My Brothers Best Friend

By StormyWinter

2.5M 39.9K 4.1K

"If this was published, I'd buy it" Rhi can have any guy she wants but she goes for the guy she has been frie... More

My Brothers best... Part 1
My brothers... part 2
Brothers best... part 3
My brothers best... part 4
My brothers best... part 5
My brothers best...part 6
My brothers best...part 7
My brothers best...part 8! :)
My brothers best...Part 9
Part 10 :)
Teaser :)
Part 11 :D
Part 12 :)
Part 13 :D
Part 14 :D
Part 15!
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18 :)
Part 19!
Part 20 :)
Update :)
Part 21
Part 22 :O
Part 23 :P
Taster :)
Part 24 :O
Part 25 :)
Part 26 :)
Part 27 :D
Part 28 :)
Part 29
Part 30! OMG!
31 ...Did someone say road trip?!
32...making out in the snow...
33...Number 10 and coffee please
34...All creeped out
35...God damn hot chocolate
36...I'm going to have to ruin it
38...we need to be honest
39...Drifting apart
40...I won't need to force myself on people
Part 41...Ash hates me...
Part 42...You don't like it
Part 43...Las Vegas
Part 44 ...Live off coffee
Part 45...
Part 46...Apart from your snoring...
Part 47....Keep the boy on a leash!
Part 48...Awkward..
Part 49...Go Mental
Part 50...Hallelujah!
Part 51...You would be here
Part 53...Christmas
Part 54... we wont break up
Part 55... Something far more better
Part 56.... Life and Death.
Part 57- First half.
To My Fans
Part 58- Recovery
59 :)
Part 60
In Celebration of reaching 1 million reads!
I'm really sorry!
Part 61... Graduation (Finally!)
Part 62 (Teaser)
Part 62- Don't Walk Away
Part 63- The End.

Part 37... Hand it over Chase

29.3K 411 19
By StormyWinter

Here is the extra long chappie! I am uploading this from a train... :O

So, sorry if there are any grammar or punctuation mistakes... Ignore them if there are.

I'm not home yet but I will hopefully be on tonight! :D I've missed you guys

Anyway I realise I have a lot of status updates ... That cause I use it to talk to over friends. So I'm apologising for the constant updates right now :)

Anyway time to indulge in a bit of Ash! Hope you like :) xxx


After using the toilet which I had so desperately needed I skipped down to the kitchen wearing a jumper of Ash's. The guys were stood around talking about sports and drinking coffee. The smell was gorgeous.

"Hand it over Chase" I demanded holding my hand out for a cup of coffee.

"Dude you don't want to keep her from her coffee in the morning, believe me'" A chuckling soft voice said behind me'. It was Ash.

" Yeah whatever he said" I told Chase who just stood watching me' as though I was stupid.

Warm arms wrapped around me' as chase gave in and handed me' my coffee. I wrapped my free hand In his and we made our way outside.

The sun set the scene perfectly with birds singing and gentle waves on the lake.

"What do you want to do today?" Ash asked me' removing one of his hands to sip his coffee.

"Anything. Just take me' somewhere nice, forget about everything that's going on at the moment" I tightened my grip on his arm as I ran my fingers on his wrist.

"I know just the place" we sat down on the deck and I stretched my legs so they rested on his lap. He stroked my bed socks softly as he watched the view with me'.

I needed food desperately so after watching the view for a while longer I jumped up and walked to the kitchen after asking ash if he wanted breakfast.

Chase and the guys were playing a game of soccer and asked me' to join in as I walked past.

"You know I'll beat your asses anyway" truthfully I hate sports. I don't mind cheerleading but football and soccer I don't like. I understand them but find them boring.

The fridge held fruit and yoghurts so I grabbed a vanilla yoghurt and an apple before running back out to ash.

He told me' to leave it as he would go for a run then eat. Him and exercise drives me' mad but if it means keeping his six pack it's fine.

I nearly fell over the ball leaving the kitchen but managed to dodge it. Yay!

Ash was standing up as I walked to the table.

"if were going to go to the place I need to have a very quick run. I'll be back in half an hour max" he kissed my forehead then started to run off. Ash was prepared dressed in his sweatpants, v neck T-shirt and trainers.

"better be" I shouted after him then made my way inside to get changed.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Pink floaty mini skirt, White vest top and black shoes with a little heel on them.

I grabbed my jean shirt, wrapped it around me' then went to the glass doors

Birds were singing in the distance as I pulled my White ray bans on and stood on the deck watching the gentle waves of the lake.

I loved this. It was quiet, peaceful and gave me' time to clear my head and think.

The subject of Ash going to college appeared in my head but I quickly pushed it away. I didn't want to cry over Ash, I wanted to enjoy the time we had left.

Low muffled voices spoke behind me' and I curiously turned around to see who it was.

"You had one job Kyle. It was so simple and you haven't even gotten close to her yet" A squeaky but demanding voice said behind the corner. I started to walk towards the voices when I heard running behind me'.

"Rhi, you ready?" Ash's voice laughed behind me'. I stopped walking and turned to admire his outfit.

"Yep" He was wearing a White v neck top which showed his muscles, blue jeans, black converse and a Hollister jacket.

His hand reached out, took mine and pulled me' close to him.

" Should I have warn something warmer?" Ash looked dressed for cold weather. I wasn't dressed for cold and rainy weather.

"You look fine the way you are. A put a spare jumper in my bag anyway" we were now walking towards the forest. Leaves and twigs crunching under our feet as we strolled.

"How was the run?" I looked at the blue sky above us that was starting to show hints of rain.

"It was good, tiring though. You should come with me' tomorrow. I found this beautiful little waterfall and a cave" Ash's smile always made me' happy. Made me' feel secure and content.

"Maybe I will"

"Bet I end up carrying you home" Ash chuckled holding my hand as we walked through an unknown part of the forest.

"Wanna bet on that?!" I asked letting go of Ash's hand, taking my shoes off , holding them in one hand and running in the direction we were headed.

"I want to bet on the fact you won't last one run" Ash laughed running after me'.

I came across a clearing but ran straight through it noticing a rabbit sat on a tree trunk. This place was beautiful.

I carried on running hearing Ash's gentle jog behind me' until my legs felt like they were going to fall off.

"You owe me' a year supply of hot chocolate and coffee if I win" I told Ash as I sat against a tree trunk. He sat opposite me' a wide smile covering his face.

"You become my slave for a week if I win" He held out his hand to secure the deal.

"Agreed" I said shaking his hand then lying back against the trunk watching the clouds in the sky.


Hope you liked it.

Please vote, comment and become a fan. Thanks xxx

One last thing...CHA CHA IS BACK! that's all.


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