He Will Be Mine

Od CeraRyland

839 2 3

Alyssa Bentley is the daughter of the Alpha of New Horizon and is set to become the next Alpha of the pack. S... Více

Prologue: A Fateful Encounter
Chapter 1: The Breakdown
Chapter 2: The Plan
Chapter 3: Camping on the Lake
Chapter 4: The Morning After
Chapter 5: Just Friends Who Flirt
Chapter 6: She's My One and Only
Chapter 7: Their First Time
Chapter 8: Consequences
Chapter 9: Homeward Bound
Chapter 10: Welcome Weekend
Chapter 11: The Party
Chapter 12: Monday Morning
Chapter 13: Mixed-Up Friends
Chapter 14: Girls' Night
Chapter 15: Not Together, Not Available Either
Chapter 16: Date Night
Chapter 17: Project Partners
Chapter 18: 11 Girls and a Guy
Chapter 19: Costume Party Confessional
Chapter 20: Reality Check
Chapter 21: If Wishes Were Horses
Chapter 22: Can't Stay Away
Chapter 23: The Invitation
Chapter 24: The Talk
Chapter 25: Thanksgiving Break Reunion
Chapter 26: Man-to-Man
Chapter 27: The Trials, Part I
Chapter 28: The Trials Part II
Chapter 29: The Trials Part III
Chapter 30: The Trials Part IV
Chapter 32: Exactly What He Needs Right Now
Chapter 33: Third Wheel
Chapter 34: Sharing Secrets
Chapter 35: Party Blues
Chapter 36: Officially Over
Chapter 37: The Elders Convene Part I
Chapter 38: Road Trip Trio
Chapter 39: The Elders Convene Part II
Chapter 40: The Elders' Update
Chapter 41: We Need to Talk
Chapter 42: Her Two Mates (Part I)
Chapter 43: Her Two Mates (Part II)
Chapter 44: Meeting Mari
Chapter 45: Christmas in Wisconsin (Part I)
Chapter 46: Christmas in Wisconsin (Part II)
Chapter 47: Going Home
Chapter 48: Unexpected
Chapter 49: Denied
Chapter 50: It's Not Over Yet
Chapter 51: The Notebook
Chapter 52: Righting a Wrong
Chapter 53: Alpha's Apology
Chapter 54: The Librarian
Chapter 55: Back to School
Chapter 56: The Sort-of Plan
Chapter 57: Two Mates and No Lunch
Chapter 58: The Witch
Chapter 59: To Turn or Not to Turn
Chapter 60: Love in the Library
Chapter 61: Unfinished Business
Chapter 62: Two Valentines
Chapter 63: Spring Break
Chapter 64: The Change
Chapter 65: Part of the Pack
Chapter 66: The Archives
Chapter 67: Meeting Eli
Chapter 68: How to Werewolf
Chapter 69: The Secrets of Onyx
Chapter 70: Changed Mates
Chapter 71: Claimed
Chapter 72: Alpha's Prize
Chapter 73: Visions of Silver
Chapter 74: Alpha's Demands
Chapter 75: Marked and Mated
Chapter 76: Back to Kinda Normal
Chapter 77: Overcompensating
Chapter 78: The New Normal
Chapter 79: Friday Night
Chapter 80: Exposed
Chapter 81: Alpha's Marks
Chapter 82: Ma Jenkins (Part I)
Chapter 83: Ma Jenkins (Part II)
Chapter 84: Arguing For Our Lives (Part I)
Chapter 85: Arguing For Our Lives (Part II)
Chapter 86: The Elders Deliberate
Chapter 87: Awkward
Chapter 88: Unbelievable
Chapter 89: The Teacher's Assistant
Chapter 90: House Call
Chapter 91: The Elders' Decision
Chapter 92: Mated to the Alpha
Chapter 93: The Final Countdown
Chapter 94: Graduation
Chapter 95: Time for Change
Chapter 96: Hunt and Gather
Chapter 97: Succession
Chapter 98: To Challenge a Tyrant
Chapter 99: War It Is
Chapter 100: Epilogue
Bonus Chapter: Preview of Book Two

Chapter 31: When You Love Someone

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Od CeraRyland

*** Alyssa's POV ***

I look over at Tyler sitting in the passenger seat, beaten and bruised from head to toe and yet smiling as though he is the happiest person in the world.

"I really appreciate what you were willing to endure for me, Tyler," I tell him as I reach across to take his hand. It's not the first time and it probably won't be the last time that I tell him that.

We still have about 35 minutes until we'll be back on campus, and I find myself wishing there were more time. I like it just being the two of us here in our protected little bubble, no drama and no responsibilities. On the other hand, I'm eager to get him home so he can rest. The man is physically and mentally exhausted, even though he won't let it show, and classes start back up tomorrow.

"It was more than worth it," he replies, bringing our hands to his lips so he can kiss the back of mine. "I would have done it all ten times if that's what it took. You've been all over me since I started, plus your dad invited me to come back whenever I want, and I think he meant it. He might even kind of like me now."

My dad did seem pretty impressed with him by the time we left. He told us that the Elders who oversaw the trials had nothing but good things to say about him, though they have to talk to the others still, so it could all go sideways from there. Still, Tyler is right. Even if he ends up failing the trials, he succeeded at winning my dad over, and he's right that it has brought us closer as well. It means everything that he so bravely went out on a limb for me and risked it all just to prove himself to my family and my pack.

"He did, and I'm shocked about that," I admit. "I thought it impossible, but I never should have doubted you. I definitely owe you, that's for sure."

"You don't, but I won't say no if you were to offer to soak in the tub with me when we get back," he suggests without even a hint of seductiveness. The poor guy is probably too tired and sore to even think that way right now.

"Deal," I happily agree, looking forward to it.

We had a soak like that together last night, and it was surprising to me how much more intimate it feels to be naked together when sex is off the table. He even let me wash his hair for him, and it felt like he was letting me into a private part of his life. People are particular about their hair, and yet he trusted me with his. I am eager to experience that with him again, and glad he seems to feel the same.

He smiles and leans back in the seat, settling in for the rest of the ride. We took his car to the airport because he didn't like the idea of my "fancy" car sitting there while we were gone, but I demanded to drive us back because of the condition he is in. He didn't even bother arguing, happily handing over his keys so that he could just relax on the ride back, and I let him be for the rest of the ride.

I notice Matt's van parked in the lot when we pull into their place. I am both excited and nervous to see him. We haven't spent a lot of time together since he took a break from Jess, but I also am feeling pretty close to Tyler at this point and worry how awkward it might be between the three of us now.

I help Tyler out of the car and up to their apartment, deciding to worry about our bags later. He probably doesn't need the assistance, but I feel responsible for the state he is in and he doesn't seem to mind any opportunity to touch me. He's definitely worse off today than he was yesterday after finishing with Elder Benjamin, but I'm told that's to be expected for a human body.

"Whoa, dude, what happened to you?" Trevor asks as we make our way into their apartment. He hops up from where he is sitting and comes over to us. "Do you need any help?"

"Nah, I'm just going to head back to my room and lie down," Tyler assures him. "You guys can come if you want to hear all about it."

Trevor follows behind us as we head down the hall to Tyler's room, and we pick up Matt as we pass by his room. I don't blame them for being curious. From their perspective, I took Tyler home for a few days and brought him back looking like he got the crap beaten out of him. They're probably wondering what exactly goes on in my cult.

Tyler slides into his bed and puts his feet up, and I help him arrange his pillows so he can prop himself up while Matt and Trevor watch. I'm impressed how concerned they are for him. It's cute and heartwarming. I also hope it means they'll take care of him once I have to go back to my dorm.

"Gather 'round, children, to hear the tale of the day I got my ass handed to me," Tyler calls out in an exaggerated storyteller's voice.

I settle in next to him on the bed while Trevor takes a seat at our feet. Matt pulls up the desk chair next to me. I smirk when I realize that we really did gather around, just like Tyler told us to.

"So, you know how a lot of the guys at Aly's place are these like super ripped tough guys? Somehow, I got it in my head that I was a tough guy too, and begged some of them to let me work out and spar with them," Tyler continues explaining, using his normal voice now.

This is the explanation we came up with together to explain his injuries, since I'm not exactly ready to tell the other guys the truth yet.

"I got cocky after it went well for the first bit and told them to stop holding back. Well, they did, and though it looks bad, I don't regret it. Not only was it fun as hell, but those guys taught me a lot and I learned some things I need to do to step up my strength workouts. I'm even thinking about getting into martial arts now."

"That's insane," Trevor responds. "You're insane. You're, like, completely black and blue and you're sitting there saying you enjoyed it?"

"I don't think it's the pain he enjoyed," Matt defends him.

"No, definitely not," Tyler agrees. "The pain sucks, but I was having so much fun learning new things and moving in new ways that I wasn't really paying attention to that in the moment. It gets worse after the adrenaline rush wears off and the stiffness sets in."

"Why is everyone at your place so into fitness?" Matt turns to me and asks. He doesn't seem to be judging, just genuinely curious. "I had noticed that too. All the guys I saw, even your dad, are massive."

"Health and fitness are important to us," I explain. "Even I work out regularly, and so does my mom, pretty much everyone. It's good for you, and it teaches discipline. You learn to be in tune to your body in ways you wouldn't otherwise, and it's good for bonding with people, too. A lot of our workouts are cooperative."

"That actually sounds kind of nice," Matt replies.

"You're welcome to join us for workouts whenever you want, man. Both of you, if you're interested." Tyler offers to his roommates.

I turn to look at him, stunned that he would offer that to the guy he knows he is directly competing with. It could be one of those things you say to be polite, knowing that the other person will decline, but I don't think so. The way Tyler is smiling at me tells me there's more to it. I wish I could mind-link him to find out what he's thinking.

"I might just do that. Thanks, man," Matt surprises me by accepting the offer.

It suddenly feels like I have been transported to some sort of parallel universe. Not only is Tyler inviting Matt along to do something that is kind of special to us, but the imagery in my mind is too much. Matt and Tyler both sweaty and grunting in front of me? I'm not sure if my brain can handle that.

"I think I'll pass, but mostly because my schedule is crazy this semester," Trevor says as he gets up from the bed. "I'm going to head out, but did you need any help with anything first, Tyler?"

"If you're offering, our bags are still in my trunk. You could bring those up," Tyler tells him, tossing his keys to Trevor.

"Yeah, sure. Be right back."

Trevor leaves, and we all chuckle as we hear him make one of his signature excited Trevor sounds on his way out.

"Interested in that bath now?" I ask Tyler, hoping he'll say yes. I need to head back to my dorm soon and tend to a bit of homework I've been neglecting, but I want a little extra time with him before I go.

"Actually, Aly, I think I'm too tired. I might just lie here and become one with this mattress for the rest of the night."

"Okay," I say, trying to mask my disappointment. "Rain check?"

"Definitely. And hey Matt? Would you mind walking Aly back to her place for me?"

Something is up. That's twice now that Tyler has invited Matt to do something that is usually just us.

Matt looks as surprised as I am. "Yeah, sure. I'd love to," he agrees, smiling at me warmly.

I give Tyler a questioning look, but he just shrugs. He's making it pretty clear that he would like to be left alone to rest, so I lean over to carefully kiss his cheek, making sure not to lean on him too much. As I'm breaking away from him, he grabs me by the back of the head and brings me back to him, giving me a lingering kiss on the lips before letting me go.

"Text me later," he calls out as I'm leaving the room with Matt.

We encounter Trevor coming back in with the bags and I take mine from him, giving him a quick hug before following Matt out.

Matt doesn't say much as we walk until I start asking him about how his holiday went.

"It was good. Peaceful. Weird without Jessica or having to juggle seeing both our families in just a few days, but that was actually kind of nice."

"Have you talked to her?" I wonder, curious about how much of a "break" they're on.

"Not since the day I told her I needed a little space. I figure it's counterproductive to say that and then do the opposite," he explains. "How was your holiday with Tyler?"

"It was also good. People back home seem to like him, and he was a bit like a kid in a candy store the whole time. Lots of new people and things to do."

"I'm glad he got to experience that. He's been kind of lonely most of his life, from what I can tell. I mean he's pretty social here, but growing up I mean. It was probably nice to spend a holiday with a big group."

"And we enjoyed having him. My dad actually invited him back, which is shocking."

Matt makes a surprised sound at that news. "Yeah, he seemed to not be impressed by him when he first met him. I was actually kind of scared for him." He laughs, seeming to find that memory amusing, and I'm drawn to the way he looks when he smiles like that.

He catches me admiring him and blushes, glancing away. "Don't look at me like that, Aly. It gives me ideas."

"What ideas?" I ask with feigned innocence.

"Stop," he grumbles, still blushing.

We arrive back at my dorm and he offers to walk me up, which I accept. I realize that he has never been up to see my room yet. I worry a little about what the other girls will think when they see me with a guy who is not Tyler, but I just make sure to keep our interactions nothing more than friendly.

Ronnie is already in our room when I open the door, and I introduce her to Matt. She seems surprised but doesn't question me once I explain that he's Tyler's friend and Tyler asked him to walk me home.

"I'll see you in class in the morning," I tell Matt as I hug him goodbye. "And thanks for walking me here."

"Anytime. Have to admit, I was curious what it looked like in here anyway."

"Well, now you know."

"Yep, now I know." He stands awkwardly, looking around for a few seconds more, and then adds, "So, uh ...," but never finishes his thought. He scratches the back of his neck nervously for a moment while I wait expectantly, and then he just turns and leaves.

I stand there blinking in surprise for a few seconds, trying to make sense of what that was about.

"Huh. He might actually be more awkward and worse at communicating with people than I am," Ronnie comments, and we both laugh.

I toss my bag on the floor at the foot of my bed and flop on the bed on my belly, pulling out my phone to text Tyler. After I tell him that I'm home safely and he sends his usual sweetness overload flood of texts telling me how amazing I am and what a great time he had with me, I decide to ask him what he's up to with Matt.

When you love someone, you want them to be happy, comes his reply, which only confuses me more.

Then he sends another to explain, I've been thinking about it, and I think you should spend more time with Matt and actually get to know him before you make your decision. I don't want you to end up with me by default, and I don't want you to live your life wondering 'what if' when it comes to him.

I don't want that either. I realize how lucky I am to have found this incredibly sweet, thoughtful person who is so selfless that he wants to help me get close to another guy because he knows he is important to me, and that's after he spent three days breaking his back trying to prove that he is the guy for me.

You're amazing, Tyler, and I appreciate you so much. Words aren't enough to tell you how grateful I am for your support through this all, but thank you. You mean the world to me.

Even after I send that, I feel like I owe him so much more and I don't know how I could ever repay him. But my responsibilities are calling, so I have to set it all aside for now.

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