For I shall already have forg...

Per AugustMoon259

1.6K 71 6

In a world where you're not needed, alone, and forgotten, what is there left to do but disappear? Canada is g... Més

List of Original Characters
1. New Friends
2. An End And A Beginning
3. Alfred F. Jones
4. To Meet Again
5. Coffee, Cats, and Other Conversations
6. Battlefield of the Mind
7. Trick, or Treat?
8. The Places She'll Go
9. Arthur Kirkland
10. Dinner and Dreams
11. Ice Skating
12. The Hidden World

Intermission: America

94 4 2
Per AugustMoon259


When Canada disappeared, suddenly everyone remembered his existence. America had called England and France first about Canada's disappearance. They already knew.

Why would they remember Canada after just having forgotten him earlier that day? Then he got calls from countries that didn't even attend the world meetings: Ukraine, Cuba, Netherlands. They all wanted to know: where's Matthew?

America found it bitterly ironic that it took Canada disappearing entirely for the world to notice his absence.

Almost every country searched for Canada, for the one who wanted to be noticed yet never could. America was surprised that even countries Canada hadn't been very close to, participated in the search for him.

Meanwhile, the Canadian government was relentless.

Canada's phone never turned on again after that day in the hotel. But even so, America was reluctant when he scrapped it. All he had left now was Canada's glasses.

He promised to return them when they met again.


America never gave up. One by one, the countries had abandoned their search, until he was the last. He searched in his own country; he searched in Canada's. Yet he never found a trace of his northern neighbor.

He was desperate to find Canada. What if he forgot him again? Forgot that a personification of Canada had ever even existed? America's search brought him to someone unexpected.

It was Canada's bear. Kumajirou. America recalled how Kumajirou was always with Canada. If he found Kumajirou, then his owner could not be far behind.

America's search took him straight into polar bear territory. He was expecting a cub, not a full grown adult. He had been threatened by another bear when this one appeared to protect him. If that wasn't enough to convince him it was Kumajirou, his capability of human speech did.

"Who are you?"

That familiar question, but an unfamiliar voice. It was no longer a childlike voice, but a mature and deep one. Kumajirou seemed as if he wanted him to be Canada. The bear was disappointed when he revealed himself to be otherwise.

Clearly Canada had not been here either. Despite himself, America came back. Kumajirou was another remnant of Canada, a hope that Canada would return.

Yet bears do not live as long as humans. How then could they live as long as a country? Without Canada, Kumajirou began to age. Every year that America visited, he'd be older. His fur became shaggier, his movements more dull.

America was no stranger to death. None of the countries were. But Kumajirou's death brought with it a pain he thought long gone, back when he had only just started to understand what mortality truly meant.


Eighteen years passed like this. After Kumajirou's death, America officially retired his search for Canada. None of his wanderings had borne fruit. Kumajirou had been his last lead, and even that had ended in failure and disappointment.

The mention of Canada was a sore topic among the countries. His disappearance left too many unanswered questions behind, like why he had disappeared in the first place. The personification was gone, but the nation itself did not simply cease to be.

Even his presence at world meetings, or rather lack thereof, inspired guilt among the countries. America most of all.

How must Canada have felt, being ignored by those who were supposedly his friends and allies? America thought of this, and realized he never truly knew who Canada was.

As far as he could recall, it was always Canada who made time for him, never vice versa. And when they were with each other, America still made it all about himself.

Is that who Canada was? Someone reusable, interchangeable...disposable?

No. Canada was...a country. He's strong, and brave. Smart, and intelligent. He's not someone to be looked down upon, and America could attest to that fact.

If he was being honest with himself, he envied Canada. Canada had a way with words America did not, and it was Canada who had peacefully gained his independence from England. Canada, who got along with just about everyone.

There was also a time when Canada had been too shy to talk to America, so he relayed what he wanted to say to England instead. That had been awkward for the both of them, but now America felt the roles were reversed.

This time, there'd be no intermediary. The words he wanted to say to Canada, if they ever met again, he hoped he could tell him face to face.


On one of the occasions America had a break from work, he was back in his capital, Washington D.C. These days, world meetings were more like "meetings" and less like an excuse to goof off.

But there's no rest for the wicked. There had been a worrying uptick in crime after dark lately, particularly around the National Mall area.

America took it upon himself to catch the criminals. The local law enforcement were well aware of who he was, so he'd have no problem turning the "bad guys" in.

That night was supposed to be like any other, until he caught sight of the perpetrator dragging a lone woman into an alleyway.

Now this will be too easy..., America thought. Empty street? Check. Dim lighting? Check. Any other bystanders nearby? Nope. He cracked his knuckles in anticipation as he got ready to follow the culprit into the alley.

But hold on...who the heck is that?

There was another person sneaking into the alleyway! From the looks of it, this person was also a woman. He'd have to hurry before this would-be do-gooder becomes the next victim.

As he ran to the scene of the crime, America expected to hear shouts, sounds of struggle, or anything really, but the alley was strangely quiet. When he arrived at the entrance, he saw an unexpected sight: the woman who had brazenly went after the criminal, was now choking him!

In fact, she knocked him out so quickly that barely fifteen seconds had passed before he was on the ground, and she was rummaging through her bag for duct tape.

America stood in shocked silence, until he came to his senses as the mysterious woman was about to duct tape the felon's legs.

"Need some help with that?"

The woman flinched, as she nearly dropped her tape in surprise. She whirled around, giving America his first good look at her face. What he saw made him breathless.

Her eyes. They were the same as his - as Canada's. America would recognize them anywhere.

Her face too, while softer than Canada's, bore an uncanny resemblance. And her glasses made their similarities all the more apparent.

America found himself unable to look away as they started a conversation together. She was nervous, and stuttered over her words while she introduced herself.

Her name was like Canada's too. Madeline Williams.

Could this all be a coincidence? Perhaps. But one too many coincidences were hard to ignore.

Madeline looked like Canada, she acted like Canada, and within her, America could see that same spark of defiance. Right down to her refusal to be acknowledged for her heroism.

So he did something unexpected. He gave her his address. America observed as she left the alley, back to the metro and wherever she had come from. A vision from a waking dream.


When he arrived home, America searched for Madeline's name on the internet out of curiosity.

He was amazed to discover that she was well known in the photography industry. Despite only being eighteen, she had years of experience with a camera. From a young age, she had already won contests and prizes.

Today, she mainly specialized in travel photography, although she was adept in other fields too.

Who was she? Why did she remind him so much of Canada? Is there a reason she appeared so abruptly in his life?

Could Madeline possibly be Canada?

...No, that was crazy. Nonetheless, America was barely able to contain his excitement the next morning as he waited for her arrival.


America realized something.

...Madeline was cute.

She liked maple with her coffee (and maple with almost anything). She liked sweets. She could talk endlessly about her favorite movies and shows or books.

But the more America got to know her, the more of a dilemma he found himself in.

It was because of his theory...that Madeline might be Canada.

These were the facts:

- Madeline's birthday is July 1.

- She is eighteen, meaning she was born around the same time Canada disappeared.

- She has violet eyes.

And more tidbits, like her love of animals, that she played hockey and lacrosse in high school, etc.

Even the most oblivious among the countries would be able to connect the dots.

What is this then? Reincarnation? America supposed it could be possible. Humans were capable of reincarnation, so why not countries?

Then again, their origin and nature is quite murky. America did not remember much from his early days at all, before he was "discovered".

Every country knows eventually that they exist because of their "nations" and their citizens...their people.

Because humans have more power than they realize. They can establish a country (the micronations had to have come from somewhere), just as easily as they can destroy it.

It was easier to understand how a personification of a country could be created, rather than how they "die".

America knew that he couldn't keep this to himself forever. It was time to tell the others.


While Madeline was off exploring and no doubt taking plenty of pictures, America sent a memo to the Allies and the Axis for a virtual conference.

Everyone was curious as they logged on to hear what America had to say.

"Look, there's no easy way to say this, but...I think I found Canada."

The reactions were just about as expected.

England spat out his tea, France stopped brushing his hair, Russia looked mildly interested, and China glanced at Japan. Japan adopted an expression more serious than his usual face, while Germany stopped lifting his weights. Italy was being Italy.

"What the bloody hell are you on about, America?! Canada is...Canada is gone! He's not coming back!"

"Oui. Mon petit Mathieu...mon petit Mathieu est parti."

"No, England. No, France. He's not gone, and I have proof."

America pulled up a picture he had taken of Madeline with his phone. She was holding his cat Bucky in her arms while she smiled towards the camera.

"Do you see this woman? Anything seem odd to you?"

"What about her? She looks like a nice young lady, but I -"

England's words caught in his throat as he looked closer at the picture.

"Yes, it's true. She has violet eyes. Just like Canada's."

"That...that's not definitive proof. While it's not a common eye color, perhaps it's a rare mutation, or she could be wearing contacts -"

"No. I noticed while she was staying over at my place that she never took them off before she went to sleep. You take off contacts before you go to sleep, don't you?"

"Why, Amérique, I didn't think you had it in you!"

"Ugh, it's not like that! She had a lot of driving ahead of her the next day, so I offered to let her stay the night and rest."

America felt exasperated at France's antics. He sighed and looked at the eight other countries on screen.

"Aside from physical similarities, she acts a lot like Canada. She has the same birthday as him, she likes the same things he did, and I even noticed she carries a stuffed polar bear with her."

America felt slightly melancholy at the mention of "polar bear", remembering Kumajirou and the last moments before his passing. He'd kept the discovery of Kumajirou and Kumajirou's demise to himself. Telling the other countries would have made no difference, or bring Canada back.

"The timeline fits, because she was born eighteen years ago."

"And what exactly do you think we should do with this information? Supposing this woman is really Canada, what are our next steps?"

England's eyebrows were furrowed together as he frowned. While America, France, and England were engaged in conversation, the other members of the Allies and the Axis had yet to speak up.

Japan broke the silence to offer his opinion.

"Ah, America-san, who is this woman? You have not told us her name. And if she is a human...I do not think it out of the realm of possibility that she could be Canada-san. I once had a micronation, the Republic of Niko Niko. But, he decided to become human. Would the opposite hold true?"

It took a moment for everyone to realize that Japan had spoken, and not only that, but that he spoke so much.

"Dude, Japan! You're a genius! If countries can become humans, why not the opposite? And her name...her name is Madeline Williams. She's a photographer."

The next to speak up was Germany.

"Ja, I've got it! If Ms. Madeline can't remember that she was once Canada, then we just have to get her to remember! She needs to meet with all of us! Maybe that will jog her memory!"

"Ve~ But Germany! Will she even want her memories back? After all, we were all so mean to Canada...we forgot about him..."

Italy's last statement was a painful, but true reminder.

Canada felt so much loneliness and despair, that his last resort was to disappear from the world. The last thing that anyone wanted for Canada's reincarnation was to bring back that suffering.

America clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"I know that better than anyone! I'm supposed to be Canada's closest ally, but I...I let him end up in that state. If Canada really doesn't want to come back, then...Madeline won't remember. Those memories will remain buried forever. But if they don't...I want to apologize to Canada."


That was how the Allies and the Axis devised a plan to bring back Canada's memories, under the guise of an exchange program around the world.

America was unsure if this scheme of theirs would work. Since their first meeting in the alleyway, Madeline had yet to show signs of remembering her past life.

In fact, her reaction to him was by all means normal. They acted as friends did, exchanged contact information, and played games with each other, but nothing was out of the ordinary.

Halloween was almost upon them, and Madeline would be back to visit again soon.

America decided not to be a downer. He'd make this a great Halloween for Madeline.

When it came time for her to sleep over for the night, he didn't think deeply of it. America couldn't have predicted that Madeline would be afflicted with nightmares.

He awoke during the night because of a dry throat. It was so annoying that it prevented America from going back to sleep, at least until he got a glass of water.

After successfully downing a glass, America passed by the guest room, aka Madeline's temporary bedroom. He would have ignored it, were it not for the sound of crying.

America entered the room, and found Madeline gasping and sobbing. He shook her awake in alarm.

"Hey! Wake up! Maddie! Wake up!"

Fortunately, she did wake up. But unfortunately, she was still distressed and not in the right state of mind. America had to use his experience with panic attacks and calming others down (or sometimes himself) to make Madeline feel better.

He was extremely lucky to have Bucky. America loved his goofball of a cat, even when the little doofus stole his hamburgers.

Bucky proved tonight that the sidekick had become the hero.


Madeline had a nightmare. Whatever it was, she was so engrossed in it that America had to literally get her to shake it off.

Is this...Canada's memories coming back to her? America was worried this would happen.

A country's history can't only consist of triumphs and victories. There were losses too, and memories that still leave scars, physical and mental. America knew this. Canada did as well.

He wished the process could be less painful. If Madeline had to relive each memory like this, America believed that instead of Canada, what would be left was a traumatized Madeline.

Another thing he'd have to make up to Canada for.

Well, if America couldn't stop this, or make it not difficult for Madeline, he had to distract her from her troubles. Soothe her aching heart and mind.

What better way than a Halloween filled with mischief and merrymaking?

Madeline was an unexpectedly good cook (because Canada always did make the best pancakes for breakfast...)

And the Little Red Riding Hood outfit Madeline wore matched perfectly with his "Big Bad Wolf'' getup. America requested Madeline wore a costume related to fairy tales, but they had somehow ended up coordinating together.

They visited his favorite cafe, then the National Air and Space Museum, and their last stop, the Smithsonian National Zoological Park.

This was going to be the highlight of Madeline's Halloween, not that she knew it yet. America was overjoyed to see her enjoying the animal exhibits and other costumed visitors.

He'd visited this zoo hundreds of times, ever since its opening in 1889. America was no stranger to the animals here, but he still made a show of seeing them for Madeline's benefit.

Now the next part had to be planned carefully. He hated putting Madeline on the spot and having to leave her by herself until their performance on stage, but he needed to talk to the technicians.

America was aware of the big Halloween bash the Smithsonian National Zoo held every year. An employee at the zoo tipped him off about the new addition to the costume contest.

After a month of talking to her and getting to know her, America knew that Madeline could think quickly on her feet. Even with no prior warning, she'd be able to pull off an engaging act.

But Madeline's acting completely blew him away. She looked so carefree and happy on the stage, as if the events of the night before had never occurred.

He teased her for it later, but it was all worth it to see her honest smile.

America hoped that after meeting the other countries, she'd still be able to smile like this. 

This chapter's flower: Achillea millefolium, more commonly known as yarrow. 

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