Lush Corruption | Harry Styl...

By butterflytattoo

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BEST FANFIC SERIES 2018 - @thefanfictionawards Book 2 of the Lush Trilogy (completed ✓) | Continuation of Mou... More

Before You Read (Stories, Trailers & Info)
Lush Corruption | COMPLETED ✓ | Harry Styles AU
AFTER or Lush Corruption??!11?
12 (part one)
12 (part two)
Lush Corruption is
The Fanfiction Awards 2018


167K 4.8K 2.5K
By butterflytattoo

Vicky West

I was sitting on my window bench with a book in my lap, beanie on and earplugs in. My music turned up so loud that I couldn’t hear myself singing, but surely Miss Berch could – she didn’t like me that much anyways, and I was not one to disappoint.

I closed the book, and laid it to the side. I had been reading the book for weeks, and I was proud I got around to finally finishing it. I hadn’t had much time to just relax – with the hectic holidays and Harry situation – and I was trying to focus on myself a bit more these days. I felt lighter, and more aware of myself; I was hoping to use my newfound freedom to make myself happy, instead of relying on others to do so.

I made my way to the kitchen, and poured myself a glass of orange juice. I leaned my back against the counter, gulping down the refreshing liquid before placing the glass on the counter beside me. I made my way back to the fridge, pouring myself another glass, and breathing a deep sigh as I studied my nearly empty fridge. I had to do some grocery shopping soon; I was living off orange juice and take-out at this point.

My music paused, and I checked my phone to see I had a new message. I didn’t recognize the number, and became slightly nervous about what I was going to find. I unlocked my phone, tapped my code, and opened the message. When I read the words I was immediately reminded of who I had given my number to.

Unknown: “It took me longer than expected, but I finally got the courage to text you. Now you have my number. Much love, Liam.’’

I hadn’t talked to him after the party, but it was lovely to see he hadn’t forgotten about me. I personally thought he wouldn’t message me, since we met at a party and most people don’t take it much further than that. It took my a couple minutes to think of an appropriate response, but I thought it would be nice to thank him for giving me his number as well.

Vicky: “Heyy. It’s okay, really. No courage needed, promise :) I have you saved in my phone now. Thank you. x’’

I received a response only a few seconds after the message was sent.

Liam: “Well, I wasn’t sure if you only gave me your number because you had been drinking. It could’ve been a momentary lapse of judgment on your part. Parties aren’t really my thing, I never know how I’m supposed to act :p’’

I chuckled a bit, completely agreeing with his uncomfortable behavior at parties. The only good things about that evening was dancing with my friends, meeting Liam and finally saying something to Harry. It had taken too long for my to say something, and maybe it had been my fault he had thought he would get away with his behavior towards me.

I sighed, willing myself to focus on the positive aspects of my life. It was weird to try and befriend a guy, the last relationship I had with a guy never constituted a friendship – I had never taken the time to be friends with Harry. I thought it best to ask Liam if he wanted to hangout, casually and strictly platonically.

Vicky: “I’m glad I got out of there when I did. Moving on, are you free tomorrow?’’

I had sent the message minutes ago, and became nervous for his answer. He answered my first message so quickly – was I being too straightforward? I had never hung out with other guys while Harry and I were together, and I forgot how the platonic friendship was supposed to work – Marcel didn’t count because he was just one of the girls. When my phone vibrated, I felt my heart beating erratically. It was strange to be so nervous when I barely knew him.

Liam: “I wanted to ask you the same thing. Yes, I am.’’

A massive grin was spread on my face, and I stared down at my phone. Play it cool,Vicky. I waited a minute, not wanting to look desperate by replying immediately, but the anticipation was killing me and I texted back after two minutes.

Vicky: “I’m done work at 2PM, so maybe we can get something to drink at 3? I’ll have to run home to get cleaned up first, I cannot rock an apron in LA.’’

I tried to put some humor in the message, hoping that it worked out. But my grin became only wider when I saw his reply.

Liam: “I bet you look cute in your apron.’’

I had text Liam my address, and he said he’d be here in a few minutes. I adjusted the blouse I was wearing; it was completely different to what I wore at the party. I had been talking to Red about Liam – and she unfortunately didn’t remember him because she had been too eager to find a restroom – but she was outstandingly supportive. She was telling me exactly what I needed to hear.

I could hear my phone buzzing against the coffee table in my living room. Liam had texted me to say he was here, and ask me if I wanted him to come to my door to get me – I told him I’d be down in a minute.

I didn’t know how many times I checked myself over in the mirror beside my door before I finally decided I was set. I had a leather jacket draped over my arm, and a small cross-body bag for my phone and wallet. My sunglasses were on my head, and I took the stairs down to the entrance of the apartment complex.

I stepped out the door, and on to the empty street. I looked at the parked cars, hoping to spot Liam, my jaw dropped a bit when I saw him standing next to a motorcycle with a helmet in his hands. I knew I looked like an idiot with my mouth gaping open that way, but I couldn’t comprehend that he owned a motorcycle. Liam didn’t match my definition of a biker – he wasn’t big and burly, or rude. I guess a bit of a surprise wasn’t all that bad.

“You seem in shock,’’ Liam spoke, jokingly, and I nodded.

“I wasn’t expecting to get on the back of a motorcycle,’’ I told him honestly. “It’s new to me.’’ I admitted truthfully, but he didn’t seem to mind. He had this heartwarming smile planted on his face, and he held out a helmet for me to take.

“I hope you don’t mind to let your hair get messy. I prefer you wearing a helmet than risking your life.’’ He told me, and my heart started to go insane at his words. He’s such a sweetheart.

“It’s okay. Safety first,’’ I remarked, and we both laughed since we also noticed the inside the joke. “It’s just hair, no big deal. As long as you don’t terrify me with your driving abilities, I’m completely fine with this.’’ I admitted.

‘’Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to tune down the daredevil stunts.’’ He assured me, reaching out to help me when he saw me struggling to put on the helmet. “Let me help you,’’ He offered, and stepped closer to adjust the helmet on my head. I blushed at out close proximity; his bottom lip was between his teeth while he focused on fastening the strap. “Done.’’ He said when I heard the click.

Liam sat comfortably on the motorcycle, instructing to swing my leg over but be careful not to touch the pipes. As I sat down, I was thankful I had decided on a cross-body purse. I sat up straight and waited for Liam to start the engine, but he didn’t.

“You can go now, I’m ready.’’ I told him satisfyingly.

“Umm, you’ll need to hold onto me if you don’t want to fall off.’’ He told me, and felt myself blush – from my stupidity, or the thought of holding onto Liam, I wasn’t sure. I gently wrapped my arms around Liam’s body, and I could his flash a small smile in the mirror. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses, and I was glad I did too.

He kicked down to start the engine; it roared to life and he pulled the throttle back a few times to rev it up. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins at the sound – I was so ready for this! Liam lifted his hand of the brake lightly, the bike sliding forward and into the busy LA streets. I squeezed him tighter when my stomach began to flutter, I didn’t mind holding him at all. I was glad I wore jeans instead of a skirt, or this would have been impossible. Everything around us was a blur; it was cool to see the city like this. Liam kept at a reasonable speed, keeping into account that I had never been on a motorcycle before.

After a ride that seemed far too short, we arrived at the small café Liam had told me he was taking me too. It was quaint, not too big or expensive. Customers were able to sit outside on the small patio. They had decorated each table with different flowers on it, and they smelled amazing.

“I’d love to have cranberry apple tea, please.’’ I told the waitress when she asked me for my order. She scribbled down my order on her little notepad before turning to Liam.

“Coffee,’’ He said politely.

“Milk, sugar or nothing?’’

“Just sugar, please.’’ He informed her, and she assured Liam our order would be done in ten minutes, max. When she was gone, Liam turned his attention towards me. We were both wearing our sunglasses, since the sun shining beautifully today. It wasn’t a bitter cold nor was it outstandingly hot, so we were able to sit outside and enjoy this lovely weather. “I’m glad you wanted to see me again, Vicky.’’ He told me honestly.

“Me too.’’ I said. I was honest, since I liked Liam’s company. He seemed like such a nice, easy-going guy. “So tell me why you have a motorcycle instead of a car. A car seems easier.’’

“You’re probably right,’’ He told me, and I smiled. “But I’ve always wanted a bike. My dad had one when I was young, and we used to spend hours in the garage just polishing it. I see it as my baby. I’ve worked hard to get that thing.’’

“Doesn’t it seem pointless to spend that much money on something you can’t use all the time?’’ I asked. The waitress arrived back, and placed or order on the table. We thanked her quietly.

“Sometimes it seems that way, yes. I also have a driver license. I can just borrow my mother’s car if the predicament arises. If I’m lucky Louis lets me borrow his car.’’ He told me with a grin, and I chuckled. “But he is quite protective over his car, so that happens very rarely.’’

“I met Louis once, how is he?’’ I asked him.

“Louis,’’ He spoke while smiling brightly. “He is definitely the best cousin ever. He never fails to amaze me; for how childish he acts, he is incredibly mature.’’

“He sounds like a goofball,’’ I mentioned.

“He is, definitely. He might be twenty-nine, but he’s still a child.’’

“Interesting,’’ I giggled. “Are you originally from Los Angeles?’’ I twirled the spoon that was in my cup of tea. I blow carefully, hoping it would cool down enough for me to drink.

“Oh yeah. My parents have lived here since they were young, and they liked it, so we never left. I like LA; it’s so different from anywhere else. It has something I’ll always love, so much diversity.’’ He explained to me, and I understood where he was coming from.

“Yeah, you have so many different things here. I have so much more within my grasp here, in LA, than I did back in Texas. I’m originally from Texas, so you know.’’ I told him, and he nodded.

“I’ve never been to Texas, but I’d love to go there soon. Unfortunately, I don’t have any free time. I have quite a busy schedule coming up.’’ He took a sip from his coffee, and placed the cup back on the table.

“Why?’’ I asked him curiously. “’If you don’t mind me asking.’’

“My father owns a famous art gallery, and he wants to retire so I’m slowly taking over. I need to go to some random meetings about exhibitions.’’ He told me. “Not my thing, but I’m all for the family business. Who knows maybe my children will one day take everything over. I would love to witness that.’’

‘’You don’t like art yourself, do you?’’

“Not so much, but I can live with it. I’m glad I have a job since I haven’t even finished college.’’ He told me, and he just knew I wanted to know more about it. “My dad preferred if I kept busy with the art gallery instead of spending time on a study; I wanted to be a science teacher.’’

“Science? I didn’t think you would like that.’’ Liam chuckled at my reply.

“No one really does understand why I like it, but I have fun when I’m in a lab and experimenting. I just do it as a hobby on occasion. Enough about me, really, let’s talk about you.’’ He said, and leaned a bit back. “So Texas, right?’’ I nodded. “Why are you in Los Angeles?’’

“I’ve always wanted to become a dancer. Nothing more, nothing less. It has been a dream since I was younger. Just entertaining people; singing and dancing for a big audience. So I moved to Los Angeles, and my parents supported me. Not as easy as I thought it would be though; that’s why I work in a café, cause the salary at Moulin Rouge doesn’t nearly cover the costs of living here.’’

“Do you like to work in the café?’’ He questioned.

“Not really, but it helps me get by. I want to stay in the Moulin Rouge, so I’ll continue working there if I need to.’’ I told him truthfully.

“What is your life goal then?’’

“Mmm, let me think,’’ I spoke. I started to think about what could possibly be my main goal in life. There is so much I want; being happy, married, having children, living with the one you love, having impeccable friendships, experience beautiful moments and spend time with family. There were more things to add, but Liam was waiting for an answer. “I think . . . I want . . . My goal is to be satisfied with everything.’’

“What do you mean exactly?’’

“I just want to be happy. I want to be able to look back on my life, and be satisfied with my accomplishments. I know that no one’s life is perfect, but I want the good to outweigh the bad.’’ I chuckled softly.

Liam leaned further, coming closer. ‘’I undoubtedly understand what you mean, Vicky. You want everything to work out for you, and I can tell you aren’t living the life you want right now. I agree when you say there isn’t a perfect life. Well there is, but it isn’t reachable. We are quite young, and we are still yearning for that perfect life. We will get closer, I promise, but we will never reach it sadly.’’

I couldn’t protest to his words, because he was right. One day I’d be happy about every circumstance in my life, but right now I wasn’t. So much had happened, I could hardly explain what it did to me. I was broken yet I felt like I was re-born. Stupid, I know.

“I’m not going to talk about this anymore, because it’s quite depressing. So, uhm, let me ask you something else that can be more fun.’’ Liam said, and he stroked with his fingers over his beard. He was thinking about subjects to talk about. I brought the tea to my mouth, taking a sip before returning it to the table.

I couldn’t help but smile the entire time Liam and I were chatting. We had the weirdest questions: what we would do if we could spend 5 Million dollar or what was the perfect name for a dog? The conversation was so different from others that I had, that it was impossible for me to hate it. It felt so good to laugh after such a long time that I didn’t even regret texting Liam about hanging out.

The longer we talked the closer we got. It felt good to be having such a great and open-minded conversation. We had ordered another round of drinks, me having red wine and Liam ordering a beer. He didn’t want to order some beverage in the first place, but he couldn’t help but long for a glass of cold beer.

The sun was slowly but surely setting, and I knew it would be best to wrap up our day. We had already been sitting here for four hours straight. It was fun, a lot of fun. Liam would throw his head back sometimes, erupting in a fit of laughter – it was beautiful to witness. The same laugh he had when I met him for the first time. The more I heard his laugh, the more it warmed my heart.

“I got it covered,’’ Liam said when the waitress asked us to pay. I thanked him, and we both grabbed our belongings and made our way down the busy streets. It wasn’t that dark yet, so we could still see each other’s faces.

“Parking the motorcycle further away so that we have more time to walk together, I think?’’ I asked him playfully.

I felt Liam wrap his arm around me, and he pulled me closer to him. A smile captured my face, and blush crawled up my cheeks at his sweet actions. His lips brushed against my hair. “Maybe you’re right,’’ He whispered against my head and he placed a quick peck on it. I giggled.

“I’m glad I’m not wearing heels tonight, it would be a disaster on the bike.’’ I commented, and I looked at Liam. I saw him nodding in agreement, and he focused on me.

“The next time you’re just going to tell me you’re wearing heels, so I pick you up with the car.’’ He told me, and my cheeks started to turn red.

“So there’s going to be a next time?’’ I asked him nervously.


“He sounds so amazing, oh my god.’’ Red said through the phone, and I agreed with her completely. “He seems so sweet, but when I saw him sitting next to you at the party I knew he would be a decent guy. I’m glad he came to you, Vicks.’’

“Thanks, Red. It was so strange to spend time with someone other than Harry. Nevertheless, it was refreshing. We are going out again soon, I think. He told me we would see each other again quite soon.’’ I informed her. A bag of chips were laying on my stomach while I was laying on my couch. It was already 1 AM.

“It’s good you’re enjoying other things as well. I’m not saying you need to hop into bed with Liam, because that would be too soon – even though he sounds worth it. Anyways, coming to my point: it’s wonderful that you’re focusing on other activities and friends.’’ Red explained. “Learn to be yourself, without Harry.’’

I stuffed some chips into my mouth – not incredibly smart since I needed to speak – and chewed quickly. I took a sip from the glass of water, and licked my fingers. They were salty. “Why are you actually whispering like that?’’

“You call me at one in the morning, the sex god is lying next to me, and he hates to be woken up early. I don’t want him to be all grumpy. However, it would be insanely hot.’’ Red breathed out desperately. “Enough about my fantasies, that’s why I’m whispering.’’

“Why aren’t you two in a relationships? I mean, you two have continuous sex and spend the majority of the day together. It isn’t a one night stand anymore, is it?’’

“I’m not in the mood to talk about me. It’s nothing, okay?’’ She tried to assure me.

“It’s not nothing!’’ I spoke through the phone. “It’s definitely something, Winster! Don’t deny it. I bet you like him…maybe even love him?’’

“Love? Gross. No, I don’t love him. He’s charming, and playful – and those abs! I am allowed to touch them so many times, Vicky – what am I even rambling about. I need to go back to sleep. You always call me when I’m vulnerable.’’ She huffed, but I could laugh about the situation.

“Get to sleep, Winster. I’ll see you later today at practice.’’ I spoke, and she agreed.

I sat for another hour on the couch, devouring the bag of chips while staring through my window. There wasn’t much to see besides other apartments. As I sat longer on the couch I got sleepier. I threw the empty bag in the bin, and turned off the lights.

I threw on my pyjama’s – which is literally just an old t-shirt – got under the covers, and made sure to set my alarm for the morning. As my room was completely filled with darkness I reflected on the day I had spent with Liam. It was so lovely.

I groaned at the thought of getting up early for practice tomorrow. I loved dancing, but I was so caught up thinking about Liam that I couldn’t get to sleep. I loved that I was going to see Red and Marcel, but that meant I was also going to see Harry for the first time since I told him off.

Dear God, help me.


(Hi guys.

I'm terribly ill, so I can't promise you an update next week. Please understand.

Vote & comment if you like. I'd love that.

Check out my steamy new harry fanfic called Desire. Look at my profile ;)
xo Lay)

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