Slightly Undead. || Glenn Rhe...

By baddie4xanax

134K 2.9K 426

Jade Dixon, one of the Dixon siblings, survives side-by-side with her badass brothers. With a sword in her ha... More



4.6K 115 12
By baddie4xanax

// Jade //
"Shot? What do you mean shot?" Dale ask, walking toward us, "I don't know, Dale. I wasn't there." I rolled my eyes, "All I know is this chick rode out of nowhere like Zorro on a horse and took Lori." I said, jumping the guard rail. Glenn looked at me, his eyes held a smile, "You let her?" Dale turned to Daryl, "Climb down out of my asshole, man." I smiled at this, "Rick sent her. She knew Lori's name and Carl's." Daryl said, pushing away from Dale. Glenn walked over to me, his arm going slightly around me, "I heard screams. Was that you?" Dale looked at Andrea. She didn't respond and instead walked away, "She got attacked by a walker." Glenn said, dropping his bag. I dropped mine and Lori's and leaned against the red jeep behind me, "Andrea, are you all right?" Dale called to her, still getting no response. I rolled my eyes at her immaturity, "Andrea!" I yelled at her, "Stop acting like a four year old and answer the damn question." I crossed my arms in front of me, "Why should I?" she scoffed, "Because Dale is being nice and not acting like a complete brat, like you!" I smirked at her, "It was my life! You wanted to stay, too! Aren't you mad at Glenn and Daryl for making you go, too?!" She stopped completely, putting her bag on the ground. I pushed myself off the car and out of Glenn's grasp, walking closer to her. She took a step or two forward as well, "I ain't mad. Wanna know why? Because living is the best damn thing you could ever want. They saved me, and I'm grateful. I'm not acting like a complete immature bitch." my hands were now dropped to my side, "Grow up, Andrea. Dale saved you. You wanna kill yourself? Here-" I handed her my gun. I was aware that everyone around me was watching, even T-Dog. She threw the gun and flipped me off, "Fuck you!" Andrea yelled at me, pushing me back. Something inside me snapped as I lunged on her, pulling my fist back. It slammed into her nose, busting it. She tried to pull my hair, but I moved away. She went to hit me, but I dodged, sending a fist back into her stomach, "BITCH!" she was screaming at me. I felt arms pulling me off of her. I elbowed the person trying to get me, and pushed Andrea on the ground, "YOU WANNA FIGHT. FINE." I yelled, punching her once more before I felt myself being torn away from her by two people. I was kicking at the people and then realized what I was doing. I stopped struggling and felt myself being dropped. I turned to see Daryl and Glenn pulling me back. As I walked off, I sent my fist flying into the window of the red jeep, shattering the glass in pieces.
"Hey, you okay?" I heard a voice behind me. Daryl. I turned to him, a drop of blood dripping from my knuckles. I broke and ran into his arms. He put his arm around me, "If it makes you feel better, you beat the shit outta her." I didn't even smile. Daryl sighed, "Glenn wanted to come, but I wouldn't let him." I nodded. I really didn't wanna see Glenn right now, "Thank you." I muttered to him, getting a kiss on the head in return, "Let's go get that hand cleaned up." Daryl smiled, walking me to the RV.

I kissed Daryl on the cheek, "I'll see you soon." I smiled to him. He nodded at me, "Love you, Jay." he said, "Love you, too." I climbed in the old, yellow jeep of ours with Glenn and T. We were off. We were going to the Greene's. Once we arrived, and we're at the front door, we just stood there, "So, do we ring the bell?" Glenn ask, causing me to smile, "I mean, it looks like people live here." I laughed at Glenn, "We're past this kinda stuff, aren't we?" T said, walking up the stairs. I held onto his arm, helping him up. Once we got up the stairs, a voice startled me, "Did you close the gate up the road when you drove in?" the girl from earlier was sitting in a rocking chair, "Uh, hi." Glenn said, "Yes, we closed it." I finished for Glenn, sending him a look, "Hello. Nice to see you again. We met before briefly." Glenn was pissing me off now, "Look, we came to help. There anything we can do?" T said, taking the words from my mouth. She stood, walking over, and then looked at the covered-up cut on his arm, "It's not a bite. I cut myself pretty bad though." he said to her, "We'll have it looked at. I'll tell them you're here." she said, smiling at him, "We have, uh, some painkillers and antibiotics." Glenn said, looking in his bag, "She already gave him some. If Carl needs any, " Glenn said, handing them to her, "Come on inside. I'll make you something to eat." she said, taking them pills from his hand. She opened the screen door, letting us in.

I walked into the room with Carl first, then stopped when I saw him. An old man was taking his blood pressure. It was quiet for a moment as I let a tear slip down my cheek, "Hey." I spoke, looking to Lori. Everyone looked up, "Hey." Rick muttered a reply. I walked over to Lori, hugging her, "We're here for you." I smiled at her, "Thank you." she nodded to me. We walked out of the room, leaving a distraught Lori and Rick behind.
Rick hobbled out of the room after Lori. I put my head in my hands as I felt Glenn's arm go around me. I was pissed at him. To me, it seemed as if he was flirting with that chick and it had pissed me off. Jealously maybe? I jerked up to the sound of Lori sobbing. I ran into the room, seeing Carl having a seizure. I put my hand to my mouth, "His brain isn't getting enough blood." the old man said once he stopped, "His pressure is bottoming. He needs another transfusion." Rick put his arm down in front of the old man, "Okay, I'm ready." he said, "If I take any more out of you your body could shut down. You could go into a coma." I spoke up, "What blood type is he?" I ask, removing my hand from my mouth, "A positive." Rick said, "Me too." I whispered, "Take it from me." I said, pushing my my arm sleeve, "Jade, it's-" Lori began, "No. It's for Carl." I said, walking over to the chair. The needle stuck in my arm and I saw Glenn peer around the corner, watching me. I didn't even wince as I watched the machine take my blood. Lori came over to me and pushed my hair away from my face as I stare at Carl. For the first time in a lifetime, I bowed my head and prayed. God, please. In this world we don't have a choice. We don't get time to make decisions, we don't get time to waste or relax. We have to be on guard ever second. Help us. I'm not asking much. Just for... Help. Help Carl, Sophia, me, Glenn, everyone. Help us, God. Amen.
Once the old man, who's name I learned was Hershel, was done with my blood I got up. After a minute of dizziness, I walked outside for fresh air where I went to the left side of the porch and sat at the far end. After a minute or two, Glenn came outside and went to the right side of the porch with me being unseen. As I stood, quietly, I started to walk over to him. But before I got far I saw the girl from earlier walk out. I flattened myself against the wall and listened as they talked. She leaned up against the post, "You praying?" she ask, causing Glenn to jerk up. He sighed and put his hand over his eyes, "Why do you sneak up on people so much?" he moved his hand and peered out in the dark, open field, "You're easy to sneak up on." she teased, sitting on the ledge, "I was praying," Glenn nodded as she made herself comfortable, "I was trying to." he said, looking down at the ground. I took in a breath and let it out carefully, not to be discovered. Who was this girl and why did Glenn take such an interest in her?
"You religious? You pray a lot?" she said, her accent coming through strongly, "Actually, uh, this was my first try." he said, looking at his hands, "Ever?" she said. I imagined a smirk playing on her lips. Glenn nodded, "Wow, sorry." she said, "I didn't mean to wreck your first time." my blood ran cold, "God probably got the gist of it." Glenn said, a smile on his lips. The good thing about where I was was that I could see every inch of emotion on Glenn's face without being seen, "Praying for what?" she ask, playing with her fingers, "My friends." he said, looking down at the ground, "Looks like they could all use a little help right now." he continued, "Well, Glenn. I'm always there for you if you need me." I could hear the smile, "Thanks. What's your name?" Glenn ask her, a smile on his lips as well, "Maggie." she said, her voice sweet, "Well, Maggie. I may have to take you up on that offer." It was quiet for a moment before Glenn spoke again, "You think-- you think God exists?" she looked at him for a moment, "I always took it on faith. Lately I've wondered. Everything that's happened, there must've been a lot of praying going on. It seems quiet a few went unanswered." she said, looking up at Glenn. He nodded, "Thanks. This is really helping." I smiled at his sarcastic tone, but I was still upset with him, "Sorry. Go ahead." she looked down at her lap. After a few seconds of Glenn with his head bowed, he looked up, "You gonna watch?" he ask her. She didn't answer, just jumped off the rail and walked over to him, "I'll get you a refill instead." she said, picking up his cup from the floor. As she turned, I flattened myself back against the wall to avoid being seen. Before she reached the door, she turned around, "I know it's not my business, and feel free to believe in God, but the thing is you've got to make it okay somehow. No matter what happens." then she went inside. As Glenn bowed his head again, I leaned on the corner, "Yeah, Glenn. You've got to make it okay." I said before storming off into the night. I walked toward the road and I was going back to camp. With my machete on my back, I ran. Not caring about the noise I made or the calls Glenn yelled for me to come back.
I swear, it didn't take me but 10 minutes to arrive back at camp because the moon was still in the middle of the sky. I looked up at the RV to see Dale pointing his gun at me, "Jade?" he called, "Yeah. It's me." I said, stopping to breathe. Dale climbed down from the top of the RV and walked over to me. He wiped away a stray tear and pulled me into a hug, "What happened, Jade?" he released me, "I'm so stupid." I whispered, collapsing on the ground. Tears rolled down my face as I hugged my knees to my chest, letting tears fall. I got up and whisked the same fist into a different window. Yeah, I was pissed at Glenn for the whole Maggie thing, but was running off and crying the best thing to do? I weighed my options; Glenn was a sweet guy, and I trusted him but the way he talks to Maggie, the way he looks at her. Even though it's gonna hurt me, I'm gonna do what's best for him. If he is happy with him, then let it be. I'll just shut my heart up and lock it again. The more I thought about Glenn the more sad I got. We'd been together for months! I sobbed, collapsing down beside the window I had hit. The broken glass that lay on the ground was stained with blood. My knuckles were bleeding again, too. When I thought about the broken glass on the ground, it took everything in me not to pick it up and drag it through my skin. I grabbed a piece of glass and held in my hands firmly. As I moved it closer toward my arm, the harder it was to breathe. I let out another sob and let the glass dig into my hand as I griped it tightly. Dale ran over to me, taking the glass out of my hand. He grabbed my hand and looked at it, "Jade..." he said it barely below a whisper. When I looked at his hands, I saw them covered in blood. My blood. A panic attack settled; I couldn't breathe, crying uncontrollably, and couldn't speak. My hearing seemed to be impaired too because Dale jerked up and started to run. Walker? I didn't care. I let my body shut down completely and curled up in a ball. Two people came running. No, three? I couldn't tell anymore. About the time a body kneeled by me, I slipped away into a world of blackness.

Blurry figures; that's all I could see. They were... Arguing? I couldn't tell. Was that... Daryl? Yes, it was. I blinked my eyelids closed and open again, taking a look at the less-fuzzy scene. There were three other figures there. My hand hurt. One of the figures pointed at me, causing Daryl to turn around and kneel next to me. My vision cleared and I seen Daryl in front of me, Dale, Carol, and Andrea. I hadn't moved from my position on the ground. My hand was still bleeding. Daryl careful removed me from the pile of glass, "Get the hell away from us!" Daryl swiped his hand at them. Even Andrea looked sorry for me. I chose to ignore this look of kindness and let Daryl walk me away from the rest of everyone. Was what I did too much? Glenn wasn't worth a chance of loosing my life. Was he?

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