posting this here so i can ad...

By Bradsimps

22 0 0


posting this here so i can add to it in school lol

22 0 0
By Bradsimps

Through the assaulting sounds of shattering glass and the calls of curses, the blinding flashes of light and the harsh whips of air that push people back and forth like dolls, time runs slowly. Slowly enough for Ron to spot a smooth head of brown hair that was nearing ginger approaching him in a fast pace, and slow enough for him to watch a body glide backwards over a table almost as if swimming the backstroke before crashing to the ground with a distinct snap.

"Hermione!" His voice sounds thin and shrill even to himself, even possible of shattering a few eardrums as bodies race and weave around him and he pushes his feet off the carpet that restrains the earth beneath it. Dress shoes skidding for purchase on

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