
By kiripimassimp

10.6K 262 200

Then suddenly Diego, Luther, Allison, and Ben rushed into her room and watched in shock. Luther than tried pu... More

The past
We only see each other at weddings and funerals
Run boy run
Extra ordinary
Man on the moon Pt 2
Number Five
Double trouble
Not so happy birthday
Number five pt 2
The day that wasn't
Accidental kiss
The day that was
I heard a rumor
The white violin
I hate you, I love you
The white Violin pt.2
๐Ÿ’ฅโ˜‚๏ธBook 2โ˜‚๏ธ๐Ÿ’ฅ

Man on the moon

457 18 3
By kiripimassimp

Y/n was resting in her room while healing. She woke up, sat up, and looked around. She got up and walked outside her room. She went outside and  was walking around until she saw Five. She  ran up to him and touched his shoulder as he teleported into a car.

"Oh, Jesus!"

Y/n crawled to the back as Five put a knife to the doctor neck.

"That was unpleasant" Y/n whispered as Five threatened the doctor.

She picked up the dog and started to pet it.

"I...I manufacture prosthetic devices for fake patients. I bill the insurance companies and then sell them for cash on the black market"

"Including eyeballs"

"Yeah they're my biggest seller. I mean, they sell like hot cakes. I-I've got a list, a waiting list, probably 20 buyers."

"So the serial number I told you.."

"Uh, could've already been bought. Yes, off-off the books"

"We need that list, Lance" Y/n said while looking at the dog.

"Names, numbers, and I need it now!" Five said, still holding the knife to the doctors neck.

"I don't have it. I mean, not on me. The only copy's in my safe at the lab."

"Well, you start the car, then. 'Cause we're going on a field trip." Y/n said leaning back.


"Now" Five said while moving back a bit and keeping the knife to the doctors neck.

"Okay" The doctor said while starting the car and driving.

A while later

You guys were walking to the building when you saw smoke. You and Five ran towards the front of the building to see that it's on fire. You ran in front of Five and  put up a force field as the building blew up. You stopped your force field and walked out of the smoke while coughing along with Five. You guys turned around and looked at the building.

"There goes our only lead" y/n said as she walked away and sat down.


Y/n and Five were in the library. Y/n walked away from him to explore the isles and find a book or at least something to help. Five went and got drunk. Y/n came back and saw Five sitting on the floor, hugging Delores, and drinking liquor.


"Y/n" He slurred.

"Five. What are you doing?"


Y/n shook her head and sat next to him. She took the bottle from him and drank.


"This is mine now. Your drunk and I need this"



A while later

Five and Y/n were drunk. They were sluggish and their words were slurred, and they kept laughing as if everything was a joke.

"Hey Five?"


"Do you think we will be able to stop the apocalypse?"

"I don't know. Maybe, maybe not"

Y/n nodded as if she understood. Y/n then leaned over to Five and kissed him. She leaned back and smiled at him.

"Thank you" Y/n said.

"Your welcome" Five responded while smiling.

Y/n looked down at Delores.

'When did that get here?' Y/n thought.

"What's that?" Y/n asked while pointing at Delores.

"Oh! It's my wife"

*gasp* "Really?"


"Congrats. You got your wife and your side hoe"

"No" Five said as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"I was just kidding."

A couple of women walked by them.

"Where are their parents?"

Diego and Luther than walked up to them. There was writing all over the wall. Five was holding Delores as he napped a bit, and y/n had put her head on his shoulder.

"Are they um..?" Luther asked

"Drunk as a skunk" Diego finished.


Luther and Diego were walking down an alley way. Five was in Luther's arms as Y/n was dancing behind them.

"Y/n, come on"

"Coming!" Y/n said as she skipped to them.

"Well, we can't go back to the house. It's not secure. Those psychopaths could come back at any moment." Luther said.

"My place is closer. No one will look for him there." Diego said.

Five then leaned over and gagged.

"If you vomit on me..." Luther said, looking down at Five.

Y/n then burst out laughing. She leaned over then tripped. Before she could fall and hit her face, Diego catched her.

"Listen, I can't carry both of them"

"It's fine, I'll carry y/n" Diego said while picking Y/n up.

"Thank you" Y/n said while booping his nose.

"Yeah, sure"

A/N: I didn't finish this chapter because I can't find any time to 😭 I'm sorry. I hope you liked Man on the moon pt 1, pt 2 is coming soon😔. Be safe my lovely's 😄👋

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