Reincarnated as the rival in...

By KatKartoon

2.1K 80 5

I had a good life. I had a stable job at a famous cafe, and, met someone who I wanted to live the rest of my... More

Prologue 2
Prologue 3
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7

Episode 3 + Final Announcement

155 7 1
By KatKartoon

Everyone was eager to dress me up. "I feel like a human doll" 

My mother kept demanding the maids to change all of the outfits I've put to something that matches my cuteness. "But I've already changed my outfit 7 times, it seems like it'll never end" when suddenly the door slams open.

"What is taking so long, the dining hall has been already been set up, but- oh my lord" the Duke suddenly grabbed my Duchess' hand and said, "She is the most beautiful child I've ever seen" as he squeals with his wife.

I looked over at the mirror to see what was the fuss about."Wow, I knew I was cute, but to this extent. Damn Rosalinda, you really could've had anyone but chose the one dude that was taken" I sigh, "Unlike Rosalinda, I don't care about looks- well that's a lie, nevermind I'll just have to find a way to marry someone who loves me, for me." All of this thinking started to give me a headache.

"We'll have to hurry this up though," as he turns to one maid, "Give her the most beautiful accessories you can find and put it on her." The Duke kisses his wife and Rosalinda on the cheek, "Dear, I'll be right back to pick you up, okay? I just need to do some touch-ups in the dining hall," he tells Rosalinda, and hurriedly runs away.

"Well then, quickly do what the Duke told you," the duchess says, "Honey, this will only take a minute, and you'll finally get to try many delicious sweets okay!" she says excitedly to her daughter.

I noticed a faint shadow behind the bedroom door, "Oh, it seems someone wants to visit me"

"BABA!" I yell to my brother, "BABA!" I try to reach out my hands, but it seems I'm still small.

"Hurry, son! She's calling for you," says the duchess to her son eagerly. He slowly comes in, looking all over the place, except at his litter sister. "Isn't she adorable?" The maids quickly finished up with her outfit and presented it to both the duchess and her son. 

"I feel so confident, I've never felt so pretty" I started to blush and tried to show off my outfit. "Sigh~ If only there were cameras in this time, I would've wanted my picture taken" 

"I agree, Mother, she looks very beautiful today," tells his mother as he slowly turns red. 

"Oh my, so the cold-hearted brother has a pure side to him... Nice to know in order to use in the future" I giggle mischievously to myself.

"Well, let me call in your father to pick her up, okay..." as she starts going to the door she tells him, "In the meantime, take her with you, and show her around the mansion, okay dear?" as she quickly leaves the room.

"Yes, mother" Slowly and carefully William starts to carry her. "You're quite heavy for a baby," I quickly slapped him in the face, "What a rude thing to say to a girl, brother." "HMPH," I pout. 

My brother starts poking at my cheeks as they became so big. "Come on, I didn't mean it..." he giggles, "You're the most beautiful girl here in the mansion-" he pauses for a moment, "Well, second most beautiful- after mother, obviously." He smiles brightly at Rosalinda, and while leaving the room. 

My brother started showing me around the mansion, although I've never seen the whole mansion myself. I did see glances from the game itself. "But, I'm astonished to see how large this mansion is." It seemed like the hallways were neverending. There was always a door leading to a room, either the kitchen or a closet. Each time my brother took me somewhere, there was a maid or two running around preparing for my birthday celebration and greeting us as they leave. 

Overall, the most beautiful place, however, was the garden. 

"Only Mother and the rest of our family can come here..." he smiled, "Of course, others can come, but with a person of a family member..." he lays her down on a near bench and gazes at the flowers, "Mother takes great care of these flowers, each type of flower grown here is someone that represents someone dear to her," Now that's something new. I've never heard about this in the game. "But, over at the greenhouse is where she grows herbs, and poisonous plants, so don't go over without Mother, okay?" I nod. I'll rather stay away from there, but it does intrigue me what exactly she grows. If possible I can try to grow medicine, and maybe sell it for a profit of my own. "With that money, I can run away from future obstacles, and save my life." 

But, as I looked over at my brother, he seemed in awe looking at Mother's garden as if he was bewitched. 

"Rosalinda! William! Come here! We have to greet the guests now!" Quickly William repealed, grabbed his sister, and ran to his father. "Here Father, she's a bit heavy so be careful" he smiled. Rosalinda scowls at her brother, while the Duke laughs at their playfight. 

The Duke grabs his son's hand and walks towards his wife, who was waiting at the door to the dining hall. "Best behavior kids," he says as he calls the guards to open the doors. 


It was bright. Almost looking at the sun. 

People have gathered around as they bowed at the Duke's family. Everyone, smiling and whispering to each other about how beautiful their daughter looked. "Oh my, do you see her!" one said, "She is so adorable!" another squealed.

"Yes! Bow down, peasants! I'm the most adorable kid, compared to all of y'all's kids!" Yes, even though Rosalinda is beautiful, the heroine hasn't been born yet. So, in reality, Rosalinda is the most beautiful girl in the country!

Everything seemed great! Everyone was greeting the Duke and his family. Other's started dining and showing off their gifts for Rosalinda.

Yes, everything seemed great until I saw that glow! The Male Lead glow!

The one person I wanted to avoid!

"Your Highnesses, thank you for coming to my daughter's birthday celebration." says the Duke as he bows towards the royal family. 

This was never mentioned in the game! I thought the first time they meet was in the academy! WHAT THE $&%*!

"It's nothing. I only wanted to see what my cousin has been fussing about a new fiance candidate for my son " says the King as he chuckles. 

"Wait, candidate? He seems like a good guy, but then why is his son looking at me with that weird face. It's not like I told your father to have me as your fiance...Yet, I mean." I giggle in silence and notice a slight tint of red on the tip of his ears.

"No way! Does he have a crush on me! I know I'm adorable but I'm only a baby, and he's already 3 years old! He's too young for me."  


The crown prince smiled at the Duke's family, yet slowly disappeared when the young lady showed her discomfort overseeing him.

"Oh my, it seems that my young one might be tired. I'll be taking her to eat, dear" says the duchess as she starts waving at her maids to help her. "Okay, I'll see you in a bit, dear," says the duke, "Everyone, the host will be leaving in a bit, but let's continue the party! Thank you everyone for coming!" 

I started to feel drowsy. My mother picked me up, so I waved goodbye to everyone. I looked over at the crown prince and noticed a gloomy expression on his face.

"Is there a possibility that he might've liked Rosalinda before he met the heroine?" I ponder about this, trying to remember if this was ever mentioned in the game, as while my mother walks to my room.

"If so, Rosalinda could have had a chance, if she just never bullied the heroine." I sigh and slowly fall asleep in my mother's arms.


Hello everyone! Hope you liked this episode. I have thought of it, and will try to continue this story! However, if I start to see comments that say the story isn't really going anywhere I will discontinue it. 

Lastly, an update from my last announcement, I was planning on updating last year during the summer. But it seemed like my computer took a different turn, and completely broke on me, which is on me. To be honest, I dropped it so many times; the fact that it lasted for 7 years was a miracle. 

Again, I will be continuing this story. However, I don't have a secure schedule because I'm still in school. Currently, I am taking classes during the summer, and starting my first job in July. In definition, I'll be pretty busy :') So, there might be delays in these updates. 

I will tell you guys any more future announcements for sure!

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