pretty pretense (chaennie)

By jenniejeann

11.8K 718 257

After an infamous jock on her new elite school spreads a dating rumor with her. Jennie decides to retaliate i... More



1.2K 98 40
By jenniejeann

Chaeyoung thought that it would be a humid evening but when the gentle breeze greeted her by the empty common balcony of the hotel, she felt a slight relief. Not because of the refreshment it brought, but because she can smoke her lungs out again. She quickly lights a stick beside the woman who have surprised her tonight. Her unforgiving past. Suzy Bae.

"Doesn't seem like you're happy to see me." Suzy breaks the ice as she leans on to the railings. Her eyes gazing at the vastness of the metropolitan lights. The restless city of which she ran away from has greeted her with a yet skirmish delight.

It's been three years since she fled back to Seoul and she couldn't believe the reason for it was jealousy. As if she'll admit that out loud.

"We shouldn't be seeing each other in the first place." Chaeyoung responds as she exhales her first smoke out into the thin moving air. "Why are you here? You're supposed to be in California. Don't you have classes?"

Suzy just rolls her eyes over the blonde, who was trying to be bossy again. "You know people in college can miss their classes too, Chaeyoung. You think I didn't hear about you dating a sophomore?" The older one turns her eyes on the blonde. Piercing it through to make her reciprocate the same eye contact that she's been obviously avoiding. "I'm just trying to figure out what you want, Chaeng. You're making me worry."

Suzy has always been vocal about her attachment towards the blonde. It even grew more when her stepsister, Sooyoung, made them split up over an auction. Now that she's studying college in the States, away from her stubborn family. And she still hopes she could get away with the strings she tied over Chaeyoung. She never had the strength to cut it, and nor does the younger one, even though she would deny it at gunpoint.

The only thing Suzy could do is to wait for Chaeyoung to come to her every now and then. The senior sneaks into the States for several days in a month and that's only the time the older one can let herself breath and let her guard down. They have been doing this for two years and everything was at peace until now.

The blonde sighs on Suzy's unwithered uncertainty over her. "It's a misunderstanding. Apparently that sophomore lied on Krystal's face and announced that she was dating me. And of course, that dumb Jung spread it like wildfire in the school community. Until your sister heard it and threatened me with the auction."

"She's still on to that stupid auction? So childish." The older one almost squealed.

"I'm trying to minimize the possible damage here, Suzy. If your sister knew you're here then it'll get tangled up more." When the latter heard the slight irritation on the blonde's voice, it confirmed the fact that she was her inconvenience. Something that Chaeyoung has been hiding from her for awhile.

Suzy wishes she was naive but she knew that the blonde was slowly walking away from her. So, that's why she's here. Secretly trembling over the fact that the love she always had is fading. And she doesn't even fucking know how to save it.

"It's not my idea auctioning your lead position in Seoul Circle over our fucking relationship." She takes the same irritation back.

"Sooyoung wanted to expose it all. My father was running for president at that time and I didn't want any scandal. I didn't have the upperhand back then. So can you please stay out of this?"

"When are you going to close that auction then?"

"Maybe after I get out of highschool. Important thing is I would stay single until I graduate. That's the deal."

"She just doesn't want to see me happy. She thinks I took everything away from her, so at least she gets a compensation from depriving me from you." Suzy gulps as the memories of the broken string she has with her sister comes to surface.

As an heir to their conglomerate, Suzy has to outperform everyone in her bloodline and with that Sooyoung had to sit down and give the limelight to her elder sister. They were once close to the hip until Suzy moved to Seoul on her senior year of high school and dated the Seoul's top elite heiress, Park Chaeyoung. Sooyoung believed that Chaeng stole the only true person that cared for her. And she's never going to let them get away with it.

"I know that you share same pettiness. She's just more brutal than you." Chaeyoung points out.

"No one compares to your brutality though..." Suzy spills as she puts the tension higher than it already was. "You literally left me clueless in bed and went back to Seoul without answering my calls. As if you didn't tell me you loved me the night before..."

"You don't get it..."

"Get what?"

"I wanted to stop." Chaeyoung's voice went louder for a moment. Like a wave hitting

The older one felt her heart pause as she watches the blonde's eyes grow a shade darker. "...What?" Suzy's trembling hand grips itself.

"We've always been unstable, Suzy. I didn't want to risk anything that can hurt my life here. Especially the lives of those who rely on me." The blonde was being ruthless. Her words was burning Suzy more than the withering cigarette.

The latter could feel her throat constrict as she slowly lets her eyes shower tears. She knew Chaeyoung would say this, but she didn't know that it would hurt this much.

"So that's it? You're going to drop me because I am now an inconvenience?"

"Do you have a better proposition to offer?" Her voice ran through the sheer heart or Suzy. Making her break more.

Suzy clears her throat, "I shouldn't have ran to you. Because you were never going to give me the chance to let your guard down for me."

"I've always told you to not expect much of me. I always disappoint you right?" The blonde's voice was like ice that pierced through Suzy's soul, which was now empty.

Chaeyoung strays away her sight from the naive Suzy as she struggles holding the last ounce of strength she had left, but sadly Suzy will never know about it. She will never know that she was killing the blonde just the same. She'll never know that she was her inconvenience.

"Here..." The blonde stretches her long arms with the S-etched metal pack on her right hand. "I'm gonna stop smoking, so I don't need this anymore." Chaeyoung continues.

Suzy could only blankly stare at the blonde's long hands in front of her. She then places hers on top of the metal pack. Barely touching Chaeyoung's cold and indifferent skin. She'll surely miss the coldness that brought her home.

"Well, I guess I should be glad that you're stopping." Suzy mutters as she grabbed the metal pack and put it in her pocket.

"Remember when you said that you'd owe me one when I do quit smoking?"

"What are you trying to say?" Suzy shifted into confusion.

Chaeyoung sharply exhales, "I have a favor to ask."


It was almost midnight and Jennie was still walking around their suite. Her mind might deny it but her body was restless not seeing the senior close to her. Maybe because her life was in danger and she's the only one she could trust her as of now, or maybe something else. Jennie could care less, her thoughts were just circling back and forth on that cigarette pack girl and her relationship with Chaeyoung.

And just when Jennie decides to walk out and check on her senior outside, the door suddenly opens up with Chaeyoung standing so sluggish along with dead eyes. She was clearly exhausted.

"W-where have you been?" Jennie finds herself stammering over the blonde's hectic presence.

"Are you going to interrogate me as well?" The tall senior just walks by her, slightly bumping her shoulder.

Chaeyoung was acting snappy, Jennie's intuition about that brunette might be right. It might be her ex or just someone she can't let go. Nevertheless, her curiosity about the senior crawled more into her skin.

"Are you going to sleep here?" The brunette turns to Chaeyoung who was starting to undress, Jennie's consciousness starts to hold her body tight.

"Just for precaution. I know you don't don't want to die." She explains as she continues to unbutton her uniform.

Jennie could only respond in silent and proceed to the only bed in the room. She can feel Chaeyoung following her from behind.

"Also, you don't mind me going naked right?" The blonde suddenly asked. Jennie almost jolted when she heard the question, her blood rushing through her body, especially on her cheeks. It was fucking absurd.

She quickly turns around to face the almost naked Chaeyoung. Her skirt and bra were the only things on. Jennie then stammers, "What?!"

"Don't tell me you haven't seen a girl naked."

"Not when I'm sleeping on the same bed with her." She finds an excuse. Jennie doesn't know why she feels extra sensitive today. And why was she blushing so hard?

The senior starts to roll her eyes, "Oh, please. If you think I'd hit on you then dream on, kid. I have enough problems. I won't get imprisoned because of a minor."

"Did you just call me kid?!" Jennie's blush turned to irritation in a snap. She hates when someone underestimates her. Besides, they're not even that far in age.

"Should I add 'little' on that?" The latter provoked more.

"Oh, shut up. Don't act all grown up when you've just been a minor two years ago." The sophomore blabbers in hopes of mending her ego.

"Okay..." Chaeyoung slowly steps forward, intimidating the latter more. She then unclips her skirt and pushes it down in front of the flustered sophomore. "Then it's settled. Let's sleep." Her adamant tone made the sophomore's knees brittle.

Jennie tried so hard not to look down but since it was the right proximity to view the senior's physique, her desire didn't miss the opportunity.

With luring eyes, the glimmering pale white skin of the beaut flashed before the gullible sophomore. Her pretty curves that tightens the attractiveness of her physique has been made obvious. Jennie may be callow, but her flesh was in delight.

After a safe moment of staring at Chaeyoung, she puts her head down. "W-why do you need to be naked?" Jennie stammers again.

"I get hot really quick. I may be intolerant to heat so if I don't want to feel suffocated then I should let myself absorb the cold as much as possible, hence the strip off."

"So you produce too much body heat?" An eyebrow was raised.

"You can say that." She nods with a sense of comfort on her tone. It relieved the younger one for a bit. "So don't worry, you can have the blanket all to yourself." Chaeyoung added as she puts herself at the right side of the bed, with her body leaning sideways away from Jennie.

The sophomore quietly places herself on the other side as she sinks in the moment. She has never shared a bed with anyone before, that's why she feels uneasy for the most part, but the rest of it was the calmness she didn't expect. Even the stillness of it all was harmonious.

Such great contrast to their clashing personalities. A hope grew on Jennie, that maybe they could get along somehow.

And in the midst of the silence, Jennie finds herself muttering, "Goodnight, sunbaenim."

The brunette will never know but a smirk sparkled on to her sunbae's lips as she replies. "Goodnight, sophomore."

Now, Jennie finds her heart resting over the sheets that both of them shared. As if Chaeyoung's warmness was reaching her and wrapping her own cold body, and that she could finally rest. And with that thought, the pillows were softer and blankets were warmer that night.


Morning came in a flash and Chaeyoung was surprised that she slept more decently than expected. She stretches her body as she brings herself up. Then she noticed the brunette that was still silently asleep beside her. The morning sun made her tanned skin glisten in the early air. She didn't expect the sophomore to be this—uhm—alluring.

She was sleeping sideways facing her direction. With her right stretched arm claiming all the space, she notices her hand almost touching hers.

Chaeyoung can feel the coldness of her pale fingers hovering over her warm ones. It made her smirk, as she finds their contrasting body heat amusing. As if her heartache was healed for a moment.

But as always, her mind goes back to Suzy. It's horrible that she doesn't have the time to mourn for her withering heart.

Yet she expected this to happen. She wanted this to happen. At least that's what she thought. Sooner or later she'll carry the responsibility of being the heir of their empire and take the steps to presidency someday. Chaeyoung wants that future. She strives for it. She's not like those stereotypical heirs who opposes their fate and act like they're better being a brat and decline their rich heritage.

Chaeyoung wishes she could love someone so easily but being engaged with people who have dangerous history with her equates to no future. That's why she wants to end this unnecessary shitshow that Jennie has started. Regardless of it being a short history.

As Chaeyoung puts herself out of bed, the sophomore woke up. As if it was reflex. "You're up." The senior spoke as she wraps a robe around her body.

"What time is it?" Jennie asks as she jolts up in bed.

"Don't worry, we still have time to wash up before we head to school."

"What about our dating rumor?"

"I already settled it last night."

"How? With that girl we met in the elevator?"

"She's Suzy Bae. The heiress of the school that we're in. It's owned by the Bae & Park Group. She'll address the school community to shut the rumors down or they will be face scholastic demerits. She tipped off the media too."

"Wait. Bae & Park? I own five percent of their shares there."

"Well, I own fifteen so what's your point?"

"Do you always feel the need to invalidate me?"

"Mind if I do?"

"Ugh. You're hopeless, Park." Jennie grunts over her frustration."Wait. What about Sooyoung though?"

"Once there's no sign of us appearing on the news, then she won't bother us anymore. She'll stay in Itaewon where she belongs." The senior explains.

"Alright..." Jennie makes hereelf conscious as she realized that Chaeyoung just solved all of her problems. "Thanks for doing this, by the way."

"Don't think I'm doing this for free."

"Anything you want me to do?"

"Stop bothering me and the circle that I am in. Stick to your own."

This faltered Jennie's confidence. Just when she thought that she finally built commonality with Chaeng, she then receives this discouragement.

Jennie was about to say something when the main door busted open. Both of them jolted in surprise as multiple men in black suits came in. She quickly noticed the Korean flag pin that was on their upper left vest. Presidential Security. She quickly thought. But why were they here?

"I apologize for the inappropriate entourage, miss. But the President would like to meet you right away. We will be your escort." One man came forward to Chaeyoung.

"Why didn't you just notify my guards?" The senior still stood confused.

"I believe that this is a critical protocol we have to follow since we will be escorting your guest too." The lead security quickly turned his head to the sophomore beside Chaeng.

"You mean Jennie?"

"Miss Kim, the president has invited you to his headquarters."

"Wait but we still have classes." Jennie tried to excuse herself but Chaeyoung quickly side eyed an unimpressive look.

"The president has left a note for your convenience." The security quickly response.

Both of the students just looked at each other more confused than before. They knew they had no other choice, that's why they followed the guards to the rooftop and flew away with the Presidential helicopter. Chaeyoung was still perplexed about the whole situation. She knew his father, and he doesn't mix up with Chaeyoung's business not until now.


"Chaeyoung, did you know about this?" A very nervous Jennie, who was sitting awkwardly, nudges the senior by her shoulder.

They've just arrived in the President's main office. They both were aimlessly putting the pieces together but it still doesn't make sense.

"No. I didn't tell anyone. I wouldn't even dare to have my Father know this embarrassing situation that we're in." The senior pushes.

"Then what is this for then?" A sense of panic formed the sophomore's tone.

"I have no idea. But I know he means well. He always does..." Chaeyoung's voice fade at the end, realizing that worry caught up with her.

Timely, the door opened up and both of the students stood up and took a bow as they welcome the president who seems to be in a rush. "Oh, finally! You've arrived!"

But things went a little weird when Jennie noticed a familiar man following behind the president, she broke her bow and squealed. "Dad?!"

"Jennie, darling. It's nice to see you here." A warm smile was given to his precious daughter. Mr. Kim was always the warm type, yet also a very adamant man who masters his craft truly. One that Jennie admires the most.

Confusion stirred more. "Wait. Why? What are you doing here?"

"Father, what is this?" Chaeyoung questions her own. She has always been perplexed by her Father's plans but not like this. Not when it involves her.

"It has come to my knowledge that you two are dating. Is my intel true?" Mr. Park slowly puts his hands behind as he gave a suggestive look to the both of them.

"Uhm. It's more complicated than that. Mr. President." The anxious sophomore responds.

"Really? Then explain this." The President turns his head to the big screen ahead of them. The monitor flashed the national morning news and it obliterated the latter.

"Breaking news. There are claims that the renowned heiress of Park Tech and the first daughter of Korea has begun dating the only heiress of the affluent Kim Group, Jennie Kim. Future engagement claims quickly began to spiral as most people think of it as a capitalistic strategy to strengthen both parties. The Kim Group who are known for their groundbreaking real estate projects have expanded their wings of business in Seoul just this year, having a partnership with the biggest company in the country, Park Tech, would put their company off the charts. Furthermore, the President, Mr. Park and the Kim Group Chairman, Mr. Kim has already started their developmental plan for the city's real estate division. This project will modify and redesign the capital's city structure. Everyone expects that both parties will merge on the upcoming years."

Both of the youngsters just have their jaws dropping on the floor. On the other hand. their two Fathers were smiling coherently. As if they have perfected the plan that they've devised.

"It seems like the news have been doing their homework correctly." Mr. Kim sets a playful tone. 

"It wasn't supposed to get out of hand, Dad. Not like this. We were never dating. It was just a rumor!" Jennie tries to excuse herself, she knows she's doomed anyway.

"Rumor or not. You have been nationally exposed to the public. It doesn't matter now. I'm quite disappointed that you did not extinguish this childish rumor quickly, Chaeyoung." Mr. Park's tone was more serious than before. The senior could only gulp and contain her anger inside. She stretches her knuckles as she plants hatred towards Suzy who failed to do her favor.

"Still I am glad that you have come up with this idea." The president quickly switched his mood into a lighter one. 

Chaeyoung scrunches her face, "I-I'm sorry?"

"The news was right. Mr. Kim and I are planning to expand our sources of business and what better way to connect both companies than an intimate relationship between two heiresses." Chaeyoung felt like her stomach went upside down after hearing her Father. 

"You two will date for real now." Mr. Kim emphasizes.

"WHAT?" The two teens yelped in unison.

"You heard me..." The president then wears a smirk, "...the rumor will stand true."


a/n: forgive me for updating so late. I have been distracted since there's not a lot of blackpink content rn. I honestly felt discourage but I am back on track. I hope you can keep the comments coming. lovelots.

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