The Summer of Beauty, Brains...

By rachgortn

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After Tartarus Percy and Annabeth decide (Sally STRONGLY suggests it) to go to therapy, for well, everything... More

Author's Note


881 17 28
By rachgortn

Frank and Reyna were standing at the end of the aisle.

"Okay." Annabeth whispered. "Get ready."

First Thalia and Will walked down.

They were an odd pair as they walked down.

Thalia a lot shorter but she looked like she could kill you, whereas the 6ft golden retriever on her arm looked like he couldn't step on a bug.

Then Percy and Annabeth.

As they walked down I wanted to look away I really did.

But it was like a ghost.

You were scared but you couldn't look away.

They both looked amazing.

How he looked at her, I knew he was in love with her.

As they walked down I couldn't stop imagining Annabeth in a white dress and Percy in a tux, and me standing next to her.

Not as her wife, her maid of honor.

"Ready?" Leo stood beside me, his arm out.

As a response I took his arm.

We walked down the aisle. I saw a couple of familiar faces, Coach Hedge and Nellie, Connor and Travis, Clarisse and her lover.

As me and Leo separated I took a look out into the audience.


He was there.

In front of me, in the chair we saved for him.

He looked at me and smiled.

I was definitely going insane.

He's dead.

He can't be here.

Next to him I saw Hazel's mom.

And Frank's mom and grandma.

I look to Annabeth and she grabs my hand and squeezes it. Telling me she sees them too.

I looked at Frank who was staring at his mom and grandma.

His mom was in tears in the audience his grandma smiling proudly next to her.

I looked at Jason just to make sure it was him.

He smiled, closer to a smirk.

Like, "You thought you would never see me again huh? Well think again Pipes."

I inspected his lips, the scar was there.

It was definitely Jason.

Thalia was next to Annabeth trying not to cry.

The wedding march started playing. Everyone stood up.

There was Nico in a lilac skirt and white blouse spreading lilac petals on the ground.

Hazel looked beautiful, she was dazzling.

There wasn't one person watching that wasn't in complete awe of her.

I looked at Frank, the 6'3 praetor was in tears.

Hazel's mom was uncontrollably sobbing.

When Nico got down he stood next to me.

"What the Hades Nico?" I asked. "Why are they here?"

"My gift to Frank and Hazel." He whispered back. "I brought back some friends and family."

"You couldn't have told anyone?" I whispered.

"Where's the dramatics in that?"

As Hazel got to the end of the aisle she stopped.

She locked eyes with her mother and just stood there.

Her mom waved her on.

Hazel nodded and proceeded up to Frank.

He reached for her hands.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary folks." Reyna begins. "We are gathered here today to celebrate Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang."

I didn't pay attention I was to busy staring at Jason.

Not like "I'm in love with you" way.

Just reminding myself what he looks like.

I used to be able to count every one of his freckles, line them up like constellations.

I'm still confused on what we were.

I mean I cared about him, I truly did.

I loved him.

But I wasn't with him like I am with Annabeth.

I didn't reach for more of him like I do with Annabeth.

I lay with Annabeth and I still wish she were closer.

I would lay with Jason and my mind would I wander. I would forget he was there even.

But I loved him.

I still do.

"Any objections?" Reyna says.

I look up to Leo looking for an objection.

Percy is holding Leo in a headlock so he can't say anything.

"No?" Reyna says. "Good. By the power invested in me by a website Thalia and Annabeth found when they were drunk, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss."

Frank swept Hazel into a dip and kissed her.

Everyone clapped.

Hazel and Frank walked down the aisle to Classic.

Frank sings "Thinking I was born in the wrong time." a bit to loud. We all laughed.

"Everyone!" Annabeth said getting the attention instantly. "We're having the reception in that canopy, just a reminder the dress code is party casual so you have the option of changing! The first dance will be in 30 minutes! Thank you!"

Everyone exits quickly to change, besides us.

But this time the us includes Jason.

"Dude come here." Percy walked over to Jason and hugs him.

"Move over lord of the bathroom." Thalia says. "He's my baby brother."

We all end up piling into a group hug laughing and crying.

"How?" Annabeth asks.

"Nico." Jason says smiling.

"Eh it was more Will actually." Nico replies.

"Huh?" Will says. "I didn't know about this."

"No but my dad felt bad he forgot about your birthday and didn't get you anything. He asked me what you would like so I said for some friends to come visit."

"Oh." Will shook hands with Jason. "Nice to meet you I'm Will, Nico's boyfriend."

"Wait," Percy says. "so you used Will's birthday gift from your dad to bring Jason, who Will has never met, back from the Underworld for a day?"

"Yep." Nico says.

"Okay." Percy says. "Making sure we're all on the same page."

"I don't care." Will says. "This made Frank and Hazel and all of y'all happy. So it makes me happy." The southern accent really came out when he said that so you know he's happy.

"Aw," I say hugging Will. "you're the sweetest."

"I know." Will jokes.

"We've gotta go change." Annabeth says. "Jason we'll catch up in a minute okay?"

"Don't worry," He says. "Caligula isn't here so I shouldn't die within a couple seconds."

As we all leave there's one person still there with Jason.


They stand 5 feet apart just staring at each other.

"Hey." Jason says his voice cracking.

"Hey man.." Leo says tears in his eyes.

"I never got to see you. You know. When I was dying that's what I was thinking about."

"I'm sorry." Leo says crying now. "I'm really sorry, I thought I would see you again. I thought we would have more time."

"Well we have it now."

Leo tackles Jason into a giant hug.

Annabeth and I stopped to watch.

She smiles at me and grabs my hand to go to the hotel.

I drop her off at her room, I kiss her then head up to the 5th floor.

I quickly change into a white short skirt and a green cropped tank-top.

I walked down to the 3rd floor and knock on Annabeth's door.

She steps out, wow.

I need to start using better adjectives to describe her but English is a really boring class.

She had brown paper-bag shorts and a light blue tank top, her hair is down a sea of honey curls trickling down her head.

"Wow." I say probably for the millionth time since I've known her. "You're beautiful. Like truly beautiful you know?"

She smiles at me. "Come on let's go watch Frank trip over his own feet." She grabs my hand as we start down the stairs.

We walked down into the large canopy.

Everyone was already there, Leo was wearing denim shorts with the same shirt from earlier, but 4 buttons undone this time.

Basically what Jason's wearing. Leo was now also wearing the suit jacket Jason had on earlier, but it's much to large.

Will had on a basic white shirt and khakis.

Nico wearing that same shirt but in black and with white shorts.

Thalia black leather shorts and a red halter top.

Reyna with the same thing but with a purple halter top.

The pairs matching was kinda cute honestly.

The next pair matching was not cute.

Percy steps through the canopy wearing brown shorts and a light blue button down.

Him and Annabeth were matching.

"What the Hades?" I ask her.

"I don't know! I didn't even know he bought that."

"Didn't you go shopping with him?" I asked accusingly.

"Yea but I didn't see what he bought, I swear."

"I find that hard to believe."

"What?" She asks.

"You were with him all day, you missed our date, and you ran in to the rehearsal dinner holding his hand. It doesn't take an idiot to think something went on."

"You think," She laughed. "you think something happened between us because we're wearing similar outfits? Piper that makes no sense."

She was right of course, but I didn't care.

I wanted to scream at her, I wanted to tell her I was tired of her loving both of us.

She said she was mine for the summer.

The summers not over yet.

We have 3 weeks till college at New Rome starts.

That's when we're over.

Not yet.

I wanted to tell her all of this but I couldn't.

I couldn't bring myself to even think about losing her, even when I'm angry.

Frank and Hazel walked in.

Hazel was wearing a short white dress and Frank was wearing lilac colored shorts and a white top.

Everyone cheered as they walked in hand in hand.

Frank twirled Hazel out to the dance floor and the first dance song started playing.


Basic but it fit them.

Hazel's wide-eyed grin and Frank's cheeks turning as red as Kayla Knowles' hair.

They were in love.


I wonder if either of them ever loved another person.

They were together as long as Percy and Annabeth.


How can you love two people at the same time?

I wonder that every now and again but I realized I did.

I loved Jason, and I still do.

But I love Annabeth, and I loved her back then.

I loved them both.

I love them both.

I guess in your heart you always have that place for the first person you loved.

That person that you kissed, on a rooftop, in a cafeteria, at the park.

The person you wrote down all your thoughts about in that journal.

That journal that doesn't exist anymore.

That journal that was ripped apart because the girl who you love's boy that she loves is crazy in love with her.

I wonder if that's safe.

For him.

Or for her.

Or for the world.

That you love someone so much you go insane at losing them.

Was it insane or romantic?

You potentially ruin your relationship not only with them but with all your other friends as well.

I wonder if Annabeth loves me like that.

After the song ends I look around for her and I can't find her.

I think we just had our first big fight.

End of Act 3 Scene 5

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