Fandom One shots and Imagines

By invisame

146K 4.6K 214

Just what the title says. One shots and imagines from multiple fandoms. A place for me to write down all thos... More

Wanted - Sherlock x Reader x Lestrade
Marked - Teen Wolf - Derek Hale
Loyalty - Jaime Lannister (GOT)
Beauty - Cullen x Reader x Iron Bull (Dragon Age)
Danny - Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinders)
I Quit - Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Mrs. Faraday - Joshua Faraday (Magnificent 7)
Honey, I'm home - Firefly - Malcolm Reynolds
True Mate - Peter Hale - Teen Wolf
True Mate (Part 2) - Peter Hale - Teen Wolf
Where is she? - Rick Grimes - Walking Dead
Stranded - James Conrad - Kong: Skull Island
Stranded (Part 2) - James Conrad, Kong: Skull Island
Stranded (Part 3) - James Conrad - Kong:Skull Island
Stranded (Part 4) - James Conrad - Kong:Skull Island
You Owe Me - Martin Riggs - Lethal Weapon (TV)
That's my Ship - Han Solo (Star Wars)
The House Sitter - John Wick (Part 1)
House Sitter - John Wick (Pt. 2)
House Sitter - John Wick (Part 3) Drabble
House Sitter - John Wick (Pt. 4)
Aloha - Steve McGarrett (Hawaii 5-0)
Mi Vida - Rafael Barba (Law and Order: SVU)
What Rules - Jethro Gibbs (NCIS)
Meetings - Sherlock Holmes
Meetings (Part 2) - Sherlock
His Shirt - Rafael Barba (Law and Order:SVU)
One More Night - Negan (Walking Dead)
Come With Me - Severus Snape (Harry Potter)
The Gift - Daryl Dixon (Walking Dead)
Easy - Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds)
Assassins and Old Friends - William Cooper (Red)
In Case you Didn't Know
Lunch - David Rossi (Criminal Minds)
A Condition - Alfie Solomons
Happiness - Aaron Hotchner
A Little Trust - James Bond
He's Home - Jethro Gibbs (NCIS)
My Angel - Erik (Phantom of the Opera)
Earth Goddess - Negan - Walking Dead
Fucking Finally - Negan - Walking Dead
Thinking 'bout You - Eric Northman - True Blood
The Bookworm - Spike - Buffy
Stupid - Steve McGarrett - Hawaii 5-0
Fair Trade - Walking Dead
Wait. What? - NCIS
Need You - Geralt of Rivia
Timing - Hotch (Criminal Minds)
Just a Woman - Geralt of Rivia
Content - Oliver Queen
That's my Girl - Poe Dameron
Feelings - Tony DiNozzo
Drabble - Aaron Hotchner
And there was one bed - Jaskier x Geralt
Marry Me - John Wick
Stay With Me - Mandalorian
Compliant - John Wick
Tease - Geralt of Rivia
Miss Me More - Caius Volturi
Professional - Aaron Hotchner - Criminal Minds
The Lion - Tywin Lannister
Complete - Remus Lupin (Marauder's Era)
The Perfect Husband - Severus Snape
Yours Forever - David (the lost boys)
Homecoming - Steve McGarrett
Be Prepared - Owen Grady - Jurassic World (Pt. 1)
Be Prepared - Owen Grady - Jurassic World (Pt. 2)
Be Prepared - Owen Grady - Jurassic World(Pt. 3)
Fantastic - Adam Noshimuri x Male!Reader
A Day in the City - Bill Weasley (Harry Potter) Drabble
Broken Souls - Severus Snape
Reunited - Negan
Finding Peace - Lucius Malfoy
Breakeven - Jonas Taylor (The Meg)

Teeth - Jasper Whitlock Hale (Twilight)

1.9K 63 1
By invisame

A/N: Fic inspired by the song Teeth by 5sos



That's what your relationship with Jasper Hale was. He came and went, always trying to push you away and the next day swearing he'd never leave you. It was confusing and left your head in a constant state of chaos. As much as his indecisiveness hurt, you were unable to give him up. The mere thought of him disappearing from your life completely left you breathless and heart broken.

And when he found his way back to your bed, you'd give anything to stay wrapped up in him for days. Sometimes you did. Those stretches of time when the two of you had nothing to escape to in the world and you'd lay under the sheet talking about everything and nothing at the same time. His cold arms would wrap around you while you rested on his chest. One of his hands would inevitably move to play with your hair until you drifted to sleep.

But then you'd wake one morning and he'd be gone. No note, no goodbyes and no indication of when he'd return. He'd hunt when he was gone, so he wasn't so tempted when he returned to you. As far as you knew, he thought you still ignorant of what he truly was. Did he really think you wouldn't notice the hours spent without breathing, the lack of a heartbeat in your ear when you cuddled in bed? Or that you'd think there was a perfect explanation for why he didn't eat or drink for days at a time?

The last time the two of you had slept together, you'd woken in the morning with two hand-shaped bruises on your hips and a neck full of love bites. They hadn't hurt beyond a dull ache and you'd smiled at the reminder of the night before. Jasper had already been gone and now you hadn't seen or talked to him in over a week. You were done waiting for him. Done letting him determine the pace of your relationship.

He was always holding himself back. Feeling guilty over the smallest of bruises or hurt feelings. Too busy worrying about his part of it to realize that you wanted every bit of him. You wanted the sweet Jasper, the angry Jasper, the broody Jasper. You weren't afraid of him and he wasn't going to chase you off regardless of what he did.

You'd only been to the Cullen house a couple of times as you lived alone and Jasper preferred spending his time at your place. Still, you remembered the way and drove straight there. Edward answered the door when you knocked. "Y/N, it's good to see you. Jasper's not here."

His car was parked in front of the house, so if he wasn't there he was out hunting. "I can wait."

Edward's eyes went wide. "I don't know when he'll be back."

You put your hands in your pockets and rocked back on your heels. "He's avoiding me because he thinks he hurt me. He didn't."

"It's a little more complicated than that," he said, glancing over his shoulder at nothing before looking back to you.

"You mean the fact he's a vampire fucking a fragile human?" There was a bite to your words you hadn't intended. You were just so tired of this game.

Edward flinched at your words.

"Sorry, did I offend your delicate sensibilities?"

A loud laugh came from inside the house. At least Emmett was amused.

"Let her in, son," Carlisle said from the top of the stairs behind Edward. When the latter stepped aside for you to enter, you gave the older man a little wave. "I'm glad you're here, Y/N. Jasper should be home shortly."

"Did he tell you?" Rosalie snapped at you when you reached the top of the stairs. Emmett reached over and squeezed her shoulder.

"How long have you known?" Carlisle asked.

You shook your head and smiled. "I get why you don't get close to people. It's not that hard to figure out once someone gets to know you. You're always cold. You don't eat or drink. And you know, no heartbeat. That's kind of noticeable, especially when you sleep in the same bed. I figured it out about a month after I met all of you. I've never told him that I knew."

"So, our entire family is in danger because Jasper can't keep it in his pants," Rosalie said.

"Rose," Esme scolded before shooting you a glance.

"I'm sorry, but he could have found a vampire to sleep with if he needed to get laid that badly. It's not as if there's anything special about her. She's just another human," the blonde continued. Pain shot through you though you tried not to let it show on your face. After all, you'd had the same thoughts several times. Why did he choose you out of everyone? Surely there was someone else to warm his bed. Alice maybe. They were always close.

"That's enough, Rose," Emmett said softly from beside her, but the anger was evident in his tone.

"No. I think—"

"That's enough." It was Jasper that interrupted this time and there was nothing soft about his words. He was furious. Your gaze darted over to find him standing just inside the back door, hands clenched at his sides. Alice stood nearby and smiled at you though her eyes were worried as she watched her best friend.

His gaze moved from person to person in the room as if daring them to say something else about you. When no one spoke, he shifted his attention to you. His eyes were pure black, but he didn't scare you. Jasper wouldn't hurt you. Even at his angriest you didn't fear him. He strode across the room and grasped your wrist to pull you along behind him. His hold was firm but gentle.

"Jasper—" Alice started.

"Everything is fine, Alice. No harm will come to my mate, I can promise you that." Though it was clearly Jasper talking, it didn't sound like him. Not really. And though your attention was completely on him, you didn't miss the gasps and murmurs from the rest of the family.

He tugged you into his room and steered you to sit on the bed before shutting his door. He began to pace the floor.

"Are you okay, Jazz?"

Those black eyes turned to study you. "I'm not Jasper, darlin'. I'm the Major. Jasper wanted to introduce me to you later, but I can't say as I'm not pleased to meet you now. I've been wanting to meet our mate since the day he first saw you."

There was that word again. "Why do you call me that?"

He stepped forward and pulled you up into his arms. He held you close as he looked down at you with those impossibly dark eyes. "Mate?"

You nodded as you swallowed past the lump in your throat.

"Because that's what you are. It's why Jasper keeps trying to warn you away but also can't stay away from you. The need to be with you is impossible to resist." His lips pressed against yours and you were quick to return the gesture, your heart pounding in your chest. When he pulled back, he grinned at you. "Jasper wants to return now. I'll see you later, darlin'."

And just like that, those golden eyes you'd grown to love were back. His gaze ran over your face as if looking for something. "I'm sorry if I frightened you."

You sighed and pushed away from him. "There is absolutely nothing about you that scares me, Jasper Hale. Not what you are, not the Major, nothing."

He raked his hands through his hair. "I was trying to keep you away from this. I was trying to protect you. I don't want you to get hurt."

You bit your lip as you looked at the floor. You'd come over here to confront him, but that was easier said than done. "The only thing that hurts is you constantly pushing me away, Jasper. I love you and I never told you because I was afraid you'd run. But if my presence causes a hardship for you or your family, maybe Rosalie is right and you should find someone else."

You were back in his arms in an instant. "Don't say that," he growled. "There is no one else for me and there never will be. You're everything I need, Y/N and I will love you for an eternity."

"I think I can handle that, Hale."

And when he kissedyou again, you hoped he never let you go.

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