
By OrnsteinSlayer

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This year begins in a plot future of 2020 As all of you Know Tom Felton decided that to have a Harry Potter R... More

Chapter 1: Harry Potter Reunion
Chapter 2: The Greatest HP Reunion Ever
Chapter 3: Amazing Day Ever
Chapter 4: Dinner At Seven, Char?
Chapter 5: Sweetest Love (Explicit)
Chapter 6: You Slept With- Tom...
Chapter 7: Soulmates And Always
Chapter 8: Venice Beach
Chapter 9 : Celebration Party
Chapter 10: I think I had Too Much
Chapter 11: I've Always Love You
Chapter 12: Two Red Lines
Chapter 13: You Have To Tell Him
Chapter 14: Were... Having A Child?
Chapter 15: Two Peas In A Pod
Chapter 16: Is it a Secret?
Chapter 17: A Merry Feltson Christmas
Chapter 18: Dinner With The Watsons
Chapter 19: Proposal And Desired Pleasures (Explicit)
Chapter 20: Not Wanting Each Other Apart (Explicit)
Chapter 21: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Chapter 22: Luckiest Day of Their Lives
Chapter 23: Happy Valentines Day
Chapter 24: Valentines Surprises
Chapter 25: The Unexpected
Chapter 26: Telling Everyone (Explicit)
Chapter 27: The Charity Golfing Match
Chapter 28: Adorable Baby Kicks
Chapter 29: Emma's Birthday Gift
Chapter 30: Emma's Birthday Surprise
Chapter 31: Lovely Days Goes On Forever.
Chapter 32: The Greatest Day Of Their Lives
Chapter 33: Getting Fiesty Aren't We?
Chapter 34: Mr & Mrs. Felton

Epilogue: 2 Years Later...

766 12 13
By OrnsteinSlayer

Years had passed since after their wedding. Emma & Tom were back and were still active actors to this day and had multiple projects since after their wedding. Despite their busy schedules as actors. The couple still manages their time for each other along with their children. 

Their children meanwhile, Andrew & Charlotte, had also grown beautifully together after 2 years had passed, but ever since the birth of their twins. The fans and the media around the world have given them respective privacy for their personal life as a family. 

Daniel meanwhile finally proposed to his long-time girlfriend Erin Drake and surprisingly announced to the world that they're also expecting a baby together, making their fans and the media around the world surprised by the news, congratulating them both as they're now preparing themselves for the new chapter of their lives as parents.

Matthew meanwhile with his long-time wife Angela Jones had also surprisingly announced to the world that they're also expecting a baby together at the end of this year, making their friends, family, and their fans, surprised by the news as everyone congratulated them both also as soon-to-be-parents.

After years of their relationship together. Louis Cordice finally married his lovely fiance, Natalie Green at St Mary Axe, London on December 17th, 2022, making their friends & families, and their fans around the world, congratulated them as they couldn't felt happier already for the lovely couple along with their wonderful children.

Evanna meanwhile still continued her career as a vegan activist and an actress. Her relationship on the other hand surprisingly went back to Robbie Jarvis, making her fans & the media shocked by the news as they both explained: That They decided to give their relationship another second chance for maybe they might work again, but in a better way as they should.

Bonnie Wright meanwhile also continues her career as an activist, actress, and director.
Her relationship for the meantime is currently still single to this day and she explains to the media: That she's currently holding up for 'Love' at the right time and place, before finally getting herself ready in a relationship she would enjoy for the rest of her life.

And Rupert Grint for the least had finally proposed & married his long-time girlfriend, Georgia Groom, making fans and their families, and their friends around the world congratulated them as they can finally soon enough begin their new lives together as a happy family along with their two-year-old daughter, Wednesday.


2 Years laters...

"Tom? Andrew? Charlotte? I'm home!" Emma called in around the house as she was finally back after having a one-hour shoot from Vogue's magazine.

"Mummy!" Charlotte runningly squealed as she jumps into her mother's arms, greeting her with an affectionate kiss on the lips. 

Emma giggled as she kisses back her little princess affectionately in the cheeks. "Oh Sweetheart," She said very dearly in her arms just as then Willow came around the corner. "Oh, hello Willow!" Caressing her head nicely before going back to her daughter.

"Where's Daddy and your brother?" She asked while her eyes roamed around the empty living room. "Love!?" 

"Were here, Darling!" Tom called in from the kitchen, making Emma made her way towards the kitchen with Charlotte in her arms.

Stepping into the kitchen, Emma giggly smiled as she notices her boys were having some fun time together in the kitchen.

"Hey Love," He chuckled as he stops playing his guitar, going up to her as he gives his wife a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Mummy!" Andrew runningly squealed making Emma put down Charlotte on her feet as she picks up her little prince in her arms, giving him a nuzzling kiss on the cheeks, making him giggled.

"Mummy!" He whiningly pouted making Emma heartily laughed as she pinches her son's cheeks cutely before putting him down on his feet.

"Did you both behave while I was gone, hmm?" She cooingly asked, Kneeling down between them as her children happily nodded at her question.

"Yes, Mummy!" Charlotte happily said making Tom laughingly chuckled at his daughter before looking into his wife.  "Bwather and I bin behaving since you left!" she explained joyfully.

"Yeah Mummy, even Daddy tot me to dance!" He giggled, making Tom laughingly chuckled at his son as he shakingly caresses his fingers through his soft curly hair.

"Yes you did, Sport!" He laughingly smiled before turning to his wife. "I taught him how to do it..." He jokingly whispered mouthly, making her laugh.

"I can see that!" Emma playfully said before kissing both of her children's hairs. "Sweethearts, why don't you both play together in the living room with Willow, hmm? Daddy and I need to talk for a moment, okay?"

"Okay, Mummy!" They cheerfully said in unison before giving their mother and father another kiss as they made their way towards the living room with Willow following their tail.

Watching their twins finally left them alone. Emma then grabs his hands gently. "Come," she said softly with a smile, giggling, as she guided his husband away from the kitchen.

"Where?" He chuckled as he let his wife lead him.

Finally stepping into the pool area. Emma closes the window door behind them so none of their children can eavesdrop on their conversation... For now.

"So Love..." He chuckled, looking around before turning back to her. "What are we- Mphm!" But before he could finish his words. His wife kisses him passionately off guard, Eventually leading him to kiss her back passionately in his arms. 

Kissing her more heatedly with passion as their lips perfectly molded together from one side to another. Tom finally parted slowly from her lips as he smiles endearingly over his beautiful wife.

Giggling softly between her breaths. Emma slowly places her hand gently on her husband's chest, feeling his heartbeat. "Tom..." She said in a sudden voice, making Tom looked at her endearingly over her beautiful brown orbs while touching her face dearly.

"Yes, Love?" He said softly within his voice, kissing her dearly on the forehead. "What is it?" He asked.

Emma looked down at his chest for a moment, feeling nervous about the news she's about to tell him.

"Love?" His voice repeated again before finally she looks up to him once again with a deep sigh.

She smiled softly. "Remember the last time when Andrew & Charlotte asked us something they wanted before Christmas?"

Tom looked down for a moment as he tries to remember what their children wanted before Christmas...


It was Tuesday on September 7th, 2023 and they were planning to take their kids out for a walk-in public.

Tom was just preparing and grabbing his denim jacket and sneakers from his wardrobe when suddenly his daughter's voice echoed through the halls, calling out his name.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Charlotte repeatedly called as she steps into the room making him turned around to notice her she's finally dressed. "What do you think, Daddy? Am I beautiful?" She asked, spinning herself around to present her same outfit as her mother.

Tom laughingly chuckled as he carries her daughter cheeringly in his arms. "Of course you are, My Princess, in fact, you kinda look like your mother already!" He observed, making Charlotte laughingly giggled at him.

"Really!?" She beamingly asked.

"Mhmm," He happily nodded. "Speaking of your outfit. Where's your brother?"

"He's still with Mummy, Daddy," She explained as her father put her down by her feet.

Just then Andrew's voice echoed through the halls, making them both turned at the open door.

"Daddy! Daddy! look!" He runningly squealed, entering the room as Emma followed his son behind, wearing the same outfit as her daughter while she leans against the door, crossing her arms out as she watches her son adoringly while explaining the outfit he's wearing just like his.

"I can see that, Sport!" He chuckled, before turning to his wife as she winks at him. 

Putting Andrew down on his feet. Tom lovingly smiled at his wife. "Come here," He gesturingly whispered, making Emma come over to him, kissing him sweetly on the lips.

"Mummy!..." They giggled teasingly as Emma and Tom broke out from their kiss, making them both giggled at their children.

"What? Is there something wrong if kiss your father?" She cheekily asked, making Tom blushed as their twins giggled once again. 

"No Mummy," Andrew replied without any objections. "It's just-"

"-Are you planning to give us a baby bwather now, Mummy!?" Charlotte supplied with excitement in her voice, making her twin brother agree with her question.

"Yeah, Mummy are you!?" Andrew asked again, glancing at their mother and father excitedly. 

Emma and Tom look at each other blushingly before kneeling down at their children, caressing both of their hairs as they assuringly smiled at them.

"Not now, Sweethearts. Maybe soon enough we will," She understandingly explained as she & Tom look at each other understandingly with smiles before turning back to their children.

"Yeah, guys, maybe soon enough, your Mother & I, will..." He promisingly said with a promising smile.

Andrew & Charlotte let out a sadly disappointed sound as they look at their parents sadly. "You promise?" They asked in unison as Emma and Tom happily nodded at their children.

"We promise sweethearts. We promise," She promisingly smiled as they both hugged their children lovingly in their arms.

"We want a baby brother before Christmas comes, Daddy!"  Andrew wished, making his twin sister agree with him.

"Yeah, Daddy! We promise we'll take care of him when he's born! After all, he's our little bwather!" Charlotte promised, making Emma and Tom chuckled at their son and daughter's wishes while they parted from their hugs.

"But what if Mommy's giving you both a little sister?" He questionably asked both of his children while Emma agreed on his husband, knowing there could also be a chance they'll be having a baby girl.

"Yeah Sweethearts," Emma agreed with her husband. "What if I'm having a baby girl? Would you two still accept it?" She asked both of her children, repeating her husband's question.

Andrew and Charlotte happily nodded at their mother and father's questions immediately.

"Of course we will, Mummy!" They answered happily, making Emma and Tom happily smiled at their children as they completely understand that really wanted to have a sibling together.

"Alright..." Emma sigh, looking down as she and Tom understandingly smiled at each other before turning back to their children."We'll think about it, okay Sweethearts?" Caressing both of theirs hairs as they beamingly brighten at their parent's response.

"Yay!!!" They happily squealed, raising up their hands up in the air happily as Emma and Tom laughingly hearted at their children's reaction.

"Alright come along now you both!" Tom said happily, changing off the subject as he and his wife together with their children made their way towards the front porch. "Come on, Wills!" He called as Willow came around the corner of the kitchen as she follows them behind their trail as she hops in on their family SUV, Range Rover.

-End Of Flashback-

"W-Wait-What!?..." His voice suddenly became shocked as his eyes widened, looking at his wife. "No way! Are you-" But before he could finish the last word. Emma already nodded at him, knowing whats he's about to say.

"Congratulations!" She announced happily, giggling, as Tom could believe it with his own eyes.

He's going to be a father once again...

Chuckling speechlessly he reached up and embraced his wife joyfully as they couldn't believe they're going to be parents once again, but this time as a married couple with their third child on the way.

Parting from their embrace. He kissed her lovingly on the lips, feeling the moment they're having together as soon-to-be parents once again in their life.

"How?" Still chuckling speechlessly as he placed his hands gently on her flattened stomach.

Emma giggled as she gave her husband another kiss. "Last week!" She replied happily. "You know what this means, right?"

Tom chuckled softly within his breath as he leaned in and kissed his wife passionately once again. "Yep!" Knowing their twins are now going to be soon elder siblings.

Emma giggled and kisses her husband once again with an adoring smile. "I love you..." She said sweetly in her voice.

"I Love you too..." He smiled, cupping her face endearingly before placing his hands once again on her flattened belly. "Together with our twins and this baby within you, Love..." He added making her giggled softly in her breath as she looks down, holding his hands on her belly.

"Forever, Tom?" She asked softly, looking up to him.

Tom smiled endearingly at her. "Forever and ever, Em..." He promised before finally kissing her passionately in his arms, feeling the moment they've been together for years as best friends before finally ending up as couples, together with three lovely children in their lives as a family...


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