Supernatural One Shots

By mylittlelove19

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I don't own any of the characters. I write the story line based off ideas I have had on my own, or imagines/o... More

Ghost Facers
Drunk John
Dean saves you
Dean and Bobby
Nightmares (Sam)
Cass interrupts
Wearing his flannel (Dean)
Texting Pictures
Reuniting (Sam and Dean)
Surprise Actions (Dean)
Drinking with Dean
Hey Sam.
Lonely Video Call (Dean)
Fighting with Dean
Reasons (Sam)
Shadow (Dean)
Trouble Sleeping (Dean)
Sweet Pie (Dean)
Finding Sam and Dean
Your Old T-Shirt
News at a funeral (Dean)
Let me forget (Sam)
Broken Hearted (Dean)
Lies (Dean)
Jo joins Training
Almost Sam
John (Dean)
Hey Jude (Dean)
Fooling myself (Dean)
Before we had a chance.
I hate witches Pt. 1 (Dean)
I hate witches Pt. 2 (Dean)
Can't hide it (Dean)
Bad Fight (Dean)
I hate you, but I love you
I hate you, but I love you Pt. 2
Done with you (Part one)
Done with you (Part Two)
Just a sad song
Jo (Dean)
Team Free Will rescues (Dean)
Note from me.
Journal (Dean)
Scary movie night (Dean)
Just a fool.
Because (Dean)
Personal Elephant (Dean)
Missing (Dean)
Update from me
Used to be Dean Pt. 1
Lee Webb's Daughter (Dean Request)
Truth Spell (Dean)
After Hell (Dean)
Before we had a chance Pt. 2
Before we had a chance Pt. 3
A choice (Dean)
A choice pt. 2 (Dean)
Purgatory pt. 1
Purgatory pt. 2

Used to be Dean (Pt. 2)

283 6 0
By mylittlelove19

Life after hooking up with Dean for a while. When he disappears on you again you find out why. Then you run into him and Sam again.

Warnings: Sadness, language?, cheating/betrayal, drinking

Written from Your point of view again, just as the first part.

We spent some time hunting together. But I stayed out of their fight with Lucifer and Michael. I met up with Bobby after all that went down and asked about it. Because Dean's phone goes straight to voicemail now.

"How are Sam and Dean?"

He sighed, "Sam got Lucifer back in the cage. Dean doesn't know this but... someone got Sam right back out."

"What? How does he not know his brother is back? Where is he?"

Bobby looked apologetic. "He quit hunting when he lost Sam. He got out, and is happy. So we haven't told him."

I crossed my arms. "What is more important to him than knowing Sam is alive?"

"Uh... he's living with Lisa and Ben." He finally admitted.

I felt a strange pang of jealousy and a weird sadness fill me. So that's why he quit calling and answering. "Oh. Well, that explains a lot."

I haven't heard from Dean in over a year now, so that's made me move on. I met a fellow hunter at a bar, and we hit it off pretty well.

He's nice, good at hunting, and decent enough in bed; not quite on Dean's level but better than most. So he's my new stress reliever.

We're friends with benefits, but more like a couple as he wanted us to only sleep with each other. We hunt together as well.

"Alec?" I called out when I heard the door to the abandoned house open.

"Yeah, Y/n, it's just me. You find anything yet?" He found the room I was in.

Three teenagers have gone missing, and we found out they all came here. This place is some local legend. A crazed doctor supposedly killed patients here in the 30's. So kids dare each other to spend the night here.

"I haven't. There's no evidence of there being a doctor here, ever. We either missed something or this place is a bust." I said a little defeated.

He thought for a moment, "Is there a basement?"

"A partial one." I commented.

"Let's go look around there. Maybe there's something there."

As we looked around I noticed a wind sound, like when the window in your car is slightly cracked open and whistling. "Alec, come here. I think this is a trick wall."

Sure enough the wall was actually also a door; there was more than just a partial basement.

We found patient files, journals, medical equipment, and a skeleton. That had to be the doctor. He was rumored to have taken off when the police came for him. He must've locked himself in here. The bullet hole in his head suggested he took himself out.

There were footsteps coming through the house, two sets. Alec got in front of me, "Start working on burning him." He said softly.

But as I worked on salting him I was thrown by a force at the wall. Alec rushed to my side as two bodies entered the room.

"Are you alright?" Alec asked.

"Who are you?" That was Sam's voice. I groaned and got to my feet.

There stood Sam and Dean Winchester. "Y/n?" Sam asked, sounding surprised just like last time.

"You guys crashing my hunt again?" I joked.

Alec looked at them, then at me. "Alec, this is Sam and the crabby looking one is Dean. Guys, this is Alec." I introduced them. They all shook hands.

"Alright, well I'm going to attempt this again." I said said a little sternly and grabbed my lighter fluid. As Alec grabbed his matches he was thrown just like I had been.

I scrambled for mine. As I dropped them the doctor's ghost tackled me. But he went up in flames quickly.

Alec rushed to me and helped me up. "Are you okay?" He looked me over.

I smiled up at him softly before nodding, "I'm fine, thanks. Are you alright?"

He chuckled, "Oh, I'm great. Good work." He kissed my head.

I felt Dean's eyes on us. I glanced over to see him almost glaring my way. We all left the room after the fire went out, and shut the wall back up.

"So, we chose the same hunt again, huh?" Sam asked awkwardly when it was still quiet between all of us.

"Yeah, I guess so. Funny that we keep doing that." I said with a small smile.

"Great minds think alike." Dean said.

I nodded, "Well, do you guys want to grab a drink?" I asked.

Alec shrugged, "I was thinking of going home for a couple days. Check in with my mom and all."

I smiled, "Okay. You should. She would probably love to see you. It's been a couple weeks."

"We could get a drink if you want, Y/n." Sam said with hope.

"Yeah, let me ride to my car with Alec and we can meet up."

"Alright. Uh, see you at the bar." Dean added.

Alec looked at me, "So, you know the infamous Winchester brothers?"

I laughed a bit nervously, "Yeah, we go way back. I hunted with them a couple years back."

"Oh. Wow, that's cool."

I shrugged, playing it down because he was so amazed. "I guess. It gets annoying at times, because they argue a lot."

He kissed me softly when we got to my car.

I smiled, "See you in a few days, Alec. Call if you need, or want."

"See you soon, gorgeous." I got out and went to my car.

I drove the fifteen minutes to the bar the boys had picked. Then I went in to find them.

"So, you got yourself a boyfriend?" Dean asked about twenty minutes in. He looked a little tipsy already.

"Oh you are one to talk." I grumbled back.

He played dumb, "Huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "You think I didn't hear about you leaving the life and being with Lisa?"

Sam looked between us awkwardly. Before Dean could respond I shook my head, "But no, he isn't exactly my boyfriend. It's exclusive, just nothing official. Not that it's any of your business."

"A year and a half ago it would've been." He fired back. Sam shifted uncomfortably.

"And then you dropped me. You walked away and chose Lisa... without even telling me. So you lost that right. But God, none of that matters anymore. Can we talk about something else?" I got a bit worked up.

"Fine. You're right." He grumbled.

"Thank you. So, Sam... how are you? How is Cass?" I asked happily. I haven't seen Cass since the day I walked away from their fight.

"I'm better now. Cass is uh... alright."

"Now? What's wrong?" I asked curiously.

He cleared his throat, "Uh, when I got sprung my soul stayed there with Michael and Lucifer. Uh, so Dean got Death to put it back."

"It's always something with you idiots, isn't it?" I joked, trying to lighten the tense mood.

Dean scoffed, "Well when you piss off both angels and demons, shit tends to bite you in the ass."

"You guys are still pissing off the dicks with wings?" I laughed a little.

"Oh yeah. We put their prize fighter in a cage with Lucifer, and stopped their apocalypse. The ones who don't follow or trust Cass tend to hate us."

I sat back and laughed lightly. "You guys are so entertaining."

"We live a hell of a life." Sam said with a chuckle.

My phone interrupted us. I answer it because it was Alec. "Hello?" No voice.

"Alec?" This time I heard a voice, but it wasn't his and it wasn't normal talking. It was a girl. "Yes! Alec... oh..."

I hung up, blinking back tears. Sure he isn't my boyfriend by we had an agreement to be exclusive.

"What was it? What's wrong?" Dean's voice was low and full of concern.

I blinked a few more times, trying to stop the tears. "Uh... it was Alec's phone. Pretty sure he didn't mean to call me."

"Meaning what?" Sam asked. Both brothers looked like they knew what I was about to say, and were pissed.

"He was having sex." I admitted and downed the rest of my beer.

Sam looked pissed and sympathetic. Dean just looked ready to rip Alec's head off. "Are you joking me? What a little prick." Dean growled.

I sighed, "I guess he didn't want to be exclusive after all... just for me to be. It's fine. At least I know. Now I can stop things with him." I tried to down play how pissed off and hurt I was.

"Are you alright?" Sam asked softly.

I put on a fake smile, "Yeah, just a bit thrown. Being exclusive was his idea. So you know.... how long has he... No, I'm fine. Screw him for lying."

We decided to get drunk. Or rather, for me to get drunk. I eventually tried to flirt with a random guy, so Dean scooped me up.

"Stop! I can flirt! You didn't want me anymore, I'm allowed! Stop ruining my fun!" I whined.

He huffed, looking to Sam.

Sam nodded and moved closer to me. "Hey, let's get going, okay? I'm pretty tired."

I groaned but smirked, "Okay, fine. Can we stop and get some snacks?"

He smiled, "Yeah, if you promise to drink some water."

Sam put an arm around my shoulders and guided me outside. Dean drove to a gas station.

Sam made me stay in the car with Dean, promising to get me snacks.

"Y/n... are you mad at me?" Dean sounded so serious.

I burst into a fit of giggles, "No. I used to be. I used to be so pissed, and so jealous. But can't be mad at you for doing what you did.... you didn't do anything wrong technically. You weren't my boyfriend. You love her. I'm fine." I rambled, watching Sam inside the building.

Dean sighed, "I'm sorry. I didn't give you the respect of at least calling to tell you. You deserved so much more from me. Twice now I have just abandoned you."

"Everyone does that to me. I'm used to it. I'm fine, okay?"

He turned around to look at me, so I glanced at him. His eyes caught my attention. They were full of sadness. "Y/n/n..."

"Dean, I mean it. I'm fine. I'm not mad at you. I'm not the girl who gets the guy to fall in love with her. Don't be hard on yourself for being with Lisa when you love her. I'm going to be fine. I always am."

I looked back out the window, and Sam was coming with two bags. I smiled hugely at him.

He got in and handed me a bag. It had my favorite pretzels, regular gummy worms, and a big bottle of water. "Thank you, Sam. You are the best!"

He laughed, "No problem." I opened the gummy worms and hummed as I ate one. They both laughed at me slightly.

"You and those damn worms." Dean mumbled.

When we got back, Sam went to bed. I sat on the couch with my snacks and started sipping on my water like I promised Sam.

Dean sat next to me with a smile. "Are you really okay? You don't really think of yourself so lowly, do you?"

I ignored his question and took a drink of my water. He sighed and put his hand on my thigh. I looked at him. Part of me wanted what we used to do. But the other part of me didn't because he chose Lisa.

I put a worm in my mouth, and his eyes watched.

So I grabbed another one and held it out to him. He slowly leaned forward and ate it, his tongue and lips teasing my fingers slightly. My eyes closed at the sensation.

His hand drifted up my thigh and he moved to pin me to the arm of the couch. When his lips pressed to mine I felt angry instead of turned on.

I shoved him off, "Dean, don't. You can't do this to me again. I can't do this with you anymore. I won't make it."

His face went from surprised to concerned. "Okay, sweetheart, I'm sorry. I deserve to lose you after what I did. I won't try anymore. I just... miss you."

I sighed, blinking fresh tears, "I miss you too, Dean. But I can't let myself go there again. Last time hurt, a lot. I... I... I should just go to bed." I said softly, chickening out from telling him that I care about him.

He nodded and smoothed my hair. "Let's get you tucked in then, okay?"

When I woke up I heard the two of them whispering about me. "I thought for sure you two would have snuck off to do what you used to do once I went off to bed."

Dean sighed, "Believe me, I wanted to. I think part of her did too. But she shut me down. I hurt her last time, Sam. You know she actually seems to believe that's just what she deserves? To be left behind? I messed up."

"Well between you doing that to her twice, then Alec... she's had it rough."

"I have to make it up to her, some how."

I rolled over and groaned as my head started to spin. Sam came over with a new bottle of water and pills. "Morning, sleepy head. Here, take this. It'll make you feel better." "Thanks."

A bit later I was up, showered and dressed. "So, what's your plan now?" Sam asked curiously.

I shrugged, "Not sure. I'm not working with Alec anymore. It would be too hard to trust him."

Dean nodded, "Well what about us? I know there's... us issues, but you could have Sammy back." He said softly.

I chewed my lower lip, thinking. "Maybe? I have really missed my best friend. We can try it. And see how it goes."

After a few days Alec called. I ignored it. He called five more times, and sent a couple messages asking what was wrong and where I was. I just kept ignoring him. We were on our way to a new case anyway.

As we sat in the diner that night, discussing what we found out during the day, Alec walked in. He smiled and walked toward me.

My body stiffened, making Sam and Dean raise their eyebrows before looking where I was. Dean's jaw flexed and he jumped from the booth just in time to block Alec from me.

"Whoa, what's..."

"You can turn right back around and leave, douchebag." Dean said calmly yet firmly.

I felt a wave of desire at his protective and stern nature. "What are you talking about? Y/n, what's..." He tried to step around Dean, but he was blocked.

People were looking so I stood up, putting my hand on Dean's shoulder. "I'll handle it, Dee. You two eat. I'll be right back."

He gave me a look, "You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Alec let's go outside."

"What the hell is this about?"

"Not in here." I said and started walking.

Once outside I crossed my arms and looked at him. "What's with your pissy face?  Didn't you miss me?"

I laughed, "No, Alec. Why would I miss someone who has been playing me for who knows how long?"

He still tried to play innocent. "What are you talking about? You spend a few days with these guys and suddenly you don't trust me?"

"This has nothing to do with Sam and Dean. This has to do with you. And where you were."

He rubbed his face, probably realizing he was caught but hoping I wasn't sure about it. "I went to see my mom, I told you that."

"Oh yeah? You always have sex with her when you go there?" He went silent. "That's what I thought. You're a piece of shit, Alec. We would've been fine if you had just been honest about not wanting to be exclusive. Hell, all of that was your idea! So I'm done. How did you find me anyway?"

He huffed, "I followed the GPS on your phone."

"Well, just... don't anymore, okay? I'm done with you as a friend and as a hunter. Leave and don't talk to me anymore."

He looked both sad and pissed. I wondered what on Earth he could be pissed about. "So that's it huh? You think you know something so you just walk away? How do I know you weren't doing anything with either of them while I was gone?"

I laughed, "Now who doesn't trust who. And for your information, I had the chance but said no. Not because of you, but I still said no; even knowing I was done with you anyway. Goodbye, Alec."

I walked back inside and sat across from the boys without a word. I picked at my food then looked up and saw them both staring at me, waiting for something. "What? I handled it."

Dean rolled his eyes, "How did it go? What did you say?"

"I told him I'm done and to not talk to me anymore. There's nothing more to it."

"You alright?" Sam asked, giving that damn puppy dog face with the soft eyes.

"I'm fine, guys. Can we just leave it alone and get back to work?"

Two weeks later I was doing fine. Dean kept to his word and didn't try anything with me. I appreciated having my friends back. Sam was the same old lug of a lumberjack I remembered.

It felt normal. But dammit... these feelings for Dean were coming back in a hurry the more nights we spent laughing and watching movies, or working together. What was I going to do?

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