The Reluctant Avenger

By BuckysBestGirl

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A young woman finds herself thrust into the world of superheroes. More specifically, The Avengers. When both... More

Character Bio
Chapter 1 - Beginnings (Part One)
Chapter 2 - Beginnings (Part 2)
Chapter 3 - Chance Meetings
Chapter 4 - The Wrong Way to Eat Spaghetti
Chapter 5 - Blink And You Miss It!
Chapter 7 - A Mixed Bag of Emotions
Chapter 8 - Windows to the Soul

Chapter 6 - Heart to Heart

606 33 160
By BuckysBestGirl

I can't believe I hit 300 views! I want to thank everyone who took the time to read my stories. It really means a lot to me. Now, let's get this party started!


Italics = thoughts
Bold = flashback


"I know this is frustrating for you; but if you'll let us, we can help you figure out your powers." Tony said with a small smile. "But in the meantime, I think it's time you showed us what you can actually do."

"Like what?" Gwen asked as she plopped down on the same chair she sat in before she vanished. "Right now, all I want to do is take a long, hot shower!'

The poor girl was physically and emotionally exhausted. Who wouldn't be after what happened?

"She's been through enough for right now." Steve whispered to Tony. "Let her rest. Give her time to process things."

Tony looked over at the young woman who was playing with her beloved pet. He knew her life had been turned upside down through no fault of her own and wanted to do everything in his power to help her. Steve was right... though he'd never admit it in a million years. He walked over to Gwen, knelt down and placed his right hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, kid. There's no rush. Take as much time as you need. You'll let us know when you're ready, okay?"

"Alright." She nodded as she stood up. "Oh, wait! I just remembered! I still need to take Thunder for his walk."

"After what just happened? Absolutely not!" Tony forbade.

As he said that, Thunder began walking in circles and was whimpering.

"Well, if he doesn't get his walk soon, you're gonna have a puddle in the middle of your hardwood floor and if that happens, that's on you. I wanted to take him outside." Gwen reminded with folded arms.

The billionaire playboy looked at the small dog and cringed.

"Fine! But someone else is taking him since you're still on their radar."

"We'll take him!" Wanda and Natasha volunteered. Thunder yipped happily at the prospect of two gorgeous women taking him for his daily walk.

Gwen just chuckled at her fur baby's playful antics.

"Okay, sweetie. Go get your l-"

Before Gwen could finish, Thunder ran to her room and brought back his harness and leash in his mouth a few minutes later. Everyone in the room laughed at the sight.

"He's too smart for his own good." Clint laughed.

Natasha smiled as she put the harness around Thunder's body and clipped on the leash.

"Let's get out of here, little guy. We'll bring him by your room when we get back." She and Wanda giggled as they took Gwen's dog out for a much-needed walk.


-Time Skip-

Gwen laid in her bed with her back against the headboard thinking about everything Steve and Tony told her about her family. Even though she still didn't know who was chasing her, she now knew why. She was in this mess because of circumstances that were beyond her control.

"Why is this happening to me?" She whispered to herself as her head fell back against the headboard. It was then that Natasha and Wanda knocked on Gwen's door. "Who is it?"

"The Avengers Dog Walking Service. We've brought back Thunder." Wanda answered cheerfully.

Gwen chuckled and opened her door letting the two female Avengers and her dog inside. Thunder ran up the steps next to her bed and jumped onto her lap.

"Did you have fun?" Gwen smiled as she scratched his ears. Natasha could tell by the girl's posture that she had something weighing her mind.

"How are you holding up?"

Gwen looked up and the smile that was on her face instantly fell.

"To be honest, I'm not." She admitted. "Before all this shit happened, I was just a woman with an IT job living in an apartment on the 4th floor with her dog. I was living a normal life where my biggest problem was deciding which Netflix show to watch that night after work. Now, because my mom had powers inherited from my grandmother who was experimented on against her will and my dad who was nearly blown up working on the Tesseract, whatever that is, I've got Hydra coming after me! I didn't ask for any of this."

The two women took pity on Gwen. They climbed onto her bed and sat on either side of her with their backs against the headboard. Both girls petted Thunder making the little dog wag his tail.

"If it's any consolation, we know what it's like... having the chance of a normal life taken away from you." Natasha offered sadly.


"Yeah. I was very young when Russia's Black Widow Ops took me in. Instead of being raised by a loving family, I taken to a place called the Red Room where I was trained, brainwashed and enhanced physically and mentally until I became their deadliest assassin. I later defected to America where I joined the Avengers." The crimson tressed assassin rubbed Thunder's belly as she continued her story. "I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of; terrible things. Once I found out I was nothing more than a weapon to them, I knew I had to get out. Hawkeye, Clint, helped me defect. I had too much red in my ledger; still do. I know I can never wipe it all away, but at least I can use what was given to make a difference... and hopefully make a few amends along the way."

Wanda let out a sigh as she began her story.

My childhood was taken away, also. I lived in Sokovia with my parents and twin brother, Pietro. We didn't have much, but we were happy... that was before the bombings in Novi Grad. The Americans coordinated air strikes that destroyed my home... and killed my parents. Pietro grabbed me and pulled me under our bed when the second mortar shell landed three feet in front of us. It didn't detonate; but we were so afraid that any movement could set it off, we stayed hidden under the debris for two days without moving a muscle until we were rescued. Years later, Pietro and I organized protests against our own government and America; we felt they were to blame for the bombings and our parents' deaths, more specifically, Tony Stark."

Gwen looked over at Wanda with shock in her eyes.

"It was his name on the mortar shell that kept my brother and I frozen in fear. We were so consumed with vengeance, we joined Hydra and agreed to undergo experiments to rid our country of corruption and the strife it caused. We were so blinded by revenge; we had no idea about Hydra's true intentions. Apparently, I had abilities I never knew existed. Not only did the experiments give my brother super-speed, they enhanced my existing powers and gave me new ones. After Hydra, supposedly fell..." Wanda said taking recent events into account. "Pietro and I joined a robot called Ultron because he shared our hatred for Tony Stark. As it turned out, we were nothing more than pawns; means to an end. Ultron created a device to lift my home of Novi Grad into the sky and crash it into Earth much like the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs. After learning Ultron's true intentions, Pietro and I joined the Avengers. We were sick of being used and lied to; but also, we weren't about to let him use what was left of our home to take more innocent lives. I was so frightened during the battle; I didn't want to fight. But Hawkeye convinced me to use my powers to save people. During the battle... my brother sacrificed himself to save Hawkeye." Her voice cracked as tears fell from her eyes. Thunder saw this and walked over Natasha's and Gwen's laps to lie down on Wanda's. He licked the tears that fell on her hands and laid his head on top of them. Wanda let out a small laugh before petting the little dog on the head.

"Thank you, my little babushka." She sniffled.

"I'm so sorry!" Gwen apologized sincerely. "Now, I feel even worse for mimicking your accent."

Wanda gently placed her left hand in Gwen's shoulder.

"It's alright, Gwen. You didn't know. As I said before, hearing you talk with a perfect Sokovian accent makes me feel like there's still a piece of my old home left."

"Sounds like you both owe a lot to Clint." Gwen observed.

"We do; but we owe a lot to someone else, too." Natasha replied.


"Your grandmother." Wanda answered.

"I don't understand. What does my grandmother have to do with it?"

"I've always looked up to her as a hero." Natasha smiled.

"So have I. After I moved to America and joined the Avengers, I went to the Smithsonian and learned about The Howling Commandos. When I read about Georgia Brown, I was most impressed by how she overcame her imprisonment by Hydra to help take them down and win the war."

"She had her freedom taken from her; but she didn't let that stop her. She took it back and then some. I wish I had half the strength she had." Natasha mused. "You know, you have her strength, Gwen."

"How do you know?"

"Call it a hunch. Georgia proved hers through adversity; I have a feeling you're the same way." Wanda smiled. "When the time comes, you'll dig deep and call on that strength when it counts the most."

"Will it help me figure out how to control orbing in and out everywhere?

"With our help." Natasha said as she put her arm around Gwen's shoulder. "That is, if you want us to help you." Gwen just looked at the red headed assassin and nodded with a smile.

"I'm glad. This group needs a lot more feminine mystique." Wanda chuckled as the three friends enveloped each other in a group hug. Thunder barked wanting to be included.

"Oh! Of course, we wouldn't leave you out, sweetie!" The little dog wagged his tail as he was scooped up in the group hug. After a few minutes of processing their stories, Gwen made a decision. Her grandmother didn't let fear stop her, neither did her mother. She wasn't about to, either.

"I think I'm ready to start learning about myself."

"That's great! I'll let Tony know."

"Thanks, Tasha. And thanks, Wanda."

"Anytime you need someone to talk to, we're here."

"Provided you don't read my mind first, right?" Gwen smirked. "Clint told me about that, too."

"We figured that would be brought up." Natasha laughed.

"Okay, I promise not to read your mind unless you want me to. Deal?"

"Deal." The two girls shake hands before Wanda and Natasha got up from her bed.

"We'll see you in the gym later. Chances are good that Tony's going to call you in." Natasha surmised. "Bye, cutie pie!"

Both girls waved at Thunder who barked happily.



Tony was in the conference room showing the Avengers the footage he shot of Gwen's fight before he reached her. They saw and heard everything she said.

"I knew her mimicking skills would come in handy!" Natasha smiled.

When he got to Gwen kicking the guy in the nuts, the screen blacked out.

"Trust me. You don't wanna see that." Tony cringed.

'Was it that bad?" Clint asked... while crossing his legs.

"I'll put it to you like this... I actually felt sorry for the dude!" Tony admitted. The video ended with interference from the "trip" back to the conference room. "I dunno about you, but she could be a great addition to the team."

"If she even wants to be part of the team." Sam observed. "She doesn't seem to want her powers. I can't even imagine what's she's going through."

"We can't force Gwen to do anything she doesn't want to do." Steve replied. "We'd be no better than those chasing her if we did that."

"What if she wants to give herself a chance?" Natasha posed the question.

"That'd be awesome if it happened." Tony sighed. "It's a snowball's chance in Hell, though."

"What if it did?" Wanda smirked. Vision noticed her expression immediately.

"Wanda? What are you saying?"

The two girls looked at each other with a smile.

"We had a little heart-to-heart with Gwen when we brought Thunder back." Natasha began.

"She's ready to figure some things out." Wanda added. "I know it's not a definitive 'yes'; but it's a start. Like Cap said, it has to be her choice if she wants to do something with the gifts she's been given."

Tony listened to the two women and nodded. The moment Gwen popped into the conference room, her power to choose her own destiny was taken away... by Hydra and, even worse, by him. That was going to change. He followed Gwen's life ever since they bonded when she was a precocious 2-year-old. Through her Uncle Matt, the billionaire learned that her curiosity knew no bounds. If something interested her, she dove in head first to learn all she could... because she wanted to. That's how she was with school, martial arts and even honing her special talent with sounds and voices. Even her career in information technology was her choice. She was always interested in computers and her field trip to Stark Industries just cemented that. Behind the scenes, he nurtured her innate thirst for knowledge and she thrived. He wasn't about to destroy that by taking away her power of choice.


"Yes, boss?"

He was about to say something, but...

"On second thought, never mind. I'll talk to her myself."

With that, he walked to room of the one person in the world he secretly considered family outside his own parents.



Gwen was playing with Thunder on top of her bed when she heard a knock on her door.

"Who is it?"


Gwen's eyes bugged out and motioned for Thunder to get off the bed. He obeyed and climbed down the steps to his own bed where he sat innocently.

"Come in."

"Hey, kid."

Tony walked in, grabbed a chair from her desk and sat beside her bed.

"The girls told me you were ready to start figuring some things out." Gwen nodded. "I'm happy to hear that." He smiled.

"Because you want me to join the team, right?"

"The thought has crossed my mind; not gonna lie." He admitted. "But that's not why I'm happy."

"Then why?"

"Because as long as I've known you, I've never seen you shy away from learning something new."

"That's not saying much. You've only seen me twice before today."

Tony awkwardly scratched the back of his neck as he looked down at the floor.

"Actually... that's not entirely true. I've been keeping tabs on you all your life." Gwen gave him the most indignant look she could muster.

"Wait just a damn minute! You mean you've been spying on me my whole life? Never mind the fact that that's just creepy as fuck!"

"I wouldn't call it spying, exactly."

'Then, what would you call it... exactly?"

"Checking up on family who have no idea that you consider them family?" Tony chuckled nervously.

"That makes absolutely no sense." Gwen deadpanned.

Tony looked down at the floor again and let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding in.

"Do you remember when we first met at that library opening?"

"Barely." She admitted. "I remember bits and pieces about it. I do remember we got along pretty well."

Tony thought about it and realized that the murder happened after the opening meaning that when she blocked that out, all the memories prior to that were blocked out as well. When he showed her the picture during her first grade field trip, some of those blocked memories must've come to the surface.

"Yeah, we did. We bonded. We basically spent the whole time reading books together." He smiled at the memory, but his face fell when another one entered his mind. "After the death of your parents, I've been keeping in touch with your Uncle Matt; checking up on you, keeping up with your progress."

"I still don't understand why." Gwen shrugged.

"Because we bonded over another common thread; I lost my parents as well. And, I don't know. I guess since then, I always thought of you as the little sister I never had but always wanted. The first time we talked, you reminded me so much of myself: adorable, intelligent..."

"Snarky little smart ass?" Gwen smirked.

"Definitely that, too." Tony chuckled. "I guess I subconsciously adopted you as my little sister at that point and after your parents died, I guess I took on the big brother role in wanting to look after you."

Gwen mulled over everything that was said and she came up with a few revelations.

"Wait... Lemme guess. You basically paid for my education, didn't you?"

"I might have chipped in a few bucks here and there." He chuckled. "When I saw how quickly you figured out that I programmed that robot to play tag during your field trip, I knew you were something special."

"So, my powers had nothing to do with that?" Gwen asked.

"To be honest, I didn't even know there was a possibility of you even having powers until after you graduated college. I looked up your family history." Tony admitted. "I personally hoped that nothing would manifest and you would just live life as a normal person; but the day you just appeared in the middle of our conference room changed everything. I knew I needed to step in as more than just your anonymous benefactor and surrogate big brother. I wanted to be in your life and help you through this because... besides The Avengers... you're the only family I've got."

Gwen pulled her knees up to her chest and later put her head on top of her knees. She didn't look at Tony, but she didn't need to. The tears running down her face told him everything he needed to know. She was an only child and never had any siblings growing up so hearing Tony call her his little sister opened up a floodgate she didn't realize she was keeping closed.

"Hey. Come here." Tony sat on Gwen's bed, wrapped her in a tight hug and let her cry on his shoulder. "We won't let anything happen to you. I promise." Tony Stark, a man not known for showing emotions other than larger than life bravado... also let a few tears fall. They were the first since the murders of his parents. "Whenever you're ready, and this is all completely up to you, let us know. We'll meet up in the training room. Okay?"

Gwen calmed down enough to answer.

"Okay." She said as she wiped her eyes. Tony took a few minutes to wash his face and freshen up.

"Oh, one more thing..."

"The last part of our conversation never happened." She smirked.

"I knew you were a smart girl." He said giving her a genuine smile.

"Thanks for the talk."

"Anytime, kid." He said he left her room. When the door closed, Thunder trotted back up to the bed and sat in Gwen's lap. She looked down at her little dog and scratched his ears.

"I guess it's time for me to stop running, huh?"

Thunder looked up at her and wagged his tail happily. He was proud of his Mama.


(Training Room, 3 P.M.)

After lunch and some much-needed rest, Gwen and the rest of the Avengers gathered in the training room. While everyone was involved in their own respective warmups, Gwen walked out of the changing room in her workout outfit and her signature ankle weights strapped to her legs.

Clint and Sam whistled and catcalled when they saw Gwen's outfit... especially the view from the back. Bucky's blue eyes slowly looked up and down her body and he could feel his heart beat a little faster. Gwen saw everyone there as she began warming up, including Bucky who wore another long-sleeved shirt.

"He's gonna be sweating up a storm in that." She thought to herself. "Okay, so what's on the docket?"

Tony walked in wearing in his usual suit and stood by the wall with a smirk on his face.

"While you were resting, I showed everybody the footage F.R.I.D.A.Y. shot when I was looking for you."

"This guy really is Big Brother." Gwen thought as she rolled her eyes.

"Gotta say, we were impressed." Steve smiled. "We're curious to see what you can really do."

Gwen looked at Tony with a confused look on her face.

"Tony! Just how much did you show them?"

"I didn't show the part where you kicked the guy so hard in the crotch that his balls went into his throat."

Every man there cringed the way only men could whenever the subject of their precious equipment being placed in mortal jeopardy was broached.

"I could have gone all century without hearing that, Stark." Clint groaned.

"I think mine just went in." Sam squeaked.

Natasha and Wanda hid their faces as best they could; but they couldn't hide the giggles that were spilling from their lips.

"Maybe we should do this another time?" Gwen asked.

"No, no. I'll be fine." Steve reassured although he was still a little skittish after hearing that little bit of information from Tony. Still, he made his way to the mat in the middle of the room.

"Okay." She nodded as she took off her ankle weights and stepped on as well. She kinda had an idea what they could do and likewise with her. But they only saw one fight; she watched their whole careers on TV. Still, she made sure not to underestimate anyone. Steve and Gwen bow to each other before they begin their sparring match.

"FIGHT!" Tony shouts.

The sparring match lasted a few minutes with both sides landing in dodge in multiple punches and kicks. The climax was when Steve went into throw a punch and Gwen landed a stunning combination that ended with enziguri kick to the back of his head sending him to the mat.

(^go here to see what it looks like. The gif was too large. Sorry. )

She noticed that Steve was a little slow in getting up.

"OH, SHIT! I'M SORRY!" Gwen apologized. "ARE YOU OKAY?"

"Language." He croaked.

Steve stood up, albeit a little bit woozy and unsteady on his feet, and gave Gwen a thumbs up and a smile.

"I'm gonna be seeing stars and little birdies fly around my head for a little while; but other than that, I'll be okay."

Next up was Natasha. This would prove to be a much better match, mainly because her style would match better with Gwen's.

"I think what we saw on that video and what we just saw here were just the tip of the iceberg." Natasha smirked. "I want you to show me everything you've got. Don't hold anything back." Gwen looked at Natasha with a little bit of worry in her eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. I won't go easy on you so you better bring your A game."

Those were pretty much fighting words for Gwen. Everything she did, she did her best to make sure it was A+ and that's exactly how she was going to bring it to Natasha.

"I'll do my best." Gwen nodded. Both ladies bowed to each other and Tony smirked as he started the match.


As expected, a sparring match between the seasoned veteran assassin and talented newcomer what is a spectacle to watch. Both ladies are basically putting on a clinic. After a few minutes of trading and dodging blows, Natasha managed to catch Gwen with a leg sweep that sent her to the mat.

"Not bad." She smirked. Gwen looked up at her from her spot on the floor and did a Kip up onto her feet.

"It ain't over yet." Gwen nodded.

Round two of the sparring match was fast and furious. And after studying Natasha's moves, Gwen decided to switch things up a bit. She started going into her capoeira moves. Natasha smirked and when she went on the attack, Gwen used her flexibility and agility to dodge every move. Natasha couldn't touch her. The unpredictability of Gwen's moves proved to be very useful, and to the spectators, her move set was equal parts martial arts and beautifully choreographed dance. Natasha was growing increasingly frustrated and when she lunged in for all out attack, Gwen surprised everybody by wrapping her legs around Natasha's neck and ensnaring her in a move that, try as she might, she couldn't escape from. All Natasha could do was tap out.

Gwen released the hold and held out her hand for Natasha to shake. Natasha quickly took her hand and shook it firmly with a smile.

"I've never seen a move like that before. What's it called?"

Gwen scratched the back of her neck and cringed.

"Ironically, that move's called... the Black Widow."

Natasha's eyes widen as she heard the name of the move.

"You named the move after me?"

"No. I actually got that move from watching professional wrestling." She chuckled.

"You're a wrestling fan, too?" Sam asked. "Will you marry me?"

Everyone laughed at that except for one person. Unknown to everyone in the room, Bucky was glaring daggers at Falcon. Gwen just shook her head and chuckled. Tony walked to the middle of the mat and spoke. "I think that's enough for now." And he looked at Gwen. "Maybe tomorrow we can actually work on trying to figure out your powers."

"Sounds good to me." With that, everyone went to the rooms to take showers before dinner.


(Gwen's room, 5 p.m.)

After another good, hot shower, Gwen got dressed and chilled in her room until it was time to be called for dinner. To pass the time, Gwen walked over to her grandmother's old steamer trunk and opened it to look at her family's heirlooms and belongings.

On top of everything was a Pearl white garment bag. Gwen carefully lifted it out of her trunk and laid it across her bed where she unzipped it. Inside was a gorgeous white satin dress. She gently took it out of the bag and laid it across the front of her body as she looked at herself in a full length mirror. She only did this a few times and each time she had one question. How did the dress get that long rip down the middle of it? As she pondered every possibility, a voice from behind her startled her.

"I haven't seen that dress in over 70 years."

Gwen turned around and saw Steve and Bucky smiling at her.

"How long have you been standing there?" Gwen asked.

"Long enough." Bucky smirked.

Gwen smoothed the dress in front of her and laid it down on the bed as she sat on the foot of it. She looked up at both super soldiers with curiosity in her eyes.

"Why do I get the feeling that that dress has a story attached to it?"

"Because it does. A big one." Bucky smiled. "Your grandmother wore that dress during a mission to find the location of Hydra's secret main base. If it wasn't for her help, we never would have found it."

"You said my grandmother was a spitfire." Gwen began. "I've heard stories about Peggy Carter, too. Was she anything like that?"

"In some regards, yes." Steve began with a chuckle. "But unlike Peggy, Georgia didn't take lip from anybody. Not from Peggy, not from Colonel Phillips, not from Howard Stark..." Steve let out another chuckle as the memory flooded his mind. "Not even from us."


(Austria, April 1944)

Steve Rogers and the Howling Commandos were on a tear throughout Europe taking down Hydra bases left and right. They were still no closer to finding the main base; but thanks to one of Peggy Carter's contacts in MI 6, the Commandos learned that one of Hydra's top scientists was meeting up with a contact at a nightclub in Austria. The information you received suggests that the contact is a scientist from the secret Hydra base. There was only one problem... Steve and his Howling Commandos were too well known. All, except for one. Steve and his crew were holed up in a safe house somewhere in a forest in Austria. They all sat in the middle of the main room as they waited for their ace in the hole to make her appearance.

"Georgia, will you get a move on?" Gabe Jones rushed. "Peggy will be here any minute."

"You can't rush perfection, gentlemen." Georgia called out from her bedroom. "Besides, I'm almost done so hold your horses."

"If you take any longer, the scientist will be on the first train back to Germany." Dum Dum Dugan complained.

"And if you keep back sassing me, you'll be the first person thrown under it." Georgia shot back.

"Does she seriously have to take so long?" Jim Morita wondered aloud.

"Give her a break. This is probably the first time she had a chance to really get dolled up in a long time." Bucky smirked.

"Okay, guys. Don't be so hard on her." Steve replied. "This may be our only shot to find out the location of the secret Hydra base so we need to make the most of..."

The rest of the Howling Commandos wondered why Steve stopped talking. They followed his eyes and they soon found out why Steve was rendered mute. Out walked Georgia in a gorgeous satin beaded dress that showed off every one of her curves beautifully. To say she was dressed to the nines was an understatement.

The room was soon filled with whistles and catcalls. If it were anyone else, Georgia would have turned the shotgun on them; but since these were her brothers-in-arms, she knew they were compliments.

"Damn Georgia!" Gabe smiled. "You look like a bombshell in that dress."

"You look positively smashing! If you dressed like that more often, our boys would fake injuries just to get treatment from you." James Montgomery Falsworth whistled. Georgia smirked at them both.

"I'll take that as a compliment; thank you."

"You look beautiful." Steve complimented. "Too beautiful to go on a dangerous mission like this."

Georgia just looked at Steve and huffed out a sigh in annoyance.

"We've been over this a million times. You asked me to join the Commandos for a reason."

"Yeah, as medical support." Dugan clarified.

"If that was really the case, you could have asked any of the other nurses to be medical support for your team; but you asked me. Why?" None of the Howling Commandos answered. Georgia kept silent as well. She didn't want to hold it over them; but she did bring it up to make a point. They all knew why she was picked. "That's what I thought."

"We can't let you go through with it. It's too dangerous." Bucky said trying to convince Georgia to back down. Good luck!

"You guys aren't letting me do anything. I volunteered. I'm doing this on my own volition." Georgia clarified.

"That just makes it worse." Steve said as he stepped closer to Georgia. "We promised your fiancé that we'd keep an eye on you and make sure you didn't get hurt."

"M.K. knows I can take care of myself just fine." Georgia said with her arms folded across her chest. "He believes I can do this; so, what's your excuse?"

All at once, every member of the Howling Commandos voiced their opinions on why this mission is too dangerous for Georgia. Their overly masculine voices melded together so much that Georgia had had enough.

"SIT!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

Every man there quickly sat on either a chair or a bench like obedient puppies. Steve and Bucky, who sat on a bench side by side, just looked at each other moving only their eyes and then moved their eyes back at Georgia who had her hands on her hips and tapped her heeled foot in annoyance.

"Look! We are going to settle this once and for all!" Georgia said looking at each and every man. "I didn't ask to join your team; you asked me. Why? Because out of all the nurses in the United States army, I was the only one that had the balls to go out there and save your asses! Also, you knew that there would be some missions where you guys couldn't go because you're too well known. This is one of those missions." She says putting on her earrings. "Now, if you want to shave your legs, put on some rouge and lipstick, squeeze into a girdle, put this dress on and go in my place, I'm not gonna stop you!"

Every male member of the Howling Commandos quickly held his hands up in surrender and relented.

"Okay, Georgia. You win." Steve sighed. "But, at least let one of us go with you."

"Fine." Georgia gave in. If they were going to give a little, so was she.

"When you're ready to leave, I'll have your ride lined up." Bucky smiled as he volunteered.

"Why, thank you, sugar." Georgia smiled as she kissed Bucky on the cheek making him blush and the others jealous.

They heard a car horn honk outside and they knew that was Peggy coming to take Georgia to the club.

"There's my ride." Georgia smiled as she grabbed her purse. "Don't wait up, boys."


(Nightclub in Austria. 8 p.m.)

Thanks to an undercover contact from MI6, Georgia was able to land a singing gig to get close to the scientists. The one from the secret base had a weakness for beautiful women and that was one weakness Georgia could capitalize on. It was almost time for Georgia to go on when one of Peggy's undercover contacts walked up.

"Knock em, dead!" He whispered.

"Thank you." She smiled as she took the stage. The big band behind her began to play Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen.

Georgia and the backup singers got the crowd going and she made sure to flirt with the scientists. Her fiancé understood this was all for the mission and that her heart belonged to him and only him. Once the song was finished, the club gave her a standing ovation as she bowed and went to the bar. She spoke to the bartender who was another undercover agent as he handed her a drink.

"I didn't order anything." She said confused.

"Compliments of the gentleman across the way." He pointed in the direction of her mark who politely nodded and smiled at her. Georgia flashed a bright smile back as the man walked over.

"We don't get many songbirds as lovely as you here in Austria." He said as he kissed her hand.

"Well, I heard rumors that there were handsome men here; but looking at you, I see the rumors hardly do you justice." She smirked.

"Where are my manners? I am Dr. Julian Wagner. And you are?"

"Evelyn Green."

Dr. Wagner was indeed, a very handsome man. 6'2" with thick, brown hair, green eyes and an athletic physique that most scientists didn't possess.

"Evelyn, my dear. This club is so dreadfully crowded. I know a place in the back where we could... get to know each other better." His hand gently glided down the skin of her left arm.

"I've never been one for large crowds." She smirked.


In a dimly lit room in the back of the club, Doctor Wagner and Georgia were engaged in learning new foreign tongues.

"You are, by far, the most captivating woman I've ever met."

"Well, I applaud you for having such exquisite taste, Doctor." They chuckle. Dr. Wagner poured two glasses of wine and before he could give Georgia her glass, a fight broke out in the hallway.

"Oh, must they carry on so?" Georgia sighed in annoyance.

"Don't worry your pretty little head. I'll take care of this." He gave her a peck on the lips before checking on the commotion.

"YUCK! The things I do for my country." Georgia quietly grumbled wanting to wash the taste of wine and cigar smoke from her mouth; but she had a mission to complete and this was the diversion she needed. With him gone, Georgia slipped some clear liquid into his glass and swirled it before he returned. It was truth serum developed by the S.S.R. One drop and even the most tight lipped person would sing like a canary. She sat on the loveseat as Dr. Wagner came back adjusting his necktie.

"It was nothing more than a scuffle between two drunken men. Nothing to fear." He smiled as he gave Georgia her glass. He took the one laced with serum.

"What shall we toast to, my dear?"

"How about... to new friends and new opportunities?"

"And perhaps new relationships?" He winked at her.

"The night is still young." She smirked as they clinked glasses.

It didn't take long for the serum to take effect. In a matter of minutes, the good doctor was spilling secrets that would make the Red Skull blush until he divulged the location of they secret base.

"Julian... what say we make ourselves a little more... comfortable?"

"My dear, I thought you'd never ask." He immediately began to disrobe and Georgia hid behind a privacy screen.

"Oh, I'm shy. But, please. Don't let me stop you." She gave him a wink.

Dr. Wagner continued as Georgia slipped through a window that led outside. She saw Bucky's jeep hidden behind some bushes a few hundred yards away. She started walking towards the vehicle which was difficult thanks to the cut of her dress. She was halfway there when she heard shouting and gunfire behind her.

"SHIT!" Thinking quickly, she grabbed both sides of the front hem of her dress and ripped it up to her thighs.

"THERE SHE IS! STOP HER!" They opened fire and that was enough motivation for Georgia to hike up her torn dress and run like mad... IN HEELS... towards Bucky and the jeep.


The second the engine turned over, Georgia jumped over the door and landed in the passenger seat.

"I though women couldn't run in high heels!" Bucky said.



Bucky peeled out away from the club; but German operatives and Hydra agents were in hot pursuit.

"Where's your gun!?" Georgia asked in shock. She never knew Bucky to be without a gun.

"I can't drive AND shoot, Georgia!" He shouted back. "You're gonna have to pick up the slack!"

"I'll slack YOU in a minute!" Georgia snapped as she noticed the box of grenades on the floor. "Keep those baby blues on the road! I have an idea!" The nurse grabbed a grenade and pulled the pin.

"I know this is a bad time to ask... but how's your throwing arm?" He asked.

"Lousy! Why do you think I went into medicine and not baseball!?"

Bucky's eyes widened in fear as he drove faster.

"Just don't throw any curve balls and we MIGHT just make it out alive!"

"One more crack like that and I'll hit a home run with your head!"

Georgia saw one of the Hydra vehicles gaining on them and she threw the grenade...which veered to the left.

"No! Go right!" Her eyes and hands radiated a blue glow as the grenade floated to where she originally intended for it to go. When it was in range, it exploded taking out the car chasing them!

"What the Hell was that?!" Bucky saw through the rear view mirror what happened. "Did you do that?"

"I-I dunno!" She grabbed another grenade and threw it at a German jeep on their right trying to run them off the road. It landed in the back; but one soldier grabbed it with the intent of throwing it back. "Don't you dare move! Hold on to it!" Her eyes glowed blue and a blue aura surrounded the man holding the grenade. He was paralyzed. Bucky increased his speed as the jeep exploded behind them.

"We're not in the clear yet!" Bucky yelled.

"What makes you say that?"

Soon, a black sedan bumped their car on the left.

"CALL IT A HUNCH!" He shouted at Georgia.

Georgia noticed that their windows were down so she grabbed a grenade; but before she could throw it, the car bumped into them making her drop it.

"GEORGIA!" Bucky shouted in fear.

"No! Go in THEIR CAR!" Once again, her eyes glowed blue as the live grenade floated from their jeep and through the window of the sedan. "FLOOR IT, BLUE EYES!"


Bucky hit the gas and put considerable distance between them and the doomed car. Once they saw the explosion in the rear view mirror, they knew they were safe.


"BUCKY BARNES! YOU ARE RIGHT!" She laughed. "We got the location, took out some Nazis and Hydra and lived to tell the tale! I call that a successful Saturday night!"

"Banks has no idea what he's getting himself into!" Bucky laughed. "But seriously. He's a lucky son of a bitch! Maybe in another time... in another place... you'd be MY best girl."

"Crazier things have happened." Georgia said as she sat back in the passenger seat.

"Yeah, you being born is one of them." He grinned. As they drove off towards the safe house, the sound of a loud slap could be heard followed by a less than manly...



Steve and Bucky both laughed hysterically.

"Did you have to tell her that? WHILE YOU WERE DRIVING?!" Steve asked wiping his eyes.

"I wasn't thinking straight, alright? We had people shooting at us all night." Bucky laughed. This was a side of Bucky she never saw before; the side he only showed when he was with Steve. The smile that reached his steel blue eyes was genuine and the laughter was a melody to her. "Your grandmother kept us in line when Col. Phillips wasn't around. Although, there were times when I actually missed Col. Phillips." He smirked.

"One of the few times I spoke to Peggy after the thaw, she told me that Georgia received the Medal of Honor for her bravery during the Battle of Azzano and for finding out the location of Hydra's secret base." Steve nodded.

"She deserved it. She saved our necks during that battle." Bucky recalled.

"Wow!" Gwen whispered in awe. She went to the trunk and pulled out a small velvet lined box. She opened the clamshell design and found the Medal of Honor shining like new.

"That's a lot to live up to. Talk about having big shoes to fill."

"I know you have what it takes." Bucky gave her a small smile as he walked over.

"Nobody's asking you to be just like your grandmother. You need to forge your own path." He walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, if anyone can rise to the challenge, it's you." Steve said reassuringly.

"Thanks, Steve. Thanks, Bucky." Gwen looked at her grandmother's dress as she carefully placed it back in the garment bag and back at the two super soldiers. "What time do you want to start helping me figure out my powers?"

"That's entirely your call. We're on your schedule." They both smiled.

"Speaking of schedules, it's almost time for dinner." Bucky reminded. "Thunder's coming, right?"

As if to answer his question, Thunder trotted up to Bucky and ran around his legs making him smile.

"Does that answer your question?" Gwen chuckled. "Now, let's get going. After the day I had, I might get seconds."


I can't believe Reluctant Avenger has 300 views! Thank you all so much! I never expected it to get this high! Here's to 400 and beyond! I'll be working on the next chapter of THE AIR I BREATHE pthis weekend. There will be a very special guest in this chapter. Any guesses who? Leave lots of comments and votes for the answer. Till then...CIAO FOR NOW!

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