Yandere "family" x reader

By imjustish

1.2M 37.7K 32.2K

Y/n lives a hard life, she's a 15 year old girl, completely normal right? Wrong. At home she takes constant a... More

Chapter 1- meet the family
Chapter 2- decisions
chapter 3- taken
characters pt 1
Chapter 4- home
Chapter 5- wtf
Chapter 6- dont you dare
Characters part 2
Chapter 7-bookworm
Chapter 8- grey
Chapter 9- food
Night terrors
Chapter 10- old life
Chapter 11- windex
Chapter 12- police
Chapter 13- b/n
Chapter 14-hallways
Chapter 15- pillows
Chapter 16- awkward
Chapter 17- mama
Chapter 18- pretty
chapter 19- investegations and clinics
Chapter 20- poison ivy
Chapter 21- needles
Chapter 22- get out
Chapter 23- paralisis
Chapter 23-pink tile
Chaoter 24-dark hallways
Chapter 25-tears
26- panic
Chapter 28- static
Chapter 29- t shirts
Chpater 30- blood
Chapter 31- F*ck
Chapter 32- Chad
Chapter 33- purple flowers
Chapter 34- nightmare
Chapter 35- clipboards
Chapter 36- life sentences
Chapter 37- animal crossing
Chapter 39-limousines
Chapter 40- flying metal death machines
ending B
Ending c

Chapter 38- contemplation

9.4K 295 93
By imjustish

Sometimes I get into a mood where I just want to cry, and write angsty angst chapters, but I know that will mess with the story line, so here you guys go, me trying to tone down my angst level to make this tolerable.

The two men you had spotted at you front door yesterday, hadnt shown up again, much to your misfortune. In fact, you hadn't heard anything about anyone worrying for you, almost as if you weren't litterally begging for help. Maybe you didn't even want help anymore, maybe you didn't even need help anymore. Maybe this is all a. Dream and you'll wake up in oblivion, doing nothing, seeing nothing, just nothing.

You were sitting, a mug of some herbal tea in hand, contemplating the entirety of your life. WhT even is the meaning of life? Is it to die? Is it to find the purpose itself? You just kindof felt... like an empty shell with a brain did that makes sense, you were just confused. Confused on if your entire life was a fever dream, confused on why you even were here, confused about you life itself.

You were just confused

Why haven't you just died already? That would make everything so much easier. The fuzzy blanket on top of you did nothing. To shield your brain from your own thoughts. If your life before your life, god that's odd to say, was real, then what is this? Is this a dream? Or is this real? Fucking ketchup you have no idea.

You felt kindof empty, any emotional attachments that you think you
Could have had were gone, primarily towards b/n, whom you know is real, b it also don't know is real. Honest, you really no longer had a meaning, you were just a walking, talking, breathing, body of flesh that walks the earth with no intent of doing anything. Maybe your purpose is to jsut stay here and entertain these people, or it is to get out and make anew life... GOD THIS IS SO CONFUSING!

It was one of those rare occasions when you were left alone to your own devices,  god knows where bay members of the family are, you didn't really care, too immersed in your own contemplation to care. You couldn't even bring yourself to get up form your comfy position, much les sfo off and fin one of your bothers, or uncles, or aunts, or parents, or anyone for that matter. You just did not give a shit.

"Y/n! Honey! We have something to tell you!" A female voice, that could probably be recognized as your mothers rang from the doorway, immediately, she popped her head in, a wide smile was cracked across her pretty features. Her husband, your father, soon trailed behind her, grabbing her by the waist. They acknowledged the somewhat far-off look in your eyes, bringing slight alarm to their own faces.

"What is the meaning of life?" You blurted, turning towards the two, a vague questioning look in your eyes. Immediate shock took over the tone of the room, slight Confusion riddled toy mothers face, while your father just placed his hands on his chest in a "grab your pearls" motion. You blanket stared the two, awaiting N their answer. What? You were confused enough? And these people loved making decisions for you. So might as well let them take this one.



"Oh-well, I think the meaning of life- um, the meaning of life is to find live in your heart, and cherish it within your binds. Like we do" your mother hurried out some random answer that almost made no sense. She was obviously taken off guard by the question, and your overall energy, it was giving very "depressed gen z human thing contemplating their existence" vibes. She didn't like that.

"But, what if we don't do  taht? Do we just die?" You continued on, tilting your head. She let out a slightly uncomfortable chuckle, elbowing her husband to give N answer instead of herself this time. Wrong idea, he was almost as confused as you were.

"How about we talk about this later- or never, and just tell you about our big surprise  for you?" Your mother huffed, she really has to
Do it all herself doenst she? In a few moments the tense atmosphere fizzled out,  and the two approached your cozy couch, plopping themselves right down next to you. Immediately the cup was plucked out of your hand gently, and you were (reluctantly) picked up and placed in your fathers lap.

" is something wrong?" Yiu questioed, wondering why they were acting all secretive and stuff. You could make out a small smile on your mothers face, and you couldn't even see your fathers, as you were in his lap right now. It didn't take long for them to share a look, then you after this time, suprise suprise, spoke up.

"No, no, nothing wrong. We just believe that you should know before it happens, we don't want your cute little head getting all worried about it. You know how we asked you the other day about if you'd ever ridden in a plane before, or lived in a other country?" He gave you the question, you did have some recollection of that, so, like a normal person would, you nodded your head.

"Well, we're doing both of those. You, little one, are gonna live in Canada for a few years!" The pale, mothe figure exclaimed, letting out a squeal similar to one of a 6 year old, you just sat there, eyes widening at the words that had just left her lips... Canada, Like the country? Well of course the country. You did not what that, you have nothing against Canada, they are roro ably really sweet people over there, but you had jsut recently STARTED to understand this house. Like Haley even grazed on any of the routes to sue for escape. And you had litterally gotten an eye witness to the fact that you were there! You had made so much progress! Moving far away would just ruin all that!

" so, Canada Canada. Far away right? Yeah, so you wnat me, to go on a plane, and go to Canada to live there... why?"

"Because bubs? You deserve to be in a better place! And you'll be able to finally eat free any worries!"

"Please no"
———————police station——————————

"I litterally just showed you hard evidence of this, a literal video of this young girl who needs our help, in the grasp of a captor, and you
Are telling us that it's fake?" Officer oikawa huffed, crossing his arms and raising a brow in annoyance. This is probably the only thing he hates about this job, his boss is not only a total duck head, but he also has no sense of humanity. He probably has a criminal record buried somewhere, it's pretty surprising that it's even legal for someone like him to manage a private investigation ward.

"Yes, that is exactly what I just told you, thank you for literally just repeating it. Modern technology allows us to change videos and mold them how we want. If it weren't for the oath you swore, I would say you're trying to tak credit unfairly." The douchebag smirked, lighting a cigarette and puffing the smoke slowly, jsut further annoying the officer.

"Please sir, you've already tried to call this off and the government wouldn't let you! Why? Because it isn't a little town missing case, now millions of people everywhere know about his girl, they know that she didn't just drown in a lake, they know that she was kidnapped, they know she's still out there! We're trying so hard to get her back, and we haven't even met her! You're jsut aming this so much harder by resisting it! PmeDe, I beg of you, give us at least month. We can't do anything with a day left, even after such a great lead." Genmfoficer tried to speak, but this man wa shaving none of it.

"Doesn't change my attempt, it closes this Sunday, point blank period. If people wnat it to continue they can get about her investigation in it, I'm done wasting my time and money on some girl who rojbabky ran away because her little mommy and daddy yelled at her. That's final. Close the door on the way out." He spoke harshly, slamming the bud of the cigarette on the desk, leaving a small circular imprint in the wood. The officer stormed out of the office, catching the attention of many in the room, who gave him looks of sympathy, its safe to say everybody in the office was waiting for this bitch to get hit by a car and die.

"That bad?"

"Yep" eren asked his comrade and leading officer, to which the answer wa short and curt. They're were running short o man time, and even with hard evidence, if no one believed them, it would do no good, this probably gross against any code of conduct, but police were slacker in this town, for the most part at least. Mainly because nothing ever happens, or nothing use to happen, recently a lot of shit has gone down.

"I know you guys are having a moment right now, but I looked through the tracing records of all the purchases the main leaders of the fleur family have made in the past 7 months, and quite recently, actually, yesterday. They booked out the entirety of the (airport name) airport, meaning no one other than essential workers to the location can be there. So they have an entire airport to themselves. It just so happens that this is the same airport where their new jet is stationed. It hunky why are leaving  to wherever they're going tommorow. " ms Kim babbles on and on, pointing at the king chart of purchases and numbers, ckearly they hadn't looked close enough at the document, for they would've totally missed that detail if it weren't for ms Kim. Damn... tommorow?

"So we just have to intercept them, ina. Fully private airport for the day, and take the girl safely into a protection service  for victims. Great... just dandy"
Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, I'm writing this on my phone, not on a laptop.

Have a great day today! Goodbye!

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