A Thousand Salt Kisses Later...

נכתב על ידי Jos1eDemuth

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The Sequel to A Thousand Salt Kisses Spoiler Alert - advisable not to read below if you wish to read ATSK (B... עוד

Way Without Will?
Flooding Back
A New Era?
One Way Traffic
First time in a long time
Help From Friends
Mama Ocean
Two Little Letters
Playing It Down
Jemima's News
An Unexpected Visit
What Lies Beneath?
The Beast Has Risen
Shell Shock
A Friendly Face
Spit It Out
Sense of Occasion
Inside The Jewel.
The Gold Fish
A Little Light
Playing With Fire
Love Like This
The Big Revelation
A Salty Spell
Where In The World?
Chamber Fever
Mount Glas
The Unexpected
My Nemesis
A Gesture
A Mer-Mate
Nothing Fancy
An Honour
A Late Arrival
An Ember
What if...
My Would-be
Three Moons
Bloody Hell
Not Cool
Did I get It Wrong?
Alone Together
What's The Plan?
Noduns Help Us
Seriously, Eek.
Feeling The Heat
Ohh La La
Hitting Home
Out Of Joint
Goodbye, Starfish Blues
I Could Never...
My Biggest Wish
Meant To Be

The Wreck Party

20.8K 1.1K 124
נכתב על ידי Jos1eDemuth

The next day, I finally got a taster of the hot springs of Evergreen. Nephys, Jasper, Bright and I had gone there first thing, as when we had woken up, we were informed that we still reeked of blood. I did not appear to possess a sense of smell underwater, but the other mers did, and the Eau de snake was allegedly rather pungent.

Tairise had suggested a good scolding in the springs to rid ourselves of the stench, as it would seem water alone had not done the trick.

The springs were located on the outskirts of the kingdom. Here, huge jets of hot water would suddenly power out from the Earth's core, and then there would be a ten-minute interval in between. During the ten minutes, we would hover around the area in eager anticipation. When we saw the bubbles, we knew it was coming, and we would prepare to dive into the impending blast.

The jets would then send us rocketing up towards the surface and, at one point, I actually popped up out of the water.

After an hour of frolicking about in the hot springs, we returned to the palace, where a less moody Spirit had told us about a shipwreck party that evening. Everyone had been keen to go, to seek news of any further developments from The Jewel.

I retired to my bedroom for a little siesta in the early evening, and as I curled up on my bed, I couldn't help but think how much I was coming to appreciate life here beneath the waves.

This was all very nice, or course, but at the same time it made me sad. I was actually here living in Llyr's world, only without him.


The shipwreck-party was way out somewhere in between Evergreen and The Jewel. We had started swimming around sun-down and reached the wreck a couple of hours later.

I was quite amazed by how far I had come along in the swimming department. My arms moved effortlessly through the sea, without so much as a little ache or pain.

It was becoming second nature - like walking - although up above, after a two-hour trek, I would normally be in no fit state to party. Strangely enough, here in the waters, my energy levels had increased with the exercise, and I felt on top form upon arrival.

I was excited at first to see the ship, which sat atop a mound of rocks. The ship itself was caked in barnacles and moss, but judging by its shape, it was a very old vessel, maybe even centuries so. My imagination was instantly activated; It was some English naval ship, hijacked by pirates and sunken in a long drawn out battle.

As we swam closer, I began to hear the sounds of string instruments and drums echoing in the waters.

We swam down onto the deck and then down again, into the belly of the ship. The passage was narrow, and I had to be really careful not to graze myself on the barnacles as I travelled.

Soon we arrived at a big open space where a ship full of merry mer were in the midst of a party. I felt the glare of everybody's eyes on me as we entered, followed by a collective gasp and whispering of my name.

I cringed, I really didn't think I would get used to that... and I hated to think what they were all saying about me: There's the 'landling'; coming down here after all these years to hunt down Llyr. She kinda missed the boat with that one... mwahaha...

"Don't worry," said Jasper as we passed, "They are just marveling at your beauty and nothing else."

I smiled gratefully, and I felt the tension ease a little within me. The maids had done a great job as usual, and I wore my trusty white oyster shells and pearl eyeshadow. My hair bloomed around my shoulders, but hours had been spent hours twisting, braiding and weaving shells into it.

There appeared to be some form of a bar - the remains of the human version - and we headed straight for it, the crowd parting for us as we approached. I propped myself on a rock at the bar, and my eyes darted over to where the music was coming from. There was an all-mermaid band playing in the corner. Their hair was dreaded, and their string instruments were made from enormous shells, just as I had seen at the amethyst palace that day. I smiled as I watched them dance and play. They were fun.

I turned my head and realized Spirit sat on the rock next to me. "They are called The Pirates," he explained, nodding at the band. "They own the ship."

"Is it because this boat was ransacked by pirates?" I asked excitedly.

He half-smiled. "I don't know," he said. "Maybe."


The next few hours shot by. Jasper and I were dancing, or at least I was trying to. It was not so easy to dance with a tail and in fact, the best way I can describe it is like dancing in a sleeping bag. I was good with the top half of my body, but I kept losing my balance with the lower half and then I would start to bob away.

In the end, Jasper grew tired of catching me and instead, he resorted to picking me up and flinging me around, before spinning me into the arms or Dara. Dara would then toss me about a little bit, and then spin me back over to Jasper.

Eventually, I realized I was out of breath, and decided to make my way over to the bar. I was really quite elated from all the fun and giggled to passers-by on my way. I needed to sit down.

I scanned the bar area when suddenly I completely froze.

What in the world...? I stared ahead, wide-eyed.

He sat at the bar surrounded by a couple of mermen and was looking hot. So goddamn hot. His eyes were already on me, and he smiled. It was Llyr.

I hovered there trying to absorb the shock. He was the last person I had expected to see here! I would have thought he'd be obediently at the palace, under Kara's watch.

After some time, I realised I had been statuesque for rather too long, and that I would have to go over and talk to him. I put my hands in front of me to swim towards him, but then I paused.

I nodded coolly instead, and launched off in the opposite direction, swimming over to a tall, thin rock on the other side of the bar, and settling here.

I leaned my elbows on the bar, realizing I was too scared to talk to him. I didn't know which Llyr I was going to get any more, and it was best not to find out.

The bar-mer swam over with a box of camuls, and placed it before me. "You look like you may benefit from one, Miss White," he said with a wink.

I sighed and gave him a tight smile. It was so awkward knowing that the whole boat knew of my woes; like being on a Reality-TV show, or something. I picked up the box and stuck my hand inside when I felt a presence beside me.

"Crystal?" came his voice.

I looked up hesitantly.

My first thought was that he looked a lot more with it than when we saw him in The Pink Gardens; his eyes had their sparkle back, and his face had some form of life to it.

Well, I won't get my hopes up, I decided. It's probably just be that crappy spell being clever again, now that he's in the company of others.

"Hi," he said cautiously, resting an arm on the bar. "May I join you?"

I raised an eyebrow but nodded silently.

"Thank you," he said, sitting on the rock beside me. I felt the room grow silent, and I could no longer hear the chatter over the music. I looked down.

"Crystal, I realize that I may not quite be the company you were hoping for..." he said quietly, "but I had to come and speak with you, just to see how you are."

I nodded, staring at the box once again. Is that all he wants? "I'm fine," I said. "I...was just ...dancing, you know?"

"Yes, I was watching you," he replied.

I frowned. Well, if had been watching me, why did he have to come and ask me if I was okay? I had been having a great time, for once. At least I had been until he showed up, shaking me up inside.

I felt fidgety all of a sudden and crossed and uncrossed my arms, before moving to cross my legs, and then realizing that I didn't have any. I squealed as I fell to the side but Llyr was quick to steady me, holding my arms with his strong but gentle touch.

"Too many camuls?" he asked, as I stabilized myself back on the rock.

"Oh..." I giggled. "No, it's just that I went to cross my legs like I would if I sat at a bar up above... but I guess I don't have any legs to cross."

He laughed and looked down at my tail, before shaking his head in shock. That was weird, I thought. He's seen my tail before, and he didn't seemed massively phased.

He had his hair tied back, and I could see all his handsome features. His eyes were full of warmth as they watched me. He appeared exactly like the Llyr I had once known, and I felt a little stab in the heart.

Suddenly Jasper and Dara were at my side. Jasper was completely tipsy and wrapped his arms around me.

"I've been looking after your girl," he said to Llyr with a slight slur.

Oh God, Jasper, stop it! I cursed. I am not his girl.

Llyr nodded but didn't say anything.

"We've been having the most marvellous time," Jasper continued. "I adore her so much I even asked her to be my Evergreen queen..."

Llyr raised his eyebrows at me and smiled.

"...But she turned to me," Jasper continued, "and said; 'but you are the Evergreen Queen'."

Dara broke into laughter, and Jasper hugged me tighter. I turned to my side and grinned at Llyr. This was not quite how the conversation had gone. There had been no proposition as such, but I appreciated the way he had reconstructed it for dramatic effect.

"She is so special," Jasper continued, and I willed him silently to stop. I was getting embarrassed, and I wondered if he was doing this to get at Llyr, to stir up his feelings for me again. "You are just like your name, Crystal. You are like a beautiful little energy. When I am in your presence, I feel so healed."

I rolled my eyes and giggled again. Llyr must realise he was drunk, surely.

"Yes, that is what I always thought," said Lyr with complete seriousness.

I looked at him stunned, suddenly remembering back to the first night we met out at sea. He had said my name suited me, but he never told me why.

I looked away. I didn't know what to say.

Suddenly Bright appeared behind Llyr, and I saw that he was beckoning me. I frowned.

"Excuse me," I said, getting up from the rock, and swimming over to Bright.

He swam on towards the passageway that led up to the deck and I followed.

"What's up?" I asked when we got into the passageway.

"Sorry to drag you away from Llyr, but Nephys wants you," he replied, as we traveled upwards. "How is he anyway?"

"He seems better, Bright," I said slowly.

"Maybe our shenanigans worked," said Bright. "It was probably your mask that did it."

I laughed, remembering my dreaded outfit. "Yeah, I needn't have bothered severing that snake," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, that too," laughed Bright, swiping the water with one hand.

We filed up the passage, and once we reached the deck, I looked around for Nephys, but she was nowhere in sight. Bright pointed upwards and on the surface, I saw the bottom of a little boat and a mermaid tail.

I knew at once who that boat belonged to. It was George.

המשך קריאה

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