Way of the Wolf: Equilibrium

By Scottish_writer

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The Wulvers Series Book 6 #79 in magic #198 in paranormal "The path I choose will decide my fate; to follow t... More

Chapter 1 ~ Ambitions
Chapter 2 ~Tactics
Chapter 3 ~ Guests
Chapter 4 ~ Chasing Tail
Chapter 5 ~ Thunder
Chapter 6 ~ Accusations
Chapter 7 ~ Council
Chapter 8 ~ Proposals
Chapter 9 ~ Persuasion
Chapter 10 ~ Apologies and Agreements
Chapter 11 - Running
Chapter 12 ~ Expectations
Chapter 13 ~ The Norse Pack
Chapter 14 ~ First Day Jitters
Chapter 15 ~ Far From Home
Chapter 16 ~ What It Takes
Chapter 17 ~ Dreams
Chapter 18 ~ Biding Time
Chapter 19 ~ Distractions
Chapter 20 ~ Unravelling
Chapter 21 ~ Torn
Chapter 22 ~ The Rules
Chapter 23 ~ Compromise
Chapter 24 ~ Freedom
Chapter 25 ~ Contemplative
Chapter 26 ~ Opportunity
Chapter 27 ~ On Edge
Chapter 28 ~ Defend
Chapter 29 ~ Gaolor
Chapter 30 ~ Key
Chapter 31 ~ Forged Bonds
Chapter 32 ~ The Truth
Chapter 33 ~ A Day's Work
Chapter 34 ~ Past Mistakes
Chapter 36 ~ The New Hierarchy
Chapter 37 ~ Grudges
Chapter 38 ~ To Follow Tradition
Chapter 39 ~ To Break It
Chapter 40 ~ The Beginning

Chapter 35 ~ Formalities

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By Scottish_writer

Chapter 35: Formalities

"It's arranged then?" I asked, rubbing my hands together.

Mum nodded. "They'll be here on Saturday. That gives your father time to recover a bit more. We'll tighten our ranks and invite those of the pack that live nearby. It will be good for them to see Roarke greet the council."

"It'll mean a busy house."

"Which will look like business as usual," she pointed out.

Bowing my head and bearing my neck, I submitted to my Alpha Female's wishes. I was still conflicted about having so many wolves around Braden, but a show of strength and unity was needed.

Mum smiled and brushed her fingers against my cheek until my frown softened. "Will Ebbe be standing by your side when the council arrives?"

"Ah, um." Blushing, my gaze darted around the hallway. "Actually, I've been meaning to speak to you and Dad about Ebbe and I."

The look of delight, even though I hadn't really said anything, only made my skin burn more. How many of my family and friends had seen this coming?

Traditions were traditions though. And there were certain formalities that had to be adhered to. Ones that would cement the decisions Ebbe and I had made.

"Go and find Ebbe then, my pup. When your father comes down to speak to Braden, you can tell us what you need to about you and him, okay?"

My heart skipped a nervous beat in my chest. "Okay."

With another chuckle, she brushed past me to head upstairs where Sam was giving Dad another quick check over. If she gave the thumbs up, he'd be allowed to go down to speak to Braden. With me, hopefully. Even if our Alpha was back in his feet, he hadn't made mention of taking my new responsibilities away from me. If he tried to, it would time to put into practice what Jakkon had taught me.

First thing first, though.

Spinning on my heel, I tipped my head up and scented the air for sweet wildflowers. Following the trail to the backdoor, a nervous twist of my stomach filled me with doubts about Ebbe's promise of not running off. But I should have trusted him. Peering out the window, I smiled at the sight that greeted me. Two pups rolled about the garden, Jamie and Basjan in fur with small fangs nipping at each other. Oria and Maebh sat in the green, daisy speckled grass alongside, much to my surprise, Ebbe.

Ebbe, who wore a daisy-chain crown and was beaming at the little she-wolf as she made sure it was sat just right on his head. Maebh was normally terrified of strangers. I should have known she'd take to the wild male from the forests, I mused as I stepped outside.

A bright sun burned in a sea of blue, and the warm breeze gave no relief from the heat that already had my skin flushing red. That was easy to ignore amongst the buzz of wildlife that filled the air; birds singing from the nearby trees in harmony with rustling leaves, yips and playful growls from the two young males running around. I wished I could have stayed out here and enjoyed the last few days of summer heat we would have before it rained for days on end.

Ebbe looked up when my shadow fell over him, an easy smile gracing his features, blue eyes as clear of tangled hair that normally shadowed his face.

"I'm afraid I need to steal you away." Fingering the crown he wore, there wasn't any sign of embarrassment from him at being caught playing princess of the fairfolk. "Maebh has made you look very pretty."

"She's done a beautiful job," he agreed, grinning at Oria and Maebh. "Thank you for letting me join you."

"You're welcome anytime." Oria smiled brightly and lifted Maebh from Ebbe's lap, giving me a small wink.

I tried not to giggles as Ebbe ambled back to his feet, one hand making sure his daisies didn't fall off.

Looking up at him in amusement, I wondered how long he'd been sat out here. His skin was glowing from time spent under the sun, and I wasn't surprised to see he'd ditched his shirt at some point. There was an ease in his movements too and I was secretly happy beyond belief that I'd found him interacting with my closest family as though he'd always done so.

"What's wrong, princess? You're staring."

"Nothing, wolf of the wilds," I replied teasingly. "You look happy is all. If a wee bit sunburnt"

"I am happy, and probably a wee bit sunburnt," he mimicked, reaching out to open the door for me while I snorted at his attempt at a Scottish accent. "What did you need me for? Or did you just want me out of the sun?"

I rolled my eyes and lifted myself up so he knew this was serious. "Dad's coming down to speak to Braden. Before he does, we're going to officially ask my parents to accept you into the pack, and for their blessing to become mates one day."

His hand stiffened and I glanced at him warily, wishing I could read his thoughts. Blue eyes caught mine after another second of silence, and I was sad to see the flicker of uncertainty in his gaze.

"They won't say no, Ebbe," I promised confidently. "It's just a formality. One we haven't offered Jakkon, I've practically stolen you from his pack."

Ebbe chuckled, following me as I led him to the living room instead of the Alpha's office. It would be less formal there.

"I don't think Jakkon or Signy were ever under the impression I was going to remain with them. Even before I met you," he admitted, slumping onto the couch with me. "Gisli knew that too. Maybe that's why she got so upset, she knew I wasn't coming back."

I frowned, guilt twisting in my chest as I watched him rub his chest as though it ached. Was it harder being far from her when he could feel her through their twin-bond, or did it make it all the harder? I wasn't brave enough to ask.

Either way, we had to make things right with Gisli. I had to. And I needed to thank Jakkon and Signy, the entire pack in fact, for all they'd done for me.

Rough fingers stroked over the back of my hand, sensing tingles over my skin. I smiled gratefully at Ebbe, reaching out to recentre his crown as the creak of the staircase echoed through.

"We're in here!" I called out, twisting to face the door while fretting over seeing my Alpha again.

How did he look today? Was he walking alright? Was he struggling, or between Sam and fast healing abilities, was he already beginning to find himself again?

Mum came in first, pushing the door wide open and glancing over her shoulder with a creased brow before stepping out of the way.

One hand bracing briefly against the doorframe, my father and Alpha grimaced slightly as he entered. Then, spotting Ebbe, he straightened up and all lines of agony softened to give nothing away. I did my best not to react at his need to act the tough, stoic Alpha in front of Ebbe, who wasn't even looking anyway. His gaze was locked respectfully over the Alpha's shoulder, pretending not to notice as Mum helped Dad sit down on his usual spot across from us.

My gaze wracked over every inch of him. Bruises were beginning to fade to yellow, scratches were scabbed over; most of them covered by the loose shirt he wore. So unlike him. Normally my father was happy to show off his shape and skin. Peacocking like every dominant wolf loved to do.

"Your mother tells me you and Ebbe have something you want to say," Dad prompted, looking between me and the male sat stiffly at my side with an eyebrow arched up. My lips twitched as I wondered if my male realised he still wore his flowery crown.

Clearing my throat, I sat up straight. "I um. Ebbe and I-"

"I want to stay here," Ebbe took over, leaning forward and shocking me with his swift change in demeanor. He held my father's gaze, no challenge but it was still more than I'd expected. "If you'll allow it, I want to join your pack. And one day, I want to take your daughter as my mate."

Dad hid his smile well as his head tiled to one side, pale greens flicking to me. "Is that so? This is what you want too, my pup?"

"Yes." Taking Ebbe's hand in mine, I tried to ignore the fact my heart was beating so fast, I could see my top fluttering.

My Alpha hummed, looking over at his mate who chuckled and shook her head. "Don't torture them, Roarke."

"We'll need to speak to Jakkon and Signy..."

"We will," she agreed. "But we can make our decision now."

A moment of silence and then Dad eyes us both again. Ebbe gripped my hand tighter and I brushed my thumb over his knuckles until he began to relax. I knew he only saw the neutral mask of indifference in my father's expression, but I saw the glint in his eyes.

"Of course you may join our pack, Ebbe. We would be honoured to have a wolf with knowledge of the land like you have, and so many of our younger generation are forgetting. And if, when," he quickly amended when his Alpha Female promptly elbowed him in the ribs. "When the time comes, you both have our blessing to mate."

My heart warmed at his kind words to Ebbe, the way he'd accepted him and seen already a way he could bring something new to the pack.

"Thank you. I know it's come at a bad time and a little out of the blue."

All three wolves sat around me snorted, or guffawed. My cheeks blamed and I narrowed my eyes as my mother covered her mouth to smother a laugh. These three were going to gang up on me in the future, I could already feel it.

"Out of the blue. . .Whatever makes you feel better about it, Princess," Ebbe murmured before he bowed his head to my parents. "Thank you for accepting me."

Dad chuckled and braced himself to stand. "I'll have Bjarke and Freydis pass on the news to your Alphas. Perhaps, along with an invitation."

"An invitation?" I asked curiously.

"I think it's about time I meet Jakkon and Signy. It's only fair as well that they attend the ceremony for Ebbe joining our pack, don't you think?"

"I agree," Mum added, standing slowly. "But before we can invite their pack to our lands, we need to make sure things are secure."

She held a hand for Dad to take and I frowned as he braced to stand up. His muscles tensed, limbs shaking with exertion and exhaustion.

"Wait. What if we brought Braden upstairs and question him in here instead? He might feel less like he's being interrogated, and being back in a real room might be incentive to cooperate." Because I couldn't say I'd suggested it so Dad could stay in here, that would be making out he was weak.

Pale green eyes bored into mine but I held fast, holding my Alpha's gaze while keeping my pose relaxed. There was a small flash of warning but I didn't care if he felt I was questioning him. Even Alpha's needed time to heal.

Slowly, he nodded. "A good idea. But if he escapes, it's on you, Raeghan."

I bowed my head, tipping my chin to bare my neck. That was fine by me. I had no intention of letting him run off.

While Mum made sure Dad was settled, I motioned for Ebbe to follow me out.

"Let's hope he trusts you enough to cooperate. You seemed friendly enough last time you went down," I said, peering over at him.

"Were you spying on us?" A dark eyebrow rose and a flicker of hurt flashed in his eyes.

Taking his hand in mine, I squeezed and shook my head. "The video from the cameras popped up while I was on the office computer. I didn't listen, and I turned it off. Whatever you spoke about is still between the two of you."

"Thank you." The sincerity in his voice caught me off guard. And that's when I realised he was only now coming to understand that I trusted him. Truly.

Reaching up to peck his cheek, a gentle rumbled filled my chest, even as I resisted the urge to ask what had made them laugh.

"Do you trust him?" I asked instead, fishing for the basement keys in my back pocket.

Ebbe hummed in though, a crease forming between his brows. "I didn't get the sense he has further bad intentions, if that's what you're asking."

I filed that away. As much as Ebbe thought he struggled with communication, I knew he was a good judge of character. So maybe we had a chance at getting through to our prisoner.

Stepping down the stairs, I caught the sound of Braden's breathing, the hitch that told me he knew I was there. Followed by a long inhale when Ebbe followed. He hadn't been expecting a second set of footsteps. I didn't waste time today, striding to the end of the dim room where Braden's cell was.

"It's a beautiful day outside," I greeted, folding my arms and planting myself directly in front of him.

"I can see," he muttered, giving me a brief look before straightening up at the sight of Ebbe behind me.

His head quirked to the side, a sly grin playing about his lips. "She upgraded you from bootycall to boyfriend then."

My eyes narrowed on him, then on Ebbe when he reacted with a snort of amusement. I took a deep breath, schooling my features.

"How would you like to get out of this cage for a while? Perhaps permanently?" Tapping one of the bars absentmindedly, I made it seem like his answer wouldn't bother me either way.

His gaze burned into the side of my face but I didn't look at him, not yet, studying his cell slowly. A boot print on the wall. Somebody was beginning to struggle being cooped up.

"I know you don't trust me, but you trust Ebbe, don't you?"

Now I looked, taking in a clenched jaw, and steely eyes that considered Ebbe. He grunted. "What do you want from me?"

"Something that would benefit both of us. Help us, and in turn we'll help you. Your actions have brought consequences to my pack that puts my parents in a precarious position. Amongst other things, in letting you live, the other Alphas are afraid you threaten their own rule. You challenged one Alpha without obvious cause, if you went after one of them, they might not be so kind," I explained, unable to keep the growl from my to tone. "My Alpha would like a word with you upstairs, where you might be lucky to get a cup of tea or coffee if you agree to listen and talk, honestly. Or you can stay down here and our protection may come to its limits."

Braden sat in sullen silence and I could see the wheels turning in his head as he mulled over what my words meant for him. When he stood and faced us again, I should have guessed he wouldn't accept with gratitude.

"And are daisy chains a requirement for meeting the Alpha?" he sneered.

Ebbe didn't so much as flinch, touching the white petals that were beginning to fall apart in his dark hair. "I believe they're a privilege you earn."

Braden rolled his eyes and folded his arms, still at war with himself. Eyes on the ground, muscles bulged with tension.

"Everything Raeghan says is true," Ebbe added, moving forward a little. "They do want to help you. Whatever mistakes you've made can be forgiven because they weren't done out of malice. You told me that yourself. We wolves may be stubborn but more than once myself and others have seen that good packs, good Alphas, are willing to give second chances to those deserving."

That caught my attention. Had Braden confided in Ebbe his true reasoning for challenging my father? I wanted to ask, or demand rather, but a sharp look from him stopped me in my tracks. In fur, my hackles would have stood on end because that look was very much challenging my authority. But for some reason, I let it slide and moved my gaze back to Braden.

He ran a hand over his shaved head, then, with a heavy sigh and slumping shoulders, his hands fell to his side. "Okay. You win. Let's go, get me out of this fucking prison."

Sharing a brief look of triumph with Ebbe, I set about unlocking the door to Braden's cell. I hesitated for just a second, catching Braden's gaze with the barest lift of my lip. He may not have been brought up amongst Wulvers, but he understood the warning well enough and gave a jerky nod. A silent promise to behave. His hands clenched and unclenched by his side but I put that down to the anticipation of finally being allowed out of the basement.

Despite being sure he wouldn't try anything, I still watched him like a hawk as he stepped out. A low growl rippled out before I could help myself when he stopped towards me but he ignored it and paused beside Ebbe.

"Right then," I mumbled to myself, spinning on my heel to lead the way.

The steps creaked as we all trailed up, and that paired with the way my back prickling with awareness of the male behind me set me in edge. Fur bristled beneath my skin, bones creaking with the beginnings of my shift. I forced myself to keep moving.

Opening the door to the outside, bright light nearly blinded me and I smirked when grumbled to himself. Before I could grab the keys to lock the door, I was shoved roughly out of the way. At first, I went on the offensive as Braden ran past and towards the treeline, but Ebbe grabbed my arm.

I swung towards him in fury and confusion. Was he helping him escape?

"Look," he urged quietly, nodding his head towards the runaway male who wasn't running away after all.

Head tipped up towards the blue sky, his eyes were closed and arms relaxed by his side, fingers spread to catch the breeze. It was the most peaceful I'd ever seen him. Broad shoulders heaved as he took a deep breath of fresh air, and I was irritated by the fact I felt for him. Days cooped up in one room, in agony and alone, what Wulver wouldn't need a minute to soak in nature?

Begrudgingly, I let him stay that way while I shut and locked the door. The thought of dragging him back down here didn't sit right now. If things went well with my father, he might be lucky enough to be able to stay in one of the spare rooms instead of going back to his cell. If things didn't go well...then I might feel less bad about locking him up once more.

"We have to go," I called out. "We've kept my Alpha waiting long enough."

Eyes on the forest, or the road that led to freedom, I couldn't be sure, he turned stiffly and trudged to my side as if it physically pained him.

The house was quiet as we herded our prisoner inside. Gods, it felt wrong to allow the enemy into the very heart of the pack. It went against my every instinct, and Braden seemed to sense that and kept his posture neutral. Or as neutral as he could. He still had that stubborn glint in storm grey eyes.

I wondered if he noticed the wolves that lurked nearby. Ben and Liam in the kitchen, their scents tainted with metallic anger as the wolf that nearly killed their Alpha marched through their home. The twins, Flidais and Brighid, both skilled warriors and trackers, were further down the hall, probably listening intently, just waiting for any excuse to take Braden down.

Tension hung heavy in the air. So thick it could be cut with a knife. And from the way Braden's eyes started darted around, glowing with a silver sheen as his wolf picked up on the threat, I was sure he could feel it too. The Alpha pair had the house completely locked down.

Knocking to alert my father, the smell of coffee and biscuits wafted out as I opened the door. I went in first, giving my parents a strained smile. Dad stood without a flinch of pain as Braden came in behind me, eyes downcast.

Had he seen my father after attacking him? Should we have been worried about how they would react with each other?

"Thank you, Raeghan, Ebbe. You can go," Dad ordered, pale greens meeting mine with a flash of his wolf.

I stepped forward, chest puffing up because how could he not let me stay? "I thought-"

"You mother and I want to speak to him alone." Warning dripped from his tone, followed by a growl when I remained in place with another argument on the tip of my tongue.

Alone. But Quillan here too, dark hair and eyes blending in with the shadowed corner he leaned against, his bonfire scent rich with every breath.

The power of an alpha fizzled in the air, drawing my gaze back to him. He drew his shoulders back and stared me down until I was forced to submit under the pressure of his will. Mum stood strong by his side too, golden eyes locked on me and offering no help. She was on his side.

Bowing my head and bearing my neck, I took a step back. As much as I wanted to stay and hear what was going to be said, I understood. Begrudgingly. Finding Ebbe's hand behind me, I relaxed when he squeezed gently.

"Yes, Alpha. We'll be nearby if you need us."

If Ebbe hadn't tugged me back out the door, I might have tried my luck again. But Braden was watching, and it was important he saw the hierarchy for what it was. Arguing with my Alpha pair wouldn't look good.

The door shut with a gentle click and I allowed Ebbe to continue to pull me through the house towards the back door. Laughter and playful growls still echoed from outside and I smiled at the sight of Oria still sitting with the pups all playing in the grass. Freydis and Bjarke had joined her too.

I pressed my forehead against the window and let out a frustrated huff.

"I want to be in that room."

Ebbe chuckled and tugged me against his chest, thumb catching my chin to make me look at him. "I'm sure you'll find out what was said, Princess. Too many wolves in one room isn't going to make Braden more likely to comply. Now. Come spend some time with me and your cousins before your council of Alphas descends and you get uppity again."

"Uppity?" Arching a brow, I studied the amused smile he gave me.

"Yes. Growly and huffy. Because you worry too much. Braden will cooperate, and that will leave no weak points for any wolf to try and pick at."

I hummed in agreement, my annoyance fading away to be replaced with awe. "You're better with pack politics than you think."

"I never said I was bad with it," he argued smugly. "Only that I don't care for it. Now come along, you need a daisy crown to match mine."

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