โ๐Ž ๐” ๐“ ๐‚ ๐Ž ๐Œ ๐„โž

By Mid-NightCrisis

260K 9.4K 5.7K

๐’๐“๐€๐“๐”๐’: ๐‚ ๐Ž ๐Œ ๐ ๐‹ ๐„ ๐“ ๐„ ๐ƒ โœ”๏ธŽ ใ€๐˜๐š๐ง๐๐ž๐ซ๐ž๐‚๐„๐Ž! ๐ฑ ๐…๐ž๐ฆ๐‘๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซใ€‘ โ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ... More

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7.6K 356 208
By Mid-NightCrisis

◤◢◣◤◢◣ᴊᴜsᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴇ◢◣◤◢◣◤


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★                                              ★

You didn't go back home, you stood seated in Daisuke's car as he had his arm over you bringing you close while your head was on his chest breathing in and out, before - your nose was stuffed and it was embarrassing for you to inhale deeply through your nose with all that sound coming out, so you just took small breaths untill you calmed down. The bodyguards were just in the car behind the car you were both in as they are ordered to protect Daisuke.

"[Y/N]," he started off as he felt you nod your head for him to continue. You had your eyes closed letting a soft sigh out as Daisuke put his hand over yours that was on your lap. "What happened today?" Right, you could simply ask Daisuke to punish Hana and the dean for falsely punishing you. He backed making you sit up straight as you didn't have Daisuke's chest to rest on, he looked into your [E/C] orbs with such worry, such care. It almost made you wanna place your [S/C] hands on his face to see that stare as long as you wanted to. "Who hurt you?" You adverted your eyes away from him, you felt his hand tighten onto of yours feeling his heart ache. "You know who I am and what I'm cable of [Y/N], I would much prefer for the explanation to come out of your mouth rather than a man I hired to find out about this."

"I.. failed a test, and now I can't go where I want." He frowned his eyebrows turning his body to you. "Are you really going to lie to me? In front of my face?" You closed your eyes retracting your hand away from Daisuke which hurt him causing sadness to appear in his eyes. "Daisuke, whatever happens with me or my life... It... Doesn't concern you." He frowned his eyes having his head lowered. "I want to be a part of your life." You opened your eyes turning your head to look at him raise his head to see if your ears heard mistakenly. He rose his head up again shocked to see his cheeks red. "I care for you, I really do. It breaks my heart to see and hear you like this, please. I want to know who made you feel like this." He reached for you hand bringing it to his lap. You glanced at his hand that held yours, and instantly noticed that this time, he didn't wear gloves. Then the thought of you first meeting Daisuke. He had wore black gloves everywhere, that one time where you both celebrated both your mother's birthday was the time he had gloves as well, you remembered it vividly. You always thought he had an unpleasant feeling when he would touch things that weren't cleaned, that being the reason why he wears gloves everywhere. His gloved hand was over your own hand, You still remembered the slightest touch, but - this hand on top of yours was a different feeling from before. They were cold when they first touched your hand, just by you feeling his gloved hand against yours, you could tell that there was nothing there. No goal, no feeling. But after skin to skin contact, this feeling you were feeling now - felt real, there was now a goal, a feeling. You looked at his eyes seeing a glow once again, his eyes were like the sky or much like space. You would stare into nothingness, but now - it looked like you were staring at stars, stars that looked like they were shooting stars wishing for something to be theirs.


He leaned in more closely having a stronger grip on your hand bringing it up to his lips. "Because I.. I.." he stuttered, he thought he was sure this was real. But a part of him was afraid, he didn't wanna make you run, he wanted you to stay, he wasn't sure this feeling of his was a normal thing, but one thing for is that he wanted to be the one who's arms you'll be running into, he wanted to be the only person you ever need. "Because, I care for you deeply." He slowly let fall both your hands onto his lap, you're the first thing that he truly wanted by his side, to protect, to keep, to... His eyes that were on your hands looked up at to see your cheeks have a tint of red on them. His eyes slowly widened knowing himself that his eyes dilated as his face came closer to you as you stood still. Were you just too emotional right now to let things go the way there about to?

His lips were in front of yours as you felt his breath against your own lips as he felt the same with your breath. Your lips were inches away, and when Daisuke was going to close the gap the window slided open as you pulled away taking your hand back away from Daisuke which he stared at you completely not noticing his driver looking at you both. He cleared his throat grabbing the attention of Daisuke crossing his arms and legs. "Sir, Assistant Nobu has been trying to contact you but you haven't answered any of his calls." Daisuke glanced at you having your elbow rested on arm rest in the door looking outside. He smiled can't helping but blush a little. "My phone's dead." His driver snook a glance at you wondering who you were, then he glanced at Daisuke who looked like he was in a spell that you casted, he looked like he was enraptured by you. "Well sir, he's been trying to contact you to inform you that today is your meeting with Ms Kamei and she's called wondering where you are." That made Daisuke break his eye contact sighing in annoyance. "Drive." He nodded shutting the window closed again.

And soon the car started to move. "Good luck today." His head turned to you once again. "You're going to stay with me aren't you?" You turned your head at him once again. "Today, I don't feel well. I called in already and they already got a replacement. Don't worry, she makes the best coffees." You winked smiling leaning your head back, you just wanted to take a break for a few days. "Come with me." You still had your head leaned back only turning it to the side. "I want you to come with me to my home." You widened your eyes sitting up straight. "Daisuke, that's impossible. You have this meeting right now, not to mention that dating rumor, your father as well-"

"I don't care, I don't care about all that stuff." The car was stopped indicating that you guys were at the deli cafe. "Daisuke-"

"You matter the most to me right now."

The things he said out of the blue still made your heart flutter and still making your cheeks turning slightly red. "Driver." He called out which made him slide open the littlest. "Drive home." You put your hand on his arm as he looked at you with kind loving eyes, he meant what he said. "Daisuke, this is for your company. You have to go and-" he leaned up kissing your cheek making you stay still out of shock seeing him smile sitting back. "Who do you think you're talking to? I can do things when I want to, reschedule when I want, attend meetings when I want. Trust me, everything's fine." His fingers glided against your [S/C] cheek tucking a piece of your [H/C] hair behind your ear.

The car started moving again just as the driver informed nobu that Daisuke cancelled the meeting having to attend Something more important, you avoided to look at Daisuke Because your heart was beating like crazy, but not only that you felt guilty as well. Daisuke pushed all his work, his meetings all for you to have you feel better. It did make you happy in one way, but Daisuke had a huge responsibility that no one could carry, that no one could take. You frowned your eyebrows, you shouldn't be coming first for something that could benefit the future. You put your hand over your heart and thought about it, Daisuke was making it obvious that he was making moves not like a normal friend would do.

You did have a soft spot for Daisuke, but you never really took into consideration if you wanted to be more than friends. You had already said to yourself that you weren't looking for anyone untill you can at least find your brother to have one less thing to worry about. And what's said is done, there was no getting through Daisuke. Whatever logical, reasonable reason you might say to him - he won't budge.


Time seemed to pass by quicky as you guys were already in front of the hotel building. "You live here?" You were shocked, you never went to any place that was high class. "I do, do you like what you see?" He smiled seeing you nod having glowing eyes just admiring the view even it was just from the window. "Just wait till you see the inside." Daisuke was about to open the door but remembered that as soon as he opens this door swarms of paparazzi will crowd him. He glanced back and saw his bodyguards getting out and going to his car awaiting for you both. He looked to the left seeing another black van with the drivers window rolled all the way down having black glasses. He sighed in annoyance, he couldn't even have his time with you alone, without anyone to bother you both. "Here, put this on." He took out a pair of black shaded glasses out from the seat handing them to you which you took. "Aren't they yours?" He then began taking off his coat. "Yes, do you like them?" You put them on feeling like you were a spy going on a top mission making you smile. "Yeah they're cool." He scooted over to you throwing his coat over your head. "Well, if you'd like. You could keep those." You shook your head puting them slightly down so your [E/C] could meet his. "I'm only borrowing them." He chuckled as your hands gripped the coat so it wouldn't fall as Daisuke's pale index finger touched the middle part of the glasses scooting them up so they cover your eyes. "You never want what I offer you." He pouted making you squeal on the inside, you giggled. "That's because they're already your stuff Daisuke, you bought them already." His eyebrows slowly lifted up as he tilted his head. "So what you're saying is that I can buy you a whole shopping mall and you'll accept everything?"

"Okay that's going too far." He chuckled but slowly faded away as he took a breath in. "Now the hard part." He opened the door stepping out of the car and instantly a swarm of paparazzi came out of their van as Daisuke snapped his fingers pointing at the paparazzi looking at his bodyguards as they got around his car accept the way to get you out. Daisuke walked to the other side of the car opening the door as you heard camera's clicking and flashing lights that you weren't able to see Daisuke all that well. He extended his hand out to you which you took as he threw an arm over you walking quickly to the entrance. "Mr Suzuki! Can you tell us why you're coming home so very early!?" One shouted out as questions were being shot at him.

You both were delayed as they were in front of the entrance, making you stay still in your place. "Mr Suzuki!? Who is that person beside you?!" He had brought you closer having that emotionless face planted on him. "Doesn't the flashing lights hurt your eyes?" You managed to say loud enough for Daisuke to hear. "It's been like this for years, I'm used to it by now." He squinted his eyes having his head a little lowered, he meant when he has his shaded glasses. You put your hands on the glasses slipping them off a little. "Here, you can take them back." Daisuke with the same index finger pushed the glasses back onto how they were meant to be worn. You raised your head to look at him as he smiled at you. "Mr Suzuki's smiling! He's smiling! Get the shot!"

"Mr Suzuki is that your girlfriend?!"

"Get out of the way!" The bodyguards started pushing them back as you started moving from where you. His hand from your shoulder left as his pale hand started to go down to your [S/C] hand interwining your hands together as he couldn't help but smirk walking ahead having you follow him. You didn't dare move your hand away to start up something. "It's definitely his girlfriend! Get a shot of their hands!" More flashing lights started to come from all different directions that even you had to squint your eyes despite you having glasses to protect you.

And what felt like forever you both were finally inside the main entrance, Daisuke still Didn't let go of your hand. You both walked to a separate elevator from the normal ones that were near the stairs. All the workers there Bowed to him but shocked to see him holding hands with you. You gripped tightly onto his coat not wanting to have anyone notice you, you didn't even know if at this point - this was a good idea, Daisuke didn't really give you a yes or no In the matter.

Once in the elevator, you took your hand back making Daisuke turn his head to you. "Daisuke, do you not care what they're gonna write about you? Us?" He slightly smiled only taking in the thought that he saw you already referring to you both as us. "Daisuke, hello? Are you listening?" He nodded leaning back onto the rails. "They don't know who you are, nor they saw your face. I won't let anyone know who you are." You didn't know if you would be glad that your privacy was still your privacy, or should be worried that Daisuke held all your privacy in the palm of his hands. You sighed taking off the coat and glasses tossing the coat into Daisuke's face as he was too late to catch it, you laughed seeing his coat in his face while his hands reached up taking it off giving you that annoyed look making you laugh more since his hair was all messy now.

He shook his head rolling his eyes playfully can't helping but to smile hearing you laugh.

A ding sound was heard as you got out, your mouth was left in agape seeing the Windows giving the whole entire place light, the kitchen to you looked like a an entire room space, the living room looked like the master bedroom, the white couches were as clear and clean as the color white - not stain or dust anywhere in here. You gasped at the size of the TV, you could barley afford one, the thing almost looked like mini sized theater screen. The view was amazing, why watch tv when this whole thing was all yours. There was another hallway that lead two ways, one left and one right. You looked back near the kitchen seeing it had a walk in pantry, having another hallway leading two different ways again. "You don't get lost in here?" He chuckled setting down his coat on the couch taking off his jacket taking off his tie. "Make yourself at home, I'll be right back." You nodded seeing him go down the hallway turning right assuming that's where his bedroom is.

You hummed still standing up, you had gotten the feeling if you touch Something an alarm will go off and bodyguards will burst through the doors taking to go jail. You sighed giggling to yourself sitting gently on the couch that was extremely comfortable, so comfortable that you could sleep right now. You cleared your throat sitting back up. It was still early in the morning and you weren't going to stay over the night.

Daisuke had kept his black dressing pants but changed his upper half into a black Turtle neck long sleeves shirt, he grabbed a remote turning it on checking your apartment to see if anyone was at your place. He hummed switching from camera to camera. His phone began buzzing, he reached into his pants Pocket glancing at the caller ID. He tossed his phone onto his bed letting it ring going to his voicemail. He sighed turning off the TV putting the remote in a secret drawer sliding it closed again as if it was part of the white wood.

His phone began buzzing more and more, he purposely let it ring for a few more times before picking it up answering it. Daisuke didn't say anything as he knew he would get yelled at like last time. "Daisuke Suzuki," he started off, Daisuke's finger lowered the volume closing his eyes sitting at the edge of his bed. "You wanna explain why the hell I'm seeing you have a girlfriend?" Even though he just sat down, he got up going to his window looking down with even more reporters. "I don't understand why you need me to explain it to you, it's all said in the articles and later today on the news."

"So that girl is your girlfriend?!"

"Whether she is or not, I'm keeping her privacy."

Daisuke left the window leaning on his drawer tapping his finger on it, he was getting anxious, impatient, he just wanted to go see you as soon as possible.

"And what's this I hear about you cancelling your meeting with Miss Kamei?!"

"I had more important matters to attend." Daisuke didn't care if his answers were fast or straightforward, he just wanted this call to end. "Like what!? Your girlfriend?!"

"Father If you'll excuse me, someone important to me is waiting." His father was taking too long that Daisuke had to speed up the ten minutes he was going to avoid him and bring him down. "What do you mean important?! Daisuke!-" he was cut off by Daisuke who hung up on him, he held down the power off button selection to shut down on his phone. He put it back in his pants pockets walking quickly back to you hearing another voice. He came out of the hallway realizing that the tv was the one talking. "I'm sorry it took a little longer than expected." You shook your head smiling as he came over sitting down near you seeing you had it on the news channel. "It's your place Daisuke, you should do what you want."

"And I said you could make yourself at home." You chuckled sitting up straight forgetting that you could just lay back to relax, you looked around and adjusting yourself to this place wasn't going to be easy. Well - that's the way you were thinking, Daisuke had lived here who knows how long and he looks quite comfortable. "It's not what I'm used to." He hummed looking at the news.

"Now today is really going to surprise you, earlier today Daisuke Suzuki was seen going home really early with what seems to be a woman," Pictures of Daisuke and you were displayed on the screen, it was the one Daisuke had his arm over you having you really close to his chest. You bit your nail already feeling a cold sweat.

"Daisuke Suzuki didn't answer no questions to no one, but watch this." A video of you moving your mouth that made Daisuke look down at you smiling pushing up the glasses with his index finger moving his mouth smiling at you. You grabbed a pillow hiding your face.

"We had seen Daisuke smile! Smile! And not long after, Daisuke Suzuki and this mysterious woman were holding hands." Next up were pictures of your hands together as Daisuke was seen smirking as if he wanted the media to see.

"Since Daisuke Suzuki, has not confirmed or said anything about his love life we can't confirm if this is his girlfriend. But after seeing that video and pictures of them together, others along with myself think otherwise."

He looked back at you having his pillow in your face, he's been in this place for the longest time that he wasn't worried. He was rumored to be dating one of his co-workers just for talking to her alone, he was rumored to be gay dating his assistant nobu since he follows him everywhere, he was rumored to be dating one of the highest richest woman just for meeting with her for business. They were all annoying, but for some reason - he looked back at the tv. All they could do was talk about you two, he saw the photos of your hands together. He quite liked this rumor.

"Daisuke..." He didn't know he was smiling till he looked back at you with you squinting your eyes. "Are you enjoying this?" His smile instantly went away shaking his head. "No no, I was smiling... because you aren't used to being in this position. And it's cute seeing you like this."

"Of course I'm not used to it, how am I supposed to leave here being unnoticed?"

"Leave here?"

You nodded setting the pillow where it was. "Daisuke, I can't stay here forever, I have my own place, I still have my job, I still have school." He frowned his eyebrows disapproving the idea of you leaving. "The other reason why I brought you here was to talk about what we should do as fun." Now was the good time? If you're seen with Daisuke once, you'll be all over the news. "Daisuke-"

"Let's go to the island." He scooted closer to you as you sood still where you were at. "island?" He nodded putting his hand on top of yours.

"We can't go anywhere here seeing as the paparazzi will follow me everywhere to know who you are. That island, only the richest and well connected People are allowed to go there. It's my island so I can go whenever I want, I want to go with you. Just us, where no one can bother us, no can break us apart. I want you to have fun, I don't wanna see you sad." You couldn't believe what you were hearing, and the same situation again. It didn't seem like a yes or no in the matter, it sounded like pressure. "Daisuke, I have work and school-"

"Trust me, I'll call your work personally, and I'll even go to your school personally." You leaned in forward. "Daisuke that's going too far just for me-"

"I'd do anything for you." He blurted out making your face turn red. You turned away as he smiled lovingly at you. "I- I still have that final test, I can't just leave it." Daisuke rose up bringing you up as well since he held your hand. He saw your red face smiling with his eyes closed, with his other hand rested on your hip bringing you closer so that there was a little gap between you both. "Trust me." You let a shaky breath out closing your eyes. You did say to yourself that you wanted to get away from everything and Everyone. You sighed softly opening your eyes looking up at him seeing as his eyes were open again. "I trust you." His face began turning red, he leaned down as his forehead touched yours closing his eyes. "Thank you." He whispered as you closed your eyes feeling Something come in contact with your lips.

You opened your eyes instantly and saw Daisuke in the same spot he was in, he opened his eyes backing up covering his mouth. "Then how about... Tonight we leave?"

"Why so soon?"

"Sooner the better."

You both smiled at each other till you nodded. "Shouldn't I go get my stuff?" He shook his head. "No, that won't be necessary. Everything you will need is already on the island."

▁▂▃▅▆▇ Word Count: 4078 ▇▆▅▃▂▁

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