toxic | j. baker¹

By baxteravenue

283K 5.2K 1.4K

In which the "it girl" with daddy issues and the quarterback with daddy issues connect over a mutual bond of... More

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book 2


3.6K 82 35
By baxteravenue

Luna adjusted the blanket that was thrown over her body, slightly stirring in her sleep. She felt a presence near her and internally screamed once she realized Olivia was probably staring at her, waiting for her to wake up. This was usually how their sleepovers went, Luna was always the one who slept in while Liv woke up early and would practically watch her sleep and waited until she woke up.

"I can feel you staring."

"I'm bored," Olivia poked her cheek. "And we have school, soon."

A part of Luna had wished she didn't sleepover but since the incident with the policeman that had followed Liv the other day due to everything happening with the Tamika Pratt case, she just felt that her friend might need someone. Plus, Luna's parents were out of town and she never enjoyed staying in her huge empty house by herself.

She opened her eyes. "If I wake up will you stop poking me?"

"Yes!" Liv clapped her hands together. "Up, up!"

Luna rolled out of bed, glaring at her. "Dude...I'm gonna need you to tone it down. It's way too early to be that happy."

Olivia rolled her eyes, droning on about how it's never too early to be happy. But, Luna tuned her out as she dragged her items into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Once she was done getting ready, she peeked her head into her boyfriend's room and frowned once she realized he was gone.

"That's my shirt!" Liv pointed at her.

"Literally everything I'm wearing is straight from your closet," she admitted. "Sorry, not sorry."

She gaped her mouth open. "Dude!"

Luna shrugged innocently, applying her lip gloss. "Hey, uh, where's Jordan? He wasn't in his room."

"How should I know?" Liv threw her hands up. "You're the one dating him."

Luna picked up her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder. She threw her a glare as they stepped out of the room and ran down the steps.

"Oh, just in time," Billy smiled at them. "Cinnamon doughnuts for my favorite daughter."

"Ooh! What about me, Mr. B!" Luna held her hand out.

Billy handed her a Tupperware. "Cinnamon donuts for my second favorite daughter."

"That's what I like to hear," Luna grinned.

"You haven't made these in forever, Dad," Liv said. "What's the occasion?"

"It's a token of our appreciation," Billy said. "You've handled yourself with grace and maturity this entire week."

"Of course, I mean going to school in your PJs is pretty boss I'd do it again," Liv chuckled. "Have you guys seen my keys? I need to drive us to school."

"I have them," he confessed. "I don't think you should drive alone."

Luna raised her hand. "Hello? She's not alone."

"School's like ten minutes away," Liv complained. "And Luna doesn't even have a car right now because she got a flat tire yesterday!"

"We'd just prefer if you didn't drive right now," Laura spoke up, sparing her a glance.

"So, uh, are we gonna walk?" Luna glanced at them. "Or are you guys gonna drive us?"

Just as the words had left her mouth, Willie Baker had entered the house, causing all heads to turn his way. "We're living in the craziest of times and y'all don't lock your doors!"

Luna glanced at Billy. "He hates me."

"You don't even know him," Billy threw his hands up. "He doesn't hate you."

Willie stopped in his tracks, glancing at the pouting brunette. "Did you two adopt a kid while I was away?"

"Willie," Laura placed a hand on Luna's shoulder. "This is Luna, Olivia's best friend and—"

"Jordan's distraction?" he raised his eyebrow. "I've heard about you from Jordan. You're the one who broke his heart."

Luna turned towards Laura, practically pleading with her eyes to drive her to school. But, Laura shook her head and laughed softly to herself, being insulted by Willie Baker was practically a rite of passage especially if Luna was dating a Baker man.

"Actually, Jordan's the one who broke her heart," Olivia corrected. "So be nice because your grandson is not all that innocent. Can we just go?"

Luna narrowed her eyes at the two parents while Liv had dragged her out of the house and all they did was laugh at how dramatic she was being.

"You guys have fun, now!" Billy shouted after them.


"Is your freaking phone dead?"

Jordan walked out to Luna's backyard glancing at his girlfriend whose phone was laying beside her on a table. Luna had been stretched out on a pool chair and enjoying the sun that was beaming down on her, not paying her boyfriend any mind as she tilted her head up and looked up at the sky.

Jordan let out a huff, dropping down a charger dramatically onto her stomach. "Babe, come on."

"I'm mad at you," she stated.

"The hell did I do?" he threw his hands up in defeat, sitting on the foot of her chair. "I just got here."

"You ditched me this morning!" she whined. "Guess who gave me a ride to school?"

"Olivia?" he guessed.

She removed her sunglasses, narrowing her eyes at him. "Your grandfather! He's so...mean!"

Jordan broke out into a fit of laughter.

"That is not funny, Jordan!" Luna raised her voice. "He called me your distraction and said I broke your heart."

"Luna, I'm sorry," he apologized. "I had plans with Spencer early in the morning, I didn't purposely ditch you. Plus, you only slept over to be with my sister and because your parents were out of town."

"Well, Peter comes back today," she spat. "So don't worry about me, I will not need a ride from your grandfather, again."

"If it makes you feel better, I will talk to him and tell him that he shouldn't have said those things to you," Jordan glanced at her. "You're definitely not a distraction and I broke your heart. Just...don't stay mad at me, please?"

She sat up and softly sighed. "Fine, I forgive you. But, only because it's practically impossible to stay mad at you."

"Yeah, you did seduce me multiple times while we were broken up," Jordan chuckled.

She shoved his shoulder gently before hooking her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her even closer to his body, softly chuckling at the goosebumps that were forming on her body.


Luna pulled away from the kiss slightly wincing once she realized Peter was standing right beside them with his arms crossed against his chest. She glanced at Jordan who was staring at the ground and rolled her eyes.

She wiggled her fingers. "Hey."

Peter sighed. "I knew I shouldn't have come out here when I saw Jordan's car in the driveway."

"I totally agree," Luna nodded. "This is your fault."

"Oh, she's joking," Jordan spoke up, sending her glare. "How was your trip, Peter?"

"I closed a very good business deal," Peter said. "So, I guess you can say it was pretty eventful."

"When does mom come home?" Luna asked. "She hasn't texted me back."

Peter glanced at his phone. "She should be boarding the jet, now. I'm going to head inside and get some rest. You two have fun..." he suspiciously glanced at Jordan. "Actually, you, get your own chair."

Jordan scrambled to his feet and nodded, sitting on the adjacent chair. "Did he say...jet?"

Luna turned her body around and faced her boyfriend. "His company's jet. He always lets my mom take it when she has to travel even if that means he has to take a commercial flight. It's...kind of cute."

"Adams Real Estate is his company," Jordan stated the obvious. "And his company has its own plane. Which means, technically, you have a plane! Dude, you're loaded!"

"I don't think it works like that and don't call me dude," she scolded him. "Why do you look so blown away? Your sister has been a passenger on that plane whenever she travels with us."

"Well, as your boyfriend," Jordan reached across and gathered her hands. "I think that whenever you travel, I should come with you."

Luna dropped his hands and playfully rolled her eyes. "You only want me for my money!"


Luna wandered the halls of South Crenshaw, trying to find her way to Mr. Baker's office. She had been to that school a total of two times however she never stepped foot onto the actual campus, only driving to the entrance for Spencer. But, she eventually found her way to his office, spotting her boyfriend leaning against the wall.

Jordan pushed himself off of the wall and spotted her. "Hey, sorry, I couldn't pick you up. I wanted to check on G.W."

"Is he okay?" Luna questioned.

"He didn't answer," Jordan sighed. He did a double-take once he saw her outfit. "I'm gonna ask you a question and I really hope you don't answer with the name Darnell."

She stared at him uneasily. "What are you gonna ask me?"

"Whose hoodie is that?" He pointed at her chest.

Luna glanced down at her outfit and realized that it would've been weird if Jordan didn't question her. After all, she was wearing a South Crenshaw football hoodie and as a girl whose boyfriend played for the Eagles, it was bound to raise some eyebrows.

"Spencer's. I told him I wanted to support him and the team tonight."

"Oh, thank God," Jordan sighed in relief. "I don't know how I'd react if you said it was that other dude's."

She just shook her head and stood on her tiptoes, pressing a kiss against his cheek. Jordan groaned, pulling her in by the waist and leaning down to kiss her on the lips, he was clearly a fan of full-on PDA.

"Seriously?" Billy emerged from his office. "Do you two do anything other than kiss?"

Luna cringed, stepping away from Jordan's grip which made him sag his shoulders a bit but she didn't care. She always felt awkward showing PDA around their families, but he didn't care one bit. The two men had drifted off into a conversation about Willie which she quickly tuned out but then she saw Dane, Cam, and Jake walking down the hallway. She was quick to make her way over to them once she saw the smirk Dane had thrown in their direction but Jordan swiftly slipped his arm around her waist, holding her in place.

"Nope," Jordan shook his head.

"Just one good hit," she whined. "For you?"

"I want both of you," Billy pointed his finger at them. "To keep your hands to yourselves, okay?"

"Mr. Baker, you know that I love you and usually I'd listen to you," Luna shrugged. "But, respectfully, I will knock Dane Kohler's ass out if I see him again. Especially if he passes by and does that stupid little smirk."

Jordan let out a laugh, pressing a kiss to her temple. While Billy gave the girl a disappointed stare but she was extremely protective of Jordan and he was such a wreck after the homecoming game that she would do just about anything to make him feel just a bit better.

Luna stuck around in the hall for a bit while Billy had given Jordan a talk in his office about something unknown to her but she didn't mind as she mindlessly scrolled through her phone.

Jordan held his hand out. "You ready?"

"Yup," she laced their fingers together. "Hey, am I allowed to stand with you on the sidelines?"

"You didn't think I was going to let you sit on those bleachers, did you?" Jordan chuckled. "Of course, you're allowed. You are the coach's daughter-in-law."

Luna side-eyed him, ever since Vegas and since they had been back together Jordan loved making comments about marriage and references to marriage. They eventually made their way onto the sidelines, Luna felt a little weird being there considering she was only there because she was dating Jordan but the players didn't seem to mind her presence.

Jordan noticed Jake Delgado's eyes on them from across the field and couldn't help but pull Luna in closer to his side and rest his hand just a couple of centimeters above her backside.

"Ooh," Luna poked his cheek. "You're being possessive."

Jordan shrugged. "If I wanna show off my girl, I will."

As the night progressed the couple stayed on the sidelines watching South Crenshaw and Westlake play against each other. The first half of the game wasn't going too well in favor of South Crenshaw, causing the air in the field to feel a bit tense since there was a lot on the line for this game. Spencer was dealing with a college recruit while the future of football at Crenshaw depended on whether or not they would win this game.

However, once the players had run back onto the field after halftime, South Crenshaw had seemed to bounce back and they were able to catch up to Westlake. They were tied 21-21 and there were seconds left in the game, one of the players on Crenshaw's side was able to grab ahold of the ball and make his way toward the endzone, with an assist from Spencer James who was able to tackle Dane Kohler in the process.

Luna eyed the interaction between Spencer and Jordan, smiling up at her boyfriend. "You two are adorable."

Jordan softly chuckled, shaking his head and leaning down to kiss her. "Hey, my dad and I are gonna stop by G.W's house. Do you want to come with us?"

"No," she denied. "I think that's something you and your dad should do. But, you can walk me to my car."

He nodded and slipped his hand into her hold, walking off of the field and heading in the direction of the parking lot. Things were going well up until they approached her car and spotted Jake Delgado leaning against it.

Jordan angrily shook his head. "I'll handle this."

"Wait!" she ran after him. "Don't kill him!"

Jake pushed Jordan's arms off of him and scoffed. "Woah, buddy, chill. I'm not here to cause any issues, I'm just here to apologize."

"I'm not your buddy!" Jordan stared him down. "And I don't need an apology from you."

"I'm not here to apologize to you" Jake rolled his eyes. "I'm here to apologize to her."

"She doesn't want to hear your apology," Jordan denied.

"She can speak for herself," Luna inserted herself into the conversation. "But, yeah, he's right. I don't want an apology. You let Dane basically call me a slut while you stood there and said nothing. Then that dumbass almost killed my boyfriend. So, no! Fuck you and your apology."

Jake walked by, purposely bumping Jordan's shoulder. "Real mature, Luna. Real mature."

"You know," Luna crossed her arms, glancing at her boyfriend. "I can fight my own battles."

"Obviously I know that," Jordan slipped his arms around her waist. "But I was just doing my boyfriend duties, you know?"

"And I appreciate that," Luna softly pecked his cheek. "Now, go, and see your grandpa. I love you."

Jordan softly hummed against her lips. "I love you, more."



liked by spencerjames and 1250 more

jordanbaker art in front of art🤩

spencerjames whipped👎🏾

jordanbaker and what about it?

lunaramirez 🥰🙈

livbaker our gf is so talented😍

jordanbaker she's actually MY gf but okay🤨

lunaramirez there's enough of me to go around. no need to fight😌


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