*Error* MysticMessenger x rea...

By Simply-Shea

39 10 5

23 year old YouTube sensation (y/n) (l/n) has been working with RFA from the beginning, being friends with Ri... More


Family time....

12 2 0
By Simply-Shea

I felt Jumin squeeze my hand for a second as I knocked on the door. After a few seconds of waiting we could hear a yell from inside the house. "H-hang on! I'll be there in a second!" Mother opened the nice wooden door and smiled. "Hey! Sweetie, how are you?" She grabbed my free hand and dragged us inside.

"I'm a great mom." I smiled back at her.

"And who's this?" She looked at Jumin then smirked at me.

"Gah- Uhm. This is-" I fumbled my words as Jumin walked towards her letting go of my hand and shaking hers.

"I'm Jumin Han, your daughter's boyfriend." His voice wasn't any different than normal and he didn't stutter at all. I felt my face grow red without even seeing it. I covered my face as I tried to hide it. Mom walked towards me and grabbed my hands from my face. "Oh really now~?" She winked at me and walked back over to Jumin.

"How did my daughter end up with such a handsome boyfriend?" She sighed a bit. "Alright let's not just stand here. Follow me to the dining room please."

Jumin offered me his hand smirking at me as I only rolled my eyes. "Why did we decide on this again?" I whispered to him.

"I just thought it would be funny." He whispered back as he leaned towards my ear to say it. As he leaned back to follow mother I could see him eyeing my from the side of his eye just smirking at me. I just wanted to run away.

As an excuse, I ran towards my mom. "Hey, where's dad?"

She sighed and looked down a hallway. "He's in his room. Said he didn't want to see you. Well, that wasn't his exact words but it's the mellowed-down version of what he said..." she avoided eye contact as I only stared at her eyes.

I sighed and looked back at Jumin and grabbed his hand leading him to a seat. He sat there for a second then stood up again. I assumed he got bored...

I was talking to mom in the kitchen as she was finishing up with the meal. "You might want to tell Jumin that dinners almost ready."Mom smiled.

"Yeah, yeah I'll go.." but as I was about to turn around I felt a head on top of my head and arms wrap around my waist. I turned quickly and noticed Jumin smiling at me. "Wh-what are you doing!"

"Just resting on my girlfriend." He said so calmly. I covered my face with my hands as he just rested his head on mine. Mom just smiled.

"Dinner will be done in a minute just have to finish a few things. You two can go sit in the living room if you want?"

I quickly nodded my head and squeezed out of his hug and dragged him to the living room. "What the heck? What was that for?" I looked at Jumin confused.

We were in the middle of the living room. You couldn't see the kitchen from the living room. He walked closer to me as I stepped back. He only kept walking closer until I walked into a wall. He grabbed my chin and moved it side to side as I avoided eye contact with him. He pulled my chin close to his face barely any room in between. He laughed a bit then leaned down to my ear. "Is this proof enough I'm not gay?" He leaned back as I looked at him confused still.

Out of nowhere, I started dying of laughter. "Jumin! Pfttt! You idiot! I know your not gay!" I kept laughing. "Yoosung just thought it was weird that I invited you to my parents' house so I did that so he wouldn't think what I know he was!" I just kept laughing still pretty close to Jumin's face.

He stepped back and patted my head. "Glad you think it's funny." He smiled a bit.

"Very funny." I laughed again.

We sat on the couch chitchatting for a bit until Mom came inside the living room. "Hey! Lovebirds, time for food!" We stood up and walked to the dining room and sat at the table. Just as I had gotten food on my plate I heard a door slam.

"What the hell is going on here!" Dad came out of the hallway.

I just stared confused at him then looked at Jumin as if to say sorry. He nodded at me to assure me it was okay.

"Not here, please. I told you y/n was coming." Mom said.

"I told you I didn't want to see that bitch!" He yelled I tensed up my body quickly and squinted my eyes. I felt something touch my hand and I slowly opened my eyes to see Jumin looking at me as he rubbed his thumb on my hand. It was a comforting feeling.

"What the hell is wrong with you! Calling our daughter a bitch! And you claim to be a good person, Jesus!" Mom screamed and pointed at Dad as I stood up and grabbed Jumin's hand walking out of the house sitting on the porch swing.

I buried my face deep into my hands. Jumin shut the front door as I could still hear screaming from inside. He sat down next to me making the swing move. "Did you look through the messages from today?" He asked.

"Oh, not yet.." I sighed and raised my head from my hands. "Was it sometimes important?"

"No. Not really. You can always read it later if you want." Then I could hear a loud crash from inside. It sounded like glass shattering. I stood up quickly and as I was about to open the door I felt a jerk on my hand keeping me in place. Jumin was holding onto my wrist tightly and wasn't letting go. I just looked at him seriously in confusion. "Don't go." He said calmly.

I turned my head. "What if-" he stood up and put his finger to my mouth shushing me. The house had grown quiet. I turned and ran inside, this time Jumin let me. As I opened the door I saw mom at the door looking as if she was just about to open the door.

She held her hand to her neck looking nervous. "Hey, y/n. I don't think it's safe right now. You know how your dad gets." She sighed and looked away. "I'm sorry that you can't eat here tonight. Maybe when your dad's not home you and Jumin can visit again. And again I'm so-"

I stopped her in the middle of her sentence and hugged her. "Mom," I whispered, "it's okay. And it's not your fault so don't blame yourself. Jumin and I will just go eat somewhere else. Okay? So don't worry about us." I let go of her and stepped back and looked at Jumin and smiled slightly.

"Alright, then I love you." She said. "And if you stay with him don't do... well anything indecent..." she looked away and sighed again.

"Gah! Nope, mom! We aren't doing anything like that!" Then as I was panicking Jumin turned me around and got close to my face.

"You sure about that?" He smiled a bit. I just stared blankly at him, to the point where I thought my soul had just left my body. "Kidding." He said blankly.

I sighed a sigh of relief and felt my body come back to life after that scare. "Love you, mom. Talk to you later, okay?"

"Yep. Bye." She huffed air out of her nose.

"Love you a lottle!" I smiled and laughed.

"Yeah yeah, whatever!" She smiled a bit but tried to hide it. I was trying to be happy to make her feel better but as soon as I left the house and stepped outside again I felt so lightheaded. I couldn't focus on anything until I noticed I was on the ground on my knees.

"Hey, you okay?" Jumin asked as he looked back at me and held out his hand to help me up.

"Ye- yeah I'm fine." I took his hand as he lifted me up off of the ground. I dusted off my clothes and followed Jumin to his car.

As I sat in the comfortable car seat I looked at the time on my phone. 6:21. "Hey, Jumin, do you want to go eat? I'll pay."

"No need." He looked at his driver and made a sort of hand signal which I Han no idea what had meant. 'So are we going to go eat orrrrrr....' I thought in my head. I held onto my shirt and sat in the car trying to figure out what the heck was going on. While I waited I got on the group chat. Maddi was online.

Y/n: heyo! Maddi wassup?!

Maddi: not much what about you?

Y/n: Going somewhere with Jumin.

Maddi: oh!

Maddi: ooo

Maddi: where to?

Y/n: no idea T-T

Y/n: we were going to eat but now I have no idea...

Maddi: how does that even happen?

Y/n: don't ask x_x

I pink heart floated onto the screen. I wondered how many of them I was going to see.

Y/n: oh we just made it in town it's super pretty!


You don't have to see y/n like this, it's just how I imagine her but that's the emoji she sent. Tell me if I should keep doing emojis like this or just say what they look like. If you don't like the drawing I can always just use the bases for it so you can imagine it more how you like.

Maddi: I bet! And also your emoji is super pretty.

Y/n: thanks! Seven made them for us. He said mine was pretty difficult because of my hair but I think they turned out pretty good.

Another pink heart flew around the screen. They sorta started filling me with excitement.

Jumin looked over at my phone because he noticed me laughing and smiling. He sat back in his seat after seeing what I was doing. He didn't pull out his phone and instead just sat there.

Y/n: have you eaten dinner yet Maddi?

Maddi: not yet but I'm about to."

Y/n: that's not good make sure you have three meals a day... at least alright.

Y/n: Jumin looks so grumpy.

I took a picture of him with his arms crossed and sent it to the group chat.

Maddi: omg....

Maddi: he does!!!

Y/n: I canttttttt he's too serious right now!

I laughed as another heart went by on my screen.

Maddi: what if you tickled him? Think he would still look serious?

Y/n: I don't even know if he's ticklish...

Maddi: you could find out XD

Y/n: bet!

Y/n: if I die it was worth it!

Maddi: don't die, please!

Y/n has left the chatroom.

I turned off my phone and sat it on the middle seat in between us as I leaned over and stuck my hands close to Jumin's stomach and started to tickle him.

"What are you doing?" He asked not phased at all.

"Well... you looked moody so I was trying to tickle you to make you happy." I laughed nervously. "Please don't kill me..." I mumbled.

"Well, I'm happy that your here but I wish you would talk to me instead of talking to Maddi on the phone."

"Oh sorry." I looked down at the ground.

"It's fine." I looked back up at him and smiled as I leaned back into my seat.

After a few more minutes in the car with some small chatter, we arrived at Jumin's house. "Huh?" My brain stopped as Jumin's driver opened my door. I stepped out mindlessly as Jumin led me inside. He took off his coat as he stepped inside. A few seconds later Elizabeth the 3rd waddled her way to Jumin and rubbed herself on his leg. He bent down to pet her and smiled. Seeing him smile made me smile.

"Jumin, may I pet Elizabeth too?" I bent down as she looked at me and meowed. She then made her way to me and rubbed on my leg too.

"Yes, I'm glad your not like seven." I pet Elizabeth's soft fur and smiled even more.

"She's so pretty." I laughed a bit.

"Of course she is," Jumin said as he walked towards one hallway. He walked a bit then turned around to face me. "Are you coming?" I looked at him confused but stood up Anyways.

"Where are we going?" I mumbled to Miss Lizzie, as I called her. She just meowed as I followed Jumin down the hall.

I could feel my heart race as I took every step. Where are we going? I asked myself again. Suddenly we came to a big open room with a table and chairs. Jumin pulled out a chair and offered me to sit in it. I sat down as he sat in another chair.

Ohhhhhh...... diner. That makes more sense. I laughed nervously to myself. Wasn't thinking anything else, nope. No way! I smacked my cheeks with my hands as Jumin looked at me confused for a second then seemed to ignore it.

"Dinner will be out in a minute. It was a short notice so the meal won't be anything too fancy." Jumin said.

"Oh, it's okay. I'm sure it'll taste great either way." I smiled. Within a few minutes, the food was brought out and sat down along with wine and water.

My glass was poured. I took a sip and enjoyed the taste of it. I took a bit of the freshly cooked meal and smiled at the flavor of it. "So good!" I smiled as I ate my food.

"Glad you like it." Jumin took a sip of his wine.

I took small bites of the delicious food and eventually the bites got bigger until it was all gone. All of the wine in my glass was gone too. I suppose I had drunk it at some point. 

I grabbed my phone real quick. "Hey Jumin life if I post a video of us on social media?"

"I don't really care."

"Okay!" I smiled and grabbed my phone as I started filming.

"Heeeyyyyy Juminnnn?!"

"What?" He said unimpressed.

"Am I your bestie?"

"No." He wiped his mouth his napkin and didn't even look at the camera or at me.

"... theeennnn who is?"

"Elizabeth the 3rd."

"Miss Lizzie?!" I hollered as she walked inter my legs and meowed. "...we'll now that you mention it..." I smiled. "She is sorta cute." I found myself staring at her. I ended the video and uploaded it to Instagram. Within a second it had many likes and comments. I couldn't read them but I told myself I would later.

"Y/n," Jumin said.

"Hmm?" I poked my head from under the table because I was petting Lizzie.

"You act so different on camera than in person."

"Oh.." I sighed a bit. "Yeah, but if I acted normal then people wouldn't enjoy it as much."

"Why does that matter?"

"Because it's my job. You don't focus emotions into your job, do you?"

"No. But your job deals with emotions while mine does not."

"Hmm... maybe. But in a way, it's like acting... I'm putting on a show for others to see." I sat fully back into my chair as Lizzie left to Jumin's feet. "So I think it's okay to act differently."

"I suppose." Jumin said blankly as he took one last bite of his food then stood up. "It's late. I'll have my driver bring you home. You'll be safe with him so don't worry. Talk to you tomorrow."

"Right. Bye Jumin." I smiled. "Take care of yourself." I turned to leave. "Love you a lottle, Elizabeth!"

"Just say a lot, please," Jumin said.

"But it's like I live you a little, but instead a lot." I turned back to him and smiled. He only rolled his eyes a bit and sighed.

"Have a safe ride back."

"Alright." I walked out of the door to his house and got into the car as his driver drove me back to the house. I stepped out of the car and thanked the driver and went inside my house making sure to unlock the door then locking it back. I sighed then flopped myself onto the couch. I smushed my face into the comfy pillows as I reached for my feet to throw my shoes at the door. With some effort I managed to get them off and threw them in the general direction of the door, a semi-loud flip came after I assume the shoes hit the ground or wall.

Begrudgingly I rolled over and stared at the ceiling and recalled the events of today. Oh sighed a bit, the warm air coming from my nose filled the room but soon disappeared. Invisible, just like me. It was there, but not seen. I raised my arm and rested it on my forehead still looking at the ceiling. "Bitch." I muttered. Of course, I knew why dad said that. He always believed in hard work rather than entertainment, but it's worse than it's gaming. Dad always hated when I played games. I laughed as I remember him throwing away my first Xbox that I had saved up for.

I felt a cold streak fall down my face. "Great." I sighed. I wiped it quickly and rose up from the couch and felt as the blood came rushing back to my body. I stood up and shook my arms getting my blood pumping again. I went to my room and changed my clothes throwing the previous ones in the hamper. I just grabbed a pair of sweats so I was just in a bra and my pants. I put on my favorite pair of socks, because they were super comfy. I looked at the time on my phone. 8:02 P.m.

I grabbed my phone as I went to the messenger. As it was loading I walked to the bathroom and washed my face. Once I dried my face I saw Maddi online.

Y/n: hey Maddi!

Maddi: heyo!

Y/n: hey I was wondering...

Y/n: wouldn't your name usually be spelled, Maddie?

Y/n: don't want to be rude just asking...

Maddi: You're fine!

Maddi: it's just a nickname. My real name is Madelyn, it would be weird to spell it 'Made' so I just spell it 'Maddi.'

Y/n: ooooooo that makes sense.

I laughed a bit as a pink heart flew around the screen.

Y/n: oh Zen is online too.

Maddi: Zen are you readings your lines?

Zen: oh.. yes.

Zen: I was just reading the script.

Y/n: nice.

Zen: There's a lot of content in here.

Zen: I thought I should at least have the character figured out.

Zen: Oh, right.

Zen: Maddi.

Zen: the original writer is a member of some romance novel organization.

Zen: It doesn't seem that small.

Zen: And there are quite a lot of talented people in it too.

Maddi: Then why are you telling me..?

Zen: You are working in Rika's place. ^^

Zen: Nothing specific has been decided about the party

ZEN: but it's nice to have a list of guests beforehand.

Y/n: yep he's right!

Zen: ^^, of course, I am~

Zen: Should I contact them... and tell them to send an email to RFA?

Maddi: Sounds good.

Zen: Okay. I'll tell them.

Zen: If you talk to them and don't really feel sure...

Zen: You can be the judge and respond ^^

Zen: Anyways, I want to be a helpful person to you.

Y/n: wow! Good job zen!

Zen: Yep. I'm amazing~

Zen: I'll tell you if I find anything else ^^

Zen: I'll go and read the script again.

Maddi: Looking forward to your awesome performance.

Zen: Okay.

Zen: Thank you for encouraging words ^^

Y/n: bye bye!

Zen: bye~

Zen has left the chatroom.

Y/n: Hey Maddi, I need to get ready for bed have classes tomorrow at SKY.

I sent a sighing emoji that said, "depression" as it was posted.

Maddi: Alright. Have a good night y/n.

Y/n: yep! You too!

A pink heart flew around as I exited the chatroom. I laid my phone on the sink and grabbed my toothbrush. I put toothpaste onto the toothbrush and brushed my teeth making sure to clean them well. I rinsed my toothbrush once I was done and set it back into the holder. I noticed the holder had more than one spot for toothbrushes. There were two holes. It was clearly meant to be for a two-person bathroom but half its potential is being wasted with me.

I had already taken a shower so I didn't worry too much about it, plus I knew I would rinse off in the morning before I left for school.

I grabbed my school bag from by the door and took out a paper and laid it on my kitchen counter. I went to the fridge and pulled out a gallon of tea and poured it into a glass. I sat the class on the counter and pulled up a stool for me to sit on.

As soon as I had sat down I realized that I hadn't grabbed my pencil. I went to my bag and bent down to look through the pockets. "The hell?" I shook my bag upside down as I watched paper fall out of my bags. There was an envelope inside but no pencil. I threw the envelope onto the table. It wasn't important at the moment, what was important was my pencil. I searched the entire house for a pencil and couldn't find one. I let out a loud groan as I felt like pulling out my hair. I needed to finish taking notes on this paper because the professor had hinted at there being an exam over it in a few weeks.

I ran rampant around the house. I looked at the time again. 8:21. "Still time." I was about to walk out of my door but then I realized I was only in a bra and sweats. I shook my head furiously as I ran back into my room and grabbed a random t-shirt and threw it on. "Frick. Frick. Frick." I muttered as I ran out the door and rushed towards the nearest store. It was a five-minute walk but it could be a 2-minute jog. I rushed quickly and when I made it there I realized that I really didn't have to run because it closed at 9:00......

I screamed in my head at my stupidity and opened the store door a bit violently, causing the store clerk to jump a bit from his seat. I could hear him sigh and mutter a few words as I went towards the small section in the corner of the convenience store that, well conveniently had pencils. The section was small but had been there since the store opened. I could hear a small bell ring indicating someone had walked in. I supposed the section was meant for idiots like me. I picked up a package of pencils and went to find the price sticker on it, flipping it back and forth. suddenly I felt a pair of hands covering my eyes making everything pitch black.

"Guess who!" A familiar voice said.

I grabbed the hands and removed them from my face while saying, "Hmm, let me guess! It's seven!" I turned around in joy!

"Yep! That's right!" He raised his hands in the air.

I walked close and hugged him tightly. "It's been ages it feels like. I know we text on the group... but even though you live in the same neighborhood we haven't seen each other in a while."

"Yeah," seven sighed as I let go of him and stepped back. "I've been busy."

"I know." I smiled kindly. "Got to make a living somehow!" I shrugged.

"Yep!" Seven's face changed from a bit sad to happy as he pats my head ruffling my hair a bit.

"What did you come here for?" I asked flipping the pencils again and finally finding the price tag.

"Oh, I ran out of Ph.D. Pepper. Sooo I came to get more. But then, I saw a familiar h/c haired girl named y/n!" Seven said happily but then sighed.

"Seven," I looked at him seriously. "You don't have to fake being happy with me. It makes me sad seeing you try so hard to be happy." I grabbed his arm reassuringly.

"Hmm?! What are you talking about y/n?! I'm perfectly happy!" He smiled.

I sighed a bit letting go of his arm. "Right. I'll see you around then. I need to finish a few things. You're welcome over any time though."

"Thanks, y/n." Seven smiled sadly. "If I didn't have work I'd be over there all the time."

As I had been walking to the front desk I turned back as I heard him say that. "Let me help." I said quietly but still loud enough for him to hear.

"You know I can't do that." He said sternly.

"I'll sign a contract!" I said excitedly.

"No." Seven said, again in a stern tone.

"Too late! I'm coming over tomorrow!" I shouted.

Seven shook his head and facepalmed. "Dammit.... Fine but stop getting people's attention." He whispered.

"Nobody here." I pointed out as we both looked around the room blankly.

"Oh," he said. "But still!"

"Yeah, yeah whatever, loser! See you tomorrow after I finish classes!"

"I hope you know Arabic!" Seven snickered.

"Arabic?" I questioned. "I'll learn!"

"You better." He laughed a bit with me joining in a tiny bit.

I walked to the front counter laying my package of pencils down and looked down for my wallet realizing I left it. Seven stood close behind me as the store clerk looked a bit annoyed. "$2:56." He said as I fumbled through my pockets. looking down, I felt an arm reach over me and a warmth touch my back. It was Seven. He reached over and placed the exact change on the counter.

"I got it." Seven winked making my buffer a bit.

"Huh? No, no I'll pay for it."

"With what money?" He asked snickering.

"Uhm... I'll pay you back. Tomorrow!" I grabbed my pencils and nodded at Seven as a way of thanking him. I walked out the store door as I heard the bell ding.

I walked to my house quickly making sure I was taking the right path from it being dark and me being known for getting lost easily. Once I made it back I threw off my shoes and shirt. I locked my door and turned around to notice the mess I had made from ransacking my house for a pencil. As I looked for what to clean first my eyes caught on an envelope that I had seen fall out of my bag earlier. I surely didn't place it there so I was quite confused.

The envelope was yellow and had my name on it with a heart next to it. I sighed knowing what it was but opened it anyway. Inside was a typed note with no name. On the note, it read, "𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕪/𝕟 𝕝/𝕟,
𝕀'𝕧𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝕟𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖,
𝕪𝕖𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟'𝕥 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕞𝕖 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕝𝕟𝕖.
𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕖𝕪𝕖𝕤 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕔𝕒𝕟'𝕥 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕒𝕚𝕣,
𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕗𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕀 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕖.
𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕤𝕙 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕪𝕠𝕦,
𝔹𝕦𝕥 𝕀'𝕝𝕝 𝕤𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕟𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦.
-𝕝𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕟 𝕕𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕣"
As I read each line I felt my face get redder and redder. It was cheesy but cute. I smiled and pinned the note on my fridge. The, "I've been near you," part kind of scared me but the rest was quite cute. I took a picture of it and went online to the messenger. Yoosung, Jumin, and Zen were online.


Y/n: I got this in my bag today.

Zen: Wow.

Zen: Our little girl is all grown up, getting fans and stealing hearts already.

Jumin: How ignorant.

Yoosung: that's cute. Do you like it?

Y/n: yeah, I put it on my fridge! I like how sweet it is, but... the first line scared me a bit.

Jumin: You mean, "I've been near you all this time,"?

Y/n: Yeah... that one.

Zen: maybe it's a friend?

Y/n: Yoosung's my only friend, and I highly doubt he wrote it. Right Yoosung?

Yoosung: Soeey im gsmunh

Yoosung: talk l8er

Yoosung has left the chatroom.

Jumin: Maybe it was Yoosung who sent it.

Y/n: Nah, why would he send it?

Zen: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe he likes you?

Y/n: Nahhhhhh

Zen: He better not! No boys near my child!

Y/n: Zen, chill. Your only a few years older than me.

Zen: Fine! No boys near my little sister!

Y/n:ಠ_ಠ that doesn't make it any better.

Zen: No boys!

Y/n: Whatever....

Maddi has entered the chatroom.

Maddi: what's going on?

Jumin: somebody sent y/n a love letter.

Maddi: oh, I see. Cool!

Y/n: thanks!
A pink heart floated on the screen.♡︎

Y/n: oh! Maddi!

Y/n: Guests!!!

Y/n: I found one, if it's alright I thought we might be able to invite a friend of mine who's a therapist for broken families.

Zen: well that's kinda dark.

Jumin: Well I don't blame her after what I heard today.

Y/n: Sorry Jumin. But what do you say, Maddi?!

Maddi: Yeah, sounds great!

Y/n: Great!
Another pink heart flew around.

Jumin: Y/n, do you want to eat lunch with me tomorrow?

Y/n: uhmmmm

Y/n: cant...

Zen: no boys!

Y/n: I have somewhere to go tomorrow so I won't be able to. Plus I have afternoon classes tomorrow too.

Zen: Ha!

Jumin: that's fine, maybe another time then.

Y/n: Yep!

Zen: No, you can't hang out with that guy y/n.

Y/n: why?

Zen: Well, he's a guy. And you'd be alone with him, eating. Alone.... So it's like a date!

Y/n: but it's not so.....

Maddi: y/n Can hang out with Jumin if she wants. ^^

Y/n: Yeah.
A pink heart circled.♡︎

Jumin: and so what if it is a date. That's none of your business, Zen.

Zen: but I can't allow that.

Y/n: My lord Zen. I'm going to do what I want. Thanks for being protective though^^

Jumin: look now she's mad at you.

Zen: huh!

Y/n: I'm leaving^^

Y/n: Have a goodnight Jumin and Maddi!

Maddi: night!

Y/n: Yep!
I watched the pink heart fly around in its same movement making me smile.♡︎

Zen: what about me!?

Y/n: ^^

Y/n: you might wanna hope I don't run into you tomorrow... at all.

Jumin: Zen, you know she hates controlling people, idiot.

Zen: I'm not an idiot, at least I don't worship a furball!

Y/n has left the chatroom.

"Sheeeshhhhh!" I sighed. A bunch of losers is what they are. "I know Zen just wants to protect me but I'm not a little kid." I looked around the room realizing I still had a hell of a mess to clean. "Shit." I looked at the time depressingly falling to my knees from the stress.

I figured it was time to get straight to work!
Despite it being pure hell.


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