strange love - n.h.

De arietem

368K 8.1K 971

Molly Winter is working hard to earn money for her art studies. Even with her troubled family and dark future... Mai multe

1. The Irish Guardian Angel
2. The Importance of Family and Brownies
3. The Joy of Getting the Day Off
4. The Second 'First Meeting'
5. With a Little Help from My Friends
6. Friday
7. Strawberry Daiquiris The Naked Truth - and Harry Styles
8. Question #21: Ever Seen the View of London by Night?
9. Why is the Blues not a Passing Bird?
10. Boys will be Boys, Girls will be Girls
11. Who Doesn't Love Chinese Take Away and Good Company?
12. She is on Fire. Unknowingly Igniting the World around Her
13. The Two Visits
14. The Snowflakes in Her Hair
15. The Morning
16. Liam's Idea
17. It's the Little Things that Matter
18. A Secret Goodbye
19. Abroad and Apart
20. I've Got You to Keep Me Warm
22. Up All Night
23. Putting on a Mask
24. Packing Things Away
25. You Can Fly
26. To Forgive is to Forget
27. Too Much to Handle
28. Life is full of Ups and Downs and Misconceptions
29. From Heaven to Hell
30. Tears, Choices and Cartoons
31. Chasing the Clouds Away
32. Shattered Dreams
33. Christmas Morning
34. A New Year
Sequel to Strange Love - Inconvenient Love description
EXTRA: Harry and Sophie one shot - part I

21. A Girly Surprise

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De arietem

Chapter 21 - A Girly Surprise


"I think she's gonna be alright - her temperature seems normal again. Should I wake her up to say goodbye and tell her or? I wish I could just stay," I heard Niall whisper, as I lay under the duvet in my warm bed keeping my eyes shut. I had just woken up and I had no idea what time it was.

"Yeah - I think she would like that, I'll go make her a cup of tea then," Sophie replied and I heard a door shut, as she exited the room.

Rolling over in bed I opened one eye and gave Niall a faint smile, "Morning," I said with a sleepy voice.

Niall's smile went from ear to ear. He was now wearing one of those black long sleeved shirt that looked great on him and a pair of jeans, he had probably been able to change since he had had his luggage with him from the airport. He had driven straight to Tesco to pick me up.

"I got a photoshoot with the lads - I tried to get out of it, but they told me it probably would be noticed if 1/5 of the band would be missing in the shots. I'm still not all convinced though. I mean - photoshop has been invented," he babbled on, as I sat up in the bed yawning. I nearly choked while yawning because his words made me laugh and I ended up coughing and laughing all at once.

"You should go - I think the fans would notice if you used an old photo of you in the photoshoot! What time is it anyway?"

"Well I would still call it morning. Molly I have to tell you something," I furrowed my brows at his tone, "what's wrong?"

Only now did I notice a macbook - probably Niall's - was opened and placed at the nightstand. Niall had probably been sitting with it in the bed, while I had been asleep.

"Ehm... It's kind of bad news," he lowered his gaze, picked up the macbook and sat next to me in the bed.

I grabbed it from him and noticed twitter was opened. Oh no.

I only had to look at the screen for a minute; shock grew over my face as I read through some of the countless tweets.

"But..." I stammered and looked up at Niall, who was wearing a sad face.

"They still don't have proof we're together - but they will probably go mad every single time we are seen together. Just ignore it - they got absolutely nothing to prove it." Niall assured me and picked up the laptop from my hands, as I stared at him.

They thought Niall had been the one in Tesco with me - but Niall had been in the airport at that time. Those girls had probably concluded it had to be him, and now the whole fandom seemed to agree.

"I just feel so bad about having to lie for our fans," Niall rested his gaze at the screen and sighed.

My face hardened as I let his words sink in, "you're right - but it's probably for the better not to let them know you and Demi were just a lie. Then it's easier to deal with the rumors about us, since they got no proof. But maybe I should spend some one-on-one time with some of the other boys - that would probably make them see sense. I mean - it wouldn't be totally strange for me to be around you guys because of my painting and everything!"

Niall nodded, "you should come with us to US!"

"What?!" I asked confused and stared at him causing him to laugh out loud.

"Remember I told you we were gonna play at Madison Square Garden? Which is like - a dream come true for all of us?" I nodded - they had talked a lot about that trip and I still couldn't really comprehend that they were actually gonna play there. At the same stage as freaking John Lennon had given his last concert and the very same place Jackson 5 had made their first television appearance. Okay to be honest I had not known much about the place the first time Niall had mentioned it - but google had taught me one or two things about that place.

"Yeah of course I remember - all of your families are gonna be there and it's like so insane all of it!" I smiled, "but what do you mean with I should go? It's like bringing dynamite into a room full of fire!" I searched his face for the slightest hint of him just joking around with me, but he remained serious with that ever so crooked smile on his lips.

"I want you to meet my family, I told my parents everything since my mum kind of guessed it - I guess they found it a bit strange I never had Demi home to meet them. And I think it would be a great idea - if we're gonna show the fans you are friends with all of us - the question is why shouldn't you go?" Niall smiled at his own conclusion and brilliance.

"And Sophie you are welcome to come as well," stated a voice outside my room. A second after Harry, Louis and Sophie stumbled in through the door, making my eyes grow big.

"Morning lovebirds - don't worry, it's just Louis and me and we kind of knew already about the two of you. Liam and Zayn are waiting in the car with Poul," Harry announced.

"Liam and Zayn still don't know?" Sophie asked and all three boys nodded

"Yeah, don't wanna ruin their innocence, but we guessed we had to come and drag you out of that bed Horan," Louis grabbed a hold of Niall's arm and started pulling dramatically. Niall just grinned as Harry continued, "yeah we thought it was probably a good idea if as few people as possible knew about Nolly!" I sent him a death glare at the name.

"Wait a minute!" Niall shook off Louis with a move a ninja would have been proud of and threw himself onto the bed again.

"Oh and of course US - New York - Madison Square Garden concert, I'll go!" Sophie yelled over the noise that a struggling Niall and Louis made.

"Of course you'll go babe, wherever I go you'll follow right?" Harry smirked, while pulling Niall's other arm to get him up.

"Oh yeah - cus I have just been with you to Germany, France and Italy - cut it off Styles," rolling her eyes Sophie planted her arms firmly across her body and leaned against the doorframe while watching the struggle between the three boys.

I was just sitting in the bed moving further and further to the end, as Niall kept moving towards me, while fighting off the two other boys.

Finally I jumped out of bed just as Harry was about to answer Sophie and Louis was about to make a stranglehold on Niall's neck, "GUYS! Cut it off already. You are gonna break my bed it can't take the weight of a hippo - and especially not three you know. Okay - Harry and Sophie could you just get a room already. Niall - you gotta go to that photoshoot!" They all froze and stared at me, then all at once they started to argue loudly.

Louis; "You can hardly call my weight the weight of a hippo!"

Sophie; "I thought you were on my side! Betrayal that is what this is - you'll need a serious amount of cookies to make up for that statement missy!"

Harry; "Well that's what I'm been trying to do jeez!"

And Niall; "Yeah guys, she's right - I'll come along - just let me..." I leaned down and gave him a quick kiss on the lips as he was still lying across my bed, this act caused a lot of 'awws' from the three others.


"Louis could you just tell us what the hell all of this fuss is about?" Zayn asked in a grumpy tone, as we all sat in Louis' car Friday evening and all of us were dressed up after Louis command. Louis himself was sitting in the driver's seat and smirking, "I could tell you - but then I would have to kill you. And since we got an album to release tomorrow that would not work since I can't handle all the interviews myself - I mean - I know I got humour and charm, but even I have limits!"

Zayn sighed and rolled his eyes, he was wearing only black tonight.

I could perfectly understand Zayn's curiosity. Yesterday Sophie had pulled Louis aside and whispered something to him just before we left for the photoshoot, he had then been texting El the entire day and smirking and been all secretive.

"That is so not fair Louis - what is going on!" Zayn crossed his arms stubbornly so his ZAP tattoo came to sight and he turned to stare out the window annoyed. I knew how he hated not to know what was going on.

"This is the area where Molly's art studio is!" I announced after a moment and noticed how the other lads expressions changed into big smiles making us all burst into laughter.

Even Zayn seemed to be on the top of the world again. I swear that boy's emotion was like a rolling coaster, one minute he just seemed to be following us not wanting to talk or anything - the next he was his normal self and then all of a sudden he could be ridiculously happy.


"Molly go change already! The first guests are gonna arrive any moment," Sophie dictated me, as she handed me a plastic bag filled with my outfit for the party. Danielle and Eleanor were standing all dressed up in the kitchen preparing welcome drinks (mojitos with carrot taste that was). They laughed at my expression as I started to argue, "But I need to get those paintings moved and the light wasn't working and..." We had spent the entire yesterday and today transforming my art studio into a somehow decent looking night club place.

As it was pretty dark outside, we had luckily not needed to cover up the window section. But we had got hold of some party lights, which now hung under the ceiling making my art studio look like some fantasy land up lighted in shifting colours. My work desks had been moved aside to make room for an awesome dance floor and a small DJ stand stood against the wall (Danielle had a friend, who hopefully would arrive soon and get some party music going).

The kitchen area we had managed to transform into a bar and lounge area, but as we had realized it would probably be very hard for people to talk over the music I had come up with a plan B.

As my studio was the apartment placed highest in the building I had perfect access to the roof.

Mostly my neighbor downstairs would take care of that place, as it was in fact his property. He too was an artist a sculptor to be accurate, anyway he happened to love plants and arrange gardens. Therefore he had a small roof garden up on the roof, it had this Indian style to it since he had lived ten years there before moving back to London. I had never mentioned that my parents had met each other in India, but I think that was why I liked it so much up on that roof. Since the last couple of months had been rather cold I had not spent massive amounts of time up there, but he had once assured me I was always welcome to go spend some hours in his awesome roof garden whenever I wished to. He had told me he rarely used the place himself - other than when taking care of his beautiful flowers.

So I had called him earlier in the afternoon, since I knew he was out of town to ask him permission to use the roof - since he had always had a soft spot for me he had luckily agreed.

We had put up more chain lights, some torches and created some sofa arrangements with pillows and lots of blankets since it was pretty damn cold up there. It had been perfect with the music playing faintly in the background and the lights of the city slowly emerging, as the night made its appearance.

"And I totally forgot to light that small fire in that metal thing on the roof!" I complained, as Sophie started pushing me into the small bathroom.

"Let me take care of it," she eyed me and shot the door in my face before I could argue with her.

I took a very quick shower enjoying how the hot water loosened up all my tensions from the day and how the lovely scent of my lavender shampoo filled the room.

After having dried my hair and made my make up, I emptied the plastic bag with my party outfit on the floor to get an overlook of things. I gasped, "SOPHIE WHAT IS THIS!"

The black simple dress I had chosen earlier on the week was gone along with the cute golden ballerina shoes and my denim jacket. It was replaced with an unusual chic dress with a strapless golden top and a loose skirt with the pattern of freaking peacock feathers. What the hell! And the shoes - it was some terrifying high golden heels - there were even some pretty charms with some matching blue colours that went well with the peacock feather pattern. It was an amazing dress, no wait it was an amazing outfit - but there was no way I could pull it off. I was gonna look like a joke in this, "SOPHIE! It's not funny - give me my clothes - I think this is yours!"

Still with the towel strapped around my body I peeked out of the door and sent Sophie an evil stare. She threw her hands up innocently, "Sorry babe - I thought that was what you were gonna wear. I didn't see any other plastic bag - I swear!" I felt how a heavy ball was slowly starting to appear in my stomach. Was I seriously gonna look like a fool at the first party I threw, where a large amount of the boys' friends were gonna be? I was gonna be one big joke in this infront of Niall.

Sophie quickly saw the concern in my eyes, "try it on at least - for me? I'll do your hair!" I sighed heavily, not wanting to cry.

How had it ever come this far, I thought as I unzipped the dress - me nearly in tears over a freaking dress? I guess I had just been really nervous about this whole evening. It was the first time - besides that evening at Simon Cowell's party - that I was really gonna be a part of Niall's world. That time at Simon's party I had hardly believed I would ever see the boys again after that night - but this was like entering their world filled with their friends. I perfectly remembered how wrong it had felt at the first after party - the one at the concert arena - I had felt so out of place and I had really hoped I could avoid that feeling tonight. I guess I was throwing this party partly because I wanted to show Niall I really wanted to become part of his life - meet his friends and show him I could handle it.

I stepped inside the dress and zipped it, I did not dare to look in the mirror as the coward I was. I hopped into the heels and immediately became much taller. I took a deep breath and opened the door making my way into the room, with the clicking sound of my shoes.

Eleanor, Danielle and Sophie had all changed and they were all waiting for me to come out. Eleanor was leaning against the kitchen counter, Sophie and Dani were chatting, as I came into their view.

El sent me a brilliant smile, as Dani and Sophie both echoed a 'wow'. I glared at them, "I look that stupid?"

"You look amazing Molly," Eleanor assured me with a matter of fact tone along with a smile and stepped closer to check out the dress. She too was wearing a fantastic chic yet simple dress - she looked absolutely stunning. Danielle and Sophie were both pulling off some model fashion outfits, but hell they definitely looked amazing! I grinned as I imagined Liam and Harry's faces when seeing those two.

"I knew you could pull this off! Okay - sit," Sophie beamed at me and commanded me to sit in the same bar chair at the kitchen counter, that Danielle had spent at least half an hour in, as Sophie had fixed her hair as well.


So I noticed not many have read the Harry/Sophie one shot - therefor I'll post just a little sneak peak of it below. If you wanna read the rest of it click the external link ;)

Harry and Sophie - part I

One shot for Harry and Sophie. Oh and - it's the day/evening with the tomato soup "accident".


"One-two-three and four. One-two-three and four!" I clapped my hands along to the rhythm of 'Hardest Love Song' and watch the small group of dancers, which synchronized moved to the beat of the song and my counting.

"And down - turn right," I made the move before them with my front to the big wall mirror and saw how they copied my move.

Smiling at them I turned, "Great work guys - this is getting pretty damn awesome, you see what I mean with the song not needing to be the same genre? Wow - okay let's take five and then I'll show you the last part, kay?" It was a group of 16-year-old kids I trained - both boys and girls - this class was hip hop and this was definitely the advanced class.



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