Princess of Asgard

By belleblossom123

23.6K 330 67

'They may have always been my enemy, but I became their worst nightmare' We all know Asgards famous prince's... More

Princess of Asgard
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note

Chapter 2

1.8K 30 9
By belleblossom123

~~~~Time change ~~~~
Kiara : 6 years old
Thor : 11 years old
Loki : 10 years old

Innocent fun


Not to far from the exquisite royal gardens were the grassy fields that lead to; forests, lakes and mountain ranges. In this expanse of greenery there are more hues than anyone has ever named, yet here they are for any eye to see. The land rolls as it always has, as if it feels that time and space are one thing, that it rolls through the ages as much as to the horizon. Through out the vast land, green hills rose as if to blow kisses to the sky, upon a certain hill through the black heavens and sun-lit days, was a old wise tree. The tree is sentry to the landscape, the stoic guardian to so many souls, branches reach out as a hand to the sky, as beautiful as any new flower. Held tightly in one hand were two ropes that swung down to support a simple wooden plank creating a makeshift swing.

Kiara was perched on the swing holding onto the rope either side of her. She was wearing a cream ruffled dress that reached her feet, her platinum blonde hair beamed in reflection of the sun as it was illuminating the bright blue sky. It blew around in rhythm to the cool breeze as if it had a mind of its own, apart from the few strands of hair that were pulled back from the front of her face which her mother had put into a single plait. She was sat letting the wind direct the swing for her as she watched her brothers have a sword fight with small branches and sticks they would collect from the base of the weary tree (as they are not trusted with actual swords). It was always entertaining for Kiara to watch her brothers play as with this game they would rush out and the first one to find the best stick or branch usually won the fight in the end. In this case it was Loki who bettered Thor in finding the better makeshift sword, but they fought for ages until Thor finally knocked Loki over then stepped on his sword.

"Seriously, Thor that is so cheating in a real fight you can not just step on someone's sword and win," Loki shouted clearly very annoyed.

"Well, brother father always says make the most of your enemies weakness and yours was having a twig for a sword," Thor replied trying to outsmart his brother.

"Are you two arguing," Kiara chimed in.

"I forgot you were here," Thor spoke as he stamped more on the already broken twig eventually kicking it away.

"Heyyy," Kiara whined, she always got annoyed when her brothers left her out or simply forgot her.

She swiftly jumped off her swing causing it to sway in the light breeze and proceeded to help her brother up off the floor.

"Can you teach me," she said simply, "What?" they questioned simultaneously.

"Teach you what," her brothers asked confused.

"How to play your game like the one with the swords," Kiara replied with wide open hopeful eyes staring deep into her brothers as if to manipulate them with her eagerness.

"Ok fine, but no real swords," Loki finally replied brining a even wider smile to her beaming face.

"And do not tell father. I am sure he will not be happy if he knew that you were learning this without adult supervision," Thor added.

"Lighten up brother nothing bad is going to happen, it is only a game." Loki rolled his eyes at his brother.

"So where do we start," Kiara asked confidently placing her hands on her hips.

The princes looked around the tree for any fallen twigs or small branches and successfully found three and gave the smallest to the princess. They taught her how to stand properly and a few moves, but seeing as she is only 4 most of it went over her head and she would just do her own thing.

"Well, we will make a warrior out of you some day," Ferguson came over wearing his usual black, Brown and silver attire his unmistakable scar resting on his left cheek. He patted Kiara on the head causing her to smile.

"Lord Calder Lord Ferguson what are you doing out here," Loki questioned, his breathing still heavy from fighting earlier.

"We came out to do our rounds checking guards among other things and thought we would come and give you some water," Ferguson answered, holding a thin wooden tray balancing 3 full small glasses each covered in detailed artistry.

"Here take one," Calder passed a glass into Loki's awaiting hands.

He stared down and took in the sharp sour smell confusion written on his face.

"What is this," he stared back up at the lords his siblings looking at him in disarray.

"The cooks are using some new fruits from Vanaheim," Ferguson reassures the young Prince.

"No that is not fruit I have smelt this before while working with mother on her draughts," he glares at the two lords.

"Oh well it cannot be that bad," Thor exclaims as he goes to take a drink.

"Don't you fool," Loki knocks the drink out of Thor's hand.

"Or you," Loki looks at Kiara watching as she puts the drink back onto the tray Ferguson was holding.

"This has got some herbs in that can cause drowsiness and power binding properties, why would the chefs put that in there."

"I do not know why that is in there I will take it back and question immediately," Calder went to grab Loki's drink but he held tight.

"I will take this in and examine it myself then I will prosecute and kill whoever thought they could use this on us or anyone here," he firmly ordered.

"Your going to kill someone," Kiara stared up at her big brother with a worried look.

"What, er, no, just shush," Loki spoke quieter as Thor pulled Kiara into a side hug slightly blocking her from what's happening.

"No, he is not, Prince Loki with all due respect you are merely a child with no powers in court to do anything like that, unlike us we can sort this just trust us," Ferguson tried to reason with Loki.

"Fine, but I expect to find out anything important like if this was on purpose or who it was aimed at," Loki spoke more calmer as he backed down.

"Of course your majesty, I will see you three around carry on playing."

They picked up Thor's empty glass and took Kiara's swiftly leaving three alone.

"So, now what?" Thor asked his arm still slumped over his little sisters shoulders.

"You can finish teaching me to sword fight," Kiara offered.

"Fine, don't see why not now those incentive lords have gone," Loki rolled his eyes.

"I think we have had enough for one day we do not want it getting out of hand again," Thor warned Loki.

"Relax brother, you need to lighten up a bit."


The three siblings battled, makeshift swords flew through the air so did many kicks and punches, until Thor accidentally hit Kiara too hard causing her to fall and start to cry.

"Well done Thor now we might get banned from playing this game too," Loki replied sarcastically rolling his eyes at Thor as he began to walk over to his sister.

"I told you this was a bad idea," Thor was now panicking and rushed over to Kiara to try and get her to stop crying so their father wouldn't get annoyed at them. They had tried; to hug her, tell her a stories, make jokes but Kiara still continued to sob despite their best efforts.

"Oooo, I know what to do," Loki jumps up and picks his sister up resting her on his hip a smirk tugging at his lips.

"Let's go and throw Thor off your favourite bridge."

Kiara furrows her eye brows and stares at her brother confused then to Thor who was about to lose it.

"WHAT!" Thor yelled.

"You know she loves that one bridge and goes with mother all the time," Loki calmly replied, unfazed by what he just threatened to do.

"The poo stick bridge, me and mother throw loads of sticks over and it is a race to see which one goes to the other side first," Kiara says though her sobs.

"Yeah that one, come on Thor grab some twigs and let's go," Loki says as he switches his sister to his other hip and starts walking in the general direction of the bridge which joins the fields that they were currently playing in into the deep Asgardian forest which they have been warned not to go in.

They made their way to the bridge, it was a welcoming arch of golden bricks amid in the green hills. Loki gently places Kiara down onto the soft green grass as Thor distributed a twig per person and on the count of three they threw them in. They all dramatically ran to the opposing side of the bridge precariously staring over the edge stalking their racer as if it was a high stake race. Kiara was now very focused on the game and had completely forgotten about the previous incident.

"Yessss, I have won!" Thor yelled.

"Nooo not fair," Kiara shouted as she leaned over the edge of the bridge and wafted her hand in mid air above the river in an attempt to try and move her twig a head of the others.

But, she did. The water around her twig moved faster allowing it to swiftly over take. "Now I am winning," she laughed satisfied she beat her brothers.

Loki and thor are in a stunned silent they stared at her in shock watching her do a celebratory dance as they noticed her eyes turn to a deep ocean blue, swirling round as if the sea were in her eyes.

Did their sister just move water with her bare hand and why were her eyes looking like the ocean was slowly taking over her usually calm baby blue eyes. They stared at each other their confused stance reflected in each other, both silent and stuck in their thoughts until they heard a rustling coming the nearby bushes.

All three of their heads whipped cautiously towards the noise, Loki held his arm in front of Kiara signalling for her to step behind him as Thor did the same then took a defensive step forward.

For all they know it could just be a bird, but something felt off.

Then an arrow came piercing through the bush narrowly passing Thor's right side. The three siblings didn't know what to do as a second arrow comes flying towards them but something blocks it.

"Lord Ferguson is that you?" Thor asked, trying to put on a brave face as he keeps his arm in front of his sister and a step ahead of his brother.

"Yes, it is," the Lord replies as he moves his shield and himself to be between the children and the bush.

"Are you three alright your majesties?" he asked, very concerned that someone tried to shoot at the royal children.

"Yes I ... I think so," Thor managed to squeak out still trying to process what just happened.

"They might shoot you sir your standing right in front of the bush," Loki states.

"It is fine, you three run straight back to the palace and go straight to your father or a guard I will come find you when I deal with this ... Understand," Lord Furguson said as the three kids nodded.

He watched Thor pick up his sister as they ran off to find someone, he had turn around to deal with whoever tried to kill them.

Large golden arcs held the structure of the empty hall way, as the running of small feet echoed around the walls. The siblings ran in the palace not looking where they were going until they ran straight into someone.

"Children what in the heavens do you think you are doing running in the palace like that!" Odin yelled at his children, but quickly changed his tone when he saw the look in their eyes.

"What happened sons?" Odin spoke softly, crouching down to their level.

"We were on that bridge that connects the gardens to the forest," Thor replied still catching his breath.

"And then someone shot an arrow twice, but Lord Ferguson blocked the second one," Loki added, also catching his breath.

"Okay where is he now?" Odin asked slowly as Thor placed Kiara on the ground, she got heavy after a while.

Kiara slowly meandered her way to seek comfort in her father's arms as she was still unsure of everyone's tense mood.

"I do not know, he told us to find you and that he will deal with whatever it was in the bush," Thor said.

"Your majesty are they alright, we have taken care of the attackers they will not be bothering you any more," Lord Ferguson told Odin as he walked in with his friend Calder at his side.

"Thank you my friend, I assume you are still joining us for dinner tonight," Odin asked his friends as he rose back to his feet with his daughter now clung onto his legs.

"Of course your highness," Calder answered as him and Ferguson nodded and left to go get ready.

"Now my children you three must get dressed nicely as we have a few more members of the council joining us for dinner so no feast hall and all of you must be on your best behaviour understand," Odin spoke whilst rubbing Kiara's head and bringing his two sons in for a short hug.

"Yes father," the three children replied as they all headed to their chambers.

They walked down the vast corridors together in silence listening to the echoes coming from their feet still stunned by the past events. Eventhough they are brought up around war, warriors and fighting they've never been attacked like that before. But the three of them put on a brave face and brushed past the fact that someone tried to hurt them, besides Ferguson and Calder said they sorted it so they had no need to worry.



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