A Wolf and his Star

By Nonbinarywildfire

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My new thing is reading the other fics in the lotus yall add mine to <3 A wolfstar story from when they we... More

1, first year: New Friends and Sorting
2, first year : Mastermind
3, first year: Nicknames and Parents
4, first year: Pens and Marauders
5, second year: Home Again
6, second year: Love and Fashion
7, second year: Freedom
8, second year: Secrets
9, second year: Moony's Gift
10, second year: Bracelets
11, second year: First Moon
12, second year: end of year
13, third year: Pride <3
14, third year: Almost There
16, Epilogue

15, third year: The End, or is it?

73 1 0
By Nonbinarywildfire


That month was hell. The rift between me and Sirius seemed to bring Lily and James together. James didn't flirt with Lily and Lily was nice to james.. They seemed to truce over the common goal of getting us back together. Their relationship seemed to be on the back burner.

I didn't sleep well. It seemed that Sirius didn't either. But then the month was over.

"I want things to go back to normal, Remus, or better. It's been a month. The moon is soon."

I thought for a second. "I need to ask something and I just want a clear answer."


"Are you sure you don't just like me because I'm everything your- your former parents didn't like? A halfblood poor werewolf?"

He stared at me for a second. "Definitely not."

I sighed tiredly. "Okay."

"Remus John Lupin, do you like me?"


"Okay, well I'm in love with you. I'm only falling harder."

I stared at the ground trying to absorb all this. "I'm really sorry I made you do all this."

"It's worth it for you."

"I love you too."



"Kiss me?"

I smiled and laughed a bit in relief. "As you wish."

And we kissed. Since the invention of the kiss, there have been five kisses rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind.

Though, I suppose, James would want that quote for his first kiss. A sentence for a happily ever after. Maybe it wasn't a happy ever after but I was happy then.



We hung out in the library like we did often. The others pretended to study while me and sometimes Lily and Regulus actually did.

"Hey guys, Lily, and Peter." reg started

"Yeah?" sirius said

"Hmm?" lily said

"I just wanted to say that im asexual. And biomantic."

"Yay reg! I'm proud of you!" lily said

"Good job reg" i said

"THAT'S MY BROTHER!" sirius yelled

Madam pince glared at him

"That's cool." Peter said.

"We are slowly collecting the rainbow, eh?" james joked

"Collect the rainbow, taste the rainbow." i said

"I love skittles." (not spon) 



I sighed dramatically as I laid in remus' lap. "I want to try to make a patronus."


"They don't teach them in school but I did an animagus. I bet I could do it. "

"Do..do you think you have a happy enough memory?"

"My dear moony, despite my childhood being absolute trash, I have the best group of friends and an amazing boyfriend."

He smiled. "I always wanted to try..but I'm scared."

"Scared of yourself?'

"Scared it'll be me- it'll be the wolf."


"But I want to try."


"Me too!' peter said

"And me!" james said

"I might as well." lily said

"Okay, one moment I have a book on it."

'Of course you do."

"It's interesting!" he yelled behind him as he grabbed it

"My boyfriend is a nerd!'

"You still love me."

"I love that you're a nerd."

"Okay, circle, flick. Expecto patronum. Think of the happiest thing. Not everyone can make a corporeal one. Meaning you might not get an animal."


"It's really difficult so just try."

We all stood at brainstormed memories. Peter started trying his first. After the third one he was able to make a non-corporeal one.

"Good job peter!" Lily said before trying herself.

James got his second and his patronus was a stag. "Of course!"

"Of course?" the stag ran around her

We exchanged glances. "I want to tell her." james said

"What do we say as a reason?" peter asked

"I trust her." Remus said.

"What is going on?"

"To get the full thing we start with me."

"Your patronus?"

"No, my secret."


"Remember when you thought I was trans?'


"Because I had a time of the month?"


"Yeah, well it's a different time of the month."


"The moon."


"i'm -i'm a werewolf."

"Oh-oh wow."


She laughed. "I'm sorry"


"Sirius is really loving out those teen fantasties isn't he?"

He laughed along with her

"What?" i asked

"In muggle books there's some where they find out their lover is a werewolf."

"Oh well I knew he was a werewolf before I dated him."


"Anyway, so sirius?"

"Right, so Remus was all alone during the moons and it hurts so I found a way to be with him."

"And he thought you weren't in love with him?"

She got a smack on the arm from remus. I continued. "This was last January, I think, when I figured it out. We told Remus in april."

"Why that long?"

"That's how long it took."

"What is it?"

"James your turn."

"Okay well so animals can't turn and werewolves only have the urge to bite humans. So we became animagi.."


"Yes." James said. "peter?"

" Okay so it took like four months but Remus said that's lucky. We were lucky. It was very difficult."


"So mine is a stag." James said.

"Can I see?"

"As you wish" james' stag form was big. The height and the leight was the height of a human. That was not including the prongs.

"I.. I'm assuming it wasn't a fork he stabbed you with."

"Exactly!" I then changed and ran over and nudged her hand for pets.

"Okay.. so wormtail?"

Wormy changed into their other form and then back

"Wow." she said

"Yeah!" Peter said.

Me and james changed back

"So.. james' patronus and his animagus form are the same."

"Yup" james said

"What does stag mean?" lily asked

"Usually you're a protector and look out for others." remus answered

Lily and I eventually both casted patrouses. Mine obviously being a dog. It was adorable of course. Lily's was a doe. (AN: i saw tiktoks of someone with a doe named lily, it was so cute <3)

Remus took a bit longer I think because he was nervous. He started crying when he finally did. It was an otter. (an: fxxk jkr) he laughed and cried at the same time. The otter ran around our heads. I cast my dog again and the otter and dog played together.



"Remus.. I think... i think i might-"

"You like james."

"How'd you know??"

"It's obvious."

"What do I do?"

"Tell him?" sirius walked in and said


"What are you worried about?" i asked

"He's been waiting for this for a while.. It's- I mean what if it's.. disappointing?"

"This boy gets excited when you barely look in his direction." i raised an eyebrow


"He's more excited for you to barely say anything to him than he is for his own birthday." sirius added

"Yeah.. but.."

"He is the most caring person on earth. Don't you see how he loves people? How he loves me? How he loves remus? How he loves my brother? He will love you like that, except romantically." sirius continued

"That's why I'm scared. He's so.. Good. and I.."

"He loves you already. Don't insult his taste."

She laughed. "Okay, padfoot, you know him best."



"Hey um.. James?"

"Lily!!" he tilted his head in concern. "Is something wrong?"

"No." she laughed nervously. "On the contrary?"

"Oh! That's good! What's up?'

She frowned in annoyance. "I like you."

"Aw, that's so nice!"

She rolled her eyes and muttered, "of course."

I laughed.

"What?" james said innocently

"I mean I like you like you like me."

His eyes widened in disbelief. "What?"

She sighed. "I have a crush on an idiot."

He smiled and giggled

She looked annoyed. "Did he fxxking- how the fxk am i supposed to deal with with this adorable mess??"

I shrugged. "Kiss him."

She scoffed. "Like he'd get less adorable."

James was now jumping up and down and shaking remus. "She likes me! She likes me! She likes me!"

"Leave my boyfriend alone please."

"Come here prongs" lily said

James walked over. "Hi"

"I'll be your girlfriend if you try not to give Remus a concussion by shaking him."

"Deal!! Yes please!!!"

She kissed him. "Good."



"Wait, Reg!"

"Yes?" reg stopped

"Your birthday was recently but i didn;t get to give you this so, happy birthday."

He opened the envelope that I put it in. It was a necklace with one of those silver circles. Except it was painted with the ace flag. The grey stripe with no paint because it was silver already. "Pretty" he said, a little confused. "What country is that?"

"No, it's not a country flag, it's the asexual flag."

He looked at me with wide eyes. He looked like he was going to cry and then hugged me. He cried a little into my shoulder. He put it on happily and then went off to sit with his friends on the train.

AN: the next chapter is an epilogue

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