Satisfy the Omega (YiZhan FF)...

By Kimnielle88

478K 32.9K 3.1K

"There's nothing good getting involved with the mafia," Is what his father always tell him, until one day his... More

STO: Prologue
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STO: Author's Note
Author's Note!

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4.9K 374 50
By Kimnielle88

"Don't you think pets and possessions need a collar and branding from their owner so it won't run away? Come to xxx port, at the warehouse at exactly seven pm. It's up to you if you come or not, that if you love your family. See yah Xiao Zhan," Xiao Zhan read the letter, anger is welling up on his chest.

Kevin immediately went to fetch him after the call. Xiao Zhan still not in his best condition forced himself to move. He can't afford to lay around when he knew his family is in danger.

"Tsk! shit!" he cursed as he tried to figure out who sent the letter. According to Kevin, the one who sent the letter disappeared out of sight and it would be hard for just a day to find who it was. The best solution is to go to the place that was indicated in the letter.

Xiao Zhan keeps cursing under his breath, he had so many enemies that he accumulated but he doesn't know anyone but his uncle to suspect to do such a thing. But then, his uncle was behind bars with his cousin, Zixin.

"Could it be someone is doing this on stead of uncle?" he uttered. Kevin looked at him from the rear-view mirror. "You think sir?" he asked.

"Hm," Xiao Zhan responded. His anger is building up inside him, but he needs to calm down to find a solution for his family not to be harmed.

"I think we'll succeed in saving the young master and Yibo, sir," Kevin replied. "Our guards serving you are strong enough to fight anyone," he added.

Xiao Zhan sighed, slightly calm, but deep inside his boiling in anger. Just then, something caught his eyes. There's a briefcase at the shotgun seat beside Kevin.

"Why is there a briefcase?" He asked.

Kevin took a glance at what he's pertaining to, "It's ransom money, sir. In case they were just lousy kidnappers who need money," he answered.

Xiao Zhan nodded, he massaged his temple with his hand while his other hand is clenching in anger.

Not long after, "Sir, we've arrived," Kevin spoke.

Xiao Zhan looked outside, it was a big warehouse beside a port. He gritted his teeth then sighed, he needs to gather his composure so the kidnappers won't get any hole from his moves. He needs to toughen up.

Kevin opened the door for him. He went out and the breeze welcomed him. He looked behind the car and there his underlings parked, they all went out of their cars with their guns in their hands.

Xiao Zhan nodded at them, telling them to follow. Kevin gestured to them to make sure Xiao Zhan is safe.

Some of them stood in front of Xiao Zhan to protect the front, while the others stood behind and on his side.

They marched inside the warehouse, upon opening, the door creaked. The place was dark, but the light of the moon is sipping inside, lighting some parts.

"Is this really the place Kevin?" Xiao Zhan asked. His brows are furrowed, his jaw is clenched and his hand is holding a gun tightly.

Xiao Zhan clicked his tongue, his eyes menacing, "Whoever you are, give my family back without a scratch, or I'll kill you," he uttered sternly. His voice is echoing inside. A hint of coldness and anger is in his voice.

Just then, the guards in front of him face him. Their guns were directed to him.

Xiao Zhan's eyes went wide, he gritted his teeth. "Kevin, what's the meaning of this?" He asked with an angry tone.

Kevin cleared his throat, still calm and collected.

"WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS KEVIN?!!" he exclaimed and pointed his gun at one of the guards. But Kevin didn't answer, thus, he opened the briefcase.

Upon hearing the click of the second button of the case the lights opened and, the guns were fired.

Xiao Zhan was surprised for a moment at the flashing light. But immediately regained his vision. His eyes went wide at what he saw.

The guns that were pointed at him, were all toy guns. But there were written on them.

Tears started flowing from his eyes as he read what's written in all of the banners from the guns.

"W I L L Y O U B E M Y W I F E F O R T H E R E S T O F O U R L I V E S ?"

His hands were trembling, the gun he was holding was about to fall but it was immediately caught by one of the guards.

Kevin opened wide the briefcase, a diamond ring was gleaming from it.

The guard who was holding the guns with banners moved aside.

His heart thumped fast, his tears keep flowing. His eyes made contact with the man that's standing meters away from him. Then he looked beside him, Xiang was standing there. They were wearing a suit, with a bouquet in their hands. Yibo was smiling while his arms were open.

Xiao Zhan's feet moved on their own, the anger he was feeling earlier was replaced with so much bliss. He ran to his arms and hugged him tight while his tears are streaming down his cheeks. Then he felt a tap on his legs, he looked at him let go of Yibo to carry Xiang.

"Mommy crying again?" Xiang pouted as he wipes Xiao Zhan's cheeks.

"Mommy is just happy, baby," he said and hugged his kid. Yibo then hugged both of them.

"Will you marry me?" he whispered into his ears.

Xiao Zhan pulled away and looked at him. His lips unconsciously press on Yibo's.

Xiang pouted, "Mommy, kiss Xiang too!" he said sulkily.

Xiao Zhan chuckled, then kissed Xiang on his cheeks.

Yibo let go of the two, he grabbed the ring from Kevin who was already standing beside them.

Then he knelt, holding up the ring. "I will ask you again, Will you be with me for the rest of our lives?" he declared.

Xiao Zhan looked down at him, tears keep falling from his eyes. While Xiang looks at Xiao Zhan with his innocent eyes, worried about why Xiao Zhan is crying again.

Xiao Zhan nodded, he held out his other hand. He's too speechless to blurt out any word.

Yibo put the ring on his ring finger, then stood and grabbed him for a tight hug. "I love you," he whispered. "I love you too," Xiao Zhan answered, their hearts beating in sync. "I love mommy and daddy!" Xiang giggled.

The two chuckled, "We love our Xiang Xiang too," they said in unison.

The people in the warehouse cheered.

Xiao Zhan's eyes went wide upon laying his eyes on them. Zhuocheng, Zanjin, Haikuan, his sons, and Yibo's family were there all along. His cheeks flushed, he suddenly felt embarrassed. He didn't notice that they were there since his eyes were just glued on Yibo and Xiang.

"U-Uhm... Bo?" he mumbled as he covered his face with Yibo's shoulder.

"Hm?" Yibo asked, "What happened?" he added.

"Y-your family..." he mumbled.

Yibo then turns his head to who is pertaining to, he chuckled, "Why? Are you shy now?" he teased him.

He whined, "stop teasing me!"

Yibo laughed, "Okay, okay. I'm sorry," he uttered. "Come on, let's get going. The food might be cold right now," he added.

"Where to?" Xiao Zhan asked, his face still buried on his shoulder.

"At my family's house," he said and patted his back.

"But... I-I'm too embarrassed," Xiao Zhan whined.

Yibo laughed once again, "Come on, you'll be their family too," he said and gave him a peck on the neck.

Xiao Zhan pouted as he slowly pulls away. Yibo chuckled at him and caress his cheeks, "There there, my beautiful wife," he said.

Xiao Zhan blushed even more.

"Come here, baby. Daddy will carry you," Yibo uttered then get Xiang from Xiao Zhan, then put his free arm on his waist.

Then he looked at where their audience is, "let's get going?" he told them.


A/N: I apologize for not updating last night. There's suddenly a power outage, so I was not able to write an update. I hope you liked this. hehe

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