Never again

By swiftgirlil

32.4K 1K 277

Andy and Robert already knew each other when he came back to Seattle to be the captain of station 19, but whe... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/N - super important quiestion!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Epilogue

Chapter 1

3.6K 59 18
By swiftgirlil

hey everyone! so here is the first chapter of my story. I really hope you'll like it and I'll appreciate id leave your thoughts in the comments. I don't know how long this will be and i hope I'll be able to update regularly but I can't promise anything.



5 years ago:

"You're... leaving?" Andy asked trying to wrap her mind around the news her boyfriend in the last 6 months just told her.

"I'm so sorry... but I have this great opportunity in Montana. And I can't make you leave Seattle, this is your home." Robert said stroking the back of her palms with his thumbs.

"Yeah l- l understand. This last 6 months were amazing so... thank you for it and I know you'll be great there" she said pulling her hands out of his.

"Andy I lo-" he cut himself, it wasn't fair for the both of them to say it out load now even though he knew he loved her for a long while now "I like you... a lot. And I care about you so much so if there is anything that you need just call me and I'll be there" he told her instead.

"Absolutely. Thank you Robert, and goodbye" she said getting up from the couch in his house and walked towards the door "goodbye Andy" he said and she turned around with a small smile on her face, but he could see right through it and he saw the heartbreak he caused her and the tears they were welling up in her eyes but then she left, for good.

"I love you" Robert said when he was sure she couldn't hear him.

8 days later:


"No no no..."

"it can't be happening"

Andy stood over the sink in her bathroom looking at not one, not two, but three positive pregnancy tests.

"What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?" She said quietly to herself as she started to sit down in the floor.

Looking at her feet she decided that she should talk to Maya first, maya was her best friend since the fire academy and she would know what to do.

She picked up the phone and started typing.

Andy: Maya I need you to come over ASAP!

Maya: why? What's going on?

Andy: you'll know when you'll be here just come quickly please.

Maya: ok I'll be there in 10.

12 minutes later Maya knocked on Andy's door.

And less then a minute after Andy opened it up.

"What happened?" Maya asked when she entered the house.

"Just follow me" Andy replied walking the the bathroom. They got there and Andy showed Maya the pregnancy test.

"No way" Maya said shocked "no fucking way!" She continued.

"Yeah... I know." Andy replied.

"How did you find out?" She looked at her friend, still can't believe what she just found out.

"We'll I was supposed to get my period on Saturday and I didn't and it's been 5 days. And I'm never late for this long so I checked and... Maya what am I gonna do?" The fear was clear in her voice.

"Is it Robert's?" Maya knew about their relationship so she figured.

"Yes of course" the girl confirmed.

"So first of all I think you should call him" Maya suggested but Andy wasn't sure, he left to Montana yesterday he probably just landed or something but maybe he'll pick up. What would she say 'hey Robert how you doing? Remember that great sex we had? Yeah so you knocked me up' she thought to her self but she figured he deserves to know.

"Okay yeah. Give me my phone" Andy said and Maya handed her the phone.


Robert just landed at Montana when he looked for his phone to let Lucas know but he couldn't find it "shit.." he whispered to himself.

He probably left it in the plane or somewhere in the airport in Seattle.

Maybe some worker found it, or someone stole it. He is gonna need to buy a new phone there's no way he'll find it.


"It's ringing" Andy let Maya know.


"Hello, who is this?" A woman said over the phone and Andy just hang up the call with only one thought in her head.

"He is with a woman." Andy said tears welling up in her eyes.

"What? How do you know?" Maya asked sitting next to Andy on the edge of the bed.

"Because I called him and a WOMAN answered his phone!" She said madly but mostly, she was hurt.

"It has been only a week since we broke up. And he's already with someone else" Andy said as tears started streaming down her cheeks.

"Come here" Maya said pulling her best friend into a tight hug.

"If he so under appreciated me, that a week after we broke up he's already with another woman I don't want him to be in my baby's life" Andy said pulling out of the hug wiping her tears away.

"So you're keeping the baby?" Maya asked smiling. "I mean... yes. I think I can do it".

"I'm gonna be auntie Maya!" Maya cheered excitedly.

"I'm gonna be a mother. Oh my god." Andy said as a smile spread over her face.

5 years later (present):

"Maddie baby, wake up! We're gonna be late" Andy said shaking her daughter. It was 7:30 AM and Andy had to be at the station by 8:30 but Maddie was suppose to be at her kindergarten at 8:00.

"Mommy I don't want to go today. Can I come with you?" The girl said turning around in her bed. "No sweetie you can't. But if you want I can ask Amy to bring you by the station for a little after. How bout that?" Andy asked and the 4 year old nodded in response. "So let's get you dressed" Andy said helping the girl out of bed.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Andy asked her daughter when they entered the kitchen "I want cereal with milk please" Maddie replied.

Andy poured Maddie's food in a bawl "when you're done eating you can go play until I'll be ready and then we'll go." Andy said going back to her bedroom. She got dressed, packed her overnight bag for the shift and Maddie's bag.

15 minutes later they were on their way to drop the girl at kindergarten and after that Andy just went to the station. They're getting their new captain today so she came a little earlier.

"You're here early" Maya said when she saw her friend enter the station "so are you" she chuckled.

"New captain today, had to ran off some stress and I ended up here" Maya said as the two women started climbing up the stairs. They both changed into uniform and ate their breakfast at the beanery.

The rest of the team came one by one and they all sat around the table talking and laughing when they heard Ripley calling them to the barn to meet the new captain "19! Line up!" He yelled and a minute later they all standing in a line in the barn.

The only one there was Ripley so they all were a little confused "19, It's been a pleasure to act as captain here for the last weeks but now it's time for you to get a real captain. I would like to introduce you all to captain Robert Sullivan."

When Andy heard the name she wasn't sure if she heard him right but then she saw the tall men she use to know so well coming through the door and she felt like someone soaked all the air out of her lungs.

"Andy is that?..." Maya whispered to her friend who was standing next to her "yes" Andy said, her face pale like she just saw a ghost "oh shit" Maya said quietly looking between Andy and their new captain who was looking directly at her friend.

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