To Die For (Levi x OC)

By chxrryxblossom

42.6K 986 113

Dani Blackwood had been Levi's First Lieutenant on his Squad for five years, an exceptional soldier in every... More

One: Lieutenant Blackwood
Two: Mission of Wall Maria
Three: After the Struggle of Trost
Four: What To Do With Jaeger
Five: Something About the Captain
Six: Hot and Cold
Seven: Do You See Eye to Eye?
Eight: Female Titan
Nine: The Aftermath
Ten: Tensions Rising
Twelve: Captain Ficks and the MPs
Thirteen: Dani's Sanctuary
Fourteen: What Will Be the Same?
Fifteen: Kenny Ackerman
Sixteen: On the Run
Seventeen: Saving Eren
Eighteen: Calm Before the Storm
Nineteen: Reclamation of Wall Maria
Twenty: Decimation
Twenty One: What More Can We Endure?
Twenty Two: The Mind and Body Wanders
Twenty Three: The Truth is Out
Twenty Four: Pending Investigation
Twenty Five: A Stroke of Luck
Twenty Six: 🍋 Heat of the Moment 🍋
Twenty Seven: The Way Things Are
Twenty Eight: Four Years
Twenty Nine: A Lot At Once
Thirty: 🍋 The After Party 🍋
Thirty One: A Declaration of War
Thirty Two: 🍋 A Moment of Peace 🍋
Thirty Three: A Form of Torture
Thirty Four: Dead or Alive
Thirty Five: Awakening
Thirty Six: The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend
Thirty Seven: Friendly Fire

Eleven: Levi and Dani 🍋 (Rewrite)

1.9K 39 22
By chxrryxblossom


Closing the door, I leaned against it and stared back at him. "Why did you really come here?"

"This is strictly professional." He responded.

"Strictly." I nodded with agreement, but something about this no longer felt professional.

"I wouldn't want anyone getting the idea that there is something between us." He informed me.

I pushed myself off of the door and walked toward him slowly, playing coy now. "Because that would be unprofessional?" I regarded him with a soft look, looking at him through half closed lids. There was a flash of nervousness in his eyes as he understood what I was doing.

"Yes." Was his only answer.

I continued to walk closer still, but he didn't move, he only watched me as I got close to his face. "And yet you haven't left yet." My voice was smooth and low, a small smile playing on my face.

He didn't step away from me or say anything, his eyes only looked over my face. What was happening behind those eyes of his? What was he thinking?

I blinked up at him innocently. "Captain?" My voice was still low and smooth, inviting him to do what he really came here for.

He groaned. "Fuck it." With that, he reached out and grabbed my face, pulling me closer and bringing his lips to mine.

Our lips moved in sync, the two of us allowing ourselves to be vulnerable for a moment. Levi's hand left my face and his fingers knotted themselves in my hair as he pulled me closer. His other hand found the small of my back and he pressed my body against his. Slowly, I brought my tongue along his top lip and he obliged, opening his mouth so our tongues could meet.

In his excitement, he pushed me against the wall and his mouth left mine, trailing bites and kisses down my jaw and to my neck. I breathed heavily, not wanting to make noise in the event that someone was outside listening. Still, my hands found their way to the bottom of his white long sleeve shirt- the collarless one that he looked so good in. I trailed my hands over his abdomen, surprised to feel the musculature beneath.

His lips came back to mine quickly and he grabbed my hips with both hands, pulling my lower body into his. He bit my lower lip and then moved away again, this time moving to my ear, his breath hot against my cheek. "This is wrong. I shouldn't be doing this." He mumbled into my ear.

I brought my lips to his ear now, running my fingers through his hair while my other hand trailed up his shirt. "Then tell me to stop." I whispered back.

His hands left my hips and grabbed either side of my face, pulling my face away from his neck so he could kiss me some more. I didn't protest. Instead, I allowed him to take control. When I tried to lift his shirt, he grabbed both of my wrists and pinned them to the wall, moving his mouth back to my neck and leaving love bites along my jawline, kisses across my throat, and more love bites to the other side of my neck.

"Levi..." I breathed out, wanting more. He was just teasing me now.

He brought his mouth back up to my ear. "Shut up." The words were said breathlessly.

"Is that an order?" I teased.

Levi smirked and tightened his grip on my wrists. "If it was, you'd be insubordinate." He bit down on my neck once more, a little harder this time.

"Fuck, Levi..." I squirmed in his grip.

Levi pressed his body against mine, pinning me completely. "Shut the fuck up." He breathed against my ear.

"What's wrong, Captain?" I continued to tease him. "Can't you control yourself?"

Levi grabbed me under my thighs and lifted me up, making me straddle him while he turned his body and carried me to the bed. He laid me down on my back, staying on top of me and moving in between my legs. Bringing his face to my own, he kissed me a few times before whispering, "you're gonna stop teasing me."

"Or what?" I challenged, taking this chance to slip his shirt off.

Levi reciprocated, taking my own off as well before pinning my hands above my head. His lips lingered above mine for a moment. "Do you really want to find out?"

"Don't be a coward." I smirked.

He sighed and slowly started kissing his way down my neck and then to my chest. He lingered there for a moment, biting the skin until finally he released his hold on my wrists so he could continue moving down my body.

I laid back, allowing him to do what he wanted to me.

(A/N: Upon further reflection, I have decided to write the lemon. I'm leaving this line here because the reader responses are gold) ~Timeskip~ A/N: my sincere condolences, reader

Wasting no time, he worked my pants off of me, his hands gripping my body tightly, as if I wasn't close enough.

My heart raced in my chest, realization dawning on me. As his hands went between my naked legs, I suddenly felt self conscious, knowing that I was considerably sexually excited.

If he made any judgments about my body's response, he kept them to himself. Instead, he slowly rubbed circles in just the right spot, making my body twitch under his touch. Smirking, he used his other hand to remove his belt.

Sitting up, I hastily tried to remove his pants, but he stopped me- grabbing my hands and shoving me back down onto the bed. He clicked his tongue at me disapprovingly.

"Patience." He scolded me, releasing his hold on me hands so he could remove his pants himself. I tried not to ogle his erection, but it had taken me by surprise.

"Eyes are up here." He teased me, reaching forward and grabbing me by my jaw to tilt my face upward.

Holding eye contact with me, he moved closer, expertly moving his hips in a motion that allowed him to pleasure my clit with the tip of his dick.

"We're really doing this..." I panted the words, breathless from excitement.

He paused, studying me. "Do you want to stop?"

"No." I answered quickly, reaching up, grabbing him by the back of the neck, and pulling him down so our lips would meet again. He resumed his skillful pleasuring, soft moans of pleasure emitting from his throat.

I was enjoying him more than I'd care to admit. Every movement over my clit caused my body to rock involuntarily. Grabbing him around his torso, I dug my nails into his skin, trying to pull him closer.

Levi responded by bringing a free hand to my throat, squeezing the sides of my airway just enough that I could still breathe, but also to remind me I was at his mercy. Breaking away from the kiss, he made sure to hold eye contact with me as he pushed his dick deep inside me. I whimpered under him, making him choke me a little bit harder as he began to rock his hips fluidly, keeping an even pace.

A moan of pleasure escaped my lips, causing him to reach up with his other hand and cover my mouth. Bring his lips to my ear, he quietly hushed me but continued to fuck me.

He was bigger than I had anticipated, his size so pleasurable that I began to groan beneath his hand. Quickly pulling out of me, he released his grip on my throat. "Turn over." He instructed me.

I did as I was told, getting onto all fours and hearing him snicker behind me.

"Always so obedient." He remarked, grabbing me by my hips and jerking me back roughly so my ass was pressed against him. "Put your face in the pillow and be quiet." He ordered me.

I obeyed again, truthfully finding the domineering behavior to be even more of a turn on.

Pressing one hand between my shoulder blades, he held my torso down while using his other hand to bring my hips higher. When I was positioned how he wanted me, he slid into me from behind, once again getting a rhythm as he fucked me.

I aided him, pulling away slightly and pushing myself back onto him, matching his rhythm, putting in work until finally, a quiver of a moan escaped him. His pace quickened, fucking me harder and faster. I gripped my bedsheets, my high pitched sounds of pleasure being muffled only by the down feather pillow.

He reached around me with his other hand, his fingers finding my clit and rubbing quick circles to match his pace. The sound of his pelvis beating me from behind was embarrassingly loud and I could only hope no one was listening outside the door.

Cries of pleasure left me as the heat began to build. Just as I met climax, he pulled out of me and warm liquid met the bare skin of my back.

We both panted, frozen in place as we tried to catch our breath. As he recovered, he released me, no long holding me down.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, going to the shelf where I kept my washcloths and grabbing one, "I didn't mean to make a mess." After such a rough fuck, he was surprisingly gentle as he wiped at my skin.

After properly cleaning me, I turned back over, still working to catch my breath after the hyperventilating I had done during the excitement.

"Round 2?" I asked, raising a brow.

Levi smirked, shaking his head at me. And yet, he shoved me back down on the bed, hungrily kissing me once more.

~ ~ ~

I woke up early the next morning with Levi's arm thrown over my naked torso. We must have fallen asleep and neither of us had gotten dressed before we had done so. I shifted beside him and he responded by pulling me closer.

"Don't leave yet." He mumbled into the back of my head, the sound muffled by my hair.

Instead of leaving, I turned around to face him and delivered a kiss to his lips. He kissed me back instantly and hugged me tighter, making my breasts press against his exposed torso.

"So, that happened." I spoke first.

Levi hummed and stretched his arm before dropping it onto my hip, where he squeezed the side of my thigh. "Not something that can be undone."

I smiled at him and nestled my head into his shoulder. "I'm okay with that."

Levi used the hand under my head to play with my hair. "How are you feeling?" His eyes drifted to my rib cage, where subtle bruising was still evident.

I shifted under his gaze. "I only really feel it if I hyper extend anything or if something bumps it."

"I'll be sure to be careful." He sounded as though he wanted to laugh at himself, but he refrained.

Smacking him with a pillow, I slipped out from under the covers and began my search for my clothing. I found undergarments first and dressed myself as Levi did the same. Once I had tucked my white shirt into my black pants, I looked up in time to see Levi doing the same.

"I never thought you'd actually look better without that shirt." Oh my god, did I actually say that.

Levi met my gaze and immediately noticed the heat rising to my cheeks. "Likewise." He smirked, making my blush deepen.

I picked up my boots and bent over to put them on, but winced as the motion caused pain to bite me in my ribs.

Levi noticed this and got down on one knee, helping me get my boots on before he fastened the buckle around my thigh. His fingers lingered on the buckle for a moment, seeming to contemplate something before he ultimately recoiled and got to his feet.

"Thanks." I whispered, brushing my hair back into a ponytail.

He nodded at me but said nothing as he reached for his jacket and slipped the brown piece of his uniform onto his shoulders before snatching his green cape and buttoning it around his neck. I grabbed my own green cape and did the same. As Levi put on his boots, I opened my door and peaked into the hallway, seeing that no one was around before opening the door all the way. Levi went to the door and paused in the doorway, looking back at me while I brushed stray hair out of my face.

"Would you like to accompany me downstairs?" He asked.

I relaxed and nodded. "Of course."

We both exited the room, no one in sight, and found our way down stairs. The other scouts appeared to be none the wiser as to what had transpired over the night between Levi and I. Just as each of us would have preferred. If news of us fucking got back to Hanji, we would hear no end to their antics. And I couldn't even think about what would happen if Erwin found out his Captain had slept with one of the Lieutenants.

Levi and I met the rest of the scouts in the cafeteria, where Erwin approached us before we could get our food. He greeted Levi first before speaking to me directly.

"Lieutenant Blackwood. I see you have been discharged from the hospital."

"She left the hospital against medical advice." Levi clarified and I nodded, owning up to it immediately.

"This is the truth, sir."

"I see. Perhaps not the smartest decision on your part." Commander Erwin chastised me. "I don't think you're fit to return to duty just yet." He paused and looked over the scars that had taken place on my face and hands. "The Scout Regiment has some business to attend to." He looked at me when he said this, but it felt as though he had directed it to Levi. "Since you still need time to recover, I'll be leaving you under the jurisdiction of the military police until the Scouts return."

Saluting him, I gave my superior a firm nod. "Yes, sir."

"Good. I expect you to be on your best behavior."

"My Lieutenant always is." Levi interrupted, coming to my defense.

"Of course she is. She works under you." Erwin smiled at Levi. "Now, you and I have some planning to do. I stopped by your quarters this morning, but you weren't there."

A soft blush reached my cheeks at Erwin's words. Could he possibly know? If he did, he wasn't acknowledging it.

As Erwin lead Levi away, I grabbed my breakfast and took my usual place at the table.

Great. I thought. I'm being left behind.

I wondered what would happen to them while I was stuck inside the walls. It had never happened before. Ever since I had joined the scouts, I had always been included on each mission. It was how I had gotten my high kill count. Now, I was considered a risk to a mission that the Commander wouldn't take.

Frowning, I picked at my food. This sucks.

~      ~      ~

My head pounded as I packed my belongings into a suitcase. Being sent away to a military police base was going to be awful, but it would only be for a short time. Until the Scouts returned from their next mission. Still, being left behind did nothing to make me feel better about what had happened. Levi had been my only comfort since our squad had been killed and I endured such horrific injuries. Now I was going to have to be by myself in a regiment I had little respect for.

My headache thumped harder, making my eyes hurt, and I pressed a hand against my head, trying to will the pain away.

Suddenly, there was a soft knock at my open door and I turned to see Eren standing there, eyeing me with a guilty look on his face.

"Hi, Dani." He greeted me softly.

I stopped what I was doing to give him my full attention, offering him a nod rather than a verbal greeting.

"I couldn't bring myself to see you after I found out you had survived. I know you probably hate me."

"Why would I hate you?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"You told me to leave. Ordered me to. And I didn't listen."

"I'm sure Levi has already reprimanded you for that."

He sighed, dropping his head into his hand as he trembled slightly. "I know it was the right thing to do to trust you guys, but when I saw what the Titan did to all of you, I couldn't control myself." He paused and looked up at me, meeting my gaze. "If I had transformed sooner, maybe the others would be alive too."

"Is that why you came here? To tell me you should have disobeyed me and maybe my friends would still be alive?" I didn't mean for the words to sound so harsh, but they did and Eren's eyes widened.

"No, no, I didn't mean-"

"What? You didn't mean what? To imply that I'm a poor leader? You didn't mean to tell me that my decisions resulted in this?"


I put my hand up. "Save it. I've had weeks to reflect on what happened and I don't need you to come sniveling in here to tell me shit I already know." I turned my back on him and continued to fold clothes and shove them into the suitcase.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant. I didn't mean for it to sound that way."

I didn't reply, ignoring him as I angrily folded clothing and jammed it into whatever part of the suitcase it would fit.

He sighed behind me. "So, I guess you're not going on the mission with us."

"Do I look like I'd be able to?" There were still subtle scars on my body, but the most obvious one was the giant spiderweb-like scar that stretched over the corner of my forehead and into my hairline. This was the injury that lingered every day, giving me headaches, one of which I was suffering from as I spoke. Beyond that, my motions were slow and I often found myself wincing or out of breath.

Eren was silent for a moment too long, prompting me to finally look at him. As I did, he averted his gaze. "I thought you had been killed, you know. I thought I had watched all of you die. I'm sorry for not following orders."

Shaking my head, I rested all of my weight on my hands as I leaned over the suitcase. "I watched all of my friends die, Eren. Believe me when I say I know how it felt."

"I just wanted to apologize to you. That's all."

Giving a dejected sigh, I finally softened. "It's okay. It's not like you were the one who tried to kill me."

He shifted behind me. "Have a good night, Lieutenant." Eren bade me adieu, his footsteps leaving the room and fading down the hallway.

Finished packing now, I closed my suitcase and turned around, sitting on top of it when I realized someone else was standing in my doorway now. This caught me off guard, making me gasp in surprise as my body jumped. It didn't take me long to realize it was only Levi.

"I didn't mean to sneak up on you." He apologized.

"It was only half a heart attack." I assured him, pressing my hand to my chest as my heart hammered within me.

He encroached further into my room, gently shutting the door behind him before he closed the distance between us.

"Captain?" I asked in confusion.

"Be quiet for a second." He paused, his eyes looking over my face before he reached out, thumb tracing one of the light scars on my jawline. I didn't move, breathing out slowly as I allowed the contact. When his voice came back to me, it was low and deep, soothing as the tone rumbled through the air. "I know the last thing you need right now is to be alone," his eyes were half closed as he spoke, the circles beneath his eyes giving away his fatigue, "but you know how the job is. Everyone will be back before you know it."

His words were oddly out of character, but they felt intimate and comforting. Reaching up, I placed my hand over his, which he was now using to gently cradle the side of my face.

"I will be fine, Levi. I always am."

He laughed through his nose. "I'm aware. But I can't be here to see for myself this time."

"Nothings going to happen to me in the Military Police. They're the laziest bastards in the entire military." I smirked, knowing it was the safest place for me to be in my condition.

"Good." He responded, suddenly closing the gap between us and pressing a kiss to my lips. The gesture was unexpected, but I didn't pull away, allowing him to break the kiss. "Give 'em hell." He whispered against my lips, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear before stepping away entirely.

I watched as he headed for the door and paused as he always would before leaving. "Goodnight, Dani."

"Goodnight, Levi."

With a half smile on his face, he opened the door and left. I wished he had stayed longer.

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