The Freaks

By DanielEvans01

2.9K 288 91

After a disaster strikes the earth, teenagers are all that survive. But they develop strange and dangerous ab... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight

chapter seventeen

69 9 0
By DanielEvans01

The weightlessness only lasts for a moment.

I open my eyes and see stone. It takes me a couple of blinks to realize that we are just in front of where the entrance of the Ghetto would be, but instead there are larger rocks blocking the way to go to either in or out. I briefly saw this place in the distance just before the Freak transported myself, Serena and Nox into the Ghetto. The familiar tall buildings are still all around us.

Back then, it was pouring it down with rain, but now it's as dry as a bone. I can actually taste the dust swirling around in the air, making my lips dry and my throat scratchy the longer we just stand here.

The whole city, what was once known as London, is no longer how I remember it. Back before I became a Freak, the buildings used to be intact, but now they are crumbling and falling apart—bit by bit. The skyscrapers—at least that's what they seemed to be like when I was a child—are all cut in half. Not literally cut in half, but they might as well be. The roofs of all the buildings have caved in and in its place are jagged metal pipes and supports that are completely useless now.

The City of London, once a glamorous, shining place is now a ruined city.

Five years ago, there was a radiation attack. Not only did the radiation change us, the Freaks, it also changed everything around us. It destroyed our homes and our families and left us in its place to wander around amongst the rubble, searching for a place and a purpose in life.

How I wish the radiation destroyed us as well. Why couldn't it have killed all of us Freaks just like it did our parents, our friends, and all of our family? If it did then we wouldn't have to go through this hell of trying to survive.

"Do you know the plan?" Nox whispers to me as we continue to make our way to the other Soldiers and the prison, each footstep causing my heart to beat faster.

I turn my head to look at him but he doesn't look back. "You mean the one that was drilled into my head about a thousand times?" I turn back to the path, letting the words hang in the air for a few seconds before I say, "Yeah, I know the plan."

We lapse into silence again as my mind wanders. Nox doesn't react to my sarcasm but my heart is pounding too fast against my chest to care. The effects of Serena's kiss and the mission quite literally on our path is making my nerves skyrocket beyond my control.

I wonder briefly, as I glance over at him and catch his stony expression, if he feels the same as me. Whatever emotions are running through his mind are concealed perfectly; he looks like he does when he's sauntering aimlessly through the Ghetto.

"How do you know where you're going?" I ask him to break the silence.

He doesn't glance back at me as he says, "When Serena and I saved your arse from the execution, we travelled this route to get to the prison." He finally turns his head to look at me. "It seems to be the best place to go at the moment."

As silence cuts between us again, my mind can't help but wander to the bad scenarios about this mission. Surely the Soldiers will know who Jackson Parker and Timothy Hayes were; surely they will know that we are not them at first glance. Does Jackson and Timothy being privates help us in this situation? How long have they been Soldiers? Are they new enough that no one knows who they really are?

Despite all of the questions overwhelming my mind, my only real worry is if my American accent will be good enough, strangely.

I can do this, I tell myself as I lift my head up, keeping my chin high. I curl my fingers to form a fist, feeling the power of multiple abilities course through my every vein, cell and fibre of my being.

I see the prison coming into view easily. I see the Soldiers strolling around like they have no care in the world. I see them, but I push the nerves and the fear down and lock it away tight.

But surprisingly, I keep the anger at the forefront of my mind. I see the red in the corners of my vision, but I don't push it away like I normally would.

I give what I hope is an encouraging nod to Nox as we continue onwards, all lingering negative thoughts gone from my mind.

I can do this.

* * *

"ID passes."

The Soldier's gruff voice makes me start. I stare at him for a moment too long before whipping the ID from my back pocket, brandishing it in front of him. The man plucks the piece of card from my fingers and studies it closely, squinting his eyes as if he's struggling to read the words. He looks up a moment later, staring at my face like he's trying to decide it's actually me on the painting Esmay did.

I keep my face emotionless as he looks up at me again, then after a few more seconds he passes the ID back with the ghost of a frown on his lips. I pocket the card and nod my head once, not trusting myself to speak up yet. On his breast pocket is a small name tag, the words Corporal Williams screaming at me in the boldest font I have ever seen.

I look back at his face as he takes Nox's ID and does the same with him, looking up from the picture every few seconds before finally giving the badge back, nodding his large head once.

So far, so good, Nox says inside my mind. I don't reply to him, lifting my chin up a little higher at Corporal Williams in front of us.

"Private Hayes and Private Parker," the man says, looking between the both of us with sharp eyes. "We were expecting you about an hour ago. The rest of the privates are already inside."

My heart is beating so fast I'm almost positive the Soldier can hear it. Even if he does, he doesn't say anything about it—just keeps his face completely emotionless, betraying nothing.

It's good we didn't delay leaving the Ghetto any longer than we did. The real Jackson and Timothy were scheduled to arrive today, an hour or so ago. That's a small slip. I don't think we'll be as lucky next time as we were this time.

"We're sorry, sir," I say, talking slowly to concentrate on speaking with the American accent I've been practicing with Serena. "We got lost on the way here."

The accent must have been good enough, because I see Williams nod his head slowly, glancing over at the both of us quickly. "Mistakes happen," he says, and my heart still doesn't go back to normal. "This is only your first day though, boys. You know first impressions count. I don't want to see this happen again. Got it?"

"Yes, sir," Nox and I say at the same time.

"Come on." Williams turns around and walks into the prison, into the same place I was only about a month ago. I try to keep my face impassive, but the phantom feeling of the restraints around my wrist and the forceful pushes of the Soldiers and the harsh words all come back to me too quickly. I flinch.

No one but Nox notices my little movement. He gives me a small nod of encouragement before training his eyes back onto the older Soldier still in front of us, walking at a brisk pace.

As I look around the familiar surroundings of the suffocating prison, I wonder if Scar Face and Gravel Voice are still here. If they are, they'd better watch out. If I ever see them around here, I wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in their chests like they did to Zaire.

My own thoughts scare me.

"You two will be put on security duty for the remainder of the shift," Williams tells us, distracting my mind. As he talks he leads us down a hallway lined with cells.

These cells are filled with nothing other than Freaks.

My heart is breaking and thumping and lurching all at once. I keep my eyes on the back of the Soldier's boots, not wanting to look up and catch the eyes of the Freaks in fear of what I would do to all of the Soldiers around me to get them out.

In the prison, it was a rule where the prisoners are supposed to stay at the back of the cell and to never approach the bars. I didn't know why—the restraints currently around their wrists prevent them from using their abilities. The rule could be for any number of reasons, ones I no longer have to concern myself with now.

"Hey!" Corporal Williams stops walking for a moment and turns to face a cell on his left. He's in the way for me to see clearly. He hits the bars multiple times with the barrel of his gun, the harsh sound of metal against metal echoing around the small space of the hallway. "Get back from the bars, Freak!"

I hear a whimper and a flash of dark hair as a girl scuttles back into her corner. I can see her clearer as I make my way to the cell. She looks up at my approach, ducking her head lower as we lock eyes across the cell.

I want to say something in her mind, I send to Nox's head. Maybe give her a reassurance. My tone is almost pleading like I already know what his response will be.

No, he snaps back. Not yet. We can't risk the Soldiers knowing who we really are.

So reluctantly I look away from the girl's too-dark eyes, keeping my face void of any emotion as I look to Nox beside me. We continue to follow Williams' silent footfalls, the girl's whimper echoing around my already-angered head.

I just hope this girl isn't close to eighteen.

"Parker," Williams says, turning around on the spot at the doorway, looking down at me by the bridge of his nose. "You will be stationed here, guarding this hallway."

"Yes, sir." I nod my head once and stand against the wall, making a show of keeping a firm hand around the back of the gun at my hip. I make sure Williams sees this as he looks me over.

"Very good." He turns to face Nox, his expression never changing. "Hayes, follow me. Your station is the next hallway down."

"Yes, sir," I hear Nox say as he follows the man, their footsteps getting quieter and quieter, the sound slightly lower than the pounding of my heart.

You can do this, Luca, I hear Nox say to me inside my head. Don't do anything stupid.

I shake my head, steeling myself and straightening against the wall. I know, I reply, and I won't.

After a few seconds, the sound of their boots echoing against the ground fades away into the tense air all around me, threatening to consume should I let my guard down.

It takes me a moment to realize I am alone with a hallway full of Freaks, their presence overwhelming me. I can't feel their powers like I'm sure Sigma would if she were in my position, but how I wish I could. The amount of invisible power lying stagnant in front of my face is probably staggering.

I was once the same as these Freaks in here.

And soon, they are going to be the same as me.

I am going to save the Freaks and bring them to safety, no matter what I have to do to get it done.

The Soldiers are going down.

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