Tied To You

Oleh Wibbit2020

45.3K 1.5K 2.9K

This is the same magical Boiling Isles you know, but... Everybody has a red glowing string around their ring... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 15

1.4K 58 43
Oleh Wibbit2020

Luz's POV:

I was walking down the town shops, seeing the arrays of items in each stall.

I had to prove that I could be risky. Everybody thinks I'm a softie!

If I really wanted I could go back to the night market...

I don't know if that's such a good idea though. That place is scary, and I almost got lost as heck!

(I know that's not what the night market is like, but I thought it was a cool idea.)

Edric and Emira seem like they'd be good at teaching me how to be risky.

I definitely can't go to Jebro, Barkus, or Viney. They probably won't help, because they already think that I can't take risks. They would probably stop me from whatever amazing idea I could come up with!

Willow and Gus... Maybe, but I'm not sure if they would know what to do either. Gus's main goal in life is to get a bucket from the human realm.

I don't know if bucket is the right type of risk I'm looking for-


Bucket, paint, painting bucket... rope, bucket, paint... rope, bucket, paint, victim... paint bucket, rope, paint, room, victim, prank...


You can be risky while pranking if you prank the right person!

Get word out of the prank, don't give out word on who did it, but get enough proof that I was the one! This is perfect!

I need Edric and Emira! OH! And Gus! And if Willow will tag along I could use her help too!

With no second thought I sprinted out to the edge of town, not stopping once to catch my breath until I was at blight manner.

I got this! I totally got this!

I passed by person after person, demon after demon, slightly bumping into a few people, yelling a small 'sorry!' Afterwards.

Who's the perfect person to prank?

Somebody with authority that will get the prank noticed, but not somebody with so much authority that will get me sacrificed if I do it!

A person who is oblivious to any sort of activity until it is blatantly pointed out to them!

Somebody, who already gets pranked often...

Principal bump.

Most of the final years prank the principal as a last hoorah! My prank would just go on with all the others! And who would suspect as measly first year to prank a principal?

This is perfect!

I sprinted through the gates of the manner, tuning up through the paths and to the front door.


The door flung open, revealing a very confused Amity.

"What, Luz? What are you doing back here and-" She paused, looking at me as if she were scanning me. "Why is there a bandaid on your head, and why is your hand wrapped in bandages? Wait did somebody hurt you? Who was it? Was it Boscha-"

"NopenotBoschawe'lltalklateraboutthisbutisEdricandEmirahere?" I rushed out my words as fast as I could, panting afterwords from both the strained sentence and the running.

Amity froze, staring at me while squinting her eyes.


"Edric and Emira, are - they - here?"

I repeated.

I want to get this done was fast as I can, or at least get all the materials we need for it so it can be ready tomorrow.

It's Saturday, tomorrow's Sunday, teachers go in on Sunday for early morning organization.

If I can somehow get this in his office before then, I'm in the clear!

Amity glanced behind her shoulder, leaning back a little so she could see the stairs.

"Edric Emira! Luz is here for you!" She shouted with her hand at the side of her mouth before turning back to face me.

The sound of rapid footsteps filled the room inside the house as we both stood there awkwardly, just waiting.

"Wait is that my hoodie GAH-"

"Luz! So glad to see you! So what did-ja need us for?" Emira pushed Amity's face away, knocking her over.

Emira now stood at the door, leaning against the frame with Edric leaning against the other side of the door frame, making them look somewhat symmetrical.

"I need help with something!" I brought my fist down into the palm of my hand to show business. Slight pain from the cut, but whatever!

"And what would it be that you need help with?" Edric spoke slyly, checking out his nails.

Amity got up walking back into her living room and sitting on the couch, very well within earshot.

"It's uh... I need help with a prank thing-" I spoke carefully, looking at Amity and seeing her head slightly perk up in confusion.

A devilish smile grew across Edric and Emiras faces.

"Well well well..."

"It seems somebody has come to the masters!"

The two twins got off the door frame, standing side by side in the middle of the door with their hands on their hips completely in sync.

It's pretty cool how they move in sync! Creepy... but cool!

"Wait Luz." Amity got back off the couch seconds after sitting down, walking over to the door and pushing passed her siblings. "A prank? That doesn't really sound like you. Granted, I don't know you very well, but you didn't seem like the pranker type when I first met you."

"That's the point! To not be like me!" I pointed my thumb at my chest with a proud smile on my face.

The mint haired girl stood with a very unsure expression. "Uh, Luz. I don't know if that would be sick a great ide-"

"Too late little sis!" Ran behind me, hooking her arm under one of mine.

"Yep! This is our human now!" Edric spoke, running behind me and hooking his arm around my other arm.

Oh god, not again.

"Wait but shouldn't you-"

"Nope! Bye little sis!" The two spoke in unison, picking me up my the arms and running down the path while laughing hysterically.

Not proof read

Have a good day, and thanks for reading!

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