The Badass Nerd

By random_quills

56.9K 2.3K 162

"What the hell did you do!?" I heard a feminine voice behind me. I groaned and turned around to meet a very a... More

Cheese and Witcher
Valorant and Caramel
Date and hugs
Let you go
Break up and Punches
Cafe and Butt
Breakdowns and Sarcasm
That's what she said
Kit Harrington and Batman
Kisses and Sherlock Holmes
Lasagna and Zombieland
Drinks and Balls
STD and Hot Chocolate
Chocolate Mousse and Fifty Shades
Odin and Annoying Alarms
Biology Quiz and Karaoke
Blank Space and Daddy
Poisons and Hospitals
Big Hug and Crime Scene
Flings and PJs
Pure Evil and Six to go
Teddy Bear and Gamble
Team Spirit and Uber
Something with 'B' and 100% score
Irresistible Body and Library Aisle
Soft Tunes and Snores like a Whale
Walk of Shame and Badass Outfit
Fast and Furious and the Badass Nerd
Baby Shark and Halloween
Little Things and Red Flags
Disney Princess and Letters
Just Us
Editing Mode On

Football and Man-whore

1.1K 55 2
By random_quills

I didn't see Carter much this week. And with 'see', I mean talked to. I did see him a lot since we are practically in the same class but we never talked much. Just casual hi's and hello's had to suffice. During lunch time, he had to sit with his football buddies to get to know them and understand their game, whatever the hell that means. Yup, that week I was unusually annoyed. I picked up fights when I shouldn't have and back talked with teachers which landed me into multiple unnecessary detentions. Mom was furious but she knew what was happening so she understood. Though, I did get many punishments from her as well, like doing laundry and being grounded etc. I didn't mind because all those chores helped me take my mind off Carter and kept my violence meter in check. He texted me quite many times to ask if I was doing okay but he had already lot on his plate so I decided to keep my clinginess with myself. I know he was worried about me and I will talk to him once his football match is over but until then, I decided to stay quiet. Finally and very slowly, the week was over and all of us were in my house watching a random episode waiting for the guys to come. I wanted to take my bike but I didn't feel like driving. I was so distracted, I would either hurt myself or someone else. Besides, if we won, we are going to have a kickass after party and I am going to drink my feelings away. Then, whatever happens, happens. I can blame everything on alcohol. To be very honest with myself, I was hoping that something would happen. There was a little logical part of me that didn't want anything to happen but my illogical part was dominant. I was away from Carter for so long that there was no strategy or logic left in me. I just want to be with him, talk to him properly again. Something as simple as touch, that I always took for granted, felt so precious to me. When the doorbell rang, I jumped up from the couch thinking it was Carter which was obviously impossible since he was a team member so he must have gone early. Even still, I was disappointed when I saw Noah and Ashley on the door step. I plastered a forced smile on my face and greeted them. 

Mark somehow managed to convince his parents and the doctors that he would be fine on the wheel chair but he needs to watch the match live. I don't blame him. If I would have changed my entire personality and my friends just for the sake of a game, I would have wanted to know how it turns out as well. I knew he wanted to be the one to take the winning goal for the school but he was just trying to make the best out of the situation. It was only fair and his parents understood that. He was already in school with the team probably cheering them or something. Carter did not have to be the captain. Their coach took his trials and he felt that the player next to Mark would be the better choice. Carter had mixed feeling towards this because as much as he hated taking responsibilities of a team leader, he knew it was quite a respectable position and somewhere deep down, he wanted that. 

After our brief greetings, we all went to the ground and it was really packed. Students and fans from both the colleges came to watch the match. Some were wearing our school football jersey, others were in their regular clothes. They were all excited and impatient for the match to start and were constantly cheering for the teams. I decided to meet Carter before the match, just to wish him good luck. 

I went behind the ground towards their lockers where I suppose he would be. I came across our team members and I knew I was going in the right direction. I saw Mark talking with Chris, the new team captain, probably explaining him some strategy. I have no idea, I don't really follow football. I came here just to hangout with my friends and support Carter. I went close to Mark and poked him slightly on his shoulder. He turned around in irritation but it quickly disappeared when he saw me. 

"Hey Liv! You made it!" He said.
"Of course I did. How are you now by the way?" 
"Ah, much better. I do need another week of rest but I guess wheel chair is working just fine for that."
"Damn, that's nice. And how is the team?" I asked trying to get to the topic of asking where Carter was without being too desperate. Of course, Mark is my childhood friend so that was not possible.
"You wanna know where is Carter is, don't you?" He asked and smirked. I blushed and he chuckled.
"He is further down the way. Another girl came to meet him though. I have never seen her here before." He said and I furrowed my brows in confusion. Last week, Carter made it very clear that he won't be sleeping with random girls anymore so that is out of the question. He also made it pretty clear that he likes me and I was the one holding us back. I small part of my mind drifted towards the possibility that he might have liked someone else by now. He might be tired that I kept him hanging for too long, that I couldn't make decision yet and he moved on. An emptiness began forming in my stomach and I slowly walked forward trying not to think of all the negative scenarios haunting my mind. Somewhere far away, I saw Carter's back and he was talking to a girl. From where I was standing, she looked really cool and sophisticated. She had the most perfect body and brown hair and she was frowning at Carter. I went close involuntarily eavesdropping.

"'s over...leave me alone." I heard Carter say and he pulled his hair back in exasperation. 
"Oh come on baby. You don't even have a girlfriend right now. It's obvious you are still not over me." She said and put a hand on his chest seductively. Carter froze in his spot. I didn't need any more reference to understand what was happening. It's obvious Carter is not able form a logical answer in front of his ex he once loved like hell. Okay Liv, time to put the hero hair on.

"Actually he does." I said. They both looked at me in utter shock and I smirked at Beck's reaction. I walked towards Carter's side and intertwined our fingers. I made soft circles on the back of his hand and he relaxed under my touch. I looked at Beck and she was clearly having problems recovering from the shock. I smirked at her and that put her out of her trance. She smirked and I knew she had something else up her sleeves. 

"Yeah? You don't seem like his type." She said talking to me as if I am her inferior. Oh, she has no idea who am I.
"I am pretty sure his type isn't cheating girlfriends either." I said and I heard Carter stifling his laugh. Beck looked towards him in annoyance, her face red in rage. I smirked at her and her attention shifted back at me.
"You are not any special girl bitch. He will just sleep with you and leave you for another girl." She said in anger and I laughed out loud. 
"Sweetie, few minutes ago you wanted to be with him and now you are basically saying he is a man whore. Does your brain works fine?" I said and I have never seen anyone this angry before. I directed his hand to my waist and he gladly held me close. I felt a jolt of electricity running through my body and I was glad he was keeping me steady. I felt like I would melt away and that is only when he was holding me by my waist. My heart skipped a beat when he pulled me towards him and I forgot how to breath. I still had to keep my calm to make sure Beck didn't create any more problems. When she saw us this close, she knew she couldn't do anything. She took a few deep breaths and calmed herself down. 

"Doesn't matter who your fling is Carter, you will eventually come back to me." She said and left. We stared at her retreating figure and then at each other. Even though she left, Carter didn't let go of me and I wasn't complaining either. He kept smiling at me and I mirrored his expression. Something about our fake relationship that lasted for fifteen minutes felt extremely real. Felt amazing and I knew it wasn't just me. He had the same expression. 

"For a minute there, I thought I would let go of myself and will get back with her." He said and I smiled sadly at him.
"I will never let that happen." I said but he kept his forefinger on my lips.
"For a minute there, I felt content with you by my side. I felt complete." He said and moved towards me. I moved closer as well and I saw his eyes change from nervousness to happiness. I didn't know if I wanted to be with him, I didn't know if there was a future with him but I did know that he was all I wanted at the moment. He was all I have been craving for for so long. I missed talking to him, I missed his carefree laugh, I missed his eyes and how admiringly they look at me.  All those emotions I kept burying in me this last week started resurfacing all at once. Our lips were inches away from each other and one move forward from either of us and we will be kissing. 

"Hey Carter! We have to go. Match is about to start." Chris's voice came from a distance and we both moved away from each other, his hand still on my waist. He didn't want to let go. We came closer again but this time our foreheads met and we sighed, our eyes closed. After a while, I pulled away and put my hands around his neck. He had to go or he will be late. He spent an entire week away from me, he can spend a few more hours away. I wanted us to stay like this forever but it was not possible, at least not right now. I looked at him and smirked.

"Go, whip their asses." I said and he smirked at me.


P.S. I have no idea about football so don't expect many technicalities there!

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