Lust For Revenge

By rosa_lana

135K 3.7K 411

After being rejected by her mate and Alpha, Aletha has closed herself off. Years later she's finally out her... More

Female Alpha
I Promise Death
The Mates
The Gala pt 1
The Gala pt.2
The Gala pt.3
Second Chances
The Meeting
Shes Crazy
Shes Hot
The Fight
Give it a go
The Letter
That Night
An Ally
Amanda pt.2
its not lying, right?
xander vs ace
2 beautiful truths
The Good Witch
Prophecies and Broken Tables
Deafening Silence


2.7K 76 8
By rosa_lana

"Will it grow back?" Riley asks as we examine my finger turned nub.
"Nah man not unless she's part starfish" Zaine answers.

I feel all eyes turn to me, silently asking a question.
I rolled my eyes, "No, I am not part starfish"

Someone, most likely Zaine, let's out a sigh of disappointment and i hear a quiet "lame" followed by the sound of a smack.

It's been a couple of days since the attack and my body was slowly healing from any trauma I had received that day.

My mind on the otherhand...

I guess my friends can sense the disturbing feelings I had brewing in me as they took it upon themselves to stay by my side and nurse me back to health.

And they weren't the only ones.

Everyone quieted down when we heard the door of my cabin being opened.

We all recognized the scents, except Ethan who tensed up.

The door to my bedroom was opened by Beta Jackson and he was followed by Ace and Nikolai.

"Who's that"   I hear Ethan ask me.

"The Alpha we were talking about earlier, and his Beta and friend"

He relaxes his stance a little but still stays aware of his surroundings.

That was another thing, ever since the attack theyve all been much more protective. Which is saying something because once someone becomes an Alpha the bond of the pack will make them very protective.

" How do you feel?"

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the deep Russian accent belonging to Ace.

I look into his eyes and am once again lost in them.

I hear zaine clear his throat and I feel the heat rush up my cheeks.

"I feel fine, I'll be back to work by tomorrow"

"No she wont" zaine clarifies.

We'd been fighting over it all day.

"Yes I will" I say as I give him a look, but he only ignores it and turns back to Ace who is watching the interaction with amusement.

"Shes cleared to go back to work on saturday" he says with a tight smile.

I roll my eyes and give up for now. I will be back to work by tomorrow, I've lost as much time as I could give. I still have a murder to solve.

"If you all don't mind, I'd like to have a quick word with your Alpha"


I tell them.

Once they all are out the room, Jackson and Nikolai follow them.

With just the 2 of us in the room, I'm suddenly much more aware of his presence than before.

He slowly walks over to my bed and sits down in the seat beside it.

"Tell me"

I dont have to tell him what I mean because he already knows.

He lets out a deep breath and leans over with his elbows resting on his thighs and his hands clasped together.

" Are you sure"




I can only stare at her beautiful face while I try to figure out the best way to tell her about my theory.

But its just that. A theory. Ive been spending these last few days juggling my time between, aletha, research, and my pack.

Everything I've found so far doesn't make sense but ill never keep anything from my mate especially when it has to do with her.

"Do you know how wolves came to be?" I ask.

"No" she confesses.

I thought every wolf learned about our history in school. Maybe she didn't go to school.

My confusion must have shown on my face.

" I didn't really enjoy school enough to pay attention" she admitted with a slight pink hue to her cheeks.

I nodded my head in understanding, sending her a smile to show that it was all right.

" well one day a long time ago there was a woman who lived by herself on a farm. This woman had the ability to communicate with animals, so she had made friends with most of them, but she was especially fond of the female wolf who'd come to visit her everyday. One day, the wolf stopped visiting. It wasn't until the 3rd day had come that the wolf had still not visited, that the woman decided to look for her. After a couple of hours she'd almost given up when she heard the sound of whimpers. Running to it, she found that it was infact her friend, the female wolf. It looked like she'd been hit with a hunters arrow and was slowly bleeding out. The woman began to try and save the wolves lives but was stopped by the sound of crunching leaves around her, when she looked up she saw 4 men. Hunters.
'That wolf belongs to us' the first one said. 'This wolf is my friend not prey' she argued back but they all just laughed at her, all but one. The second man began to eye her maliciously. 'You're a pretty little thing aren't you' and a third man agreed, but the fourth did not. 'Just let her keep it we have more' he said as he stared at the woman with kind eyes. She got up and tried to carry the wolf with her, when suddenly she was grabbed from behind. With all her might she screamed and kick but to no avail, it was 1 against 3. 'Stop it! Leave her alone!' The 4th man yelled to his companions but they weren't listening to him.
instead they were ripping the clothes off the woman who was still fighting. He decided to join in on the fight against his companions, he grabbed a branch and knocked it into the head of the 1st man. This had grabbed the attention of the other 2 and they stopped what they were doing to the woman and made their way to the man. 'You're just in our way' they said before they pulled out a knife and stabbed the kind man in his heart. 'NOOO!' the woman called out as she ran towards him but instead was grabbed by the last 2 men. With no one around to stop them they had decimated her until she was just a lifeless body on the ground."

Sometime during the story Aletha had grabbed my hand and was leaning in more than before.

" go on what happened next?" She whispered with anticipation.

Kiss her Luca suggested.
No are you crazy?

I turn my attention back to Aletha and finish the story.

"A few minutes after the men left, the female wolf crawled her way to the woman and rested her head against her stomach. Just as she too was about to give in, she heard rustling and looked up to see the kind man was still alive. He stumbled his way to the woman and the wolf and began to cry profusely, for in the short time that he knew the woman he had fell in love with her. The wolf decided she would give her soul to the woman who had taken such good care of her. So she dug her heart out her own chest and ripped open the woman's replacing their hearts. The man watched in fascination as the woman began to breathe again and he watched again, in fascination, as the wolfs body disappeared and the woman began to change into the same wolf. She led him to her house and changed back. She helped the man with his wounds and they fell in love. As they began to fall in love the man began to become more and more like the woman. The 2 had children who were also part wolves, except this time they could hear their wolves, the gift of their mother had been passed on to them. And that is how we came to be"

I looked to Aletha and held back a laugh at the disgust on her face.

"Does that mean....does that mean the children had children with each other?"

I couldn't hold back anymore and laughed until my ribs began to hurt.

She narrowed her eyes at me as her cheeks flushed.

After a moment I gathered myself.
" whoever the children fell in love with became wolves as well." I explained.

"Oh" was all she said.
" so what does that story have to do with me" she asked.

"Well the first werewolf, the woman in the story was named Selene. Selenes wolf form had the mark of a Cresent moon on it, to signify that the first wolf was living in selene and any descendant of her would have the mark too. There is only one line of descendants,  one descendant a lifetime." I answered.
"Are you saying I'm the decendant of Selene?" She asked.
"Yes and no. You're wolf is a descendant, but since our wolves are half of who we are it technically makes you the descendant as well." I answered. I let her have a moment to herself before I brought up the other issue.

" there's something else" I said.
"My first mate, Andrea, she had the mark as well" I told her.
"What?" She whispered. "What does that mean?" She asked.

"I dont know" I answered honestly.
"At first I thought it meant Andreas soul was living within you but after researching it turns out I couldn't be more wrong."

"Wait wait" she says. A look of confusion sits heavy on her face.

"If me and Andrea were alive at the same time then how are our wolves both descendants? There can only be one on the earth at one time right?"

"Yes" I answered. "Andrea...died...4 years ago. And 4 years ago you hadn't gotten your wolf yet. So my guess is the same wolf you have now is a descendant of the one Andrea had."

Just as she was about to ask a question there was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it" I tell her.

I open it and find everyone we had kicked out, at the door.
"Come in" I say.

"Uuhhh Alpha" zaine says.

" yes?" She answers eyeing him up and down in question"

Zaine quickly looks to me and back to Aletha.

" its fine just say it" she says.

He bows his head.

"There's a Alpha Alvarez waiting at the gates to see you"

And with that she jumps out of the bed in a fury of snarls.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" the power of her presence affects everyone in the room as her pack bows their head in submission while Jackson and Nikolai fight against it.

I walk to her slowly as she rummaged through her closet trying to find something to wear, muttering curses im sure the devil himself would blush at.

" Aletha?" She ignores me
" Aletha?" I try again.
She ignores me again.
I turn around to look at her friends when I see them crumpled to the ground in submission.

"Aletha you're hurting them"

This gets her attention as she turns around and sees her friends. I can feel her power reign back in as she whispers an apology and tries to catch her breath.

They all stumble up as Jackson and Nikolai help them.

"Grace why don't you help her find something to wear and when you're done, help her to the gates, we'll meet you there" I suggest. Grace nods and leads Aletha to her closet. While all of us men walk out the room and head towards this gate.

"Just who is this Alpha to get her to react like that?" I ask.

"Her ex-mate" Nathaniel answers.

A roar of fury builds its way in my throat as Jackson and Nikokai, with the help of Ethan, and Zaine hold me back.

"I'm gonna grind his balls into soup and make him eat it with a pretty pink fucking spoon" I say as I struggle to move.

"Woah there, Alpha you can't do this in another pack, especially not hers"

She'll be out here any minute and I think she needs calm people only around here right now, you catch my drift? She needs you to be calm. For her.

Lucas words snap me out my haze.
They slowly let me go.
" I'm fine now" I assure them.

But it isn't long before we're holding Nathaniel back as well.

Unbeknownst to us, a certain mate of mine is watching all of it go down in amusement.

Hey lolllllzzz here it is. The chapter. Hope you like! Another one coming again soon!!!


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