Claimed by the devil

Por xxfebihalowxx

1M 19.3K 9.2K

dissing what he said away I clear my throat " I appreciate your help Mr. knight, but how about we let the cop... Mais

♥︎𝙱𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐♥︎


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Por xxfebihalowxx

Seeing her in this wedding made me think of us...Our wedding. Me standing there and her walking down the aisle.

The thought of her being my wife and us being a family makes me feel somehow collected.

It's all I've been thinking about.

And the little girl.... I always knew she'd be a great mom but seeing her like that with that little girl made me want to see her with our kids.

I snap back to reality when her friend, the bride throws the bouquet, it lands on mio Angelo's face.

Worry and a bit of happiness hit me all at once.

Did she get hurt?

"I am not gonna get married anytime soon, good luck to whoever caught it." She says throwing it behind her making me freeze in my spot.

The bouquet lands in sofie's hands but I don't look at Austin or stop es from going to the bathroom.

Her words physically crushed my hopes, all of them one by one. But then again I was being delusional, the woman doesn't like me.

I let out a long sigh and follow her to the bathroom.

one because I don't want her to be alone. The last time she went to the bathroom on her own an asshole tried to touch her.

Two, we have to leave because everyone is.

I get in the bathroom to see her leaning on the sink, "let's go to the venue" I say trying not to sound too cold but it came out cold anyway.

I know I shouldn't be mad or act like this but I can't help it, she could've at least kept the bouquet. It's not like it means we will get married in a week or so.


We arrive at the venue after a long silent drive, she asked what was wrong but I said nothing because I'm not about to tell her I'm pissed because she doesn't think of marrying me like I do.

But even tho she sort of rejected me my mind kept playing images of her in a white gown.

Her being my wife and wearing a ring on her finger.

I park the car near the entrance because she's wearing heels and stop the car.

I leave the car and open the door for her like usual, she mumbles an awkward thank you and walks in front of me instead of waiting for me to close the door.

I hate not talking to her, it affects me more than it does to her. Maybe she even considers it a blessing.

We sit in a table after getting in to wait for the rest to arrive.

It's as silent as it was in the car, wanting to save both of us from this, I take out my phone to check on the plan and what's going on at the borders.

Everything is as expected, the kids will be rescued soon and that cunt will suffer to his death soon too.

"What's wrong?"  She asks in a soft tone for the second time today.

I look up at her and say "nothing", a part me likes that she cares enough to ask but I don't want to think about it to much.

I put my phone in my pocket still looking at her, she frowns and says "this doesn't look like nothing." Pointing at me.

I turn my gaze to the people walking around because I wont be able to not tell her if I keep looking at her.

" you don't have to be here if you don't want to or have somewhere else to go." She places her hand on mine surprising me.

I don't have anywhere else to be because I cancelled all the meetings I had today, to be honest I was enjoying the wedding until the bouquet thing happened.

It is not her fault she doesn't think of us the way I do, but... as much as I hate to admit it, it hurts.

couples that I had no idea were here start dancing when a slow song blasts through the venue reminding me of when me and mio angelo danced at the ball.

"I will go check on Lexi." She says sounding upset, I look at her to see her frowning.

Fucking hell.

I didn't answer her and she probably thinks I don't want to be here.

I grab her wrist just as she gets up and say "I don't have anywhere to be, I am with you.".

I stand up as well and say " let's dance".

it's all on repeat in my head. How I felt when I saw her talking to the little  girl and standing there next to the bride. Maybe a dance would make me feel better.

She nods and we both make our way to the dance floor.

I wrap my arms around her waist as she placed her hands on my chest.

It's the only dance slash position I know when it comes to dancing.

I sway both of us gently not wanting to move her a lot, she's wearing heels, she might trip or fall if I move her too much.

I didn't want her to wear them in the first place because she might fall but she argued, yelled, and cried till I said yes.

I look down at her to see her already looking at me, it makes me feel warm.

" you don't seem okay"she once again insists on knowing.

"I am"

"you make sure I am better when I in a bad mood and I am doing the same, now tell me what's wrong?" She says triggering me because if she did everything I did she would be thinking about us but the worse part is if she did everything I did I know i would be hurt and that realization fucks with me.

Thinking about everything I've done to her and how I fucked my chances with her makes it hard to breathe.

Her being pregnant with my baby and trying to accept me doesn't mean she will ever love me.

I'm never giving up that hope but the possibility of her never loving me is messing with my head at this very moment.

" you don't have to do what I do or think the way I do, just leave it." I sigh with a sigh trying to somehow let out the tension inside my body.

She lets out a sigh of her own "is it about the bouquet incident?".

That's it.

Her question knocks every ounce of control I've had over my feelings.

I need to get out of here.

I unwrap my arms from her waist and walk out of the dance floor out, I need to calm down.

I send a quick message to the guard who will forward it to the rest.

A: keep an eye on es and inform me if anything happens.

I sit on one of the many chairs in the backyard.

I don't want to act this way but I can't help it either. I let out a long sigh and put my face in my hands.

I know I just fucked up and it's making this much worse but it's better than telling her why I'm pissed.

A tiny hand touches mine, I remove my hands from my face and look up only to see the little girl mio angelo was talking to earlier.

The smile on her face makes me feel better for some reason.

I've became soft, it's weird how almost 2 months ago I was angry and grumpy all the time and now a little girl managed to lighten up my mood.

" I want to show you something" she says pulling my hand towards the corner of the backyard.

this is weird...very. I've never been around a toddler before. I thought all they do is cry and make their parents' life a living hell, but this one seems calm.

I stand up to follow her, she skips to the area swaying my hand while doing so.

"where are your parents?" I ask not knowing who's daughter she is or why she's here alone, it could be dangerous.

I know if she was my daughter... if our baby ever wants to play I'd play with her or him. I wouldn't let him or her wander around alone like this.

"daddy said mommy went on a trip to tell the princesses about me, and daddy is dancing with aunt Lexi.".


"I heard a big guy say you are a bad guy, but you are good." She adds with a smile.

This time I can't help but smile back, it's normal for people to warn others about me. In fact it proves how successful I am but hearing her say I am good made me feel like...I don't know but it's good.

She kneels down near the flowers, I watch as she takes them one by one.

I cant wait to experience this with our baby, I'm want it all. I want to be there for everything.

I kneel down next to her and just watch as she takes all the pink flowers.

"I saw aunt es with you, are you her prince?" She asks taking the last pink flower there is.

what am I supposed to say? I've never dealt with a toddler before.

"Uhm I-" I almost say but she interrupts me "you can be if you give her these, every princess loves flowers.".

She stands up and tugs on my suit for me to stand up as well.

I do that.

She hands me the flowers with a smile on her face making the thoughts of seeing a smile like that on my own daughter or son invade my brain.

the warm feeling those thoughts brought leaves me as I remember how things went down a while ago.

she's probably mad, I don't blame her because so am I but I couldn't help it. I really couldn't.

the little girl tugs on my pants asking for my attention, when I look down at her, she extends her arms up for me.

She wants me to carry her?

What If hold her too tight or hurt her? I am not used to being gentle.

she doesn't put her arms down even after the long seconds of me thinking. taking a deep breath as if I'm about to run a race, I carry her with my free arm.

"let's go inside, I will help you be her prince." she giggles pointing at the flowers.

This really feels like walking on eggs, what if drop her by mistake or hurt her?

I walk in with the little girl in my arm, I think of a way to make things right but everything goes away when I see her standing with a man.

the man smiles down at her and puts his hand on her arm, I don't know how I start moving but I do.

he will fucking regret touching her.

she takes a step back with an awkward smile but the fucker doesn't take a hint, if anything he steps closer as if her stepping back wasn't obvious.

I want to fucking rip him to shreds, let him heal then do it over and over again.

an empty weight stills on my chest, the rage completely blinds me and for a hot second I forget about the little girl in my arm.

"come on just one dance." I hear him say when I get close enough,  mio angelo's eyes widen when she sees me.

I take a deep breath to prevent myself from beating him up to unconsciousness right here and right now.

she wouldn't like it, not in her friend's wedding and not in front of the little girl.

"touch her one more time and I promise to attach your hand to your shoulder the same way you just did." I say knowing damn well I will do it if he touches her again.

I give the little girl the flowers and stand next to mio angelo, I cup her face with my free hand and ask "did he do anything?".

she doesn't get to answer because the fucker decides to put a dignity show on.

"who do you think you are? do you not know who I am?" looks like he doesn't know who I am.

"no but what are you gonna do? get daddy's money to make my life  a living hell?" I mock trying so hard not to punch him right now.

"give me your name and let's see if I can't or not." he says confidently.

"ace knight." I say smugly knowing how fast he will turn into a coward and drop the bravery show.

his expression drops just like his cheap white suit, his head snaps to me almost immediately.

"I- uhm listen man, hoes are not worth fighting over, I was just bored have her.". he says signing his life away as soon as the word hoes left his disgusting mouth.

I smile biting my lip and shake my head to take a deep breath.

I give the little girl to mio angelo and take a step towards him.

"ace-" she says but stops when I say " what did you just call her?".

he visibly gulps but tries to hide it with a smile, " a hoe is a hoe.." he says uncertain.

I want to shove his face on my knee right now, break  his nose and teeth but I hold back for her.

"leave now without causing a scene or I will have your organs sent to your family." I say low enough for him to hear.

he glares at mio angelo like he wasn't all over her a few minutes ago, "leave" I repeat barely holding myself anymore.

he not only flirted with her, he also touched and disrespected her.

mio angelo takes my hand in her more like on because her hand in too small, the gesture calms me down but not enough to spare his life.

he will suffer to his death.

"let's just go please." she says balancing the little girl on her hip.

I nod but don't move until I send 2 messages to the guards here.

A: there is an asshole wearing a white tuxedo, he seems to be in his 30s. He is near the dance floor area right now, I want him dead by tonight.

A: take his liver and kidney while he is alive but properly  and donate them to a hospital. if they're not good throw them away.

"do you know that fairies are real?" The little girl says with a grin right as a I put my phone in my pocket.

mio angelo smiles at her "really? Have you ever seen one?". the little girl giggles and shakes  her head as a no.

she is going to be a good mom, I know it .

But what about me? Will I be a good father? carrying the little girl and knowing what to say to her was harder than anything I've done. 

that was for less than an hour, Will I be good enough? what if I screw up?

"these are from him, he wants to be your prince."  the little girl says giving mio angelo the flowers.

she smiles at me then at the flowers.

"thank you" she says with a smile of her own but it soon turn into a frown.

she quickly puts the girl down and closes her eyes with her hand on her stomach.

"what's wrong" I ask feeling my soul slowly drifting from me at the thought of something happening to her or our baby.

"it's nothing, don't worry." she takes a deep breath.

Something is clearly wrong, I have to take her to the hospital.

"come on we have to see a doctor.".

she doesn't argue.

"What did you feel?" I ask once we settle in the car.

is it because of stress or was I not too careful with what she ate? is it because of what happened? hell will break loose if anything happens to any of them.

"it's fine don't worry, I just felt some cramps. Sophie had them too and she is fine." she tries to convince me but nothing can.

I speed up to arrive faster, the nearest hospital is 15 minutes away.

"Why did you leave earlier?" She asks out of the blue, the last thing on my mind is what happened , but I answer anyway  " I had to deal with some things.".

" do those things include me throwing the bouquet?", yes but I say "no" a little too fast.

Fuck, all  I care about right now is getting her to the hospital and making sure she is okay.

instead of saying something like I expected her to, she breathes in heavily and closes her eyes for a second.

"you are having them again?" I asked feeling all the color drain from my face.

I pass a red light careful with the other cars when she nods.

I finally see the modern building of the hospital.

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone! I hope you're having a good day.

𖦹Question of the day𖦹

are you on your period?

Friendly reminder---> I'm always free and here to listen if you're going through something and need to vent.

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝~ 2898

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