Small world

By Crazyninjagurl

3 0 0

Elizabeth is an emo rocker chick that has just been adopted after being there for five years and there with o... More

Small world

3 0 0
By Crazyninjagurl

Starring into the bathroom mirror thinking (this has to be the day I get adopted.) my layered blonde hair was sticking out everywhere. I hate my hairs so much but I was afriad to change it. What if Cody is looking for me and he doesn't recongnize me? (uhhh... I want a change.)

"Elizabeth get out of the bathroom. A couple wants to look at you? You mite actually get adopted," said the crazy nun. Then under her breathe "finally." she has despised me ever since the day I turned 13. I changed a whole light but yea I wasnt allowed to do my full change. I walked out of the stuffy little bathroom. "Who in the world would want a seventeen year old?" I asked rhetorically. "follow me," she demanded and started walking down the dark hallway to the torture room. Well technically it was the room to meet couple that wanted to think about adopting kids but yea I call torture room because all the couples have a reason why they don't like me.

1. I have piercings and I mean a lot, my tongue, eyebrow, nose, and I have snake bites. What can I say I became a little crazy when I turned 13 and anybody that had piercing in the adoption place it was because of me.

2. Depression. Who wouldn't be depressed my life line got adopted with out me since they only wanted a boy not a girl too. Ugh who separates twins from each other.

3. I'm a rebel. I've gone to Juvi two times for stealing and well yea I like taking the cooks car for a spin every once in a while. I'm not good with authority, Cody is the one that got me to listen to authority but they took him away from me.

And it wouldn't surprise me that the listen goes on but I believe it does.

"elizabeth," crazy nun.

"what," I screamed.

" well nice to have you grace us with your presence, finally."

Hmmm I guess I was in such a deep thought that I hadn't noticed that I had walked into the torture room. In front me sitting on the black couch were three people. A Barbie type mother lady with the whole blonde hair. Next to her was an older guy assuming that he was barbie's husband and a teenage boy was sitting next to them playing on his iPhone. Must be rich people with the name clothes that they had on to.

" why would I grace with my presence crazy nun," I told the wacko nun while sticking my tongue out.

"stop Elizabeth......." before she could finish whatever she was going to tell Barbie jumped up off the seat and said, "we will take her."

"what there are probably more better kids that you could look at," Looney nun said.

"nope, we want her," her husband told looney then looked at me and said, " my name is Jorge and this my wife Jill and my son Matthew. Say hi Matthew. "

"yea whatever I'll get my bag so I can leave this prison to go to another one," I told them as I stomped out to go to my (well not anymore) room to grab bag of clothes.

My new family had a limo that was taking us to my new home. Well I knew they were rich but not that rich. Getting into the limo and trying to get comfy. "we will be home two hours."

When I get there Im somehow will finish my change, get a tattoo and made my hair. "why you all emo and everything," said someone next me. " none of your business." I don't want to think about it I've been trying to forget in way for three years but not totally forget because his my brother.

4 years earlier

Cody and I were in our room talking about random things like how the nuns need to stop being so nosey. They think we're going to do something with each other. Lmao, ewwww hes my twin nasty. A year ago we basically begged the head crazy nun to let us have a room together. The door to our room while I was throwing crayons at him since he was being mean not giving my picture back. The nun cleared her throat and we both shot are gaze at her with a face that said what. "Cody theres a couple that wants to look at you. You might get adopted to day." and left the roo. " awesome Liz lets go, we mite leave this place," he said while dragging me out of the room with him. He didn't realize that the nun didn't say my name just his and he was just ranting about how cool it will be. I caught the last part when we made it to the room. "just think about it Liz it's our birthday tomorrow so if get adopted today we won't have to celebrate here." I tried so hard to be strong because if there was any adopting happening to day it will only be him. Ugh I can't loose him but I don't want to stay if he can leave. We walked into the room and the couple looked up with a shocked face. " we only want the boy. We told you that." the husband to the nun. " I know, he must have dragged her along," the nun told them, then told me, " elizabeth leave so Cody and them can talk." I let go of his hand headed out the door. "what no. I go she goes to. She's my twin, don't separate us." Cody started yelling.

Before leaving I told, " it's okay, go with them I'll some how come back to you. Nobody can keep twins away from each other for long. Just write me everyday, okay. I love you Cody. I quickly hugged him and ran out the building.

First letter I ever got from him. Told me that he knew me so well.


You should know I know you to well. Why you tell me to go when I know deep done you never wanted me to. I miss you so much. I hated my birthday party they threw for me. You weren't their. I need my twin. Well you get adopted find me because I want you back.

Love ya sis Cody

Most of all the letters were like that. I told him that I pierced my face all over and sent him a picture. Changed the clothes I wore and every thing I did, he did to. So we could in some way be connected. But after he got thrown into Juvi after being adopted for a year and half. I got one more letter.


I hate to say this but this is my last letter to you. They say I'm not allowed to talk to you. Since your a bad influence on me but you aren't I just miss you. Just get adopted soon please I can handle not having my crazy bad ass twin with me. And here is a pic of me and my best friend.

Love ya sis Cody don't change anything in appearance til we are back together.

The picture was of him with all his piercings and his blonde shaggy straight hair and the boy next to him that had only had snake bite piercings. He had brown hair and bright blue eyes. He was cute and he was a rebel like us. On the back of the picture was the guys name Matthew Zack Stones.


"sorry didn't mean to have you cry," Matthew said. I looked at him and noticed something he was the Matthew as in my brothers best friend. Ugh I want my to see him so bad it's been two half years of no talking. We were at the house well more like mansion. It was like a plantation with what looked like there was a building for workers housing off in the corner and the stables on the other side. " I really didn't mean to upset you." before he could touch me to try to comfort me. I ran to the stables and to my surprise there was no horses but expensive cars. I just sat down in a corner and cried. I hadn't thought about those events for 2 years. After sitting there for thirty minutes Matthew came in searching for me. He found me in the corner. "hey my mom told me to make sure you were okay." I looked at him and wipped my eyes.

"yea I'm okay. Can I ask you something?"

"yea anything?"

"is your full name Matthew zack stones." he looked me with a shocked face. He was cute when he is surprised.

"ummm yea but how in the world would you know?"

"here." I told him as I handed the photo of him and Cody.

"wow haven't seen this pic in years considering there was only one copy." he was thinking really hard then it was like it dawned on him.

"no way. Your Elizabeth like as in Cody's twin. He is going to be so happy."

"your still friends with him?"

"yea, oh and I was gonna over to his house in a bit. You want to comme. It will be the best surprise for him.since it is your birthday today and he hasn't had a party or anything since you guys turned thirteen. He won't let any body do anything on them. Not even Blake and I are allowed to buy him a present. He says I quote, I want nothing. If my sis doesn't get stuff like

I could have I don't want it."

"hell yes I want to come but I need to do something quick first."

"like what?"

"dye my hair black with red highlights."

He let me go run off and dye my hair. Thank goodness I had bought this hair dye yesterday.

When I got in the mustang that he was waiting for me. He looked at me like forever then started driving the car.

"wow your in my family for a couple hours and you already gonna give my parents a heat attack tomorrow when we get back. Considering my mom wanted u since you were blonde."


"I didn't think you would care to stay the night."

"oh no I don't. You wil be lucky if Cody or I let anybody separate us again like that quick."

"you'll never be separated again. But you mite piss off his adoptive parents since I know he is gonna dye his hair. This is gonna be such an exciting week." he looked like he was so happy.

"yep and I have the dye." I said while laughing.

I'm so excite I can't wait. So when we pulled into the drive of the mansion of Cody's place. Matthew had me get out and hide out in the pool house in the back. It couldn't wait to see his face when he say me. So excited me heart was pounding like crazy. Hoo Matthew had left me in the pool house like thirty minutes ago. I was getting anxious and the door opened and I hide. I so thought it was Cody but it wasn't. This guy was smoking hot. Nice body with a six pack and brown hair with snake bites. I couldn't stop starring at his abs that I fell on but since I ran into the door while I was trying to hid.

"hey you Cody's twin?"

"who wants to know?"


"yes i'am, sexy" then mentaly slapped myself. I mean sue me he was sexy and he had no shirt on.

"your not that bad yourself Elizabeth. So I'm. Blake, Cody's other best friend. Him and matthew be here in a sec. So you mite want. To stop mind fucking me."

"I wasn't........" he stopped me in mid sentence.

"oh it was okay if I was u i would mind fuck myself. Anyways go hid."

"your so full of yourself." I said but then I couldn't deny that I was doing that. He was sexy. He just didn't need to be all full of himself. I'm so going to have to ask Cody about him after we catch up and dye his hair. I so excited about seeing him but Blake's body keeps coming back in my mind. Ugh if I have to deal with him I'm gonna die.

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