Tharntype Seven Years Later (...

By AmImported

34.2K 1.1K 151

ONESHOT. Tharn and Type having sex and....babies. Love you More

In the middle of the night

Techno is a crybaby

2.7K 112 10
By AmImported

Techno wakes up by the crack of dawn and proceeds to shower and brush his teeth. He fixes  his messy hair in the mirror and pulls on a shorts and makes his way back to the comfort of his bed His head smack on Champ's broad chest and his arm wrapped around his waist. Champ slowly wakes up and wraps his arm around Techno's smaller frame.

"Good morning," Champ pecks his hair and Techno hums as a response.

The older man then pushes away Techno head slowly so he could sit by the edge of the bed. Techno sits up tiredly with the sheets still pooled at his waist. 

"Are you leaving today?" Techno pushes a hand into his combed hair.

Champ nods, "Remember I'm going into town to check on the restaurant up north." He rubs his hands over his face to rid himself of any sleep. 

Techno hums once again and crawls up to his fiancé before wrapping his arm around his neck meanwhile capturing Champs's lips. Champ's arm stretches bag to rub against his lover's thighs without breaking the kiss, his tongue dips inside the warm minty mouth making Techno moan. 

Champ pulls away first with a peck to his cheeks and he stands up to head for the bathroom. Techno pulls out his phone and begins to scroll through his messages when he sees an unknown number at the top of his chat list. He opens it without thinking. 

???- I heard about your engagement, congratulations. Am I invited? 

Techno's face cringes when his eyes looks at the profile picture and sees his ex Kengkla. Without a second thought he throws the phone on the bed and head for the closet to put on a sweater. He walks downstairs and sees that the rooms are empty. Picking up his phone he calls Type. 

Tharn and Type were currently in their kitchen trying to feed a fussy Kyong. Type's parents were still asleep and they were trying not to trouble the elders but Kyong was proving to be a pain in the ass today. 

"It's like seven in the morning, why is he crying so much?" Tharn asks a frustrated Type. 

Type glares at him, "If i knew I would have done something about it." 

Tharn grins at him and gives him  sweet kiss on his lips and a kiss on Kyong's forehead. "I have to get to work now, bye baby." He leaves the house and Kyong only screams louder.

His screen flashes from the counter and he picks it up quickly, "What is it Techno?" 

"How could you guys just leave without saying bye?" He whines on the other end.

Type shushes Kyong who cries at the lack of attention, "Since you have forgotten, I have a child to take care of and Seo and Khlui have their respective jobs, not all of us can sit home and sleep all day." Type murmurs the last bit. 

"Shut up, you were literally a sugar baby until you got married and knocked up." Techno bites back. 

Type rolls his eyes, "Great, now you know why Champ is marrying you."


"Goodbye." Type sighs before hanging up and looking at the baby in his arms who has calmed down. He wraps his arm around his baby before walking over to the couch, He maneuvers the baby so it laid horizontally in his lap and his head on his arm. His other arm with the baby bottle as he feeds the baby. 

At nine pm when the three couples were finally seeing each other after a long day each has a different turn of events . Take Seo and Khui for example. 

From the moment Seo stepped through the door he jumped Khlui who was folding some clothes in the laundry room. 

His lips clashes against his confused lover before he lifts him up and places him firmly unto the washing machine. 

"You didn't even say goodnight you horny dog." Khlui flicks off his forehead but Seo was busy making small hickey's on Khlui's neck. 

Seo pulls away with a bright smile, "How are you baby?" 

Khlui grins at his partner's giddiness, "I was doing great until this stranger came in my house and started kissing me?"  This makes Seo laugh as he loosened his tie with one hand still resting on Khlui's hip. "Why are u so happy anyways?" He ruffles his hair.

Seo smirks and pulled off his belt, he leans into Khlui's neck and places a small kiss, "I made 28 million dollars today baby." He whispers before pulling away to see Khlui's shocked face. 

"So you came home to fuck me because you made twenty eight million dollars?"


A smile roams Khlui's lips and he places his hands on Seo's face to pull him in closer, "Im so proud of you baby." 

Seo smiles against his lips and pulls off Khlui's shorts with little to no effort before he starts jerking him off and watches as his little pink cock rises at every stroke. Khlui's hand grips Seo's blazer and Seo lets go off his cock to insert two fingers into Khlui's dripping hole which made the latter's stomach flutter and his cock twitch. 

They both looked down as Seo's fingers slide in out of his hole as Khlui breathes harder and tighten his grip on Seo. 

Seo pulls down his pants with his free hand and pulls out his firm cock before adjusting Seo so he could easily slide in with ease.

"You don't have to be gentle," Khlui breathes out in frustration "I want it."

Seo looks up from his concentration and smiles at Khlui, "I thought we were celebrating me here." He thrusts in harshly making his partner moan loud into the hot air. 

Khlui wraps both his arms around Seo's neck to be closer to him, "W-we are. Just hurry." The night went on like this for hours all over the house until they finally finished in the grand bedroom where Khlui lays exhausted on Seo's chest and the latter stroked his lover's stomach with his finger in dismay. 

Back at Techno and Champ, Techno is pacing back and forth in the bedroom as he waits on his fiancé to return home . The front door opens and he hears Champ call out his name before the bedroom door opens and a formal Champ steps through. He is wearing the classic workout man outfit with a red tie. 

He looks around to see the bed not made and his lover's closet disheveled as clothes litter the floor. He then finally processes what Techno is wearing and stares in disbelief. 

Champ pulls at his tie and drops his bag unto a chair, "Why are you wearing clothes ten times bigger than you?" He asks walking up to his tired fiancé. 

"To see how it would look." Techno says fiercely making Champ raise an eyebrow "Is that a problem?

Champ chuckles and pull's Techno closer to kiss peck his forehead. "No, it looks like you're wearing maternity clothes." 

"Aren't you only marrying me so you can knock me up," Techno pushes him away and sits on the edge of the bed leaving Champ confused. 

He stumbles for a bit but stands back up to look at his pissed fiancé who is scrolling anxiously through his phone. "Where is all this talk coming from?" He asks as he takes off his blazer and he slips out his house slippers so he can pull off his pants. Techno doesn't answer allowing him to pull on a navy sweatpants. 

Champs goes to lie in the bed with his body slightly titled up the headboard so he is on his side and staring down at Techno who still sits on the edge of the bed. He takes a pillow and throws it at his anxious partner's head. 

Techno spins around with red eyes which makes Champ more worried but he has to be stern when it comes to Techno throwing tantrums. "Tell me what's wrong and we will fix it No."

The smaller man wipes his eyes roughly before speaking, "This morning Type brought up something about me being a sugar baby, which is kind of true since I don't work and you bring home all the money." 

"Which is okay."

Techno shakes his head, "I know its okay but everyone who i know is either trying to have a kid, have a kid or is pregnant and here I am living off of you and not even properly preparing for the future and now we're getting married and I think you want to get married to have children."

"Oh Techno," Champ sighs. "Of course I want to have children with you, We make a lot of money, we have a house, car and enough love for a child. I want to-no- I need to marry you and continue this perfect life and yeah we are going to have a family and build on it, that's what I want from us."

The latter sniffles, "I wanted to have a child too why do you think I always want to keep Kyong but you're always busy and I didn't want our relationship to be ruined. I wanted to have your child from we were in college babe."

Techno looks like he was on the verge of crying again and Champ holds out his strong muscular arms, "Come here baby," 

Techno crawls up to Champ and lay his head between his neck and shoulder and begin to ugly cry unto him. Champ does his best to pull the sheets up so he would be comfortable before wrapping his arm around him. 

"Do you think it's time to get off birth control baby?" Champs kisses his hair 

Techno stills for a moment before he turns his head to look directly at Champ and the older man coos at his red puffy eyes and red nose that is covered in snot. He takes a tissue and begin to wipe at his face. 

"I haven't taken the  pill in about a month, it makes me struggle to orgasm sometimes" Techno says shyly  making Champ laugh. 

Champ dims the light to relax Techno, "How about you sleep, you've had a rough day."

Techno shakes his head, "I don't want to sleep." He mumbles before placing a light kiss on Champ's collarbone. 

"Weren't you just crying a minute ago, oh no I keep forgetting you get aroused after sadness." Champ chuckles making Techno giggle. 

The muscular man doesn't waste anytime before he flips Techno unto his back and is already clawing at his large clothes. The large sweatpants is thrown to the ground and the brown sweatshirt is flung hitting over a bottle but Techno doesn't care as he pulls off his underwear as well so he is completely naked under his lover. 

"You're so beautiful," Champ praises him and leans down to kiss along his small frame "I'd still love you even if you were fat because of a baby, our baby."

Techno's eyes gloss but he is too fired up, "That's so sweet but can you hurry up and fuck me?" 

Champ tilts his head for a second before saying no. 

This makes Techno burn as he pushes Champ away, flipping him over and straddling in his hips in seconds. Because of the flip, Champ's head is not fully on the bed so he has zero control over what Techno does.

"Get the condom out the draw if you're gonna be so bossy." Champs laughs.

Techno looks down at the bulging erection clinging to the sweatpants. "No."

"Do you want to get knocked up?" Champ chuckles. 

"Maybe." Techno sighs and pulls down the leaking cock before he rubs some lube over it and sits down slowly. 

When his eyes open Techno sees Champ staring at him with dark hooded eyes, "I'm going to fucking breed you." 

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