Saving Jay Gatsby

By RayRay0520

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What would you do if you were sent to your favorite novel? For Alice, the situation became all too real when... More

The Magical Mrs. Tucker
Party at Mr. Gatsby's
Meeting Mr. Gatsby
Night at the Mansion
The Streets of New York
The Tenant
A Breaststroke of Fate
Pretty Woman
Silent Pictures
The Bar With No Name
Dear Mr. Carraway

Without a Paddle

959 44 24
By RayRay0520

"Was that picture not wonderful?" Gatsby asked, striding along the cement pathways of Central Park. His voice was wistful, still just as mesmerized as he was in the cinema.  

"It was wonderful," I replied, trying to match Gatsby's pace. "I actually have a question."

Gatsby turned to me, smiling, "what is it?"

"How do they..." I raised my hand, gesturing to my face, "how do they get their eyes to look that way? The makeup is beautiful." 

Gatsby chuckled, "It is, but I am afraid that I am not qualified enough to answer." 

The park was cool in comparison to the New York streets. The open space allowed for an occasional breeze, rustling the branches of the yoshino cherry trees to the right. This time of the year, the leaves were green. It wasn't the Central Park I was familiar with, but the foundation, the tranquility, they were the same. 

As we rounded the basin pathways, a pier came into view. rows of small rowboats lined the pier. Is this where we were headed?

"Back in my Oxford days, I noticed the women there cared more about their hats than their makeup," Gatsby continued as he strolled along towards the pier. "It was really a sight to see... fascinators everywhere, in all colors and shapes you can imagine."

I smiled, "That does sound beautiful."

We continued in silence along the pathway until reaching the pier. 

"Which one looks sea worthy to you?" I asked jokingly.

Gatsby scrunched his brows, scanning the row of boats. He pointed to the yellow one, "I think that one will do."

My left knee made a resounding popping sound as I knelt over to untie the ropes tethering the boat to the pier. No one ever tells you that once you pass 20, your joints randomly decide to become bubble wrap. 

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I said, trying to hide my embarrassment as I pulled myself back up. "Well, I think that the boat is ready."

Gatsby pulled off his suit jacket, tossing it into the boat. He stepped down into the small rowboat. 

The boat teetered back and forth for a moment before reaching a sort-of equilibrium. Gatsby extended his hand upwards, towards me; an invitation to embark.

With my hand clasping his, I lowered myself into the boat.

The boat was pretty small. There were two small planks to serve as seats, but they were pretty close together. Facing one another, our knees were almost touching. It could make rowing more difficult, but not impossible.

"So, would you like to take turns?"

Gatsby rolled up both his sleeves. "With what?" He asked. He rolled up each sleeve slowly, as if he could somehow prevent a single wrinkle or crease from forming. 

"I thought that we could each row the boat so neither of us get tired."

Gatsby chuckled, "You wound me, Alice. Do you think I am unable to row myself?"

"No, not at all." I grabbed the oars from the floor and began to row us away from the dock. "It's just that, this way, if we divide the work, neither of us will get as tired."

"Fair point," he replied. Gatsby leaned back slightly, relaxing into the small boat. "Are you not concerned about blisters or callouses forming? I thought women disliked this."

"In my experience, men seem to be more bothered by women having calloused hands than actual women are."

Gatsby's eyes widened for a moment and then narrowed again as his face crinkled into a smile. 

After some time, as the boat approached the middle of the lake, Gatsby took control of the oars. 

The ride had mostly passed by in contented silence. The park was so beautiful, it was nice to just silently take it all in. The swans, flowers, and the manicured pathways of the park set the perfect scene for an afternoon stroll. 

As the boat turned to begin the journey back to the pier, Gatsby began to lament on the silent film.

"Being forced to marry to uphold your reputation is truly a nasty business. Mary Tudor Should have been with Brandon from the start."

Gatsby's eyes glittered as he continued. "Besides, she loved him. Brandon was her true love. You should be with the one you love, correct? Not stuck in a loveless marriage for reputation's sake?" 

"Are we still talking about the film?"

Gatsby grimaced, "I suppose not." He leaned over the side of the boat, observing the lily pads. 

"Okay," I said. "Do not feel as if you have to answer this... but, why Her?"

His arms froze. "It's hard to put to words," Gatsby said. "She was just a girl at the time, and I was only a boy."

He let out a small chuckle, "Well, at the time, I thought I was a man. That is, until I met her." 

"You should have been there Alice, you would have seen how intoxicating she was, to me and everyone around her. She was so lovely. Everyone wanted to take her hand, to hold her gaze... and she chose me."

He smiled. Gatsby's expression could only be described as serene. He was still there, with me, but his mind was elsewhere. 

"I wanted to grow and become a man worthy of her," Gatsby continued. His smile faltered for a moment, "I was too late. I took too long" 

There was a moments pause; a hesitation. Had I not been listening intently I would have missed it, but it was there.

"But that will soon change," Gatsby said, his smile broadening again. "If she can see how I have grown, what I have built..."

He was so hopeful and motivated... It made me wish that Daisy was a woman worthy of it. 

Gatsby stood up, causing the boat to rock. "... We can continue where we left off." There was a splashing sound as the boat continued rocking.

As Gatsby looked down at me, I forced a smile. It must have seemed convincing enough to Gatsby because he beamed back down at me. "We will be together. Like Mary and Charles Brandon."

Gatsby lowered himself back onto the boat seat. "I am sorry Alice, I got a little carried away there... It is nice have you around, to talk to." He flashed a smile at me.

"It's nice to be around," I answered, turning my head to try to hide my blush.

Gatsby laughed, "You and your odd sayings. You slay me Alice!" 

"We should probably head back," He said. "I arranged a dinner at this jazz joint. I think you will love it!"

I looked around the boat. "Gatsby..."

Gatsby smiled, "Please, call me Jay."

"Okay... Jay... Where are the oars?"

His eyes widened. Frantically, Jay looked around the boat, then to his hands, and then to the water.  

He turned back to me. A tight chuckle escaped him as he formed a response. "No need to worry Alice, but it seems I dropped the oars." 

I looked towards the pier. It was still fairly far away. But not too far.

"It will be fine, I am certain someone will see us. Soon." Jay was smiling, but his eyes darted back frantically to me and the pier.

There was a moment of silence as we both scanned the empty park. 

"We're not too far." I pointed to the pier. "It's only a couple yards away. We could swim"

"Swim? I do not think that would be safe, there may be something in the water. It's too murky to see well-"

"I think we will be okay," I continued. "It's not very far."

I turned around, "Would you mind unzipping this? I can get around in the water much better without the dress."

"Absolutely not! What if someone sees?" Jay asked. 

"Look around. The park is empty. Most people are at work right now." My arm extended towards the pier, "It will only take a few minutes if we swim. I doubt anyone will suddenly show up to spy on me in my underclothes."

His voice seemed softer. "It's hard to see down there, if something happens-"

"I'm a good swimmer. There's nothing to worry about." 

I felt the dress loosen. "Just, be careful," Jay mumbled.

The boat shifted unsteadily as I rose to my feet. "I'll be right behind you," Jay added. "Once I get these blasted shoes off."

I pulled the dress off quickly. The summer breeze was bracing without the dress, but at least my slip did not leave me completely exposed. 

Deep breath, and... Jump!

The water was colder than I expected. 

I began to swim towards the pier. 

There was a splash behind me. As I turned back, Jay surfaced. His wet hair covered half of his face. Using his hand, he pushed his hair back. The strands clumped together, forming a slicked back pompadour. 

Looking at me, he chuckled. "This is the first time I have been swimming all summer." His arms raised up from the water, stretching towards the sky before settling back beneath the water's ripples.  

"You have an amazing pool! You should use it more often."

Jay swam towards me, smiling, "you know what? you're right."

If anyone was watching, we probably looked ridiculous. Two adults swimming at a public park in our underwear. 

"Do you want to race?" I asked.

Jay grinned, "a race? To the pier?"

I nodded.

"Lets do it!"

And with that, we both sprung into action. Arms and legs kicking, paddling towards the pier.

My arms strained to reach out as far as possible. I was in the lead, but only by a little. Every inch mattered.

But Jay was focused, his eyes never swaying from the pier. 

After a few minutes of swimming we reached the pier. Jay beamed, his hand planted on the stake of the pier. He extended his other hand.

Panting, he looked to me, and back to the pier, "did I win?"

"This time."

He grinned, "This time? Are you saying you want to race again?"

I paddled closer to Jay. My heart was pounding. The distance between the abandoned rowboat and the pier had been a little farther than I thought. 

"Right now? Definitely not. My lungs are on fire." I leaned back to float, letting my hair flow in the water. "I do want a rematch, though."

Jay chuckled, "another time then." He turned toward the boats. "Well, the ladder should be over there somewhere..."

We swam to the ladder and climbed to the deck of the pier. 

While the summer breeze had been refreshing and tranquil before, the wind on my wet skin was chilling. It may have been warmer in the pond.

I crossed my arms strategically, willing all the chill bumps to go away. "I am not sure that I thought this through."

"What do you mean?" Jay asked, watching a pair of swans in the pond.

"How will we get our clothes?"

In that moment, I could see the realization hit Jay's face. He looked down at himself, his exposed chest and lack of pants, and then turned to me.

Almost instantly, he turned away. "I can swim back."

He knelt down, heading towards the ladder. His face was beet red, probably still recovering from the race. The distance had been father than it looked, an I knew I was still trying to catch my breath.

"Wait, you may need to take a minute. We just finished swimming."

Jay continued down the ladder, flashing a smile as he submerged himself in the water again. "Do not worry Alice, I will be fine."

He started heading towards the abandoned boat.


He turned around.

"Remember to bring a paddle"

Jay smiled, pulling a paddle out of one of the other boats. "What would I do without you?"

With that, Jay continued toward the rowboat.

Looking at the pond from the pier made the water seem a lot more green than it had looked while in the water. 

I could probably use a shower. Or two. 

A few minutes passed as I watched Jay swim towards the boat. He was going much slower this time. Swimming with a paddle probably would make the journey more difficult.

"Pardon me!"

I turned to my left. 

An older couple stood on the pier. The woman's hand was resting on her mouth. Her face was twisted into a disapproving scowl. She avoided looking at me, choosing to look at the planks of the pier instead.

Her companion had no issue staring, however. His eyes slowly moving up and down made my skin crawl.

"You seem to be lost. This is a family park, not 42nd street."

I backed away a few steps, "I am really sorry, I was on a boat and we got stuck-"

The woman interrupted, now sneering at me "you need to get out of here sheba, or we will find the police."

The man took a few steps forward, making me instinctively take a step back. 

"I will leave, I just have to wait for my friend-"

"Friend?" The man chuckled, looking around. He extended his hands, "you seem pretty alone to me. Now, why don't you crawl back to whatever brothel you came from and scram!"

I breathed in shakily. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. 

The older woman grabbed the man's hand, gently pulling her husband back. Her face had softened and when we locked eyes, she did not seem as angry.

"Lets go Lionel, we can come back another time."

As the couple retreated, I lowered myself down until I was sitting on the edge of pier. I don't know what made her change her mind about confronting me, but I'm glad she did.

My hands were shaking. 

No one had ever made me feel that way before. Cheap, unworthy, unwanted.

My vision blurred. 

A few moments later, I heard the wooden boards of the pier creaking behind me "I got your dress. Alice, I am sorry it took so long-"

I turned to Jay. 

He froze, "Alice, are you crying?"

Am I?

"It's just really cold... and I'm a wet from the pond" I reached out for my dress.

Jay did not reply, he just mutely handed me the dress. His eyes scanned the park. His brow was furrowed, like he wanted to say something. 

I'm glad he didn't.

I stood up and stepped into my dress. "Thank you for going back to get everything."

"Of course." His voice was softer, no longer pressing me for answers.

There was a moment of silence as Jay put his clothes back on. 

"We can head back home and freshen up if you would like."

I nodded. 

The car ride home was filled with tense silence. The yellow convertible slowly dried us with each mile as it crawled forward. Jay was not driving as fast as he had on the way. I appreciated that; it made it possible for me to slump in my chair rather than hold onto the sides of the seat.

Every minute or so, he glanced my way. I tried to look forward at the road. If I locked eyes with him, I would crack and I did not want to cry in front of him.

It's amazing how fast a day can sour, just because of someone else. Why are people so eager to be mean, when it takes much less effort and energy just to be kind?

I sighed. It had been a really good day. 

I glanced over at Jay. We had reached an intersection in the city. As other cars sputtered forward in turning lanes, his eyes remained focused, resolute on the traffic signals.

He had put a lot of effort into making today special... It was special.

Why am I letting those two people get to me? They didn't know me. Why should I give them the power to ruin my day? 

"Thank you for today, I had a fun time."

Jay looked at me for a moment, probably surprised that I had spoken considering how quiet I had been. He spoke "Back at the pier, I got worried. If I did something or if something happ-"

"You did nothing wrong," I interjected. "I think that I pushed myself too hard swimming."       

"If you need to rest, I can cancel that dinner reservation. We can always go another time."

"No! I would still like to go if you do," I said. "After taking a bath, I'm sure I'll feel much better."

The car lurched forward as the signal changed. Jay accelerated slightly. "Okay, then lets plan on freshening up and meet back at the foyer at four."


Once we made it to Gatsby's house, I basically sprinted to the bathroom, eager to wash off the Central park pond water as quickly as possible. 

My speed did not prevent Ms. Annika from catching a glimpse of me, however. She looked horrified as I passed her by. 

She was probably already trying to come up with a laundry strategy for the soaked garments.

As I submerged myself into the warm bathwater of my clawfoot tub, I could feel myself relaxing. It wasn't a shower, but it was nice. 


At four, Jay descended the foyer staircase. He had changed into a darker suit. The collar was embellished with gold embroidery. Mr. Jacques did a great job on it.

Ms. Annika had set out a new outfit for me while I had bathed. It was a deep, emerald green dress made with velvet. I had not remembered seeing this dress among the garments Jacques fitted me for, but it was definitely his handiwork. 

As Jay got closer, I noticed he had a emerald green pocket square tucked in his suit pocket. It could have been a mere coincidence, but Ms. Annika did seem a little excited when I had gone with the outfit she chose. 

If Annika had set out Jay's clothes as well, she had done a great job. the suit fit him perfectly and the deep, grey charcoal of the suit complemented him really well. It made his sandy blonde hair seem brighter, almost platinum.

"You look beautiful!" I called out from the bottom floor as Jay continued down the steps. 

He stopped, letting out a laugh, "beautiful? It should be me calling YOU beautiful, Alice."

"Men can be beautiful too," I retorted.

"I suppose so... I guess I have never been called that before." 

Jay descended to the bottom of the steps. He reached out, placing my hand in his.

As we moved to the door, he gave my hand a small squeeze.

"Thank you," Jay said softly.


As we entered the jazz club, I could already tell why Jay chose it. 

The space was magical, with small Edison bulbs strung along the walls. Small gatherings of tinsel strategically placed around the room refracted the light, creating an effect similar to a disco ball. The room was open, with a large bar along the right wall and a stage in the very back. Tables littered most of the open space, except for a small area in front of the stage. A dancefloor, perhaps?

The stage was empty for the moment, so now one was dancing. The club was crowded, but there was enough space to walk around without bumping into anyone.

As if sensing my thoughts, Jay reached out his hand, "stay close, I do not want to lose you."

I laughed.

"What? It's a busy night tonight. Besides.." Jay turned to look at me, smirking. "I wouldn't want you to get lost and miss out on the best dinner New York has to offer."

All that swimming had left me pretty hungry, so grabbing some good food was a high priority for me. It was hard to smell any food over the smell of booze wafting through the club, but I could see some tables had empty plates resting on them.

"I reserved us a table near the front. the show will be starting soon. I have heard nothing but good things about it." 

As we neared the front, I noticed all of the tables were occupied. Jay stopped walking towards the stage, his eyes fixated on a table to the right by the dancefloor.

"It's okay, I don't mind sitting at a different table," I said. "I think I saw an empty table by the bar."

Jay's mouth had dropped from an excited grin to a hard line. "No, I see our table. It seems an old friend of mine has decided to invite himself to dinner."

I followed his gaze to the front right table. An older gentleman was sitting there, scanning the crowd. His hands were folded and resting on the table. A collection of rings garnished his fingers, catching the light of the bulbs as he clenched and unclenched his hands. 

It had to be Meyer Wolfshiem, Gatsby's shady associate. I remember reading about his cufflinks made of molars. Even thinking about it made my stomach churn a little. I really hope he doesn't have them on tonight.

The way he was glancing around the room made him look somewhat paranoid or on edge at the very least. Then, his eyes landed on Jay, then me, and back to Jayy.

Jay dropped his hand, "I need to speak with him privately. I am sorry, Alice. It should only take a few moments."

"Is that alright?" He asked. He continued to face forward, as if he wasn't speaking to me at all. It was strange, but maybe this unexpected intrusion was making him feel tense. 

"That's fine. I can go look around. This club is very interesting."

"Just stay inside," Jay said. "They check people at the door and they may not let you back in if you go out."

"Okay, I'll stay inside. no worries."

As soon as the words left my mouth, Jay strode forward to the awaiting Mr. Wolfshiem. 

I turned around, walking back to the bar area. The amount of alcohol around the bar was pretty staggering considering alcohol was illegal. 

The bar space was more cramped than the tables, with men packed around the stools like sardines. some had the luxury of a seat, while others stood, leaning against the counter to offer the soles of their feet some relief.

I moved to the left side of the club, looking at some of the pictures tacked to the wall. 

As I continued along the left wall, I noticed a small alcove. A small, velvet curtain acted as a door.

I reached for the curtain and peered inside.

Two girls stood in the back of a small room. The woman on the right had a small frame. Her hair and skin were dark, contrasting beautifully with her light blue dress. The woman on the left towered over her. She was lean and had a sharp, straight bob cut that rested right below her ears.

Their hands were intertwined, their faces only inches apart. They were talking amongst themselves... I was definitely intruding and needed to stop.

As I moved to pull the curtain back, one of the women spotted me. She jumped back, away from the woman to her left.

The other woman turned to the door as well. Her eyes widened as she locked eyes with me. Is that... Jordan Baker?

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