Rising Dawn - That Really Ina...

By thalliana-aka-tilly

736 27 4

Kind of a oneshot that was too inappropriate for my main story. Didn't want to get flagged on that one, so I... More

That Really Inappropriate Chapter

736 27 4
By thalliana-aka-tilly

     "Those people probably hate us," I say, motioning with my chin at the house behind us.

     "What people?" Will's nose scrunches up in confusion.

    "The ones in that beautiful house." I crane my neck to look at the dark windows. That's odd, it isn't that late, I can't imagine a reason anyone would go to sleep this early.

     Will rolls onto his side and props himself up with one arm. I turn to look at him and see a strange smile on his face. "There's no one in that house, love. It belongs to me...us."

     I bolt upright. "Wait, what?"

     He chuckles and then drops down flat on his back. He reaches out, intertwines the fingers of his right and my left hand, and places his other hand on my waist. Will guides me closer and pulls me onto his lap. I swing a leg over his torso and lower myself until we're settled pelvis to pelvis.

     "I bought it a couple months after I proposed." I tear my eyes away from Will's face and look up, noticing for the first time that the beautiful house is the only one on our section of the beach. There are large rock formations on either side of the house, extending almost all the way to the water. I'm almost certain there are more houses on the other sides of the rock, but they won't disturb us. We can make as much noise on the beach as we'd like and they wouldn't hear. I smirk and bite my lip. Will's eyes light up. "There's no one here. It's all ours tonight, babygirl."

     "Babygirl?" I tilt my head and smile.

     He shrugs and gently squeezes my hands. "Eh, thought I'd try something new. You like it?"

     I lean down, lightly pinning Will's hands by his head. "Yeah," I whisper against his lips.

     "Good, because I do too." He kisses me quickly before sitting up and tossing my arms around his shoulders. He stands up, and I wrap my legs around his waist.

     Will carries me across the sand, picking up our clothing along the way. I cling to him like a koala when he bends over, marveling that he's strong enough not to tip over. He bundles everything in one arm and keeps the other wrapped around me.

     When we reach the cobblestone patio, Will loosens his hold on my waist and I hop down. He lifts his coat and retrieves a key from one of the pockets, then drops our little pile of clothes and shoes onto a wicker patio chair. He hands the house key to me with a smile. I giggle and turn to unlock the door. Will presses himself into my back and slides a hand around my side, coming to a rest on my stomach. He uses the other to brush my wet hair off of my neck and pull the strands into a bunch at the nape of my neck with one hand. He lowers his head and places his mouth on my shoulder.

     My hand fumbles with the key and my breathing shutters as I tilt my head to give him better access. I lift my hand and knot my fingers in his hair. "Will?"

     "Mmm?" The vibrations of his response make me shiver, and then I feel his tongue flick against my skin, picking up the ocean water droplets.

     I grip his hair a little and turn his head to the side so I can look into his eyes. I feign indignation. "What do you think you're doing?"

     He smiles, his teeth bright in the moonlight as he grazes them against my shoulder. "Getting a taste of the most magnificent woman I've ever met."

     I scoff good-naturedly. "Oh, is that right?"

     "It is." He nods and brings a hand up to draw circles lazily with a fingertip where his lips had previously been. "And this milky white neck isn't the only part of her I'd like to taste tonight."

     I grin and ignore the innuendo. "You sounded like a vampire there."

     "I hear girls think vampires are hot." The hand on my stomach activates and he begins moving it up and down, stopping just short of my chest and waist, teasing me.

     "I think you're hot, fangs or no." I study him carefully as his cheeks pink and he refocuses on cleaning off the salt water from my shoulder. "But we really should get inside."

     He groans in protest, too engrossed in sucking at the flesh to respond verbally. I take my hand out of Will's hair and unlock the door. He doesn't seem to want to stop or let go of me though.

     "It'll be more comfy inside. We can lay down," I reason.

     "Fine, I'll go get our bags," Will murmurs, his lips sending chills down my spine as they brush against my neck. "You go and make yourself at home, explore the bedroom."

     He pads off silently after giving me a suggestive grin and I open the door wearing an equally suggestive expression.

     The house is really nice. I turn on a lamp to illuminate the interior and see a hallway with dark wood floors. Off to the left is a sitting room with plush carpets and beige couches. The pictures in that room are abstract and pastel with dark wood frames. To the right is a dining area and past that, deeper into the house, a kitchen. I walk down the hall and pass a bathroom and a storage closet. There's another room with couches and then a smaller, branching hallway with a few closed doors. The bedrooms.

     I poke around until I find the master bedroom. One of the doors led to a spiral staircase, and, as it turns out, the master bedroom takes up the entire upper floor. While downstairs, I noted that there are enough rooms and beds for all of our family. All of the rooms are beautiful, but the upstairs master bedroom is the prettiest by far.

    There's a balcony overlooking the beach where I can hear the water and see the moonlight reflected off of the sparkling water. The bed is a king size, four poster with light blue transparent fabric draped over the top of the frame as decorative bed curtains. They move when I open the balcony doors, and I leave them open because the cool night air feels so good against my face. There's a large bathroom including a bathtub about the size of a hot tub, complete with underwater lights and jets.

     There's a workshop in the corner which is the only evidence that Will has ever been in this house. A few small devices and tools on a workbench and a fire extinguisher underneath make me smile. There's a beautiful vanity complete with a white chair and lights lining the mirror. I sit down at the desk and run my fingertips over the tops of various sealed bottles, all brand new. All bought for me.

    Then I lower my gaze to the edge of the desk closest to me and see a square box about the size of my palm. I open it and gasp at what's inside. It's a beautiful necklace with a silver chain and a dark blue sapphire with smaller, white diamonds in a sweeping loop around it.

    "You found it."

     I start and look up at the mirror to see Will's reflection. He smiles and comes up behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders.

     I shake my head in disbelief. "It's beautiful."

     Will bends over and kisses the top of my head while gently taking the necklace from my hands. "Why no lights?"

     "We're gonna turn them off anyway, aren't we? Set the mood?" I shrug. The moonlight is enough for me to see by, so I didn't bother.

     He turns on the vanity mirror lights and I look at our reflection, much brighter now. Will takes the necklace and holds it up to my neck. The dark blue contrasts my pale skin quite a bit, and I love the crystal clear color. Apparently so does Will. "But what if I want to see your gorgeous face?"

     I bite my lip and smile at him. "While you...?"

     Will chuckles softly and puts the necklace back in its box. His warm hands travel up my arms and over my neck, coming to a rest on the bottom of my chin. He tilts my head upward until our faces are parallel to each other and the ground. He cups my face as he brings his lips to my forhead, taking the bait.

     "While I...smell this silky hair?" He smiles, teasing me, moving back to bury his nose in my wet hair that I can't imagine still smells much like my shampoo. It isn't silky either, it's wet with ocean water.

     "While I...caress this luscious body?" Will moves on, lifting his face to bring our lips together, and his hands find their way to my chest. He raises his head to watch my reaction to his movement with hungry eyes. One of his hands stays there, cupping one of my breasts while his other hand slides down my stomach and comes to a rest over my pussy. Even though there's a layer of fabric in between his hands and each of my sex organs, I can still feel the warmth of his palms heating my cold and wet skin.

     My breath catches in my throat, but I roll my eyes all the same. I've been with Will for a while now, but I'm still skinny. I don't have many curves and I'm hardly luscious, so I tell him with a giggle. "As much as I love what you're doing, I'm not luscious."

     He shakes his head, thoroughly disagreeing with my self criticism. "While I...silence this sweet mouth?" He tastes like salt and chocolate. His lips are soft and his tongue probes gently at my lips until I let him in for a moment. Then, I push his tongue out playfully and smile against his mouth. He pulls back to look at me upside down with an expression of pure adoration.

     Will takes me by the shoulders and pushes me forward gently so he can get at the zipper at the back of my dress. I bring my chin down and look at him in the mirror. He undoes the back of my dress and slides the straps off of my shoulders before starting to kiss my neck like he was doing outside. As he begins sucking the foundation of a love bite, he uses his hands to pull the top of my dress down to my waist. He heats up my chest and stomach with his warm hands before finally straightening.

     I tremble as he places a hand behind my back and one over my pussy again to guide me to my feet. The dress falls around my ankles and Will smiles. There's still a cold breeze in the room, a fact that is not lost on Will or my stiffening nipples. He picks me up and carries me over to the bed, laying me down carefully before crossing the room to close the balcony doors I had left open and fiddling with the thermostat nearby.

     He unbuckles his pants and takes them off while walking back to me. A low hum indicates that heater has turned on, and I stop shivering from the cold.

     Will climbs onto the bed in front of me, wearing only his boxers. He leans over me and slips a hand behind my back to undo my bra hooks while teasing me with how close his mouth is. I reach up and pull his head down, locking our lips together somewhat aggressively. Once my bra is unhooked, he pulls it away and tosses it aside, immediately going down to put his mouth on my breast. He latches onto a nipple, gently swirling his tongue over it and being careful to keep his teeth away from the sensitive flesh. As he attends one with his mouth, he uses his left hand to gently knead with the other.

     His right hand finds its way down to my panties, slipping in between my legs. He rubs me through the fabric making me inhale sharply. Will looks up to make sure nothings wrong, but I don't give him a chance to say anything, bringing a hand to the back of his head and pulling him back onto my other breast.

     Will goes back to work with a devilish smile and pulls my panties aside to get at my increasingly wet pussy. His fingers slide up and down the slit, never quite going in deep enough or close enough to my clit to elicit a moan.

     I run my fingers through Will's hair and gently push on his head, encouraging him to go lower. He raises his eyes to my face and the expressive glimmer in their lavender pools makes me shudder. He gives the nipple in his mouth one last lick before detatching, planting a kiss on my mouth, and sitting up. He gets a grip on each side of my panties and pulls them off with one smooth flourish, giving me a devilish grin.

     I giggle and lift up my legs to help him. Will tosses them aside and readjusts himself to lay comfortably on his stomach with his left hand still lightly massaging one of my breasts and his right softly caressing the back of my thigh. In response to Will's touch, I lift a smooth, pale leg illuminated by the cool moon light and rest it on his back. He wraps the arm of the hand that had been on my thigh up and around my leg, his hand coming to a rest at the lowest point on my abdomen.

     Will breaks his gaze from the prize in front of him and lifts his head. His mouth is so close to my slit that I can feel his warm breath on the already slicked skin. "May I?"

     I sigh and turn my head to the side to avoid his eyes. "You don't have to keep asking, Will."

     "Yes, I do." His playful expression suddenly turns serious. He lowers the hand that was on my breast to rub my stomach comfortingly. "And I will ask every time until the day I die because I will never make you feel like you don't have a choice. You do. Even though I know you, even though we're married, even though we've done this before, I will keep asking, and you can say no."

     "But why would I?" His chivalry is admirable and if I were in a worse place right now, I might cry at how considerate he is. But I'm in a good place, I'm feeling good. Or at least I was. I understand that he's just making absolute sure I want this, but if I didn't, I would have stopped him a long time ago. "I was in the perfect mood, and you just killed it."

     I look at Will and watch as a silent apology crosses his face. "Killed it?"

     I fake pout and nod, giving his left hand a squeeze before pulling it back onto my breast.

     He grins. "Oh, don't worry. I know CPR, so I can bring the mood back. But which orifice do I put my mouth on?" I giggle and lift my pelvis toward his mouth. He counters my movement with gentle pressure on my lower abdomen from his right hand, lowering my butt to the blankets again. "May I?"

     He really does just want me to be comfortable and feel safe. I don't really know who Will was after we were separated and before we were reunited, so maybe he would have done it regardless, but he knows my history, and he didn't want me to feel how I did with Nigel. I couldn't ask for a sweeter, more considerate husband.

     I finally accept that he's always going to be this careful and protective with me and smile back at him before whispering, "Please."

     His tongue attacks my pussy with a carnal thirst. His right hand on my abdomen slides a little lower, and he pulls up the skin covered in a neat patch of soft hair to give himself more access to my hooded clit.

     I pull him closer with the leg on his back and grip his hair with both hands, not so much directing him as just feeling him move. Will removes his left hand from my breast and brings it up under my leg to the base of my pussy. He pulls back and dribbles spit onto his fingers. He rubs them up and down my slit before working them into the aperture. I moan as Will leans back down and takes up sucking my clit again.

     Even though my left leg is on top of his shoulders, my right leg is bent out to the side with my foot resting on his hip. I lift my right foot and place it gently against his package, beginning to rub him through the fabric. He moans in response, creating a vibration that makes me gasp and grind my pussy into his tongue.

     His fingers gently rock in and out of me, flicking up when they're all the way in, and that paired with his warm, wet tongue swirling around my clit sends ripples of pleasure through my entire body. I don't have much dexterity with my foot to rub his package, but that doesn't stop it from rising to the occasion.

     Will takes his mouth off and retracts his fingers in order to sit up, making me whimper in protest at the sudden loss of his touch.

     He grins while reaching to take his shorts off. "I know, babygirl, have patience. All good things come to those who wait."

     "Yes, but even better things come to those who pounce," I squeal, sitting up and pulling Will's face down to mine for a kiss.

     He puts a hand on my cheek and works his shorts all the way off before bringing his other hand to the small of my back to lower me to the blankets all without breaking the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck as he spits in his hand again and reaches down to direct his dick towards my pussy. Will draws back a little bit, and I take the opportunity to brush a few strands of wet hair out of my face.

     "There's that beautiful face," Will purrs.

     "Now you can see me," I say with a prompting smirk. "While you..."

     Will smiles. "You want to hear me say it, don't you?"

     I nod, drawing my knees up.

     He kisses me again and slides his thumb over my cheek. "I want to see your beautiful face while I rail this sweet pussy until you can't think straight."

     I giggle and watch as his face lights up at the sound before slowly pushing his way inside.

>< >< >< >< ><

     The throbs of his dick leading up to our simultaneous shudders still echo in my painfully empty pussy. Immediately after finishing and bringing me to orgasm, Will fell to my side, exhausted and slick with sweat.

     I bring my hands up and fan my hair out above my head on the pillows while panting and shaking with my eyes closed. I feel Will rise up on one arm and begin tracing a pattern on my stomach.

     "Are you cold?" he rasps.

     All that and he's still concerned for my comfort. I shake my head, unable to talk. Regardless of my assurance, Will pulls the blankets up around us and presses his face into my neck.

     I swallow and bring a loose arm up to brush across his forehead. I finally bringing my legs together under the covers, and there's a strange sense of emptiness without Will between them. I turn to Will, still recuperating himself but from an elevated position up on one elbow, and shake my head.

     "Where did you learn how to do that?" I ask breathlessly.

     "Believe it or not, I was a virgin before you. So I guess it must be instinct." Will makes a delightful growling sound deep in his throat before doing that funny little laugh of his. "Are you hungry or thirsty?"

     "No, but I do think we should wash up and maybe change the sheets before going to bed," I respond, motioning to the ocean water and sweat dampened sheets.

     "Probably wise." Will nods. "You go get started on a shower, and I'll take care of the bed."

     I sit up and give him a look. "A shower? I don't think I could survive another round right now."

     "I didn't mean it that way." Will tosses a pillow at me playfully. "Now go! I get squirrelly without you in my arms."

     I pick up the pillow and hold it behind me in mock modesty as I make my way to the bathroom.

I'm sorry, lol, I did my best. I won't do it again, promise. I hope you enjoyed it though, don't forget to like and comment if you did!
xoxo, Tilly

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