The Silver.

By cakemesomemashton

548 18 3

Four girls on tour with eight guys, should be interesting. After taking YouTube by storm the girl band, The... More

Get out me bus! Uhh.
Taking the long way to Australia
No frickle frackle happen.
Top and tail?
Just a period.
How did you girls meet?
Violent Val.
Glum Geri.
Crazy Cara.
Deadly Delilah.
Once a fangirl always a fangirl.
That one comment.
I bust the screen off your phone.
With age comes experixance.
Hey brother.
I love you too you big stupid head.
Shall I continue this?

Jelly belly.

17 0 0
By cakemesomemashton

Buzz Buzz Buzz

"Delilah, turn the fucking phone off!" Luke moaned into my ear.

I reached over him, it was pretty difficult considering the big idiot was practically laying on top of me! But I managed to grab it.

Whoa, Charlie, our manager, had been ringing and texting my phone all morning!

To: DJ
From: Charlie Malone

- DJ why is Dave Franco requesting your personal number?!

*1 missed call from Charlie Malone*

- Delilah wake up and answer me!

*12 missed calls from Charlie Malone*

- Delilah Joy if you don't answer I'm giving him the number.

- You have one more chance!

*24 missed calls from Charlie Malone*

-Okay I'm giving it to him. Tell Luke I'm sorry, but... DAVE FUCKING FRANCO!

"Fuck." I whispered glancing back at Luke.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

"Delilah I'm going to throw your phone out the window if you don't turn it off right now! Who the hell is blowing up your phone!" He practically yelled.

To: Delilah Joy
From: Dave Franco

- Hey there Delilah, it's Dave! Got your number from Charlie, great talking to you the other night give me a call when you're free for a chat! D x

I quickly shot up from Luke's embrace and scrambled out of the back room into the front lounge. I basically tripped over everything on my way, evidently making as much noise as possible, great job DJ...

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

From last night I could already tell Luke wasn't happy about Dave talking to me, but then again it's innocent? I'm with Luke not Dave, I've got nothing to worry about! Right?

I'll call him. (Dave-Bold, DJ-Italics).

One ring.. Two rings... Okay, I'm embarrassing myself.

Hey there Delilah!

He answered! Oh my fucking God.

Delilah? Are you there.

Say something!

Uh, um... Hello!

Thought you butt- dialed me for a second there!

Sorry, I guess I'm still a tad star struck!

It's me who's star struck! Me and Zac was total goofballs in front of you girls last night!

No way! You guys are awesome!

Aha, well coming from you I'll take that as a pretty big compliment! How are you by the way, did you like the movie?

It's cool, and yeah the movie was great! Anything with you or your brother in I'm all over! You two are amazing actors!

Thanks, that means a lot. So would you like to grab some coffee? I asked your tour manager if you'd still be around and she said you are, hopefully you don't think I'm stalkerish aha

Aha, no I'd love to that would be great!

I'll pick you up in around 20 minutes, if that's cool? It's 11:10

Okay cool, text me when you're outside I think everyone is still asleep.

Luke is still asleep and you don't want him to know you're going for coffee with Dave you liar. My subconscious told me. Shut up subconscious!

Alright, bye Delilah!

Omg. Okay, you're going for coffee with Dave Franco. Keep cool.

I turned and headed straight to my closet where mine and all the girls clothes was kept, pulling out black skinny jeans with multiple rips going down them. Good start, I slipped them on and rolled up the bottoms and then pulled on my black converse... I'm getting dressed back to front. Well bottom up. Clearly I'm still tired. I grabbed my oversized khaki green knitted jumper with silver studs on the shoulders and slipped it on over my head. My black Fedora and silver raybans with black reflective lenses came next. I had to hide this tired face.

I ran the the bathroom quickly brushing my teeth and applying some lip balm.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

To: Delilah Joy
From: Dave Franco

- Outside x

I slipped my phone into my bag and headed to the door. Deep breath.

I existed the bus, only to come face to face with a very sleepy looking Cara.

"Cara what are you doing awake so early?!" I whispered.

"W-What?" She rubbed her eyes. "Why do you look like your in disguise?"

"Um. This is a dream Cara. Go back to bed." I'm so lame. I can't believe I just said that.

"Oh, okay." She turned around and made her way back to the 5SOS bus.

Well I'll be dammed, that was easy.

I made my way across the parking lot to where I see Dave standing, he gave me a small wave and smile as I walked over.

"Ah I see we both had the same idea!" He said pointing to his shades.

"Lack of sleep will be the death of me!" I laughed. He then brought me in to a hug, and pulled open the car door for me to get inside.

As I got I glanced at the clock, 11:35am. Luke shouldn't be awake for another few hours, that boy can really sleep. We'll only be gone for an hour tops. Right?

Well an hour turned into two hours, two in to three and three into six. Me and Dave could not stop talking! We had so much in common and well, this was a blooming friendship!

It was now going on to 6pm. Whoa, we'd been out for that long.

"Hey Dave, I think we should be getting back. It's getting late and none of the guys have called which makes me feel like they've all murdered each other!" I nervous laughed.

"Cool, I'll drive you back."

The journey was silent but cool, and we arrived back in about 25 minutes.

"I'll see you around Delilah!" Dave hugged me.

"Call me DJ." I smiled.

I watched him climb back into his car and waved him off.

Now to face everyone back on the bus. Jesus this is gonna be annoying! I turned around to walk back but immediately was stopped, feeling like I hit a brick wall.

"Why, hello little sister."

I gulped. Shit. Alex.

"Uh, sup bro." I glanced up at his tall figure.

"Nuh-uh. Don't sup bro me. You've been gone for hours DJ! I've been worried out my mind!" He spoke quickly and in a panic. "I-I thought something bad may have happen! I was calling mom and dad, I was scared out of my mind! I thought you ran off... Or that you went..." He stopped himself.

"That I went what? Crazy?" I spoke monotone. I couldn't stay mad at Alex, not even for a second. "Don't worry Lex I was just having coffee with a mate."

"First you don't like coffee. You drink tea, because you're British. And second I could see that, I just don't get why you didn't answer your phone?" I farrowed my eyebrows pulling my phone out of my bag.

Shit. 16 missed calls from Alex. 20 from Cara. 15 from Geri. 10 from Rian. 30 from Luke.

"Fuck it was on silent from when Luke told me this morning!" I moaned. "I'm in deep shit aren't I."

"Yup." Lex said popping the p.

Alex ushered me the bus, and as I walked in all eyes was on me. Everyone was looking at me like I just killed their mum or something.

"Found her." Alex spoke, plonking down on the couch.

"I would have to be hiding for you to find me Alex." I cut my eye at him.

"Where have you been young lady!" Cara demanded. I rolled my eyes.

Luke wasn't saying a word, just starting at me which made me uneasy.

"She was out having coffee with Dave." His words suddenly cut the air. How did he know that? "It's all over Twitter." He rolled his eyes. "She doesn't even like coffee" he mumbled.

"That's what I said!" Alex piped up!

Not the time Alex! But ah. Fucking Twitter.

"Hm, instead of Duke, people are shipping D squared." he smirked, oh here comes jealous Luke.

"Well it's a good thing that I ship us." I smiled.

"Good to know Delilah."

Whoa. He dropped Delilah, I'm in trouble.

"Oh what's this, new tweet from Dave Franco." Oh my god no.

@DaveFranco: All this D squared stuff flying around, Delilah is just my very very good friend guys 😉.

"Awkward." Jack whispers and me and Alex shot him a glare. That tweet doesn't sound so innocent, even though everything was. I can't think of anything to say.

"Hey DJ, would you mind crashing on my bus tonight? Mom wants us to call?" Alex spoke. Thank god he did, I don't think Luke would survive the night not saying a word about the tweet.

"Take her." Luke then spat, getting up and walking into the back room.

"We'll stay on the bus with him, you guys have the bus to yourselves we'll calm him down." Rian spoke, he was always the rational one.

The stress must have been oozing out of me because Cara could clearly see it.

"Don't worry DJ, he'll calm down. You did nothing wrong." She then smiled.

Ashton, Calum and Michael avoided my eye contact. I though these guys had my back.

"G'night guys." I spoke. Only the girls and the ATL boys saying it back.

That's when something happen, something that hasn't happen in years. I snapped. The feeling of hurt erupted in my chest and I couldn't hold it in. These boys was meant to be my brothers! I didn't know why I was reacting so big to something so small, but I couldn't hold it it.

Yet again Cara read me like a book.

"No Delilah!" She yelled at I picked up the first thing I could grab. Unfortunately a huge glass and hurled at the wall over Calum's head, the glass shattering everywhere.

I grabbed further things, throwing them everywhere, screaming at the top of my lungs. Everything smashing into small pieces and flying around the room. Anything glass related, well anything dangerous was now being thrown.

The girls were screaming, crying and they couldn't stop it. Michael, Jack and Ashton had grabbed them attempting to pull them back into the back room.

Rian, Calum and Zack surrounding me, dodging my hits.

"Delilah! Please calm down!" I felt hands wrap around me. This made me scream even more. I knew it was Alex but the hands felt strange.

~ "Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch and do as you're told!" Hands surrounding me, pulling me around. "Just swallow the damn pill!" I didn't do it. I pretended. "Good. Now lay down, it'll all be over soon." ~

What the fuck was that. It was like I was having a damn flash back? The dark walls, the voices. They all just came to me... This freaked me out even more. I wriggled out of his embrace, trying to run for the door at Alex then ran in front of me.

"You're not going anywhere Delilah! Calm down now!" He was being assertive and harsh. Something Alex never was to me. I needed to get out.

I lunged forward at him, bringing out my fists. I couldn't stop myself from trying to hit him. He moved and my first went threw the glass window on the door, shattering into pieces.

"Delilah no!" This was Calum screaming now.

"DJ!" Alex was crying, trying to gently pull my hand back threw the glass. I pulled it back myself, cutting it even more.

Hands clung around me again, sending me back into panic. I kicked out smashing everything in my path until the hands, which now I realise was Calum's couldn't hold on anymore.

He unwillingly let me go and I fell into the mountain of glass. Screaming out as all the glass and other objects stabbed into me. My screams wasn't normal. They was demonic and I couldn't get this rage out of me.

~ Blood everywhere. Screamed erupting from every direction. "No Delilah don't! You don't want to hurt us! We're you're friends right!" The figures, the faceless figures getting closer and closer. "Get her!" ~

It all went blank again these visions in my mind.

"Delilah. Stop." This was a new voice. Luke's voice. I looked up at him.

He was pale, I could tell he was scared but he had will in his eyes.

"Stop it right now." He gulped. "Stand up, and come here." He opened his arms. His chest was rising out and in at a seriously rapid pace, his eyes was huge and he was shaking a tad, out of fear I don't know.

I did as I was told, and gradually got up. Slowly walking to him. For those thew seconds the rage was gone, but it soon returned as I see the girls cowering behind him scared. Scared because of me.

I grabbed the guitar from the side and using it in a batting motion brought it toward Luke.

"Delilah no!" Erupted from around me, but I missed.

He moved, and like in slow motion or some funky Matrix film everything happen.

Luke got behind me. Screamed out to Ashton, he came running at me and that's when it hit me. The tranquilliser. Within seconds I was lifeless and I couldn't stand anymore, Luke sank down to the floor with me tears evident on his face. Alex came running over holding me along with Luke, also crying. I had done this.

"My sister, my baby sister!" Alex was sobbing, and he's face began to fade.

"I'm sorry Delilah." Luke last words before I blacked out.


well... bit emosh isn't it

Alex is my hero.

God bless Calum.

And btw no idea who the girl is in the photo.

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