you were doing since last night," he answered, opening the plastic bag and taking out the contents.

"What's that?" she mumbled, slowly sitting up. The pain pills helped in making the action less irritable.

"Your dad said he can't get you to keep the brace on. So I came with reinforcements," he noted before pulling out athletic tape and pre-wrap.

She cocked her head at the items before looking up at him with tired eyes.

"This is a lot more comfortable than that clunky brace you have on. I figured I'd wrap it up for you so you can sleep with it better. This way, you won't have metal parts of the brace poking you in the face when you try to get comfortable."

"I feel like I'm at the athletic trainer's room again," she chuckled, putting her wrist out for him. "Hey, that's kinda what you are now. Mr. Doctor," she giggled.

"Those pain meds kicking in some now, huh?" he chuckled as he took her extended hand and carefully began wrapping it for her. "Tell me if it's too tight, ok? You should be able to move some with it on."

He took a second to concentrate on the bandaging and didn't realize that she was watching him intently. Not just the movement but his face, too.

"There. That should feel a lot more comfortable and keep you from injuring it anymore," he smiled, rotating her arm to make sure it was all in place.

"You're really pretty. You know that?"

Bucky's eyebrows shot up at the comment, and he could feel the surface of his cheeks start to heat up.

"Thanks, Y/N," he chuckled in a bashful tone as he started busying himself with picking up the trash and tape from the new brace.

"I like your hair like this," she gestured to his head before plopping down to her side in a more relaxed position. The conversation was continuing casually to her as if she wasn't hitting on her ex-husband. "I remember you let it grow out that one baseball season, but it looks different."

"My barber actually knows how to maintain it," Bucky laughed. He had pushed the bag to the side and interlaced his fingers before leaning forward on his knees as he watched Y/N from the coffee table he sat on.

"Well, it's nice. But from what I recall," she pointed before moving to a more comfortable position to look at him. "You hated having it long."

"I hated how it got in the way during games. I don't play baseball anymore," Bucky winked. He probably shouldn't be flirting back, but he couldn't help that for the first time in a really long time; it felt like old times.

"That makes sense. Are you saying it doesn't get in your way now?" she asked.

"I mean, sometimes, but I manage," he shrugged, standing and moving to the kitchen. "Want anything to drink or eat, Everest?"

When he didn't hear a response after a few seconds, he peaked his head around the corner and saw her missing. How did she disappear that fast?

"Y/N?" he questioned, slightly nervous, stepping back into the living room and scanning it again.


Turning quickly, he saw her in the kitchen, moving to a stool at the bar.

"How did you-?" he asked with raised eyebrows, pointing back and forth from the kitchen to the living space.

"I went around the other corner that connects to the kitchen," she giggled before slipping and almost missing the chair. "Oops!"

Bucky was quick to her side before she could have the chance to fall to the ground and helped her onto the stool.

"Are you trying to make that wrist fractured instead?" he gestured once she was seated securely.

"It's this damn medicine. Every time I feel like I have sponta-"

"Spontaneous vertigo. Yeah, your dad told me," Bucky nodded, leaning on the counter by her.

"My dad... Where is my dad?" she processed before looking around.

"He went on an errand run, so you guys have something to eat tonight," Bucky explained. When he saw her slipping off the stool, barely able to keep her eyes open, he let out a sigh, standing by her side so if she fell this time, it would be into him. "Do you want to go lay down? You look like you're about to pass out."

The look he sent her was a pointed, fatherly look. She was stubborn, and Thomas was right. If he were going to get her to comply to rest, he would have to pull out his past ranking.

"If I go to sleep, I have weird dreams. Sometimes, I have nightmares about this stuff. So no," she shook her head before she rested it in her good hand.

"Hey, let me see those bandages," he motioned to her stitches.

He gently raised her head to look at him, but her eyes were closed as if they had cinder blocks weighing them down. However, she didn't flinch when he placed his fingers under her chin and moved her head to him.

He took a few blissful seconds of that peace to look over her features. If anyone in this room was pretty, it was her. Well, pretty times a hundred. She really had grown into a beautiful young lady. Not that that was a shock to anyone.

"Am I gonna live, Doc?" she joked with a tired smirk, and her eyes still closed as she could feel his on her.

He chuckled at the slight slur in her words. The medicine hitting harder with every passing second.

"You're going to live, doll. The bandages look nice and clean. Let me see your fingers," he lightly let go of her chin and moved to take her hand.

"Sherri changed them before she left for her shift earlier. She said the stitches look good so far," she sighed as Bucky examined the cuts on her hand.

"Heard you got this by helping someone out of one of the other cars," Bucky mentioned as he looked over the injury.

"My cab wasn't near as bent up as the others in front of us," Y/N answered. "I must have cut it on some of the loose glass getting into the door. I didn't even notice until we got to the hospital."

"Adrenaline," Bucky nodded. "If you're going to go play superhero, be careful next time," he smiled at her before putting the bandage back to where it was.

She sent him a tired nod, not actually sure what she was agreeing to, before nodding off some in her seat, and her head fell into his shoulder while he examined her hand.

He was actually not upset by her relaxing this time, but he knew she'd end up hurting herself if not surrounded by cushions.

"Ok, Couch. Now. I'd rather not chance this butterfly bandage being the only thing keeping your head from splitting open when you inevitably hit the ground due to exhaustion," Bucky motioned, moving to help her stand.

"So dramatic," Y/N giggled again as she let him wrap one of his arms under hers to help her walk back to the couch. "I can still function, believe it or not-"

As she said that, she lost her footing on the small single step to the other room and nearly face-planted.

Having already a grip on her, it didn't take much for Bucky to catch her and keep her on her feet. He was holding most of her weight from her tired stance.

"You were saying," Bucky turned his head to her with a raised eyebrow as she looked up at him embarrassed.

"Oh, don't patronize me," she huffed playfully before standing back up and putting even more weight on him. Just a few feet from the couch, she jutted to a stop. "Wait, I don't want to lay down."

"Y/N," Bucky sighed, knowing the bullheadedness in her was fighting to... well... Fight. "You need to rest. Which means laying down and not arguing with everything I say."

"Yeah, yeah, I know how the healing process goes; this isn't my first rodeo," she waved off.

Bucky was taken aback by that some. Of all the time knowing her, she was one of the few people in his life that hadn't been in an accident like this or had some kind of intense injury in her life. But before he could ask, she pointed to the door.

"There. Can we go outside?" she asked.

"You wanna lay on the porch swing?"

"I mean, I was thinking right in the middle of the grass, but-" she teased.

"Ok, smart mouth. Fine, we can sit on the swing," he rolled his eyes at her in a playful manner before walking her outside.

Upon approaching the swing, Y/N lay on one end and propped one of the pillows up against the armrest to lay her head down. She lay on the side that wasn't bruised and propped her hand under the pillow while the other rested by her head. It was the size of a day bed and had been crafted by her dad a long time ago. Of course, updated and maintained to be sturdy to this day. 

She looked blissfully comfortable for such an uncomfortable-looking spot. I guess the plush cushions around her helped, but the slight swinging as she got comfortable had to make it harder for her to adjust.

Bucky chuckled as he watched her struggle some at the positions and moved to sit on the end. In doing that, he was able to stop the lifted bench from moving too much, and he placed her legs over his lap so she could stretch out fully.

"Better?" he asked.

"Much," she nodded, letting out a relieved sigh. "Outdoor air makes me feel much better than these pills do."

"I'm sure. You used to always use outside as an escape," Bucky agreed, looking out into the yard as his hand unconsciously rested on her ankle. Neither noticed the common motion as they used to sit out here like this all the time.

When he looked back over to her, seeing her eyes closed but a smile on her face at her environment, he grinned. God, he missed this, and he didn't realize how much bliss moments like this had made his world that much brighter after they had vanished. 

No awkward tension. Friendly banter. Hints of stubbornness that he rarely admitted to loving. And the sense of peace between the two.

The drugs were helping in the relaxation, but they really had made up yesterday, making it all easier.

"What did you mean this isn't your first rodeo?" Bucky asked, thinking back to her comment.

She groaned softly at the question, and her nose twitched with what Bucky saw as annoyance. Not at him, but probably at the situation that they were bringing up.

"If I tell you, you can't get mad," she mumbled.

"Why would I get mad?" Bucky questioned, but the answer alone had him thinking of some bad situations from her tone.

"Because I know you. I know you'll get upset," she grumbled, still with her eyes closed.

"Did you do something stupid?" he asked, pinching her ankle to lighten the mood.

"No," she chuckled before turning her head to him and looking at him now. "Someone else did," she sighed, her smile dropping some.

"Y/N, what happened?" he said, growing more serious.

She looked at him for a few longing seconds as if contemplating telling him. But the rational part of her brain was asleep, and she didn't have a sense of care in the world, even knowing this probably wasn't something to tell him when she knew the reaction that was to come.

"Before I spill, you can't get upset because what's done is done, and there is no going back in time to beat up anyone, okay?"

Bucky's face dropped at that. Someone clearly hurt her, and she knew he would be out for blood upon just hearing that.

"I see that look," she warned.

Pulling himself back together, he tried to hide his growing anger.

"I'm fine. Just tell me what happened," he said in a surprisingly even tone.

She took a second to analyze him but carried on anyway.

"It was my first year in L.A. and I still wasn't accustomed to what street led to where. I had just finished hanging out with Nat at some club she was invited to, and we went to her house after. My plan was to stay the night there, but something came up about work, so I needed to be at my apartment that night," she explained, looking up at the ceiling as she talked. A pillow in her lap that she fiddled with as she told the story with ease. "Long story short, cabs and taxis weren't really making their way around where Nat was living at the hour, and I couldn't haul one around her block."

"Did Nat not walk you down?" Bucky asked, surprised at the overprotective friend not doing such.

"She offered, but she had drank more than me and wasn't feeling too hot. I was able to keep her upstairs and get her to take care of herself instead of me for once." When Bucky nodded, she continued her story. "I figured I would walk a block or two trying to get a taxi, but if not, I would just call one." She let out a long sigh and readjusted in her seat, crossing her feet in Bucky's lap nonchalantly. "Well, I took a turn, and since I wasn't really a hundred percent sober, nowhere as drunk as Nat, I didn't realize just how sketchy of a place I wandered into."

"Y/N-" Bucky started, but she held her hand up, cutting him off.

"Don't scold me. I know it was stupid. If I could go back and yell at younger me, I would about a lot of things," she rolled her eyes. "Anyway, someone attempted to mug me."

"Y/n!" Bucky shouted at her bluntness.

"Notice how I said they attempted," she pointed to him, having to move some after he jumped in his seat. "I took some self-defense classes with Nat a while back because she wanted me to be safe in the big city. They came in handy."

Bucky was going to question but couldn't wrap his head around how casual she was being about almost being mugged.

"He got the jump on me and twisted my arm back behind me. Pulled a knife too and cut me by my collar bone, but I used some of my defense knowledge and threw my head back, head budding him. A quick jab of the elbow and twist to knock him in his nuts, and the guy was down for the count," she shrugged, once again unbothered and unphased by the story. "Though he was little bitch about some bruised nuts when he had held a knife up to me."

"How are you so nonchalant about all this?" Bucky said with his mouth open and eyes wide as he leaned closer to her.

"Cause it was a long time ago. Like seven years long," she shrugged, placing her hand over her injured side. "I got a slight concussion, and the cut wasn't bad enough for stitches, but it was patched up for a week. Some light bruising where he manhandled me, but I'm alive."

Bucky shook his head as he ran a hand through his hair in disbelief.

"Does your father or Sherri know about this?"

"No, and they aren't going to. Ever," she said with stern eyes. Bucky would have believed she wasn't on meds with how serious she looked, but her eyes fluttered as she laid back and closed her eyes. "Got it, Barnes?"

When she didn't get a response, she kicked her foot back, hitting him in the gut.

"Ow!" Bucky grunted at the hit. "Fine, fine. I won't tell."

"Good," she mumbled as she nuzzled into the pillow for comfort. "Now, no more talking. I'm exhausted and want to enjoy the sounds of nature."

Bucky rolled his eyes with a small pull of his lips as he watched her. 

Had she not been on drugs at the moment, they would not be in this position. The arrangement of the two on the swing was something that Y/N from just a day ago wouldn't have even considered. But now, as friends and with the help of opiates that made her too tired to care, they were back to the old times.

Now, the story of her almost mugging, however, wasn't one that Bucky would care to have happened, but it showed trust. She was starting to trust him again.

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