
By sharecreativeness

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Humans strike a deal with another planet as Earth faces extinction. As negotiations continue, securing surviv... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 12

888 31 3
By sharecreativeness

The governor received a call from Boman a few days earlier and discussed more information about the advanced medical technology they are bringing in their ships which are already underway. They asked to gather a list of willing candidates to be their brides. They wanted to start breeding them as soon as possible. 

The governor agreed Alyssa would take the lead on this project to select the candidates to be alien brides. He also needed a woman to build trust with the candidates and to ensure everything went soothingly.

Alyssa and the governor spread propaganda worldwide via radio stations and videos announcing the alien spaceship that will arrive soon. Everyone knew by now the alien's plans for Earth, and all countries united and agreed that they would save what was left. However, some countries hadn't communicated for days, and they could only assume the worst. 

"I can't believe how they all look so eager to sign themselves up." Alyssa stares through the window as she looked at the long line of women outside the capitol building waiting to be let in.

"We make a good team. Plus, the more, the merrier, right?"

"You see? Everyone is as desperate as we are to save ourselves." The Governor grinned.

"No one should have to do something as desperate as this to save themselves."

"I get that but steer clear of opinions like this in front of the candidates, Alyssa.  It's this, or we will face extinction. Do you want that?"

Alyssa shook her head. "No, but we agreed we were in this together. So you need to respect my opinions whether you like them or not."

"Fair enough. Let's get to work."

"Yes, sir."

The next candidate came in and sat down in front of the governor. 

"Governor, it is an honor to be here."

"The honor is all mine, young lady. What is your name?"

"My name is Tinker. I'm actually a friend of Alyssa. I'm here because I heard her on the radio station."

"Welcome then. She will actually be here shortly with the paperwork and to go over all your questions."

After a few minutes, Alyssa comes in and looks at her best friend, and falls into shock momentaneously. 


"Tinker! You enlisted?"

She drops all the documents on the desk and runs to her friend to hug her.

"Of course! I heard you on the radio, and I had to come. Alyssa, you should see how it is back in Barawa. Since Dr. Adler... and you left, things aren't the same." As she finished, her eyes got teary, and Alyssa's too. 

"What's going on, Tinker?"

"What do you think? Almost everyone is sick or dead, Alyssa."

"Look, I know, but we have a solution. Here, take this portfolio and sign this paper here that you give consent to get the cure. Before you sign, you must understand this is an alien planet coming here to help us, and you will marry one of them and give them a child."

"Can you give me a sec to read this? This is a lot to take in."

"Of course, take your time."

"I trust you, Alyssa. If anyone is honest to god, a person is you, so I believe you and stand by you. I want to make sure this is legit."

"Listen, there are things I can't tell you not yet-"

"Alyssa." The governor glared at her.

"She's my best friend."

The governor rolled his eyes. "If she opens her mouth about anything that is said here, I hold you responsible. Is this clear?"

"Crystal." She turns back to talk to Tinker. "There are things we will inform you all in due time, this that will happen here in Earth. By signing this, you agree to be one of their brides and breed for them not just once but as many times as they need to repopulate their planet. They are bringing us a cure that will immediately start fighting in our system and cure any disease present in our body when we take it, and we will fall into a deep sleep until it takes full effect. They are adding something extra to make us more susceptible to sex with them. They will also transport us to their planet to receive another dosing they are preparing for us, which will enhance it and prevent us from getting sick, ever again for when we come back to Earth to rebuild."

"Why aren't you telling this to everyone? Why do we have to leave?"

"We have to leave Earth for a while because they will cleanse the planet. We can't be here when it happens. We will tell everyone, but we can't shoot all the information at the same time. People will panic. Also, the cure won't work if our brains are too stressed. So we will cause a blocker for ourselves for our body to assimilate it."

"This is some serious shit you are getting into, Alyssa."

"I know, but that's why I'm here. To help make this as transparent as possible along the way and to make sure everyone knows the truth and aren't blindsided by the government."

The governor sighs in annoyance. "Are you done with the chit-chat? We're wasting time."

"Look, Tinker. You don't have to do this if you don't want to and you can still get the cure, but you will not be on the priority list when they get here. The brides are priority number one. But I promise I can do my best to get it to you. Just please try your best not to get sick, okay?"

"Will you be one, Alyssa?"

"What do you mean?"

"A bride."

"Yes, I have to do it as part of taking the lead in the program. I signed a contract too."

"Then count me in. I won't leave you alone in this. I will keep your secret. Just don't hide anything else from me."

The governor glares at her again. "Fair enough. Sign."

Tinker reviews the documents carefully and signs the contract. She keeps the portfolio but hands out the 

"Do we know who I will marry yet?"

"Their planet has thousands of men. We don't know much. My bet is that it might be more than one for some of us. But we will discuss more terms with them when they get here."

"WHAT! It doesn't say that in there!"

"Look, we don't know much yet. This is new for us, and nothing is decided yet. We don't know anything yet or the number. We just need candidates for brides first on our side, and we can negotiate this with them." The governor pressed.

"Look, pal, no offense, but you don't seem too trustworthy. Thank god you have Alyssa here because otherwise, I kid you not. None of these women would be comfortable signing this even if they came all this way. Anyone can see through you. And I want to be a part of this too and help, so sign me up and don't even think about saying no, or I will tell everyone  out there the truth, confidential or not."

"Alyssa, keep her mouth shut, or I will have her locked up and accuse her of insubordination."

"On what grounds?"

"Sir, if I may express myself having more help would be good for propaganda and for us to get all these interviews done today. We can take turns with the paperwork, and you can rest. She and I can take care of everything." Alyssa adds. "The more, the merrier, right? Just like you said."

"Again, if she does anything to jeopardize this, being alien brides will be the least of your concerns." He turns to tinker. "And you, you need to respect your superiors as I am yours as of now. I will not tolerate disrespect. As you are so eager to work with Alyssa, you start NOW."

"Yes, sir."

"I will leave you both to it then."

A/N: Hey guys! I am so so sorry for keeping you all waiting. I've been going through some personal things that have kept me from being able to write. But I'm going to continue posting for Collided now. I will try to update frequently. Thanks for reading and your support! 

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