Multiuniverse Duel Monsters T...

Par sum3dud3

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Various Heroes find themselves in a pocket dimension, forced to duel each other for the Villainous Mark's (OC... Plus

Chapter 1: Duel of Crimson
Chapter 2: Extraterrestrial vs Supernatural
Chapter 3: The Clash of Heroes
Chapter 4: A ^totally Serious Battle
Chapter 5: Of Life and of Magic
Chapter 6: The Fist vs The Blade
Chapter 7: The Championship
Chapter 8: The Final Battle


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Par sum3dud3

An unconscious red hooded figure lies on a pitch black floor with her mechanical scythe next to her. The red hooded girl begins opens her silver eyes to look up at the sky only see nothingness.

"Ugh, where am I?" She asks herself "What's going on?"

"Huh?" She hears no to far next to her. She quickly gets up grabbing her scythe, transforming it into a sniper rifle and aiming it to her left.

"Who- who's there" she asks shakily.

"Whoa!" The man next to her says. "Calm down. I'm not in the mood for a fight." The hooded warrior sees a man in a red jacket, with 1 green eye, 1 red eye, and white spikey hair.

"Whoops sorry," she said before noticing a long sword stabbed into the ground. "Woah is that yours?" She asks.

"Oh yeah," he says as picking it up before being bombarded with questions by the now excited hooded girl.

"Oohhh! Oh, your weapon looks so cool! Does your weapon transforms too? Hey, what tricks can it do!? How much does it weigh? What's it made out of!? Can I take a look at it!? Can I please!? PLEASE!?" Getting closer as she asked each question before being interrupted by the white haired man.

"Argh, shut up! Just-stop talking! I need to figure out how we got here, let alone where we are"

"You too huh." The hooded figure and the white haired man spun around to see a teenage boy with curly dark brown hair, a pink jacket, a black shirt with a yellow star underneath it, and blue jeans holding a glowing, pink shield. "Guess I'm not the only one" the curly haired boy said as his shield dissipates. This time he was being questioned by the hooded girl.

"Woah, how did you do that?"

The curly haired boy answered "Oh, I'm part Gem so I can summon my shield from this" He shows her his pink gemstone from under his shirt. It took the place of a belly button for normal people. The hooded figure reaches out toward the gem.

"Is this some sort of implant?" She asks before the boy turns pink tucks his shirt and exclaims.

"No!" Putting the other two on guard. When he realizes he had turned pink from that little outburst and turns back to normal.

"Sorry, I don't really like people touching my gem." The curly haired boy says.

"No no, I should've asked for permission." The hooded girl continues.

"Geez" the white haired man muttered under his breath.

"How queer." said a voice not too far behind them.

They all turn to see an old man with a white beard and monocle wearing a purple robe and had and adornment of yellow stars. The excited hooded figure now approached the old man.

"Woah, you look like a real wizard!" she exclaims.

"That's because I am." the old man answered.

"What?!" the hooded figure and curly haired boy screamed.

"Prove it," said the curly haired boy. Just then, the old man then waved his staff then a symbol appeared. The symbol appeared to be an eye within a triangle with a curve underneath it. The symbol then disappeared as what appeared to be a scarecrow-like creature standing to his right holding a wooden staff before it dissipated.

"That's so cool." The hooded figure said excitedly.

"That could be really handy back home." the curly haired boy said. The white haired man grew tired of people suddenly appearing out of nowhere."


"Shut up damn it, good grief," a muscular man wearing a traditional japanese high school uniform modified with a golden chain at the collar, a magenta shirt underneath, two striped belts at the waist, and a hat with a few gold symbols on it that seem to mix with his hair.

"The hell you say to me?" the white haired man asked already knowing the answer. He was just testing the balls of the man in front of him.

"I said shut the hell up old man." the muscular man said.

"SWEAR," the hooded figure screamed.

"Shut it little girl," the muscular man screamed at her. "You're starting annoying me." Before the hooded figure could say anything, the white haired man began to charged at him with his weapon in hand.

"Hey!" The white haired man yelled, "Pay attention asshole." The white haired man jumped into the air while transforming his sword into a scythe before attempting to slash the muscular man's head off.

"STAR PLATINUM, THE WORLD!" The muscular man yelled. Just then, the muscular man disappeared instantly leaving the white haired man to slash at nothing. The white haired man then grunted in pain as he began to fly forward with his back in pain. As he was falling he flipped his feet toward the ground and landed less than gracefully with his weapon, transformed back into a sword, stabbed into the ground. He then turned behind him to see the muscular man standing there menacingly with a barely visible purple man as muscular as he is behind him before it disappeared.

"Woah guys," curly haired boy said, "Let's not fight, I'm sure we're all just confused seeing how we are in some-." the curly haired boy looked around him to see nothing but black except for the people there before continuing.

"-where we're all not familiar. Let's just talk." The muscular man and white haired man looked at each other before looking back at the curly haired boy.

"Or just not fight please," said the curly haired boy. The two men looked at each other then back at the boy and said,

"Fine." The boy then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nice job," the hooded figure said putting her weapon away. "It was nothing," the curly boy said, "I do this a lot back home."

"Not bad!"

A little boy with spiked black hair dressed in a red, green, and bits of yellow superhero costume with an R on it, a mask only covering his eyes, a yellow belt, and a cape that was black at the back and yellow at the front who suddenly appeared. The masked boy then pulled out a metal staff and said,

"My turn." He charged at the muscular man and tried to hit him but the muscular man just grabbed him by the head and lifted him up off the ground.

"I think we're in different leagues." the muscular man said before tossing him at the white haired man, disappointed that he caught him almost effortlessly.

"Same here, pal. Look for someone else," the white haired man said before tossing the masked boy to the side.

"Amazing, you must be legendary heroes,"

A black cat with green eyes wearing red knee leg protectors, red cape, red sash on his waist, crimson gloves, and a golden sword sheathed at his waist.

"Seems you had an audience." the old man says.

"Seems so." the white haired man continued. "A talking cat?" everyone else questioned.

"Thank you," the masked boy said. "It's not everyday someo-."

"Actually I was talking to them," the cat said, pointing at the muscular and white haired man. The masked boy's eye twitched before he screamed and charged at the cat with staff in hand. He lifted the staff in the air and swung down as hard as he could only for the cat to block it with his golden sword. This only pissed off the masked boy even more causing more wild swings only for the cat to block every single one. The masked boy then attempted to swing his staff at the cat's hip only for the cat to easily jump atop the staff before delivering a flip kick to his face. As the curly haired boy tries to stop the fight the others are watching them.

Another boy, this time with a robotic right arm wearing a white hat with two nubs on top, a blue shirt, shorts, rolled-down white socks, and a pair of black shoes, walks to the group, sees the fight and asks.

"Uh, what's going on here?" he asks. The hooded figure simply answered,

"The masked kid got mad at the talking cat over not being considered a hero and now they're fighting."

"Oh," the boy said, "that's dumb." He gets a nod of agreement from her.

Back at the fight, the cat swept his foot under the masked boy's causing him to fall to one knee. The cat then slashed his golden sword into the boy's face yelling,

"Lunar Lash!" as a bright light began to form from the sword forcing everyone watching to cover their eyes to save their retinas.

After the light died down, the masked boy was laying around 100 feet away. The curly haired boy boy rushed to his side asking,

"Are you okay?" Miraculously, the masked boy only had a bruise on his cheek.

"Here," the curly haired boy says licking his hand,

"let me heal you." The curly haired boy began to reach out his licked hand toward the masked boy, only to be pushed away by him, the masked boy got up, and began screaming and charging the cat again. The cat simply rolled his eyes and prepared for the masked boy's attack. When the masked boy got close enough, he jumped into the air about to swing his staff downward toward the cat's head. The cat raised his sword in the air and prepared to block it. As their weapons were about to collide, they suddenly disappeared as a new environment suddenly appeared around them.

"Wuh," they both said as the masked boy fell face first into the cement ground that just appeared. The cat fell to his knees and screamed into the sky,


"Ha, I have reduced you to tears," the masked boy said while standing up,

"I win." The cat immediately stood up, got in the boy's face and yelled,

"What?! That was a tie at best!" The cat and the masked boy began arguing over who had won. "Who's Geraldine?" the old man asked.

"I guess that's the name of his sword?" the curly haired boy said.

"Oh, I completely understand," says the hooded figure,

"I would react the same way if I lost my Crescent Rose." She goes to pat her weapon at her back only to find its not there. She begins to frantically look around her to find that Crescent Rose had disappeared like Geraldine. She fell to her knees and screamed into the sky,

"NOOOOOOOO! CRESCENT ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE!" before bawling her eyes out. The curley boy immediately tried summoning his shield as the muscular man yelled,

"STAR PLATINUM!" only for nothing to happen. That's when everyone came to the horrible realization that all of their various powers and weapons were gone. They then decided to look at the sudden change in environment.

There were suddenly buildings and a Cafe with the name "Le Oasis" on a sign above it, a fountain in the middle of what appeared to be a town square, a sky (albeit a fake one with moving clouds), a colosseum with a jumbotron over the large opening to the it, and an ominous black sphere in the sky.

"The hell's going on?" asks the white haired man. The hooded figure on the ground sniffles and wipes her nose before saying weakly,

"Swear." causing the man to grunt. The curly haired boy began to comfort her.

"Wow, not even five minutes and already two fights broke out."

A booming voice seemingly coming from everywhere said. Everyone looks around to find no one else who could possibly making the voice.

"Um, where are you?" says the boy with the robotic arm.

"I am here," the voice says.

"Where exactly," continues the boy. The screen of the jumbotron turns on revealing a line.

"Here," the voice says while the line moves on screen to the sound,

"Does this help?"

"Who- who are you, what are you?" the old man asks.

"Ah Yes, My name is Mark," the voice answered,

"And I am the place you are currently standing."

"What?" everyone asked.

"Come on, I only really ever asked one question and you guys have gotten to ask three," Mark said,

"I bet within the last six minutes you haven't introduced yourselves to each other yet. Do I have to do it for you?"

"Do- do you know us?" asked the hooded figure.

"Ugh, YES!" Mark says,

"Guess I have to do this myself. The hooded figure over there is Miss Ruby Rose."

Suddenly the sick goes dim excepted the spot of which the hooded figure was standing under. The sudden change of lighting puts everyone on guard. Mark continues,

"She goes to a school called Beacon Academy and is the leader of Team RWBY." The old man interrupts,

"Apologies but, Beacon Academy? I've never heard of that place before." Mark answers,

"Though I don't appreciate your interruption you did apologize for it so I'll let it slide. She is from an alternate dimension. In fact, everyone here is from a different dimension."

"Then where are we?" Ruby asked.

"We are in a pocket dimension." Mark answered.

"How did we get here." The boy with the robotic arm asked.

"If you guys keep asking questions we'll be here forever." Everyone decided to stay silent so that Mark could finish.

"Now where was I? Oh yes. Beacon Academy is a school where Hunters and Huntresses go to learn to fight monsters, such as Grimm. Team RWBY has little to no problem battling Grimm. In fact, their first day, they killed a Nevermore." The screen then plays a clip of Ruby charging up a clip with her scythe at the Nevermore's (a giant raven like creature) throat before reaching the top and decapitating it.

"Woah, that pretty cool," the curly haired boy said.

"Impressive," said the cat before mark continued.

"Although she got moved ahead two years, being fourteenth versus the rest of her team's ages of sixteen, she can hold her own fairly well."

"FOURTEEN?!" the cat questioned.

"Eh, I was twelve when I started," said the boy with a robotic arm.

"Although she is at times naive, with the help of her friends Weiss Schnee, on the screen a girl in a white dress and boots, blue eyes with a scar on the left, long white hair up in a ponytail wielding a rapier in her left hand, Blake Belladonna, shows a yellow-eyed girl wearing a black buttoned vest, underneath this is a white, sleeveless undershirt and white shorts, black low-heeled boots, full stockings with a color gradation of black to purple at her ankles, and a black bow atop her head wielding a sickle on screen, and her half-sister Yang, shows a lilac-eyed girl with bright long golden hair, a tan jacket with a low cut yellow crop top underneath, black mini-shorts, a gray bandanna is tied around her left knee, brown boots, black gloves, and what appears to be golden shotgun gauntlets on both her hand on screen, she can do almost anything. Next is Ragna the Bloodedge."

The light around Ruby dimmed as now a light appeared above the white haired masked boy interrupted,

"Uh, can you move this along a bit faster please. The rate at which your going, we'll never get to me." Mark answered

"Oh okay" before continuing

"Ragna is basically a stereotypical anime delinquent, sardonic, rude, and abrasive to anyone he comes across but dig deeper and you'll see his softer, more compassionate side. He chooses to keep up his public front because of the path he chose. As well as accepting the fact that he's still someone who's committed many crimes such as murder. He does genuinely care for certain people, such as Taokaka shows a catgirl with brown skin and long blond hair tied up into two braids and a black cat tail with a faded white tip wearing a beige hoodie hiding her face on screen, Rachel a young girl with pale skin, long blond hair tied into two pigtails with black ribbons, and red eyes wearing a gothic dress appears on screen, Noel a young girl with long back length blond hair and green eyes wearing a blue cloak with hood, long black socks, and blue military boots appears on screen, his master Jubei a two tailed, black and white cat, who stands upright like a human being wearing an orange hoodie similar to that of Taokaka's appears on screen and, to some extent, his brother, Jin although Jin does try to kill him on sight a young man with blonde hair and green eyes wearing a blue uniform with a black turtleneck and leggings under a white Japanese-style tunic, white gloves, military boots. Jin on the screen says while attempting to slash at Ragna,

"Brother let's kill each other." Ruby whispers to the boy with a robotic arm,

"Thank goodness my sister isn't like that."

"I kind of get Ragna though, my father could have killed me when I was a baby." he answered.

"Just be glad one of your parents didn't leave you with a war to finish." said the curly haired boy as Mark continued.

"Jin only act like this because of the influence of The Ice Sword: Yukianesa that he wields. To summarize with Ragna's backstory, Ragna, Jinn, and their sister Saya were confined to a lab until Jubei, one of the six heroes frees them and takes them to a church to be taken care of by Celica, one of the six heroes sisters. A young woman with long, auburn hair tied into a ponytail with a red ribbon, pale skin, and bright brown eyes appears on screen. Eventually, Saya grew sick and Ragna started paying less attention Jin which Jin didn't appreciate so he and Yuki a man who wears a hooded yellow cape with black markings and large rolled-up cuffs along with long black ribbons and bandages across his arms appears on screen. burned the church down killing Saya. Yuki also cut off Ragna's arm. Some time after, Ragna was bitten by a vampire to keep him alive."

"VAMPIRES?!" Ruby screamed terrified.

"I don't like vampires too much," the muscular man said.

"Why? They scare you?" the masked boy said sarcastically.

"They piss me off." the muscular man said catching everyone off guard causing a moment of silence.

"I'm friends with a Vampire Queen," the boy with a robotic arm said before Mark continued.

"Ahem anyways, Jubei found him and trained him with Ragna's new power of the Blue Grimoire which replaced his right arm. Ragna now had access to the power of the Blue."

"What is this power of the Blue, exactly?" the old man asked.

"Good question, The Blue of the Abyss is the final resting place of the soul. Anyways, next is Steven Universe."

The light above Ragna disappeared and a new light above the Curly Haired boy appeared.

"This is Steven Universe. He is the leader of the Crystal Gems with the four main members of Garnet a tall semi-bulky woman with medium, maroon-colored skin, and black hair styled into a cube-shaped on screen, Amethyst a shorter woman wore a mauve, oversized, off-shoulder tank top with a black bra underneath. She also wore black leggings with star-shaped cutouts on the knees, with a tear above the left star, and small, pointed, white boots appears on screen, Pearl a slender woman with a sleeveless, sky blue top that had a yellow star, and a translucent chest and transferred into a transparent silk ballet skirt around her waist. Appears on screen, and of course Steven a younger steven wearing a red shirt with a yellow star on it appears on screen. Albeit a younger Steven. He is actually half human and half alien."

"He's an alien?" questioned the muscular man.

"Yes, a Gem Actually." Mark Answered.

"Full Gems do not have a physical form. Well they do, but the bodies you see are made of light as the physical form are the gemstones themselves. Another aspect of Gems is that they can fuse with each other as Steven can fuse with both Gems and Humans. In fact, Garnet herself is a fusion of two gems but that's a story for another day. Eventually, events happen that cause Steven to learn that his mother started an intergalactic war with her home planet and decides to fix everything. He eventually goes to the homeplanet of the Gems to make peace and believe it or not it actually worked. He saved the entire galaxy at the ripe young age of fourteen."

"WHAT?!" Screamed Ruby and the cat.

"He achieved world peace at age fourteen?" asked the old man.

"Intergalactic peace." Mark corrected.

"How?" the cat asked.

"By talking" Mark answered.


"Yep." There was a moment of silence before Mark continued,

"Anyways, now he is just dealing with his mother's leftover problem, a woman with a pink complexion, magenta eyes, a small pointy nose, and magenta hair that is styled into a pair of spiky pigtails. She also has three black lines underneath both of her eyes, reminiscent of running mascara appears on screen wielding a pink scythe with a glowing blade slashing Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl's light forms in half before they poof leaving their gems behind. And some of his own Steven, as he looks now, is screaming at Pearl and a pink woman similar looking to Pearl saying, "STOP IT! I can't deal with one more horrible thing she did, okay?! I don't want to hear about it! I don't even want to think about it! I just... want TO FIX THIS!"as he says those word a crater forms beneath him and the room begins to crumble"

"Good grief." the muscular man said under his breath.

"Oh dear," the old man said.

"Such power," Ruby says before mark continues,

"but I'm sure it'll all be fine in the end, he saved the galaxy after all. Next is Merle Ambrose."

The light above Steven fades as a new Light above the old man appears.

"This is Headmaster Ambrose, founder of both Ravenwood and Wizard City whom originates from Avalon. Ravenwood being the school he is the Headmaster of. He seems to be like a grandpa, kind, wise, and senile."

"I can assure you he is not like an average grandpa, said the muscular man.

"Just because he isn't like your grandpa doesnt mean he isn't like a grandpa," Ragna says before Mark continues.

"Right so, he serves as a sort of guide for the Wizard who eventually defeats Malistare a man with pale skin, black celeras with yellow glowing irises, a black robe with accents of gold, and a staff with a golden dragon and a red crystal ball on it appears on screen. Other than that there isn't really much else to say about him other than his talking pet Gamma and silver feathered owl appears wearing a Purple and yellow graduation cap, as well as a purple scarf with various yellow moons and stars, and glasses.

"Cute," Ruby gushes.

"That's it? Bull Crap," Ragna says.

"Swear," Ruby says as Mark answers Ragna,

"Yeah, I don't really have to much information on Ambrose. Anywho, next is Jotaro Kujo."

The light fade from above Ambrose as a light appears above the muscular man.

"Jotaro Kujo, also known as JoJo, is a biracial (half-Japanese) delinquent who lived a fairly ordinary life until the Joestar Family's old enemy known as Dio returns."

"Uh, Who are the Jostars?" asked Ambrose before Mark continued.

"I guess you can say they are unknown legends. A family line who are known for saving the world on multiple occasions."

"Unknown legends, how truly noble," Whispered the cat before Mark continued.

"Anyways after seeing his mother fall ill because of DIO's return he, his grandfather Joseph Joestar a surprisingly fit old man wearing a fedora; a light, short-sleeved, buttonless shirt; khaki pants; dress shoes; and white gloves with dark wristbands concealing his prosthetic left hand appears on screen, Advol, a dark skin with a medium to heavy build wearing a long overcoat, and a scarf around his neck. It would be a tough task to complete but luckily all three of them had stands. Behind Jotaro appears the purple man that Ragna saw before, this time less obscure. It appeared to look similar to Jotaro except with long hair, having shoulder armor, studded gloves, knee and elbow guards, a loincloth and short boots.

"Hey, that's the man I saw before."

"Really that's strange. Usually only stand users can see other stands." Mark answered.

"What even are stands?" Asked Steven before Mark continued,

"Stands are an entity generated by its user that may or may not reflect the user themselves. They also can be seen as Guardian Spirits. Anyways with the help of a few new friends he made along the way, Jotaro, Joseph, and Avdol appeared on screen as well as a young man of average to above-average height and fit to slender build wearing a green uniform, a man with a muscular build, silvery hair about half the size of his head pointed up ward wearing a fitted black tube top, and a small back and white Boston Terrierwith blue eyes. He eventually found and defeated Dio with the ability to stop time."

"That explains a lot. Must've been pretty easy too." Ragna interrupted.

"Actually Dio's Stand The World could also stop time and Dio was much more advanced in the technique. Dio's stand can stop time for up to twelve seconds or possibly indefinitely at its best versus Star Platinum's 5 at its best seconds."

"Amazing!" Exclaimed Ruby as Steven and the cat nodded in agreement. "Next is Robin," Mark says as the light above Ragna begins to fade and a new light above the impatient masked boy appears.

"Finally!" Exclaimed the masked boy, excited for Mark to tell the others of his accomplishment. "Robin was the sidekick/adoptive son of a hero known as Batman a man with a muscular build with a square jaw and a mask that covers his eyes. Batman wears a dark gray suit with a black and yellow bat-logo printed on the chest, a dark blue cape and cowl with matching gloves, boots, and tights, black underwear on the outside and yellow belt appears on screen and the leader of the teen titans four teenagers appeared behind robin on screen. A dark skinned teen with mostly robotic parts on his body with a red cybernetic eye, a green skinned teen with darker green hair, a black and purple costume and grey gloves, a pink haired girl with a purple crop top and miniskirt with matching boost and silver gauntlets, and a girl wearing an indigo color robe.

"Yes, come on give me praise," Robin whispered to himself excitedly as Mark continued.

"Yes, they had many incarnations but for today we will focus on pretty much everyone's least favorite one, Teen Titans Go!" Robin is seen slumped over with a visible frown on his face.

"Robin always lives on the borderline of insanity because of his need for perfection in his far-from-flawless team. It doesn't help that his team almost constantly disregards his orders. He even lost control of his team for little while from Beast Boy the green skinned boy from before appears on screen. It also doesn't help that his crush, Starfire the girl wearing purple from before appears, shoots him down at almost every turn. Robin falls to his knees on the verge of tears. Though he is strict and somewhat abusive he is overall a well-intentioned individual with an unending dedication for justice making him the most qualified leader for the Teen Titans. Robin sits up almost shocked with what Mark just said about him as he looks around and hears what the others are saying about him.

"He kind of reminds me a bit of myself," says the cat.

"Although I don't agree with the way he treats his sees his teammates I can root him," says Ruby. Robin stands up as a single tear falls down his face.

"Thank you" he says as Mark continues, "Next is Mao Mao." The light above Robin disappears as a new light above the cat appears.

"Mao Mao comes from a long line of legendary heroes known as the Mao Family," Mark says before being interrupted by Steven.

"Wait so his first name is Mao?"

"Actually his first name is Mao Mao." Ruby then bumps in excitedly.

"Wait so his full name is Mao Mao Mao,?!" Mao Mao interrupts,

"This is getting off topic! Mark continue please."

"Of course," Mark says before continuing,

"Mao Mao has five older sisters with amazing weapons such as a Spear that can pierce through anything, a scarf that can function as wings, a hat for infinite storage, bracelets impenetrable defense, and contact lenses that allow the user to have sight beyond sight. As he says this it shows a short clip of what each can do on screen. The spear piercing through rock, the scarf turning into wings allowing a black cat to fly, a hat with a mountain of items in it, the bracelet taking on an onslaught of arrows, and a bright glow coming from the eyes of the black cat. Ruby gushes over each and everyone of the items before saying.

"Woah! I wonder what kind of weapon Mao Mao Mao got." Ruby got a striking glare from Mao Mao before he turned back to the screen as Mark continued,

"As Mao Mao got a glorified glow stick that looks like a katana from his father. A huge muscular cat wearing golden armor hands a young Mao Mao a katana as young Mao Mao giggles on screen causing Mao Mao to blush as a moment of silence passes.

"Uh, that's cool too," Ruby says as Robin quietly giggles to himself.

"Who are you laughing at?!" Mao Mao asked angrily casing Robin to stutter,

"No-no one."

"Smooth," the boy with the robotic arm responded before Mark continued,

"Anyways events transpired where Mao Mao encountered Pure Heart Valley reveals a kingdom surrounded by forest with a giant ruby upon the palace which had crack appeared on screen and he bache the Sheriff there."

"Cool," Ruby whispered.

"It's beautiful," Steven said before Mark continued,

"He dreams to one day become a legendary hero like each of his sisters, father, and his many ancestors that came before him. It would be a tough journey to do alone but good thing he has two amazing companions. One being Badgerclops a huge white and brown badger with an eyepatch and a robotic arm appears on screen."

"He kind of reminds me of Cyborg," Robin says as Mark continues,

"and the other being Adorabat a tiny blue bat with a yellow heart on her torso and a yellow peg leg appears on screen,"

"Gah, she's so adorable!" Ruby screamed.

"I mean it's sort of in the name," the boy with the robotic arm says causing Ruby to blush.

"Oh I guess you're right," Ruby said under her breath, retreating into her hood as Mark continued,

"With his many skills and talents as well as the help of his friends, I am sure he can accomplish his dreams on day."

"Thank you," Mao Mao said as Mark continued, "All right, now it's time for the final person." The light faded from above Mao Mao as a new light formed atop the boy with a robotic arm as Mark continued,

"Last but certainly not least, Finn the Human. Now Finn's story is a very peculiar one. Separated by the rest of his human brethren at a young age because of his father's actions, he ended up in the Land of Ooo and was raised with the dogs a dark-orange bulldog in a fedora and a bulldog in a peach color hat appear on screen holding Finn as a baby."

"Okay what?" Asked Robin already confused.

"Eventually he and his adoptive dog brother Jake a brighter orange bulldog with what appeared to be shapeshifting powers appears on screen grow up a bit and became adventurers like their parents were and that's it. I really don't want to disclose too much information."

"I feel like you already did," Steven said before being interrupted by Jotaro,

"Even so, you'd still didn't even explain why you brought us here."

"Nor why are various abilities are gone," Ambrose said.

"NOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY BABY!" Ruby screamed.

"Baby?!" Ragna asked shocked.

"Yeah, what did you do with my Crescent Rose. You know how hard I worked on her?" Ruby said as everyone stared at her with narrow eyes. When Ruby noticed this she simply asked,

"What?" Everyone remained silent as Ruby looked around before Mark continued,

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you. Ahem, I have brought you all here to play a little children's card game called Duel Monsters." There was a moment of silence before everyone screamed,

"WHAT?!" "That's why we're here? To play a children's card game?" Asked Robin.

"Well yes and no. You're here because I'm bored and I thought it would be interesting to see you guys duel," Mark answered.

"Why not just fight?" Asked Ruby getting a nod of agreement from everyone else.

"Well that wouldn't be fun, I mean one of you has the ability to stop time." Everyone looks at Jotaro then back at the screen.

"Good point." Ruby said.

"Wait, I have never even heard of this card game before. Let alone play it," Steven said getting a nod of agreement from everyone causing a moment of silence from Mark.

"Hmm- good point." Just then the black orb in the sky starts to glow yellow before sending lightning bolts to everyone, causing them to scream in pain.

"THE HEEEEEEELLLLLLLL?!" Ragna screamed. After the electricity died down, everyone fell to their knees.

"Sw-swear," Ruby was barely able to wimpier.

"Good grief," Jotaro said under his breath.

"Why did you do that?" questioned Steven.

"Robin what kind of Monster Cards are there?" Asked Mark, ignoring Steven's question. Almost immediately Robin answered almost robotically,

"Normal, Effect, Fusion, Synchro, XYZ, Pendulum, and Link. before going back to normal How did I know that?"

"Good you should all know how to play. Now for the Duel Disk."

"Excuse me but what are-"before Ambrose could finish his sentence he suddenly noticed a gray devise on his left arm shocking him into silence. Soon enough everyone noticed the very same device on their arms.

"Don't be alarmed. What you see is the second iteration of the Duel Disk designed my a man named Seto Kaiba. It makes the cards you play into holograms."

"Cool I guess," Ruby said reaching into the deck compartment to look at her cards.

"Ooh, Black Rose Dragon cool," Ruby said. Everyone soon followed suit.

"Odd-eyes, huh?" Ragna whispered to himself.

"Crystal Beast?," Steven said curiously.

"Dark Magician, fascinating," Ambrose whispered to himself.

"Battlin' Boxer. Is this because of Star Platinum?" Jotaro asked to be met with silence.

"Really, Toons?!" Robin Exclaimed while holding up a Toon Red-Eyes Black Dragon.

"Six Samurai, sounds legendary," Mao Mao whispered to himself.

"Noble Knights, seems sort of fitting," Finn said.

"Although I gave you the knowledge of Duel Monsters, the rules that I have planned are a little different from a normal tournament." Mark said.

"What did you have in mind?" Ambrose asked. "Just two small changes. There will be no matches just one duel, meaning one chance to win or lose meaning no second chances. The second, is that Life Points will be locked at 4000 rather than the normal 8000."

"That's it?" Asked Jotaro.

"That and there will be two brackets," Mark said before the screen changed to a tournament meant bracket with 2 matches on each side.

"Let's see who will be our first match." The two slots on the upper left section began to change between the various names of the competitors. One of the slots stopped on Ruby Rose.

"Guess I'll be going first," said Ruby before the second slot fell upon Ragna.

"Wait, before we duel, what will happen to the loser?" Asked Ragna.

"They'll be returned home, and don't you dare throw the match. I will know," Mark answered.

"Well seeing as you seem omnipotent and I don't have any of my weapons or powers, I'll just have to take this seriously," Ragna sighed.

"Good now, everyone into the colosseum," Mark said, shocking everyone else.

"Uh, why all of us?" Asked Steven.

"Because you're all going to watch them of course." Mark said. Steven looked at everyone and shrugged.

Ruby and Ragna led the way as everyone else followed them into the colosseum. Then a blinding light began to shine from the other side stopping them in their place.

Author's Notes:

This fanfiction is a repost from my alternate account which the link should be on my page. I'll leave it here as well:

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I am not good with descriptions. Characters, settings, images and Videos belong to their respective owners unless I drew or made them.