A Wolf and his Star

By Nonbinarywildfire

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My new thing is reading the other fics in the lotus yall add mine to <3 A wolfstar story from when they we... More

1, first year: New Friends and Sorting
2, first year : Mastermind
3, first year: Nicknames and Parents
4, first year: Pens and Marauders
5, second year: Home Again
6, second year: Love and Fashion
7, second year: Freedom
8, second year: Secrets
9, second year: Moony's Gift
10, second year: Bracelets
11, second year: First Moon
12, second year: end of year
13, third year: Pride <3
14, third year: Almost There
15, third year: The End, or is it?

16, Epilogue

54 1 0
By Nonbinarywildfire


We finished school. It wasn't a nice time because of the upcoming war but I was glad to share it with my family, my real family, my friends. Remus and Lily said that muggles do this thing where they wear special robes and a weird square hat when they graduate. I didn't think they ever wore robes. Lily and Remus got us all the muggle grad outfits and we threw the weird hats in the air as Remus told us too at the potter house during our grad party.

We convinced our parents to get a tv. Remus helped us set it up in my room. We watched a bunch of movies that they recommended. After the party, James watched The Princess Bride so many times that I made sure he got his own tv.

Remus got me a phone. I still haven't figured out how to use it



Remus got some kind of certificate. He did some courses so he could do the wedding.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here for a wedding, obviously, you all got the invitations. What is marriage? Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us together today. Mawage, that blessed awangement, that dweam wifin a dweam. And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva. So tweasure your wuv" remus laughed "Okay now the vows, lily?"

'No one can hurt me. Potter and I are joined by the bonds of love. And you cannot track that, not with a thousand bloodhounds, and you cannot break it, not with a thousand swords. Hear this now, potter: I will always come for you. And you might ask: But how can you be sure? And I will reply, This is true love. You think this 

happens every day? Because with you not even Death can stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while. Also I love you or whatever.


"True love is the greatest thing in the world... except for a nice MLT. Mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomatoes are ripe. They're so perky; I love that. And, Lily, i"ll follow you anywhere, even if you decide to become some local fisherman, and go out for pleasure cruises at night in eel-infested waters."

"Do you james potter take lily evans to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?

"I do"

"Do you lily evans take james potter to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?"

"I do!'

"The rings?"

Peter brought the rings forwards and they put them on each other

"By the power vested in me by the state of what place I got this power from, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss each other"

They kissed <3

"I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Potter!"

The clapping was louddd



"Remus, you're the only logical one. Take care of James. We have to go to the hospital but he's going to panic more than me."

"Of course he is."

"What!!?? It's time??" James said, overhearing us. "Okay it'll be okay lily well be okay. Baby Harry is going to come out beautiful and healthy and it's going to be great."

"I'm excited to meet harry!" peter said

Of course James was like this the whole time the way there and while she was in labor (hw wasn't allowed in because of that) I was with her and Sirius was similar to James so they both waited. Peter helped James and Sirius stay calm. Reg wasn't as excited and he stayed in the waiting room with the three.

But once Harry was born.. James was the happiest and most loving. That's how he is. Harry stole my heart faster than even Sirius Black. All of us, even reg, would do anything for Harry the moment he was born.


"I'm sorry everyone. I know that Harry was just born a week ago but this is important. There is a spy in the order. "

Here were gasps from almost everyone.

"Furthermore, You-Know-Who is going after Harry. He believes a prophecy and wants the boy dead."

James started crying. Harry soon followed, then his mother. A few minutes and Sirius started. Peter couldn't hold his tears and then I couldn't help shed a few.

"We plan to only give information on a need to know basis and no one will know the full plan."

That day I knew it'd be a while before I saw James, Lily, or Harry again.



"None of them will ever suspect it,'' I said, thinking I was smart. "Peter is perfect for this. Not even Remus knows about the switch." We were sitting in james' parents house. Remus had left to get ready for the moon.

"Peter?" james asked

They looked thoughtful. "Yeah I think that'll work."

James, Lily, Peter and the potter's son Harry, sweet Harry, went out of the room. Harry was in his mother's arms. They put the Fidelius charm on Peter, making him the secret keeper.

After one last goodbye, the Potter family went somewhere safe.

I was antsy and restless. It wasn't a good idea to find any of the marauders right now. The Order hadn't given me any more tasks that night, but I couldn't sleep.

It was maybe two am. I was still awake. A stag filled my dark room with light. James' patronus. I got up and the patrous said a location in James' voice. "Protect them. I love you both." He meant me and remus. Remus...if he was the spy.. How? How'd he arrange this? He had the moon?? Unless I was wrong? I apprated to the spot. I ran in. James is dead. No no no no I cant I cant no no. I started crying. I ran away from his body trying to find Lily and Harry. There! No... Lily's body.. Oh! Harry.. I picked him up and held him close.

Where's Wormtail? I walked around with baby harry. I didn't find him. He must've left to find help or something. I walked outside. Aurors! Maybe they can help find He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

I was about to say something when one of the aurors said something first. "Sirius black. Put down the child and step away." they all had their wands pointed at.. Me.

"What? Excuse me? Why do I have to put down my godson?"

"You are being arrested for the murder of peter pettegrew and the betryal of james and lily potter's location."

"What? Peter is- Peter is dead?" I tried not to cry. I gently laid Harry on the grass. He started to cry. "There must-there- no uh... where is Peter's body? I didn't- I swear- no!"

Another auror laughed bitterly. "All you leave of your supposed best friend is a finger and you have the nerve to pretend you don't know what's going on? All the evidence says it's you black. You are just like your family, eh?"

I cried and let the aurors take me. I watched Harry leave through my tear filled eyes.



Finally home. I hate every moon without them. I looked around the potter house for Peter and sirius. Maybe Peter is still at the new potter house. Maybe Sirius is on a mission. It all felt off. The phone rang. No. it's not bad. It's just nerves. Because of the moon.


"I-i thought you should know." Mary's cracked tear filled voice came out the other side of the phone. It's just because it's a phone. Bad service or something. It's fine.

 "Know what? Are you okay?"

"it's - it's not me.. It's um *sob* it's the p-potters."

"The potters? W-what happened?"

"S-sirius.. He-he was the spy.."


"They're gone, remus. Peter, the potters. gone. "

I was silent for a minute. Silent tears ran down my face, wetting my shirt. "And siri- uh him?"

"They got him. You know.. All-all that was left of p-peter was a finger."


"Im sorry remus."

"Me too. I l-love you mary. Take care of yourself."

"Y-you too. I lo-love you"

I slumped against the wall in the hallway. I looked at my shaking hands. Tears contend their way down my face. My eyes caught on my bracelet. Almost 10 years old. A little book charm. The reddish yellow faded to look kinda pink and the orange was lighter. I gripped my wrist to my chest. It was all I had left of James potter.



I screamed for days, it felt like. Grief in Azkaban is possibly the worst feeling. I think it would've taken a week to go insane if not for the bracelet. Little star and moon. It didn't take long for me to decide that it wasn't moony. He had the moon.

Once I couldn't take it anymore, I turned into a dog. Everything was less complicated that way.


It took me two weeks to decide that Sirius was innocent.

Either way I had no idea what to do. I shut myself in my apartment. Most of the day was spent pacing until my legs hurt.


I only knew it was three weeks because I turned into a human three times a day for meals and once a day I carved a line into the wall.

The door opened. I couldn't believe it was happening. I blinked in the light. They cast spells over me. I didn't have my wand anyway.

Soon I was stuffed into a compartment of sorts and was transported who-knows-where. I didn't bother asking.

I was pulled into a building. Then into a cell. This was similar to the cell I was in while wanted for my very very short trial. Except.. The door was just bars. Someone could see my entire body through them. This was a cell meant for talking to someone. I held my wrist to my chest taking in the onk comfort I had, my bracelet.


I looked up from my wrist. It was him, Remus. I didn't know how to act. He probably thought I was guilty. Should I even say his name? "Um.. hi"

"Look at me."

I had been avoiding his eyes. If i was in his place i wouldn't want him to look at me but i wasn't him. I looked.

"Did.. did you do it?"

He was unsure? "They say i did"

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you did if you did."

"I didn't." I said quietly.

"Tell me what happened." we both sat on the floor

"I- um.. We made Peter the secret keeper."

Remus' head shot up from looking at the ground and he stood up and paced a few paces before saying, "he did it."


"Nevermind, just continue."

"O..kay? Well um so at around maybe 2 am that night, james' patronus told me where they were and that..he told me to protect them, Lily and harry. And that he loved us both, you and me. So I raced to the house. By the time I got there Voldemort was gone and they were dead. Only Harry was alive."

"harry 's alive?"

"Yes? Well he was when I was arrested. Is he dead?"

"I-i don't know. Mary said the potters were d-dead. I-i-i assumed that .. that she meant all of them. The only contact ive had was trying to talk to you"

"You? You were.. how i'm here?"


I took a deep breath and continued. "I took Harry to look for Wormy but he wasn't there. The aurors told me that he was dead and that I killed him. All that was left was a finger."

"So no witnesses?"

"No.. I guess not."

"How do we know wormy's dead then?"

"Well he was declared dead? Oh!"


"He's a rat isn't he?"

"Oh bloody fxxking merlin."

"So.. how's it going?"

"No, I should be asking you that! Azkaban?"

"It's not fun. Zero out of ten, would not recommend."

"What do we do, sirius?" He attempted to put his hand through the bars but the charm stopped him.

"Jailbreak? I'm just kidding but I don't know."


"I'm always sirius."





"We're getting you out."

"Legally right?"


"Yes, I don't want to go back but I really, really don't want you to go."

"Fxxk the government. It's war, sirius. The first part is over but I know he's coming back. No matter what, I'm in danger, we all are. Reg misses you sirius. He doesn't believe them either. I only talked to him once but.. Siri.. I think you, me, reg and harry should find an unfindable place. Live like muggles until Harry's old enough to go to hogwarts. Learn how to pardon you."

"as you wish moony"

"Thank you my dear farmer boy."


"Is that Harry Potter??"

"It can't be!"

"Wasn't he raised by a murderer?"

"Is he dangerous?"

Little 11 year old Harry Potter had a black reputation. He showed up without explanation. Little Harry Potter loved fiercely. Little Harry Potter was a gryffindor. Little Harry Potter looked just like his father and mcG loved him for it. From uncle reg he learned to not discriminate against slytherin despite what other gryffindors told him.

Harry james potter didn't shake draco malfoy's hand. Niot because he was a malfoy and not because he was a slytherin, but because he made fun of his friends

"Draco, let's make a little deal, we can talk about Ron's reaction to your name, you both can apologize, and we can consider being friends, or you can walk away right now."

Draco was taken aback by the reaction. "What?"

Harry turned to Ron, full of the Remus Lupin gaze. "Ron? Why is that funny?"

"Uh- he's a malfoy?"

"Why is his family a factor in his personality?"

"Sorry, malfoy." ron said reluctantly

"Uh i'm sorry too.. Ron. I.. have some bad habits."

If anyone asks how inter house relationships happened so smoothly? It all started with Harry Potter and Draco malfoy.

During Harry's third year, Remus finally figured out a way to pardon sirius. After the finding of the map, Peter was recovered. Remus loved teaching and ended up teaching defence for three years. Harry didn't follow his vision because Remus contacted Sirius and he was fine. Regulus never drowned because dumbledore did it all bc i dont like dumbdoor so you better at least do something before you die, headmaster stoopid.

Remus probably had the smarts to check the goblet of the fire cup and Harry would never be allowed to participate. Cedric won and didn't die. The trio had more help in my version. Remus didn't die. Peter didn't escape in third year and was sent to azkaban.

So yeah, they lived as happily as one could when your best friend dies by the betrayal of another best friend. And you have to live through a whole war. While being in hiding for years. And when one of you is a werewolf.


A journal entry from regulus if he decided not to go with sirius that day

Dec 27

Sometimes I wish I was as brave as my brother. To choose the good side instead of the side that I think will win. Now, I found a way to take him down. Far too late to be considered good, I decided it would be better to die then live in a hell where Voldemort is considered a lord. To die trying. Is that bravery?

If anyone finds this who doesn't know me, my name doesn't matter, for it you would judge me with. I have a raven patronus. They are supposed to be who you are right? I was a death eater, still one I suppose. Soon, I believe I will die. Just know that I might've helped take him down.

I'm going to make a fake locket.

"To the Dark Lord

I now I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who

discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can.

I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more.


Thats what im going to write in the locket


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