A Sense Of Freedom (Green Day...

By NuclearFamily110

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A Sense Of Freedom (Green Day Fan Fic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 12

2.1K 44 6
By NuclearFamily110

Chapter 12

Grace’s P.O.V

I felt bad being so distant from Billie but I can’t keep letting myself get hurt it’s not fair on me! Every so often I would look over to Billie, he was just sat watching t.v with no emotion, It was killing me being the way I was, but I couldn’t get too attached I decided to go play some guitar,

‘Hey Billie?’ he turned round instantly

‘Yeah?’ he grinned I felt bad I knew it was because I hadn’t spoken to him all day and this was the first time,

‘Could I go play some guitar in your room?’ I felt bad asking seems as though I was being a total bitch to him

‘Yeah sure, want me to come teach you some stuff?’ I wanted him too but I remembered what I had told myself

‘Ermmm maybe in a little while, I just want to be alone for a while is that okay?’ his happiness melted away from his face, and I nodded sadly, how could I do this to the only person who has been like a farther to me! But I couldn’t go back on it now, I just went and grabbed my guitar and sat on the end of the bed,

I began playing Basket case, but a slower more acoustic version, before I knew it I was singing along,

Billie’s P.O.V

I was kind of bummed out that Grace continued to push me away, but as I sat there watching some shit on telly, I began to hear her play something familiar… it was Basket case but not how I played it, it was slower, it sounded good, then I heard a faint voice singing along, for a 15 year old she was damn good! I slowly crept up to the door and listened in, the way she was singing combined with the tone and tempo made the song sound sad, I liked that way she played it but I couldn’t help but hear the truth in her voice in the way she felt. It broke my heart knowing she still wasn’t happy, I slowly opened the door some,

She quickly looked round and stopped playing,

‘You’re really good kid’ I whispered, she smiled a little and turned back round, I went and sat by her

‘You ready to tell me what’s wrong? I know you were playing that song for a reason’ she just shrugged and carried on playing, without singing

‘Why don’t you sing when am here?’ she looked up from the guitar and squinted, as if she was trying to think

‘I don’t know, am shy I guess’ I laughed Grace wasn’t shy,

‘You shouldn’t be, you’re really good!’ she formed a grin a real one, before looking back down to her guitar,

‘Am sorry Billie’ she whispered, as I looked down I saw a single tear fall onto the guitar,

‘What for?’ I answered in the same whisper

‘I’ve been horrible to you!’ well she wasn’t being great but I wouldn’t say she was being horrible

‘Horrible isn’t really the word I would use, more just offish’ I tried to make her feel better,

‘You’ve done all this for me and given me so much and I throw it back in your face because am scared!’ she began to cry a little but carried on looking down at the guitar, scared?

‘What are you scared of?’ I asked confused,

‘Caring’ she whispered under her breath, I almost found it impossible to hear,

‘Caring for what?’ she looked up still crying

‘You, Adrienne, Tre and Mike!’ she was scared about caring for us, why? We weren’t going to hurt her

‘But why?’ I asked wiping her tears away

‘Because, if I care then its more to lose, and more hurt to feel In the end’ she began to weep more, she was scared that we would leave her at the end of the tour, that was ridiculous, but then I couldn’t help thinking that’s how her whole life has been like,

‘That would never happen Grace’ I said pulling the guitar from her tiny hands and placing it on the bed before pulling her close for a hug,

‘I thought if I distanced myself It wouldn’t hurt as much’ she was crying into my chest, my heart was breaking hearing her thoughts of how to hurt less,

‘What’s so bad about me that makes people want to hurt me so much?’ and with that single question my heart shattered into thousands of pieces,

‘Grace…’ I whispered trying to figure out what to say

‘Your perfect…you’re the one that’s been with bad people, there’s nothing wrong with you’ she looked up, her huge eyes, were glistening with tears that hadn’t fallen yet,

‘If I’m so perfect why did the only people that were meant to love me unconditionally hate me?’ she remained staring at me, tears began to fall one after another. This little girl was so broken, all I want to do was fix her but she wouldn’t let me in to help,

‘Then they were asshole’s I would have never of left you sweet heart’ shit did I really just say ‘sweet heart!’ you’re going soft Billie! I told myself, I don’t know what it was about Grace but she brought out the softer side of me, if Grace was my daughter I would never leave her, she was perfect, she was so cute! She was so skinny but her cheeks were so chubby, they made her look so adorable, her eyes were huge! They filled half her face! And she had the sweetest laugh ever!

She giggled and pulled away wiping her face

‘I’m not going to leave you Grace’ she smiled and she held out her pinky I looked at it confused

‘Pinky swear!’ she laughed,

‘Ohhh okay, yeah’ I said wrapping my little finger around hers, she laughed and grabbed her guitar

‘Will you teach me now?’ she asked

‘Of course I will!’ I smiled and ran to get my Guitar.

okay guys so i know its kind of short, but i promise more things will be happening and it will get alot more interesting :D, also i will make the next Chapter loades more longer :D, so comment and let me know what you think and also if theres anything you dont like just let me know, thanks for reading! :D 

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